Example number Name Informal description Computer order Stated in features for computer code Shakespeare, Hayes, bottom up Shakespeare, Shisko, bottom up Shakespeare, Hayes, top down Shakespeare, Shisko, top down Milton, Hayes, bottom up Milton, Shisko, bottom up Milton, Hayes, top down Milton, Shisko, top down 09a Align(Foot, IP) Run-on foot: I-phrase 76 *[+Strong,-J2] 09b Align(Foot, P) Run-on foot: P-phrase 75 *[+Strong,-J3] 09c Align(Foot, CG) Run-on foot: CG 74 *[+Strong,-J4] 0.32 09d Align(Foot, W) Run-on foot: W 73 *[+Strong,-J5] 0.15 0.33 0.15 0.33 09e Align(Line, IP) Run-on line: I-phrase 72 *[-J5][+wb] 2.52 2.61 2.52 2.23 0.36 0.28 0.36 0.28 09f Align(Line, P) Run-on line: P-phrase 71 *[-J4][+wb] 09g Align(Line, CG) Run-on line: CG 70 *[-J3][+wb] 3.09 2.28 3.09 2.11 2.53 2.11 2.53 2.11 09h Align(Line, W) Run-on line: W 69 *[-J2][+wb] 11.40 11.69 6.70 6.93 14.12 15.70 8.47 9.37 10a Align(IP, Foot) Foot-internal I break 57 *[-Strong,+J5][] 0.48 0.29 10b Align(P, Foot) Foot-internal P break 58 *[-Strong,+J4][] 0.41 0.39 0.52 0.28 0.18 0.29 0.18 10c Align(CG, Foot) Foot-internal CG break 59 *[-Strong,+J3][] 10d Align(W, Foot) Foot-internal Word break 60 *[-Strong,+J2][] 10e Align(IP, Line) Internal I break 53 *[+J5,+Realsyl][] 0.85 0.73 1.00 0.96 10f Align(P, Line) Internal P break 54 *[+J4,+Realsyl][] 0.19 0.16 0.15 0.49 0.29 0.54 0.29 0.54 10g Align(CG, Line) Internal CG break 55 *[+J3,+Realsyl][] 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.07 0.13 0.07 10h Align(W, Line) Internal W break 56 *[+J2,+Realsyl][] 11a *]IP - Foot1 I break internal to first foot 65 *[-Realsyl][+J5] 1.19 0.67 1.19 0.67 11b *]P - Foot1 P break internal to first foot 66 *[-Realsyl][+J4] 0.81 0.82 0.80 1.22 0.80 1.22 11c *]CG - Foot1 CG break internal to first foot 67 *[-Realsyl][+J3] 0.67 0.65 0.67 0.57 0.18 0.17 0.18 0.17 11d *]W - Foot1 W break internal to first foot 68 *[-Realsyl][+J2] 11e *]IP - Foot5 I break internal to last foot 61 *[+J5][][+wb] 2.58 2.65 2.86 2.65 2.98 2.90 2.98 2.90 11f *]P - Foot5 P break internal to last foot 62 *[+J4][][+wb] 0.30 0.31 0.30 0.31 11g *]CG - Foot5 CG break internal to last foot 63 *[+J3][][+wb] 11h *]W - Foot5 W break internal to last foot 64 *[+J2][][+wb] 13a *Stress in W Don't fill a W position with stress. 1 *[-Strong,+Accent] 2.94 2.93 2.93 2.93 2.95 3.01 2.95 3.01 13b *Stressless in S Don't fill an S position with stressless. 2 *[+Strong,-Accent] 15a *Rise from S Don't rise in stress out of an S position. 3 *[+Strong,+Rise] 0.42 0.44 0.42 0.43 15b *Fall from W Don't fall in stress out of a W position. 4 *[-Strong,+Fall] 17a *No Fall from S Don't fail to fall in stress out of an S position. 5 *[+Strong,-Fall][] 0.28 0.20 0.28 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.22 17b *No Rise from W Don't fail to rise out of a W position. 6 *[-Strong,-Rise][] 0.11 0.15 0.11 0.15 19a *Stress Mismatch(- +) Simple stressless-stress mismatch 7 *[-Accent][-Strong,+Accent] 19b *Stress Mismatch(+ -) Simple stress-stressless mismatch 8 *[-Strong,+Accent][-Accent] 20a *Rise from S(lexical) Don't rise out of S, within a simplex word 26 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2] 2.59 2.32 2.56 2.11 20b *Fall from W(lexical) Don't fall out of W, within a simplex word. 27 *[-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 22a *No Rise from W(final foot) Must rise in