Line Input Candidate Archival scansion Hopkins Winner Maxent model Maxent model rank 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W my /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- /W dering /S on /W the /S RHM world, 1 0.797377704 1 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W my /S eyes /W () /S see, /W () /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 0.068797428 2 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not /S of /W all /S my /W eyes /S see, /W () /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 0.048233526 3 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not /S of /W () /S all /W my /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 0.024212935 4.5 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W () /S Not /W of /S all /W my /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 0.024212935 4.5 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not /S of /W all /S my /W () /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 0.00846788 6 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W my /S eyes /W () /S see, /W () /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 0.008038777 7 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not /S of /W all /S my /W eyes /S see, /W () /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 0.005635945 8 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W () /S my /W eyes /S see, /W () /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 0.004224012 9 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not /S of /W () /S all /W my /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 0.00282921 11 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W my /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- dering> /W () /S on /W the /S RHM world, 0.00282921 11 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W () /S Not /W of /S all /W my /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 0.00282921 11 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not /S of /W all /S my /W () /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 9.89E-04 13 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W () /S my /W () /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- /W dering on the /S RHM world, 7.42E-04 14 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W () /S my /W eyes /S see, /W () /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 4.94E-04 15 1 AB: NOT of all my eyes see, wandering on the world, /W Not of /S all /W () /S my /W () /S eyes /W see, /S >CTwan- dering> /W on the /S RHM world, 8.67E-05 16 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- thing>> /W a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind /W so, /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 1 0.499459099 1 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- /W thing a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind /W so, /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.189630268 2 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- /W ny- thing a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind /W so, /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.138227762 3 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- thing> /W a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind /W so, /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.118514088 4 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- thing>> /W a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W >CTso /S DBGRVsighs /W () /S RHM >CTdeep 0.019044396 5 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- thing>> /W a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W () /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.00956017 6 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- /W thing a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W >CTso /S DBGRVsighs /W () /S RHM >CTdeep 0.00723061 7 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- /W ny- thing a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W >CTso /S DBGRVsighs /W () /S RHM >CTdeep 0.00527063 8 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- thing> /W a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W >CTso /S DBGRVsighs /W () /S RHM >CTdeep 0.004518947 9 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- /W thing a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W () /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.003629722 10 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- /W ny- thing a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W () /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.002645824 11 2 AB: Is anything a milk to the mind so, so sighs deep /W Is /S ACCTa- ny- thing> /W a /S ACCTmilk /W to the /S ACCTmind so,> /W () /S >CTso /W DBGRVsighs /S RHM >CTdeep 0.002268484 12 3 AB: Poetry to it, as a tree whose boughs break in the sky. /W () /S Po- e- try ACCTto it,>>> /W as a /S ACCTtree /W whose /S ACCTboughs /W DBGRVbreak /S ACCTin /W the /S RHM ACCTsky. 1 0.843765283 1 3 AB: Poetry to it, as a tree whose boughs break in the sky. /W () /S Po- e- try ACCTto it,>>> /W as a /S ACCTtree /W whose /S ACCTboughs /W () /S DBGRVbreak /W ACCTin the /S RHM ACCTsky. 0.147197134 2 3 AB: Poetry to it, as a tree whose boughs break in the sky. /W () /S Po- e- try ACCTto it,>>> /W as a /S ACCTtree /W () /S whose /W ACCTboughs /S DBGRVbreak /W ACCTin the /S RHM ACCTsky. 0.009037583 3 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- /W boughs : /S ACCTwhe- /W ther on a De- /S ACCTcem- /W ber /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 1 0.49698696 1 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W ACCTwhe- ther /S on /W a De- /S ACCTcem- /W ber /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 0.313276162 2 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- /W boughs : /S ACCTwhe- ther /W on a De- /S ACCTcem- /W ber /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 0.117927487 3 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W () /S ACCTwhe- /W ther on a De- /S ACCTcem- /W ber /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 0.054185741 4 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W () /S ACCTwhe- ther /W on a De- /S ACCTcem- /W ber /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 0.012857457 5 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- /W boughs : /S ACCTwhe- /W ther on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W () /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 0.001763381 6 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W ACCTwhe- ther /S on /W a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W () /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 0.001111549 7 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- /W boughs : /S ACCTwhe- /W ther on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W ACCTday /S and /W () /S RHM >CTfurled 6.17E-04 8 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- /W boughs : /S ACCTwhe- ther /W on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W () /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 4.18E-04 9 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W ACCTwhe- ther /S on /W a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W ACCTday /S and /W () /S RHM >CTfurled 3.89E-04 10 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W () /S ACCTwhe- /W ther on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W () /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 1.92E-04 11 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- /W boughs : /S ACCTwhe- ther /W on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W ACCTday /S and /W () /S RHM >CTfurled 1.46E-04 12 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W () /S ACCTwhe- /W ther on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W ACCTday /S and /W () /S RHM >CTfurled 6.72E-05 13 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W () /S ACCTwhe- ther /W on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W () /S ACCTday /W and /S RHM >CTfurled 4.56E-05 14 4 AB: Say it is ashboughs: whether on a December day and furled /W Say it is /S >CTash- boughs :> /W () /S ACCTwhe- ther /W on a De- /S ACCTcem- ber> /W ACCTday /S and /W () /S RHM >CTfurled 1.60E-05 15 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W Fast /S ACCTor /W they in /S clam- my- /W ish /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 1 0.359900697 1 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W Fast /S ACCTor /W they in /S clam- /W my- ish /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 0.264600306 2 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W () /S Fast /W ACCTor they in /S clam- my- /W ish /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 0.17799717 3 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W () /S Fast /W ACCTor they in /S clam- /W my- ish /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 0.130864169 4 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W Fast /S ACCTor /W they in /S clam- my- ish>> /W >CTlash- /S ten- /W der /S DBGRVcombs /W () /S RHM creep 0.030654065 5 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W () /S Fast /W ACCTor they in /S clam- my- ish>> /W >CTlash- /S ten- /W der /S DBGRVcombs /W () /S RHM creep 0.015160673 6 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W Fast /S ACCTor /W they in /S clam- my- ish> /W >CTlash- /S ten- /W der /S DBGRVcombs /W () /S RHM creep 0.007273746 7 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W Fast /S ACCTor /W they in /S clam- my- ish>> /W () /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 0.005381629 8 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W () /S Fast /W ACCTor they in /S clam- my- ish> /W >CTlash- /S ten- /W der /S DBGRVcombs /W () /S RHM creep 0.003597398 9 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W () /S Fast /W ACCTor they in /S clam- my- ish>> /W () /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 0.002661608 10 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W Fast /S ACCTor /W they in /S clam- my- ish> /W () /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 0.001276979 11 5 AB: Fast ór they in clammyish lashtender combs creep /W () /S Fast /W ACCTor they in /S clam- my- ish> /W () /S >CTlash- /W ten- /S der /W DBGRVcombs /S RHM creep 6.32E-04 12 6 AB: Apart wide and new-nestle at heaven most high. /W A- /S part /W wide /S and /W new- /S nes- tle /W at /S hea- ven /W most /S RHM high 1 0.50622004 1 6 AB: Apart wide and new-nestle at heaven most high. /W A- /S part /W wide /S and /W new- /S nes- /W tle at /S hea- ven /W most /S RHM high 0.372174821 2 6 AB: Apart wide and new-nestle at heaven most high. /W A- /S part /W wide /S and /W new- /S nes- tle /W at /S hea- ven> /W most /S RHM high 0.043116621 3.5 6 AB: Apart wide and new-nestle at heaven most high. /W A- /S part /W wide /S and /W new- /S nes- tle> /W at /S hea- ven /W most /S RHM high 0.043116621 3.5 6 AB: Apart wide and new-nestle at heaven most high. /W A- /S part /W wide /S and /W new- /S nes- /W tle at /S hea- ven> /W most /S RHM high 0.031699497 5 6 AB: Apart wide and new-nestle at heaven most high. /W A- /S part /W wide /S and /W new- /S nes- tle> /W at /S hea- ven> /W most /S RHM high 0.003672401 6 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W () /S hea- /W ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 1 0.285509945 1 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- /W bour on it; /S how /W their /S ta- /W lons /S RHM sweep 0.225938027 2 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- /W bour on /S it; /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.159766668 3 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W () /S how /W their /S ta- /W lons /S RHM sweep 0.143324246 4 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W () /S ta- /W lons /S RHM sweep 0.050124139 5 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour> /W on it; /S how /W their /S