Embedding Grammar in a Quantitative Framework:
Case Studies from Phonology and Metrics

A minicourse taught at Brown University by

Bruce Hayes
Department of Linguistics

May 18-22, 2009

Room 115, MacMillan Hall, 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Course description (pdf)
Handouts and readings
Papers to be discussed (download)

Handouts and Readings

(Handouts (pdf format) will be posted as I finish them.  Readings link to Bibliography below, which has links to everything in downloadable form.)

Handout for Day 1 Four Areas of Gradience in Grammar
and the models we can use to analyze them

Papers I will draw upon:  Labov, Zuraw, Boersma/Hayes, Goldwater/Johnson, Pater-forthcoming

Suggested short readings:   Goldwater/Johnson

Handout for Day 2 The Law of Frequency Matching
exemplification (Hungarian vowel harmony, Turkish and Dutch final devoicing)

Papers I will draw upon:  Ernestus/Baayen, Becker et al., Hayes/Londe, Hayes et al., Wilson

Suggested short reading:   Hayes/Londe

Handout for Day 3 Phonotactic Patterning
English and other languages
UG and the question of accidentally-true generalizations

Papers I will draw upon:  Hayes/Wilson, Coetzee/Pater

Suggested short reading:   Hayes/Wilson through section 5.

Handout for Day 4 General and Specific Constraints and how they Interact  
English past tenses
Classical OT constraint ranking

Papers I will draw upon:   Albright and Hayes (2003), Albright and Hayes (2002), Kapatsinski (in press)

Suggested short reading:   Albright and Hayes (2002)

Handout for Day 5 Meter  
sung and chanted verse
Shakespeare and Milton
Gerard Manley Hopkins

Papers I will draw upon:   Hayes/Kaun, Hayes (in press), Kiparsky (1975, 1977, 1989), Hayes (2008)

Suggested short reading:   Hayes (in press)


Albright, Adam and Bruce Hayes (2002) "Modeling English past tense intuitions with minimal generalization," in Mike Maxwell, ed., Proceedings of the 2002 Workshop on Morphological Learning, Association of Computational Linguistics. Philadelphia: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Albright, Adam and Bruce Hayes (2003)  "Rules vs. analogy in English past tenses: a computational/experimental study," Cognition 90: 119-161.

Becker, Michael, Andrew Nevins, and Nihan Ketrez (submitted) The surfeit of the stimulus: Grammatical biases filter lexical statistics in Turkish voicing deneutralization.

Boersma, Paul and Bruce Hayes (2001) Empirical Tests of the Gradual Learning Algorithm.  Linguistic Inquiry 32: 45-86.

Coetzee, Andries and Joe Pater. 2008. Weighted constraints and gradient restrictions on place co-occurrence in Muna and Arabic. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 26:289-337.

Ernestus, Miriam & R. Harald Baayen (2003). Predicting the unpredictable: Interpreting neutralized segments in Dutch. Language 79, 5-38.

Goldwater, Sharon and Mark Johnson (2003) Learning OT Constraint Rankings Using a Maximum Entropy Model. Proceedings of the Workshop on Variation within Optimality Theory, Stockholm University, 2003

Hayes, Bruce (2008) The Textsetting Problem: the Intersection of Phonology, Music Cognition, and Computation. Handout.  

Hayes, Bruce (in press) "Textsetting as constraint conflict," to appear in Aroui, Jean-Louis and Andy Arleo, eds. (forthcoming) Towards a Typology of Poetic Forms. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Hayes, Bruce and Abigail Kaun (1996) "The role of phonological phrasing in sung and chanted verse," The Linguistic Review 13, 243-303.

Hayes, Bruce and Zsuzsa Londe) (2006) "Stochastic phonological knowledge: the case of Hungarian vowel harmony". Phonology 23:59-104.

Hayes, Bruce and Colin Wilson (2008) "A maximum entropy model of phonotactics and phonotactic learning," Linguistic Inquiry 39: 379-440.

Hayes, Bruce, Kie Zuraw, Péter Siptár, and Zsuzsa Londe (submitted) "Natural and unnatural constraints in Hungarian vowel harmony"

Kapatsinski, Vsevolod (in press) Rule reliability and productivity: Velar palatalization in Russian and artificial grammar. Laboratory Phonology conference proceedings.

Kiparsky, Paul (1975) "Stress, Syntax, and Meter," Language 51, 576-616.

Kiparsky, Paul (1977) "The rhythmic structure of English verse," Linguistic Inquiry 8, pp. 189-247, 1977.

Kiparsky, Paul (1989) "Sprung rhythm," in Paul Kiparsky and Gilbert Youmans, eds., Rhythm and Meter. Academic Press, San Diego.

Labov, William (1972) "The isolation of contextual styles", Chapter 3 of his Sociolinguistic Patterns, University of Pennsylvania Press

Magri, Georgio (ms.) Another look at the Ranking problem in Optimality Theory.  Ms., MIT.

Pater, Joe. 2008. Gradual learning and convergence. Linguistic Inquiry 39/2. 334-345.

Pater, Joe.  Forthcoming.  Weighted constraints in generative linguistics.  To appear in Cognitive Science.

Wilson, Colin (2006) Learning Phonology with Substantive Bias: An Experimental and Computational Study of Velar Palatalization. Cognitive Science 30.5:945-982

Zuraw, Kie (2000). Patterned Exceptions in Phonology. Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA.


Bruce Hayes's UCLA Web Page