last foot 49 *[-Rise][+Strong][+wb] 1.68 1.52 1.69 1.52 2.28 2.23 2.28 2.23 22b *Fall from W(final foot) Don't fall in last foot 50 *[+Fall][+Strong][+wb] 1.05 1.05 22c *Stressless in S(final foot) Position 10 must be stressed (ignores extrametricals) 51 *[+Strong,-Accent][+wb] 24a *Rise from S(IP-final) Don't mismatch rising stress at end of I-phrase 41 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J5][+J5] 0.55 0.56 2.01 1.86 2.00 1.84 24b *Rise from S(P-final) Don't mismatch rising stress at end of P-phrase 42 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J4][+J4] 24c *Rise from S(CG-final) Don't mismatch rising stress at end of C-group 43 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J3][+J3] 24d *Rise from S(- +, IP-final) Don't mismatch stressless-stress at end of I-phrase 38 *[+Strong,-Accent,+Rise,-J5][+J5] 1.93 2.21 24e *Rise from S(- +, P-final) Don't mismatch stressless-stress at end of P-phrase 39 *[+Strong,-Accent,+Rise,-J4][+J4] 24f *Rise from S(- +, CG-final) Don't mismatch stressless-stress at end of C-group 40 *[+Strong,-Accent,+Rise,-J3][+J3] 26a *Rise from S(lexical, IP-final) Don't mismatch rising lexical stress at end of I-phrase 44 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][+J5] 26b *Rise from S(lexical, P-final) Don't mismatch rising lexical stress at end of P-phrase 45 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][+J4] 26c *Rise from S(lexical, CG-final) Don't mismatch rising lexical stress at end of CG 46 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][+J3] 12.86 1.47 6.83 29a *Stress Max in W Simple stress maximum 9 *[+Strong,+Rise][+Fall] 29b *Stress Max in W(IP-bounded) Simple stress maximum, bounded by I-phrase 10 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J5][+Fall,-J5] 29c *Stress Max in W(P-bounded) Simple stress maximum, bounded by P-phrase 11 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J4][+Fall,-J4] 29d *Stress Max in W(CG-bounded) Simple stress maximum, bounded by Clitic Group 12 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J3][+Fall,-J3] 29e *Stress Max in W(W-bounded) Simple stress maximum, bounded by Word 13 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][+Fall,-J2] 29f *Stress Max in W(- + -) Strict stress maximum 14 *[+Strong,-Accent][+Accent][-Accent] 29g *Stress Max in W(- + -, IP-bounded) Strict stress maximum, bounded by I-phrase 15 *[+Strong,-Accent,-J5][+Accent,-J5][-Accent] 29h *Stress Max in W(- + -, P-bounded) Strict stress maximum, bounded by P-phrase 16 *[+Strong,-Accent,-J4][+Accent,-J4][-Accent] 29i *Stress Max in W(- + -, CG-bounded) Strict stress maximum, bounded by Clitic Group 17 *[+Strong,-Accent,-J3][+Accent,-J3][-Accent] 29j *Stress Max in W(rising-lexical) Lexical stress maximum II 19 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][][-Accent] 29k *Stress Max in W(falling-lexical) Lexical stress maximum I 18 *[-Accent][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 29l *Stress Max in W(rising-lexical, IP-bounded) Lexical stress maximum II, bounded by I-phrase 21 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][-J5][-Accent] 29m *Stress Max in W(falling-lexical, IP-bounded) Lexical stress maximum I, bounded by I-phrase 20 *[-Accent,-J5][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 29n *Stress Max in W(rising-lexical, P-bounded) Lexical stress