ta- /W lons /S RHM sweep 0.026400193 6 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour> /W on /S it; /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.01850904 7 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W () /S They /W touch /S hea- /W ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.017529688 8 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- /W bour on it; /S how /W () /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.013872102 9 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W () /S hea- ven, /W () /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.0118937 10 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- /W bour on it; /S how /W their /S ta- lons /W () /S RHM sweep 0.009412068 11 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W () /S how /W () /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.008799796 12 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W () /S how /W their /S ta- lons /W () /S RHM sweep 0.005970565 13 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W () /S hea- ven,> /W () /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.005464959 14 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- /W bour on it; /S how /W their /S ta- lons> /W () /S RHM sweep 0.004324691 15 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W () /S They /W () /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.003077513 16 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W () /S how /W their /S ta- lons> /W () /S RHM sweep 0.002743376 17 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W () /S ta- lons /W () /S RHM sweep 0.002088058 18 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour> /W on it; /S how /W () /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 0.001620914 19 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour> /W on it; /S how /W their /S ta- lons /W () /S RHM sweep 0.001099772 20 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W () /S ta- lons> /W () /S RHM sweep 9.59E-04 21 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W () /S They /W touch /S hea- ven, /W () /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 7.30E-04 22 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W They /S touch /W hea- ven, /S ta- bour> /W on it; /S how /W their /S ta- lons> /W () /S RHM sweep 5.05E-04 23 7 AB: They touch heaven, tabour on it; how their talons sweep /W () /S They /W touch /S hea- ven,> /W () /S ta- bour on it;>>> /W how /S their /W ta- lons /S RHM sweep 3.36E-04 24 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 1 1 0.583481196 1 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 0.390811132 2 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 0.011168441 3 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 0.007480534 4 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 0.002070275 5.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 0.002070275 5.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 0.001386654 7.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 0.001386654 7.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 3.96E-05 9.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 3.96E-05 9.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 2.65E-05 11.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- /W ter /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 2.65E-05 11.5 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 7.35E-06 13 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- /W kin! /S RHM ACCTMay 4.92E-06 14 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- /W der- ing e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 1.41E-07 15 8 AB: The smouldering enormous winter welkin! May /W The /S >CTsmoul- der- ing>> /W e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S ACCTwin- ter> /W () /S ACCTwel- kin!> /W () /S RHM ACCTMay 9.42E-08 16 9 AB: Mells blue and snowwhite through them, a fringe and fray /W Mells /S blue /W and /S snow- /W white /S through /W them, a /S fringe /W and /S RHM fray 1 1 0.58881309 1 9 AB: Mells blue and snowwhite through them, a fringe and fray /W Mells /S blue /W and /S snow- /W white /S through them,> /W a /S fringe /W and /S RHM fray 0.367993185 2 9 AB: Mells blue and snowwhite through them, a fringe and fray /W Mells /S blue /W and /S snow- white> /W through /S them, /W a /S fringe /W and /S RHM fray 0.023856264 3 9 AB: Mells blue and snowwhite through them, a fringe and fray /W Mells /S blue /W and /S snow- white> /W () /S through /W them, a /S fringe /W and /S RHM fray 0.011900162 4 9 AB: Mells blue and snowwhite through them, a fringe and fray /W Mells /S blue /W and /S snow- white> /W () /S through them,> /W a /S fringe /W and /S RHM fray 0.007437298 5 10 AB: Of greenery: it is old earth's groping towards the steep /W Of /S green- /W er- y: it is /S old /W earth's /S gro- /W ping /S towards /W the /S RHM steep 1 1 0.61119629 1 10 AB: Of greenery: it is old earth's groping towards the steep /W Of /S green- er- y:>> /W it is /S old /W earth's /S gro- /W ping /S towards /W the /S RHM steep 0.385268112 2 10 AB: Of greenery: it is old earth's groping towards the steep /W Of /S green- /W er- y: it is /S old /W earth's /S gro- ping> /W () /S towards /W the /S RHM steep 0.002168612 3 10 AB: Of greenery: it is old earth's groping towards the steep /W Of /S green- er- y:>> /W it is /S old /W earth's /S gro- ping> /W () /S towards /W the /S RHM steep 0.001366986 4 11 AB: Heaven whom she childs us by. /W Hea- ven /S whom /W she /S childs /W us /S RHM by. 1 1 0.999999963 1 11 AB: Heaven whom she childs us by. /W Hea- ven /S whom /W she /S childs us> /W () /S RHM by. 3.69E-08 2 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- /W gler /S boy /W from /S bar- rack /W (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 1 0.442749841 1 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- /W gler /S boy /W from /S bar- /W rack (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 0.322734975 2 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- /W gler /S boy /W from /S bar- rack> /W (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 0.203436272 3 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W boy /S from /W bar- rack /S (it /W is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 0.026438731 4 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W () /S boy /W from /S bar- rack /W (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 0.00157094 5 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W () /S boy /W from /S bar- /W rack (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 0.00114511 6 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W () /S boy /W from /S bar- rack> /W (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 7.22E-04 7 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W boy /S from /W () /S bar- rack /W (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 5.49E-04 8 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W boy /S from /W () /S bar- /W rack (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 4.00E-04 9 12 BC: A bugler boy from barrack (it is over the hill /W A /S bu- gler> /W boy /S from /W () /S bar- rack> /W (it is /S o- /W ver the /S RHM hill 2.52E-04 10 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 1 1 0.495295737 1 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.309547221 2 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.037860071 3 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.030410078 4 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 0.019005524 6 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W () /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.019005524 6 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.019005524 6 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 0.010010137 8 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.009480479 9.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.009480479 9.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W () /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.006646716 11 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 0.006256081 12 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.005925058 13.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.005925058 13.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.003315565 15 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.002324526 16 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 0.002072144 17 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 7.65E-04 18 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 7.25E-04 19 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 6.15E-04 20 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 5.82E-04 21.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 5.82E-04 21.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 3.84E-04 24 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W () /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 3.84E-04 24 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 3.84E-04 24 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 3.64E-04 28 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 3.64E-04 28 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 3.64E-04 28 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W () /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 3.64E-04 28 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 3.64E-04 28 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 2.04E-04 31 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 1.92E-04 32.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 1.92E-04 32.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 1.81E-04 34 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W () /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 1.34E-04 35 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 1.27E-04 37.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W () /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 1.27E-04 37.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W () /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 1.27E-04 37.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 1.27E-04 37.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 1.20E-04 40.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 1.20E-04 40.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 1.13E-04 42 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 6.70E-05 43 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 6.35E-05 44 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 4.70E-05 45 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 4.45E-05 46 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W There)- /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 4.19E-05 47 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 3.97E-05 48 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 1.46E-05 49 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 1.18E-05 50.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 1.18E-05 50.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- /W rish 1.11E-05 52 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 7.35E-06 55 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- /W gler, /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 7.35E-06 55 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 7.35E-06 55 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W () /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 7.35E-06 55 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 7.35E-06 55 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 6.96E-06 58.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- /W rish 6.96E-06 58.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 4.11E-06 60 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 3.67E-06 61 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 2.57E-06 63.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W () /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 2.57E-06 63.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W () /S he /W tells /S me, /W of /S RHM I- rish> 2.57E-06 63.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /W () /S There)- /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 2.57E-06 63.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- /W rish 2.44E-06 66 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 2.29E-06 67 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 1.28E-06 68 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W tells /S me, /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 8.99E-07 69 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W () /S boyGCL /W () /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 8.02E-07 70 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells /W me, of /S RHM I- rish> 2.25E-07 71 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W he /S tells me,> /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 1.41E-07 72.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W () /S born, /W () /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W of /S RHM I- rish> 1.41E-07 72.5 13 BC: There) -- boy bugler, born, he tells me, of Irish /O There)-> /W boyGCL /S GCLbu- gler,> /W born, /S he /W () /S tells me,> /W () /S of /W () /S RHM I- rish> 4.92E-08 74 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- ther /W to an /S En- /W glish /S RHM sire /W (he^ 1 0.578389748 1 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- /W ther to an /S En- /W glish /S RHM sire /W (he^ 0.42160738 2 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- ther> /W to an /S En- /W glish /S RHM sire /W (he^ 2.76E-06 3 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- ther /W to an /S En- glish> /W RHM sire /S (he^ 4.25E-08 4 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- /W ther to an /S En- glish> /W RHM sire /S (he^ 3.10E-08 5 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- ther /W to an /S En- glish> /W () /S RHM sire /W (he^ 2.13E-08 6 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- /W ther to an /S En- glish> /W () /S RHM sire /W (he^ 1.55E-08 7 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- ther> /W to an /S En- glish> /W RHM sire /S (he^ 2.03E-13 8 14 BC: Mother to an English sire (he /W rish /S Mo- ther> /W to an /S En- glish> /W () /S RHM sire /W (he^ 1.02E-13 9 15 BC: Shares their best gifts surely, fall how things will), /W (he^ /S Shares /W their /S best /W gifts /S sure- Oly,> /W fall /S how /W things /S RHM will), 1 1 0.5 1.5 15 BC: Shares their best gifts surely, fall how things will), /W (he^ /S Shares /W their /S best /W gifts /S su- re- Oly,>> /W fall /S how /W things /S RHM will), 0.5 1.5 16 BC: This very very day came down to us after a boon he on /W This /S ve- ry /W ve- ry /S day /W came /S down /W to us /S af- /W ter a /S RHM boon /W he on 1 1 0.830399578 1 16 BC: This very very day came down to us after a boon he on /W This /S ve- ry /W ve- ry /S day /W came /S down to us>> /W () /S af- /W ter a /S RHM boon /W he on 0.091111904 2 16 BC: This very very day came down to us after a boon he on /W This /S ve- ry> /W ve- ry /S day /W came /S down /W to us /S af- /W ter a /S RHM boon /W he on 0.070728183 3 16 BC: This very very day came down to us after a boon he on /W This /S ve- ry> /W ve- ry /S day /W came /S down to us>> /W () /S af- /W ter a /S RHM boon /W he on 0.007760336 4 17 BC: My late being there begged of me, overflowing /W he on /S My /W late /S being /W there /S begged /W of /S *Hme, o- /W ver- /S RHM flow- /W ing 1 1 0.87898146 1 17 BC: My late being there begged of me, overflowing /W he on /S My /W late /S being /W there /S begged /W of /S *Hme, o- /W ver- /S RHM flow- ing> 0.095834027 2 17 BC: My late being there begged of me, overflowing /W he on /S My /W late /S being there> /W () /S begged /W of /S *Hme, o- /W ver- /S RHM flow- /W ing 0.016824626 3 17 BC: My late being there begged of me, overflowing /W he on /S My /W late /S being there> /W begged /S of /W () /S *Hme, o- /W ver- /S RHM flow- /W ing 0.005884 4 17 BC: My late being there begged of me, overflowing /W he on /S My /W late /S being there> /W () /S begged /W of /S *Hme, o- /W ver- /S RHM flow- ing> 0.001834364 5 17 BC: My late being there begged of me, overflowing /W he on /S My /W late /S being there> /W begged /S of /W () /S *Hme, o- /W ver- /S RHM flow- ing> 6.42E-04 6 18 BC: Boon in my bestowing, /W ing /S Boon /W in /S my /W be- /S RHM stow- /W ing, 1 1 0.999998867 1 18 BC: Boon in my bestowing, /W ing /S Boon /W in /S my /W be- /S RHM stow- ing,> 1.13E-06 2 19 BC: Came, I say, this day to it -- to a First Communion. /W ing, /S Came, /W I /S say, /W this /S day Oto Oit-->> /W to a /S First /W Com- /S RHM mu- /W nion 1 1 0.348625035 2 19 BC: Came, I say, this day to it -- to a First Communion. /W ing, /S Came, /W I /S say, /W this /S day /W Oto Oit-- to a /S First /W Com- /S RHM mu- /W nion 0.553065051 1 19 BC: Came, I say, this day to it -- to a First Communion. /W ing, /S Came, /W I /S say, /W this /S day /W Oto Oit-- to a /S First /W Com- /S RHM mu- nion> 0.060299851 3 19 BC: Came, I say, this day to it -- to a First Communion. /W ing, /S Came, /W I /S say, /W this /S day Oto Oit-->> /W to a /S First /W Com- /S RHM mu- nion> 0.038010063 4 20 BC: Here he knelt then in regimental red. /W nion /S GCLHere /W he /S knelt /W then /S ACCTin /W re- gi- /S ment- /W al /S RHM red. 1 1 0.664829246 1 20 BC: Here he knelt then in regimental red. /W nion /S GCLHere /W he /S knelt /W then ACCTin /S re- /W gi- /S ment- /W al /S RHM red. 0.331635156 2 20 BC: Here he knelt then in regimental red. /W nion /S GCLHere /W he /S knelt /W then /S ACCTin /W re- gi- /S ment- al> /W () /S RHM red. 0.002358909 3 20 BC: Here he knelt then in regimental red. /W nion /S GCLHere /W he /S knelt /W then ACCTin /S re- /W gi- /S ment- al> /W () /S RHM red. 0.001176689 4 21 BC: Forth Christ from cupboard fetched, how fain I of feet /W Forth /S Christ /W from /S cup- /W board /S fetched, /W how /S fain /W *H I of /S RHM feet 1 1 0.972595885 1 21 BC: Forth Christ from cupboard fetched, how fain I of feet /W Forth /S Christ /W from /S cup- board> /W () /S fetched, /W how /S fain /W *H I of /S RHM feet 0.018616504 2 21 BC: Forth Christ from cupboard fetched, how fain I of feet /W Forth /S Christ /W from /S cup- board> /W fetched, /S how /W () /S fain /W *H I of /S RHM feet 0.006510666 3 21 BC: Forth Christ from cupboard fetched, how fain I of feet /W Forth /S Christ /W from /S cup- board> /W fetched, /S how /W fain /S *H I of /W () /S RHM feet 0.002276946 4 22 BC: To his youngster take his treat! /W To his /S young- /W ster /S take /W his /S RHM treat! 1 1 0.999999732 1 22 BC: To his youngster take his treat! /W To his /S young- ster> /W () /S take /W his /S RHM treat! 1.99E-07 2 22 BC: To his youngster take his treat! /W To his /S young- ster> /W take /S his /W () /S RHM treat! 6.96E-08 3 23 BC: Low-latched in leaf-light housel his too huge godhead. /W Low- /S latched /W in /S leaf- /W light /S hou- Osel Ohis>> /W too /S huge /W god- /S RHM head. 1 1 0.883827556 1 23 BC: Low-latched in leaf-light housel his too huge godhead. /W () /S Low- latched> /W in /S leaf- /W light /S hou- Osel Ohis>> /W too /S huge /W god- /S RHM head. 0.096362389 2 23 BC: Low-latched in leaf-light housel his too huge godhead. /W Low- /S latched /W in /S leaf- light> /W () /S hou- Osel Ohis>> /W too /S huge /W god- /S RHM head. 0.01786253 3 23 BC: Low-latched in leaf-light housel his too huge godhead. /W () /S Low- latched> /W in /S leaf- light> /W () /S hou- Osel Ohis>> /W too /S huge /W god- /S RHM head. 0.001947525 4 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W There! /S and /W your /S sweet- /W est /S send- /W ings, /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 1 0.8325148 1 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W () /S There! /W and your /S sweet- /W est /S send- /W ings, /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 0.145234457 2 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W There! /S and /W your /S sweet- /W est /S send- ings,> /W () /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 0.015935205 3 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W There! /S and /W your /S sweet- est> /W () /S send- /W ings, /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 0.002953882 4 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W () /S There! /W and your /S sweet- /W est /S send- ings,> /W () /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 0.00277994 5 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W () /S There! /W and your /S sweet- est> /W () /S send- /W ings, /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 5.15E-04 6 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W There! /S and /W your /S sweet- est> /W () /S send- ings,> /W () /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 5.65E-05 7 24 BC: There! and your sweetest sendings, ah divine, /W () /S There! /W and your /S sweet- est> /W () /S send- ings,> /W () /S ah /W di- /S RHM vine, 9.86E-06 8 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 1 0.222959809 1 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.163920866 2 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.140542909 3 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.10332766 4 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.102446366 5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.064577156 6 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.024308973 7.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.024308973 7.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.017872045 9.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.017872045 9.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.015323182 11.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.015323182 11.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.011265659 13.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.011265659 13.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.011169573 15.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.011169573 15.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.00704075 17.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.00704075 17.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.004267684 19 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.003137617 20 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.002690139 21 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.002650371 22 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.0019778 23 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.001960931 24 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.001948562 25 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.001670663 26 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 0.001236074 27 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.001228278 28 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 0.001217802 29 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- /W ling, /S RHM daunt- less;> 7.68E-04 30 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 4.65E-04 31.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 4.65E-04 31.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 3.42E-04 33.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 3.42E-04 33.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 2.93E-04 35.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 2.93E-04 35.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 2.16E-04 37.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 2.16E-04 37.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 2.14E-04 39.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 2.14E-04 39.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart /W Christ's /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 1.35E-04 41.