maximum II, bounded by P-phrase 23 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][-J4][-Accent] 29o *Stress Max in W(falling-lexical, P-bounded) Lexical stress maximum I, bounded by P-phrase 22 *[-Accent,-J4][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 29p *Stress Max in W(rising-lexical, CG-bounded) Lexical stress maximum II, bounded by Clitic Group 25 *[+Strong,+Rise,-J2][-J3][-Accent] 29q *Stress Max in W(falling-lexical, CG-bounded) Lexical stress maximum I, bounded by Clitic Group 24 *[-Accent,-J3][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 30_ *Consecutive Stressless in S Conjoined stress gap 52 *[+Strong,-Accent][][+Strong,-Accent] 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.33 1.27 1.33 1.27 1.33 32a *Extrametrical *Extrametrical 80 *[-Strong][+wb] 2.61 2.54 2.61 1.99 3.56 3.48 3.56 3.48 32b *EM without Fall *Non-falling extrametrical sequence 77 *[-Fall][-Strong][+wb] 15.04 3.45 8.84 3.47 3.29 2.55 3.32 2.54 32c *Stressed Extrametrical *stressed syllable in extrametrical 78 *[-Strong,+Accent][+wb] 32d *Nonlexical Extrametrical Extrametricals must be in same word 79 *[+J2][-Strong][+wb] 2.43 2.47 2.43 2.47 3.04 3.08 2.92 3.08 32e *Extrametrical(~IP-final) conjoined constraint governing extrametricals - J5 version 81 *[-Strong,-J5][+wb] 0.69 1.07 32f *Extrametrical(~P-final) conjoined constraint governing extrametricals - J4 version 82 *[-Strong,-J4][+wb] 35a *Fall from W(lexical, ~[IP__) Same, if no [IP break precedes 28 *[-J5][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 35b *Fall from W(lexical, ~[P__) Same, if no [P break precedes 29 *[-J4][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 35c *Fall from W(lexical, ~[CG__) Same, if no [CG break precedes 30 *[-J3][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 1.55 35d *Fall from W(CG-level, ~[IP__) same as above but CG level of mismatch 31 *[-J5][-Strong,+Fall,-J3] 35e *Fall from W(CG-level, ~[P__) same as above but CG level of mismatch 32 *[-J4][-Strong,+Fall,-J3] 35f *Fall from W(~[IP__) Don't fall out of S unless I break precedes 33 *[-J5][-Strong,+Fall] 0.84 0.79 0.86 0.76 35g *Fall from W(~[P__) Don't fall out of S unless P break precedes 34 *[-J4][-Strong,+Fall] 35h *Fall from W(~[CG__) Don't fall out of S unless C break precedes 35 *[-J3][-Strong,+Fall] 0.52 0.35 0.52 0.34 35i *Fall from W(lexical, ~[Line__) Don't fall out of W in simplex word unless line-initial 36 *[+Realsyl][-Strong,+Accent,-J2] 35j *Fall from W(~[Line__) Don't fall out of W unless line-initial 37 *[+Realsyl][-Strong,+Fall] 0.37 0.39 0.37 0.39 37a *Posttonic Inversion(lexical) Kiparskyan mystery constraint, lexical 48 *[+Strong,+Accent,-J4][+Fall,-J2] 37b *Posttonic Inversion Kiparskyan mystery constraint, nonlexical 47 *[+Strong,+Accent,-J4][+Fall,-J3] 1.70 1.61 1.69 1.59 2.02 1.94 2.03 1.94 39a *Stressless CG Stressless CG 83 *[+J3][-Accent,+J3] 3.39 2.67 3.39 2.67 3.22 2.62 3.21 2.62 39b *Stressless P Stressless P-phrase 84 *[+J4][-Accent,+J4] 1.44 1.67 1.44 1.67 39c *Stressless IP Stressless I-phrase 85 *[+J5][-Accent,+J5] 39d *Triple Lapse within Word Triple lapse within word 86 *[-Accent,-J2][-Accent,-J2][-Accent] 14.73 12.71 8.45 8.08 2.34 2.62 2.33 2.62 39e *Word-Initial Double Lapse Words cannot begin with two stressless syllables 87 *[+J2][-Accent,-J2][-Accent,-J2] 20.81 20.65 9.59 9.21 20.27 20.10 9.69 10.19