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- /W less; 1.35E-04 41.5 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 5.07E-05 43 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 3.73E-05 44 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens, /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 3.20E-05 45 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- /W vens, be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 2.35E-05 46 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall /W him! as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 2.33E-05 47 25 BC: By it, heavens, befall him! as a heart Christ's darling, dauntless; /W By it, /S hea- vens,> /W be- /S fall him!> /W as a /S heart Christ's> /W () /S dar- ling,> /W () /S RHM daunt- less;> 1.47E-05 48 26 BC: Tongue true, vaunt- and tauntless; /W less; /S Tongue /W true, /S vaunt- /W and /S RHM taunt- /W less; 1 1 0.999998867 1 26 BC: Tongue true, vaunt- and tauntless; /W less; /S Tongue /W true, /S vaunt- /W and /S RHM taunt- less;> 1.13E-06 2 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- /W ing /S bloom /W of a /S chas- Oti- Oty>> /W in /S man /W sex /S RHM fine. 1 1 0.735318655 1 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- /W ing /S bloom /W of a /S chas- /W Oti- Oty in /S man /W sex /S RHM fine. 0.203503054 2 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W bloom /S of /W a /S chas- Oti- Oty>> /W in /S man /W sex /S RHM fine. 0.029792062 3 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- /W ing /S bloom /W of a /S chas- Oti- Oty>> /W in /S man sex> /W () /S RHM fine. 0.014861102 4 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W bloom /S of /W a /S chas- /W Oti- Oty in /S man /W sex /S RHM fine. 0.0082451 5 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- /W ing /S bloom /W of a /S chas- /W Oti- Oty in /S man sex> /W () /S RHM fine. 0.004112883 6 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W () /S bloom /W of a /S chas- Oti- Oty>> /W in /S man /W sex /S RHM fine. 0.002609016 7 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W () /S bloom /W of a /S chas- /W Oti- Oty in /S man /W sex /S RHM fine. 7.22E-04 8 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W bloom /S of /W a /S chas- Oti- Oty>> /W in /S man sex> /W () /S RHM fine. 6.02E-04 9 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W bloom /S of /W a /S chas- /W Oti- Oty in /S man sex> /W () /S RHM fine. 1.67E-04 10 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W () /S bloom /W of a /S chas- Oti- Oty>> /W in /S man sex> /W () /S RHM fine. 5.27E-05 11 27 BC: Breathing bloom of a chastity in mansex fine. /W less; /S Breath- ing> /W () /S bloom /W of a /S chas- /W Oti- Oty in /S man sex> /W () /S RHM fine. 1.46E-05 12 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- /W ning /S and /W fore- /S fen- /W ding /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- /W der 1 1 0.89532533 1 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- /W ning /S and /W fore- /S fen- /W ding /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- der> 0.097615974 2 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- /W ning /S and /W fore- /S fen- ding> /W () /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- /W der 0.003176742 3.5 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- ning> /W () /S and /W fore- /S fen- /W ding /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- /W der 0.003176742 3.5 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- /W ning /S and /W fore- /S fen- ding> /W () /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- der> 3.46E-04 5.5 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- ning> /W () /S and /W fore- /S fen- /W ding /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- der> 3.46E-04 5.5 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- ning> /W () /S and /W fore- /S fen- ding> /W () /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- /W der 1.13E-05 7 28 BC: Frowning and forefending angel-warder /W () /S GCLFrow- ning> /W () /S and /W fore- /S fen- ding> /W () /S an- /W gel- /S RHM war- der> 1.23E-06 8 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 1 0.714757505 1 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.082804979 2 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 0.077928936 3 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.029587378 4 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.021567216 5 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.014445552 6 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.010347459 7 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 0.009028102 8 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.007542605 9 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.005051978 10 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.003427711 11 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 0.003225867 12 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.002520066 13 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.002498572 14 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 0.002351441 15 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.001673524 16 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 0.001574977 17 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 0.001198758 18 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 0.001128168 19 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 8.81E-04 20 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 8.74E-04 21 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 8.22E-04 22 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 5.98E-04 23 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 5.85E-04 24 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 5.51E-04 25 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 4.36E-04 26 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 3.74E-04 27 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 2.92E-04 28 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 2.75E-04 29 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 2.72E-04 30 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 2.10E-04 31 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W GCLsa- lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 1.82E-04 32 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 1.31E-04 33 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 1.02E-04 34 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 9.61E-05 35 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 9.53E-05 36 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 6.93E-05 37 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 6.52E-05 38 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 6.38E-05 39 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 5.09E-05 40 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 5.05E-05 41 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 4.75E-05 42 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W () /S him; 3.67E-05 43 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W rook /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 3.18E-05 44 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W () /S him; 2.68E-05 45 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 2.44E-05 46 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 2.29E-05 47 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 1.79E-05 48 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- /W () /S rook /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 1.11E-05 49 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 7.55E-06 50 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 5.90E-06 51 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 5.55E-06 52 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 5.51E-06 53 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W () /S him; 4.25E-06 54 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W () /S him; 3.13E-06 55 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- /W lly to mo- /S RHM lest /W () /S him; 3.10E-06 56 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 2.66E-06 57 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest /W him; 2.08E-06 58 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- /W der the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 1.95E-06 59 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W () /S ranksGCL /W () /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest him;> 6.43E-07 60 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W to mo- /S RHM lest /W () /S him; 3.62E-07 61 29 BC: Squander the hell-rook ranks sally to molest him; /W der /S Squan- der> /W the /S hell- rook> /W ranksGCL /S GCLsa- lly> /W () /S to /W mo- /S RHM lest him;> 2.26E-07 62 30 BC: March, kind comrade, abreast him; /W him; /S March, /W kind /S com- /W rade, a- /S RHM breast /W him; 1 1 0.999992374 1 30 BC: March, kind comrade, abreast him; /W him; /S March, /W kind /S com- rade,> /W a- /S RHM breast /W him; 6.49E-06 2 30 BC: March, kind comrade, abreast him; /W him; /S March, /W kind /S com- /W rade, a- /S RHM breast him;> 1.13E-06 3 30 BC: March, kind comrade, abreast him; /W him; /S March, /W kind /S com- rade,> /W a- /S RHM breast him;> 7.36E-12 4 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- Oterous> /W and /S star- /W light /S RHM or- /W der. 1 1 0.09176124 2 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- /W Oterous and /S star- /W light /S RHM or- /W der. 0.792066316 1 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- /W Oterous and /S star- /W light /S RHM or- der.> 0.086357799 3 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- /W Oterous and /S star- light> /W () /S RHM or- /W der. 0.016007996 4 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- Oterous> /W and /S star- /W light /S RHM or- der.> 0.01000459 5 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- Oterous> /W and /S star- light> /W () /S RHM or- /W der. 0.001854534 6 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- /W Oterous and /S star- light> /W () /S RHM or- der.> 0.001745328 7 31 BC: Dress his days to a dexterous and starlight order. /W him; /S Dress /W his /S days /W to a /S dex- Oterous> /W and /S star- light> /W () /S RHM or- der.> 2.02E-04 8 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- /W si- ting at that /S bleak /W () /S RHM hill, 1 0.399810259 1 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- si- /W ting at /S that /W bleak /S RHM hill, 0.191819861 2 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- /W si- ting at /S that /W bleak /S RHM hill, 0.139823828 3 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- si- /W ting at that /S bleak /W () /S RHM hill, 0.094868926 4 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- si- ting>> /W at /S that /W bleak /S RHM hill, 0.093652904 5 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- si- ting>> /W at that /S bleak /W () /S RHM hill, 0.046716651 6 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- si- ting> /W at /S that /W bleak /S RHM hill, 0.022222417 7 32 BC: How it does my heart good, visiting at that bleak hill, /W der. How it /S ACCTdoes /W my /S heart /W good, /S vi- si- ting> /W at that /S bleak /W () /S RHM hill, 0.011085154 8 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- /W quid /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 1 0.902436908 1 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- quid /W () /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 0.037593484 2 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- quid> /W () /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 0.017273588 3 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- quid /W youth, /S that /W *H to all /S I /W () /S RHM teach 0.013147399 4.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- quid /W youth, /S that /W () /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 0.013147399 4.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- quid> /W youth, /S that /W *H to all /S I /W () /S RHM teach 0.006041014 6.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- /W ber /S li- quid> /W youth, /S that /W () /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 0.006041014 6.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- /W quid /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 0.003201975 8 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W li- quid /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W () /S I /W () /S RHM teach 1.97E-04 10.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W li- quid /S youth, /W () /S that /W *H to all /S I /W () /S RHM teach 1.97E-04 10.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W li- quid /S youth, /W () /S that /W () /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 1.97E-04 10.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W () /S When /W () /S lim- ber> /W li- quid /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 1.97E-04 10.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- quid /W () /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 1.33E-04 13 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- quid> /W () /S youth, /W that /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 6.13E-05 14 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- quid /W youth, /S that /W *H to all /S I /W () /S RHM teach 4.66E-05 15.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- quid /W youth, /S that /W () /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 4.66E-05 15.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- quid> /W youth, /S that /W *H to all /S I /W () /S RHM teach 2.14E-05 17.5 33 BC: When limber liquid youth, that to all I teach /W When /S lim- ber> /W () /S li- quid> /W youth, /S that /W () /S *H to all /W I /S RHM teach 2.14E-05 17.5 34 BC: Yields tender as a pushed peach, /W Yields /S ACCTten- /W der as a /S ACCTpushed /W () /S RHM ACCTpeach, 1 1 0.999998786 1 34 BC: Yields tender as a pushed peach, /W Yields /S ACCTten- der> /W as a /S ACCTpushed /W () /S RHM ACCTpeach, 1.21E-06 2 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- /W strong /S *H toits /W well- /S be- Oing Oof Oa>>> /W self= /S wise /W self= /S RHM will! 1 1 0.818732952 1 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- /W strong /S *H toits /W well- /S be- /W Oing Oof Oa /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 0.07063995 2 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W *H toits /S well- /W () /S be- Oing Oof Oa>>> /W self= /S wise /W self= /S RHM will! 0.047314085 3 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- /W strong /S *H toits /W well- /S be- Oing> /W Oof Oa /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 0.044527954 4 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- /W strong /S *H toits /W well- /S be- Oing Oof Oa>>> /W () /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 0.008306463 5 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W *H toits /S well- /W () /S be- /W Oing Oof Oa /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 0.00408224 6 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W () /S *H toits /W well- /S be- Oing Oof Oa>>> /W self= /S wise /W self= /S RHM will! 0.002904982 7 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W *H toits /S well- /W () /S be- Oing> /W Oof Oa /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 0.002573244 8 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W *H toits /S well- /W () /S be- Oing Oof Oa>>> /W () /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 4.80E-04 9 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W () /S *H toits /W well- /S be- /W Oing Oof Oa /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 2.51E-04 10 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W () /S *H toits /W well- /S be- Oing> /W Oof Oa /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 1.58E-04 11 35 BC: Hies headstrong to its wellbeing of a self-wise self-will! /W Hies /S head- strong> /W () /S *H toits /W well- /S be- Oing Oof Oa>>> /W () /S self= wise> /W self= /S RHM will! 2.95E-05 12 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W Then /S ACCT *H though^I /W should /S ACCTtread /W () /S ACCTtufts /W of /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- /W tion 1 1 0.612344424 1 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W () /S Then /W ACCT *H though^I /S should /W ACCTtread /S ACCTtufts /W of /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- /W tion 0.214152438 2 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W Then /S ACCT *H though^I /W should /S ACCTtread /W () /S ACCTtufts /W of /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- tion> 0.066762992 3 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W Then /S ACCT *H though^I /W should /S ACCTtread /W ACCTtufts /S of /W () /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- /W tion 0.037596612 4.5 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W Then /S ACCT *H though^I /W () /S should /W ACCTtread /S ACCTtufts /W of /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- /W tion 0.037596612 4.5 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W () /S Then /W ACCT *H though^I /S should /W ACCTtread /S ACCTtufts /W of /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- tion> 0.023348718 6 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W Then /S ACCT *H though^I /W should /S ACCTtread /W ACCTtufts /S of /W () /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- tion> 0.004099102 7.5 36 BC: Then though I should tread tufts of consolation /W Then /S ACCT *H though^I /W () /S should /W ACCTtread /S ACCTtufts /W of /S con- /W so- /S RHM la- tion> 0.004099102 7.5 37 BC: Days after, so I in a sort deserve to /W tion /S ACCTDays /W () /S ACCTaf- /W ter, /S ACCTso /W I in a /S sort /W de- /S RHM serve /W to 1 1 0.72740947 1 37 BC: Days after, so I in a sort deserve to /W tion /S ACCTDays /W () /S ACCTaf- ter,> /W ACCTso /S I /W in a /S sort /W de- /S RHM serve /W to 0.160357236 2 37 BC: Days after, so I in a sort deserve to /W tion /S ACCTDays /W () /S ACCTaf- /W ter, /S ACCTso /W I in a /S sort /W de- /S RHM serve to> 0.079308361 3 37 BC: Days after, so I in a sort deserve to /W tion /S ACCTDays /W () /S ACCTaf- ter,> /W ACCTso /S I /W in a /S sort /W de- /S RHM serve to> 0.017483508 4 37 BC: Days after, so I in a sort deserve to /W tion /S ACCTDays /W () /S ACCTaf- ter,> /W () /S ACCTso /W I in a /S sort /W de- /S RHM serve /W to 0.013923379 5 37 BC: Days after, so I in a sort deserve to /W tion /S ACCTDays /W () /S ACCTaf- ter,> /W () /S ACCTso /W I in a /S sort /W de- /S RHM serve to> 0.001518045 6 38 BC: And do serve God to serve to /W to And /S do /W serve /S God /W to /S RHM serve /W to 1 0.570006798 1 38 BC: And do serve God to serve to /W to And do /S serve /W () /S God /W to /S RHM serve /W to 0.281909977 2 38 BC: And do serve God to serve to /W to And do /S serve /W God /S to /W RHM serve /S to 0.098591098 3 38 BC: And do serve God to serve to /W to And do /S serve /W God /S to /W () /S RHM serve /W to 0.049492128 4 39 BC: Just such slips of soldiery Christ's royal ration. /W to /S Just /W such /S slips /W of /S sol- Odier- Oy>> /W Christ's /S roy- /W al /S RHM ra- tion. 1 1 0.682751373 1 39 BC: Just such slips of soldiery Christ's royal ration. /W to /S Just /W such /S slips /W of /S sol- Odier- Oy>> /W Christ's /S roy- /W al /S RHM ra- tion.> 0.313713029 2 39 BC: Just such slips of soldiery Christ's royal ration. /W to /S Just /W such /S slips /W of /S sol- Odier- Oy>> /W Christ's /S roy- al> /W () /S RHM ra- tion. 0.002422499 3 39 BC: Just such slips of soldiery Christ's royal ration. /W to /S Just /W such /S slips /W of /S sol- Odier- Oy>> /W Christ's /S roy- al> /W () /S RHM ra- tion.> 0.001113099 4 40 BC: Nothing else is like it, no, not all so strains /W No- thing /S ACCTelse /W is /S like /W it, /S no, /W not /S all /W so /S RHM strains 1 1 0.972595885 1 40 BC: Nothing else is like it, no, not all so strains /W No- thing /S ACCTelse /W is /S like it,> /W () /S no, /W not /S all /W so /S RHM strains 0.018616504 2 40 BC: Nothing else is like it, no, not all so strains /W No- thing /S ACCTelse /W is /S like it,> /W no, /S not /W () /S all /W so /S RHM strains 0.006510666 3 40 BC: Nothing else is like it, no, not all so strains /W No- thing /S ACCTelse /W is /S like it,> /W no, /S not /W all /S so /W () /S RHM strains 0.002276946 4 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1 0.302399874 1 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.22042925 2 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.13894777 3 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.097415573 4 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.052754475 5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.038454479 6 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.025756508 7 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.024239814 8 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.01699441 9 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.01153052 10 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.009007707 11 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.008404976 12 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 0.00611163 13 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.00578825 14 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.005298084 15 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 0.004454969 16 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.004219247 17 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 0.002808193 18 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.002659606 19 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.00201153 20 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 0.00196881 21 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.001466271 22 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.001072958 23.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.001072958 23.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 0.00106619 25.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.00106619 25.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 0.001009776 27 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 9.82E-04 28 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 9.24E-04 29 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 7.82E-04 30 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 7.77E-04 31.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 7.77E-04 31.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 7.36E-04 33 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 5.53E-04 34 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 5.21E-04 35 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.93E-04 37 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.93E-04 37 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.93E-04 37 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 4.90E-04 39.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.90E-04 39.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.64E-04 41 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 3.46E-04 42 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.43E-04 43 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 2.33E-04 44 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.82E-04 45 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1.72E-04 46 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.70E-04 47 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.17E-04 48 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.07E-04 49 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 8.53E-05 50 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 6.55E-05 51 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W fall /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 5.38E-05 52 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.77E-05 53 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.09E-05 54.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 4.09E-05 54.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 4.07E-05 56 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 3.29E-05 57 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 3.01E-05 58 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 2.98E-05 59 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 2.96E-05 60 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 2.40E-05 61 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 2.17E-05 62.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 2.17E-05 62.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 2.15E-05 64 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 2.05E-05 65.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 2.05E-05 65.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 2.04E-05 67.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 2.04E-05 67.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.98E-05 69 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1.88E-05 70.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1.88E-05 70.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.87E-05 72 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.58E-05 73 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.57E-05 74 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1.51E-05 75 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1.50E-05 76 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.49E-05 77.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 1.49E-05 77.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.12E-05 79 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 9.96E-06 81 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 9.96E-06 81 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 9.96E-06 81 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W Us: /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 9.90E-06 83 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 9.44E-06 84.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 9.44E-06 84.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- /W () /S fall /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 9.38E-06 86.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- /W ding 9.38E-06 86.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 6.99E-06 88 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W fret- ted /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.48E-06 89 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.32E-06 90 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 9.64E-07 91 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 8.27E-07 92.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 8.27E-07 92.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 6.64E-07 94 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 6.08E-07 95 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 6.03E-07 96 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 4.84E-07 97 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 4.15E-07 98.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 4.15E-07 98.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 4.12E-07 100 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.80E-07 101.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W fresh /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.80E-07 101.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /W () /S Us: /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.05E-07 103 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.03E-07 104 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- /W ted in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 3.01E-07 105 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W () /S all /W por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.91E-07 106.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W youth /S fret- ted> /W () /S in /W a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.91E-07 106.5 41 BC: Us: fresh youth fretted in a bloomfall all portending /O Us:> /W () /S fresh /W () /S youth /W () /S fret- ted> /W in a /S bloom- fall> /W all por- /S RHM ten- ding> 1.90E-07 108 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding /S That /W sweet's /S swee- /W ter /S RHM end- /W ing; 1 0.667187375 1 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding That /S sweet's /W () /S swee- /W ter /S RHM end- /W ing; 0.332811456 2 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding /S That /W sweet's /S swee- /W ter /S RHM end- ing;> 7.56E-07 3 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding That /S sweet's /W () /S swee- /W ter /S RHM end- ing;> 3.77E-07 4 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding /S That /W sweet's /S swee- ter> /W () /S RHM end- /W ing; 2.46E-08 5 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding That /S sweet's /W () /S swee- ter> /W () /S RHM end- /W ing; 1.23E-08 6 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding /S That /W sweet's /S swee- ter> /W () /S RHM end- ing;> 2.79E-14 7 42 BC: That sweet's sweeter ending; /W ding That /S sweet's /W () /S swee- ter> /W () /S RHM end- ing;> 1.39E-14 8 43 BC: Realm both Christ is heir to and there reigns. /W ing; /S Realm /W both /S Christ /W is /S heir Oto> /W and /S thereGCL /W () /S RHM GCLreigns. 1 1 0.139940976 3.5 43 BC: Realm both Christ is heir to and there reigns. /W ing; /S Realm /W both /S Christ /W is /S heir /W Oto /S and /W thereGCL /S RHM GCLreigns. 0.448881939 1 43 BC: Realm both Christ is heir to and there reigns. /W ing; /S Realm /W both /S Christ /W is /S heir /W Oto and /S thereGCL /W () /S RHM GCLreigns. 0.223914686 2 43 BC: Realm both Christ is heir to and there reigns. /W ing; /S Realm /W both /S Christ /W is /S he- Oir Oto>> /W and /S the- /W reGCL /S RHM GCLreigns. 0.139940976 3.5 43 BC: Realm both Christ is heir to and there reigns. /W ing; /S Realm /W both /S Christ /W is /S he- /W Oir Oto and /S the- /W reGCL /S RHM GCLreigns. 0.038729353 5 43 BC: Realm both Christ is heir to and there reigns. /W ing; /S Realm /W both /S Christ /W is /S heir Oto> /W () /S and /W thereGCL /S RHM GCLreigns. 0.008592071 6 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- /W ing /S sa- /W cred /S RHM oint- /W ment! 1 1 0.89532533 1 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- /W ing /S sa- /W cred /S RHM oint- ment!> 0.097615974 2 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- /W ing /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM oint- /W ment! 0.003176742 3.5 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- ing> /W () /S sa- /W cred /S RHM oint- /W ment! 0.003176742 3.5 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- /W ing /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM oint- ment!> 3.46E-04 5.5 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- ing> /W () /S sa- /W cred /S RHM oint- ment!> 3.46E-04 5.5 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- ing> /W () /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM oint- /W ment! 1.13E-05 7 44 BC: O now well work that sealing sacred ointment! /W O /S now /W well /S work /W that /S seal- ing> /W () /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM oint- ment!> 1.23E-06 8 45 BC: O for now charms, arms, what bans off bad /W ment! /S O /W for /S now /W charms, /S arms, /W what /S bans /W off /S RHM bad 1 1 1 1 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W And /S locks /W () /S love /W () /S e- /W ver /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 1 0.853099767 1 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W locks /S love /W () /S e- /W ver /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.052378464 2 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W And /S locks /W () /S love /W () /S e- ver /W () /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.03553821 3 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W love /S e- /W ver /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.026293669 4 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W And /S locks /W () /S love /W () /S e- ver> /W () /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.016329223 5 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W () /S love /W e- ver /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.009195566 6 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W locks /S love /W () /S e- ver /W () /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.002181969 7 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W love /S e- ver /W () /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.001095335 8 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W () /S love /W () /S e- ver /W in a /S RHM lad! 0.001088426 9 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W locks /S love /W () /S e- ver> /W () /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 0.001002579 10 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W () /S love /W () /S e- /W ver in a /S RHM lad! 7.93E-04 11 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W love /S e- ver> /W () /S in /W a /S RHM lad! 5.03E-04 12 46 BC: And locks love ever in a lad! /W () /S And /W () /S locks /W () /S love /W () /S e- ver> /W in a /S RHM lad! 5.00E-04 13 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W Let /S ACCTme /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more Oof Ohim,>> /W and /S not /W dis- ap- /S RHM point- ment> 1 0.303526211 1 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W Let /S ACCTme /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more /W Oof Ohim, and not /S dis- /W ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.240195182 2 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W Let /S ACCTme /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more Oof Ohim,>> /W and not /S dis- /W ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.151407242 3 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W Let /S ACCTme /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more /W Oof Ohim, and /S not /W dis- ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.084002372 4 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let /W ACCTme though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more Oof Ohim,>> /W and /S not /W dis- ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.052950968 5 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let /W ACCTme though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more /W Oof Ohim, and not /S dis- /W ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.041902699 6 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let ACCTme> /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more Oof Ohim,>> /W and /S not /W dis- ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.033093006 7 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let /W ACCTme though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more Oof Ohim,>> /W and not /S dis- /W ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.026413403 8 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let ACCTme> /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more /W Oof Ohim, and not /S dis- /W ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.02618812 9 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let ACCTme> /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more Oof Ohim,>> /W and not /S dis- /W ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.016507704 10 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let /W ACCTme though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more /W Oof Ohim, and /S not /W dis- ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.014654441 11 47 BC: Let me though see no more of him, and not disappointment /W () /S Let ACCTme> /W though /S ACCTsee /W no /S more /W Oof Ohim, and /S not /W dis- ap- /S RHM point- ment> 0.009158652 12 48 BC: Those sweet hopes quell whose least me quickenings lift, /W Those /S sweet /W hopes /S quell /W whose /S least /W me /S quick- en- /W ings /S RHM lift, 1 1 0.996464402 1 48 BC: Those sweet hopes quell whose least me quickenings lift, /W Those /S sweet /W hopes /S quell /W whose /S least /W me /S quick- en- ings> /W () /S RHM lift, 0.003535598 2 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 1 0.479760389 1 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.083695497 2 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.052307554 3.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.052307554 3.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.042014628 6 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.042014628 6 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.042014628 6 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.041749621 8 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.026258072 9.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.026258072 9.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.02609245 11 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.009696161 12 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.009183116 13 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 0.009125194 14 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 0.005703014 15 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.004867414 16 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.004836712 17 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.004580792 19 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.004580792 19 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.004580792 19 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 0.004551898 21 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 0.003022822 22 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.002862878 23.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.002862878 23.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 0.002844821 25 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 0.001286779 26 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 0.001057158 27 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 0.001001221 28 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 8.49E-04 30 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 8.49E-04 30 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 8.49E-04 30 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 8.04E-04 32.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 8.04E-04 32.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 5.31E-04 35 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 5.31E-04 35 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 5.31E-04 35 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 5.27E-04 37 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W () /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 3.30E-04 38 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 2.97E-04 39 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.86E-04 40.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.86E-04 40.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 1.49E-04 42.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 1.49E-04 42.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 1.40E-04 44 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 9.84E-05 45 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 9.32E-05 47 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 9.32E-05 47 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- /W ing 9.32E-05 47 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 9.26E-05 50 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 9.26E-05 50 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 9.26E-05 50 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 8.77E-05 52.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 8.77E-05 52.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 5.79E-05 54.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W () /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 5.79E-05 54.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 3.24E-05 56 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 2.60E-05 57 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W some /S day /W () /S RHM see- ing> 2.02E-05 58.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 2.02E-05 58.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 1.63E-05 61.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.63E-05 61.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 1.63E-05 61.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.63E-05 61.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 1.07E-05 64 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 1.02E-05 66 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 1.02E-05 66 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some /W day /S RHM see- ing> 1.02E-05 66 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 3.01E-06 68.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 3.01E-06 68.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 2.84E-06 70 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.88E-06 72 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.88E-06 72 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- /W ing 1.88E-06 72 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 1.77E-06 74.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- /W ACCTwhere of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 1.77E-06 74.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 3.28E-07 76.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- /W let or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 3.28E-07 76.5 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W () /S of /W () /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 2.05E-07 79 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W In /S scar- let> /W () /S or /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 2.05E-07 79 49 BC: In scarlet or somewhere of some day seeing /W () /S In /W () /S scar- let> /W or /S some- ACCTwhere> /W of /S some day> /W () /S RHM see- ing> 2.05E-07 79 50 BC: That brow and bead of being, /W ing That /S brow /W and /S bead /W of /S RHM be- /W ing 1 1 0.999998867 1 50 BC: That brow and bead of being, /W ing That /S brow /W and /S bead /W of /S RHM be- ing> 1.13E-06 2 51 BC: An our day's God's own Galahad. Though this child's drift /W ing An /S our /W day's /S God's /W own /S Ga- Ola- Ohad.>> /W Though /S this /W child's /S RHM drift 1 1 0.808221311 1 51 BC: An our day's God's own Galahad. Though this child's drift /W ing An /S our /W day's /S God's /W own /S Ga- Ola- Ohad.> /W Though /S this /W child's /S RHM drift 0.191778689 2 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- /W nelled, /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 1 0.418194931 1 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W () /S doom /W chan- nelled, /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.146253416 2 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W Seems /S ACCTby /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled, /W nor /S do /W I /S RHM cry 0.09923133 3 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W Seems /S ACCTby /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- /W nelled, nor /S do /W I /S RHM cry 0.072955236 4 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- /W nelled, /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.072332992 5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W Seems /S ACCTby /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled,> /W nor /S do /W I /S RHM cry 0.045595164 6 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W () /S doom /W chan- nelled, /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.025296689 7 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled, /W nor /S *H doI /W () /S RHM cry 0.017421057 8.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled, /W () /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.017421057 8.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S Seems /W ACCTby a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled, /W nor /S do /W I /S RHM cry 0.017163525 10 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- /W nelled, nor /S *H doI /W () /S RHM cry 0.012808024 11 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S Seems /W ACCTby a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- /W nelled, nor /S do /W I /S RHM cry 0.012618686 12 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled,> /W nor /S *H doI /W () /S RHM cry 0.008004689 13.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W GCLSeems /S by /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled,> /W () /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.008004689 13.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S Seems /W ACCTby a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled,> /W nor /S do /W I /S RHM cry 0.007886357 15 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W Seems /S ACCTby /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled, /W nor do /S I /W () /S RHM cry 0.00303915 16 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled, /W nor /S *H doI /W () /S RHM cry 0.003013229 17.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled, /W () /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.003013229 17.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W Seems /S ACCTby /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- /W nelled, nor do /S I /W () /S RHM cry 0.002215337 19.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- /W nelled, nor /S *H doI /W () /S RHM cry 0.002215337 19.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W Seems /S ACCTby /W a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled,> /W nor do /S I /W () /S RHM cry 0.00139644 21 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled,> /W nor /S *H doI /W () /S RHM cry 0.001384529 22.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S GCLSeems /W by a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S chan- nelled,> /W () /S nor /W *H doI /S RHM cry 0.001384529 22.5 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S Seems /W ACCTby a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled, /W nor do /S I /W () /S RHM cry 5.26E-04 24 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S Seems /W ACCTby a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- /W nelled, nor do /S I /W () /S RHM cry 3.83E-04 25 52 BC: Seems by a divine doom channelled, nor do I cry /W () /S Seems /W ACCTby a di- /S ACCTvine /W doom /S Ochan- nelled,> /W nor do /S I /W () /S RHM cry 2.42E-04 26 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter /S there; /W but /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 1 0.761957447 1 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter /S there; /W but /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 0.088273114 2 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W but /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- /W kle /S and /W () /S RHM roam 0.083602395 3 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; /S but /W () /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 0.023336413 4 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; but /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- /W kle /S and /W () /S RHM roam 0.023137374 5 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; /S but /W *H mayhe /S not /W () /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 0.008161338 6 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; /S but /W () /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 0.002703534 7 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W but /S *H mayhe /W () /S not /W () /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 0.002560484 8.5 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W () /S but /W () /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 0.002560484 8.5 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; /S but /W *H mayhe /S not /W () /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 9.45E-04 10 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W () /S but /W *H mayhe /S not /W () /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 8.95E-04 11 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; but /S *H mayhe /W () /S not /W () /S ran- /W kle and /S RHM roam 7.09E-04 12 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W but /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- kle> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM roam 2.97E-04 14 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W but /S *H mayhe /W () /S not /W () /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 2.97E-04 14 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W () /S but /W () /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 2.97E-04 14 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- ter there;>> /W () /S but /W *H mayhe /S not /W () /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 1.04E-04 16 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; but /S *H mayhe /W not /S ran- kle> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM roam 8.21E-05 17.5 53 BC: Disaster there; but may he not rankle and roam /W Dis- /S as- /W ter there; but /S *H mayhe /W () /S not /W () /S ran- kle> /W and /S RHM roam 8.21E-05 17.5 54 BC: In backwheels though bound home? -- /W In /S back- /W wheels, /S though /W bound /S RHM home?-- 1 1 0.999996562 1 54 BC: In backwheels though bound home? -- /W In /S back- wheels,> /W though /S bound /W () /S RHM home?-- 3.24E-06 2 54 BC: In backwheels though bound home? -- /W In /S back- wheels,> /W () /S though /W bound /S RHM home?-- 1.99E-07 3 55 BC: That left to the Lord of the Eucharist, I here lie by; /W That /S left /W to the /S Lord /W of the /S Eu- O*charist> /W I /S here /W lie /S RHM by; 1 1 1 1 56 BC: Recorded only, I have put my lips on pleas /W Re- /S cor- /W ded /S on- /W ly, I have /S put /W my /S lips /W on /S RHM pleas 1 1 0.61119629 1 56 BC: Recorded only, I have put my lips on pleas /W Re- /S cor- /W ded /S on- ly,> /W I have /S put /W my /S lips /W on /S RHM pleas 0.385268112 2 56 BC: Recorded only, I have put my lips on pleas /W Re- /S cor- ded> /W () /S on- /W ly, I have /S put /W my /S lips /W on /S RHM pleas 0.002168612 3 56 BC: Recorded only, I have put my lips on pleas /W Re- /S cor- ded> /W () /S on- ly,> /W I have /S put /W my /S lips /W on /S RHM pleas 0.001366986 4 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- /W tine /S hea- ven /W with /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 1 0.451839375 1 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- /W tine /S hea- /W ven with /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 0.332193958 2 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- /W tine /S hea- ven> /W with /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 0.207612763 3 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- tine> /W hea- ven /S with /W () /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 0.002362884 4 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- tine> /W hea- ven /S with /W ride /S and /W RHM jar, /S did 0.001646157 5 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- tine> /W () /S hea- ven /W with /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 0.001603191 6 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- tine> /W () /S hea- /W ven with /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 0.001178672 7 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- tine> /W hea- ven /S with /W ride /S and /W () /S RHM jar, /W did 8.26E-04 8 57 BC: Would brandle adamantine heaven with ride and jar, did /W Would /S bran- dle> /W a- da- /S man- tine> /W () /S hea- ven> /W with /S ride /W and /S RHM jar, /W did 7.37E-04 9 58 BC: Prayer go disregarded: /W did /S Prayer /W go /S dis- /W re- /S RHM gar- /W ded: 1 1 0.999998867 1 58 BC: Prayer go disregarded: /W did /S Prayer /W go /S dis- /W re- /S RHM gar- ded:> 1.13E-06 2 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 1 1 0.039713221 7.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W hea- ven /S heard /W () /S RHM these. 0.243969283 1 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W hea- ven /S heard /W () /S RHM these. 0.15378625 2 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W hea- ven /S heard /W () /S RHM these. 0.112099874 3 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.086430124 4 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W hea- ven /S heard /W () /S RHM these. 0.070662253 5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.054481304 6 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.039713221 7.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W hea- ven /S heard /W () /S RHM these. 0.03649115 9 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.025033263 10.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.025033263 10.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.018247572 12 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W hea- ven /S heard /W () /S RHM these. 0.016767084 13 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.012927589 14 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.011502373 15 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.01016321 16 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.006406388 17 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.005940015 18.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.005940015 18.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.004669828 20.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.004669828 20.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.00294363 22.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.00294363 22.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- /W vour- a- ble /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.002729339 24 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- /W ward- like, but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.002145709 25 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 0.001520139 26 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,>> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 0.00135255 27 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 6.98E-04 28.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven /W heard /S RHM these. 6.98E-04 28.5 59 BC: Forward-like, but however, and like favourable heaven heard these. /W ded: /S For- ward- like,> /W but how- /S e- Over*and> /W like /S fa- vour- a- ble>>> /W () /S hea- ven> /W heard /S RHM these. 3.21E-04 30 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- /W pens /S dear /W whose /S ai- /W ry /S ca- /W ges /S RHM quelled, 1 1 0.973089115 1 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- /W pens /S dear /W whose /S ai- /W ry /S ca- ges> /W () /S RHM quelled, 0.018625945 2 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- /W pens /S dear /W whose /S ai- ry> /W () /S ca- /W ges /S RHM quelled, 0.003452659 3.5 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W () /S dear /W whose /S ai- /W ry /S ca- /W ges /S RHM quelled, 0.003452659 3.5 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W dear /S whose /W () /S ai- /W ry /S ca- /W ges /S RHM quelled, 0.001207483 5 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- /W pens /S dear /W whose /S ai- ry> /W () /S ca- ges> /W () /S RHM quelled, 6.61E-05 6.5 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W () /S dear /W whose /S ai- /W ry /S ca- ges> /W () /S RHM quelled, 6.61E-05 6.5 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W dear /S whose /W () /S ai- /W ry /S ca- ges> /W () /S RHM quelled, 2.31E-05 8 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W () /S dear /W whose /S ai- ry> /W () /S ca- /W ges /S RHM quelled, 1.23E-05 9 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W dear /S whose /W () /S ai- ry> /W () /S ca- /W ges /S RHM quelled, 4.28E-06 10 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W () /S dear /W whose /S ai- ry> /W () /S ca- ges> /W () /S RHM quelled, 2.34E-07 11 60 BP: My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, /W My /S as- pens> /W dear /S whose /W () /S ai- ry> /W () /S ca- ges> /W () /S RHM quelled, 8.20E-08 12 61 BP: Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, /W () /S GCLQuelled /W or /S quenched /W in /S leaves /W the /S lea- /W ping /S RHM sun, 1 1 0.805576675 1 61 BP: Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, /W GCLQuelled /S or /W () /S quenched /W in /S leaves /W the /S lea- /W ping /S RHM sun, 0.141427077 2 61 BP: Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, /W GCLQuelled /S or /W quenched /S in /W () /S leaves /W the /S lea- /W ping /S RHM sun, 0.04946065 3 61 BP: Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, /W () /S GCLQuelled /W or /S quenched /W in /S leaves /W the /S lea- ping> /W () /S RHM sun, 0.002858301 4 61 BP: Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, /W GCLQuelled /S or /W () /S quenched /W in /S leaves /W the /S lea- ping> /W () /S RHM sun, 5.02E-04 5 61 BP: Quelled or quenched in leaves the leaping sun, /W GCLQuelled /S or /W quenched /S in /W () /S leaves /W the /S lea- ping> /W () /S RHM sun, 1.75E-04 6 62 BP: All felled, felled, are all felled; /W () /S ACCTA´ll /W () /S ACCTfe´lled,: /W () /S ACCTfe´lled, /W are /S ACCTa´ll /W () /S RHM ACCTfe´lled; 1 1 0.782131 1 62 BP: All felled, felled, are all felled; /W () /S ACCTA´ll /W () /S ACCTfe´lled,: /W ACCTfe´lled, /S are /W () /S ACCTa´ll /W () /S RHM ACCTfe´lled; 0.137310953 2 62 BP: All felled, felled, are all felled; /W () /S ACCTA´ll /W () /S ACCTfe´lled,: /W () /S ACCTfe´lled, /W () /S are /W ACCTa´ll /S RHM ACCTfe´lled; 0.048021137 3 62 BP: All felled, felled, are all felled; /W ACCTA´ll /S ACCTfe´lled,: /W () /S ACCTfe´lled, /W () /S are /W () /S ACCTa´ll /W () /S RHM ACCTfe´lled; 0.024106317 4 62 BP: All felled, felled, are all felled; /W () /S ACCTA´ll /W ACCTfe´lled,: /S ACCTfe´lled, /W () /S are /W () /S ACCTa´ll /W () /S RHM ACCTfe´lled; 0.008430593 5 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- ow- /W ing /S fol- /W ded /S RHM rank 1 0.576301146 1 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- /W ow- ing /S fol- /W ded /S RHM rank 0.423698706 2 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- ow- ing>> /W () /S fol- /W ded /S RHM rank 8.95E-08 3 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- ow- /W ing /S fol- ded> /W () /S RHM rank 2.12E-08 4.5 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- ow- ing> /W () /S fol- /W ded /S RHM rank 2.12E-08 4.5 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- /W ow- ing /S fol- ded> /W () /S RHM rank 1.56E-08 6 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- ow- ing>> /W () /S fol- ded> /W () /S RHM rank 3.30E-15 7 63 BP: Of a fresh and following folded rank /W Of a /S fresh /W and /S foll- ow- ing> /W () /S fol- ded> /W () /S RHM rank 7.83E-16 8 64 BP: Not spared, not one /W Not /S spared, /W not /S RHM one 1 1 1 1 65 BP: That dandled a sandalled /W That /S dan- /W dled a /S san- /W dalled 1 1 0.999998586 1 65 BP: That dandled a sandalled /W That /S dan- dled> /W a /S san- /W dalled 1.20E-06 2 65 BP: That dandled a sandalled /W That /S dan- /W dled a /S san- dalled> 2.10E-07 3 65 BP: That dandled a sandalled /W That /S dan- dled> /W a /S san- dalled> 2.53E-13 4 66 BP: Shadow that swam or sank /W dalled /S GCLSha- dow /W that /S swam /W or /S RHM sank 1 0.576299646 1 66 BP: Shadow that swam or sank /W dalled /S GCLSha- /W dow that /S swam /W or /S RHM sank 0.423697603 2 66 BP: Shadow that swam or sank /W dalled /S GCLSha- dow> /W that /S swam /W or /S RHM sank 2.75E-06 3 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1 0.159195974 1 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- /W Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.108012712 2.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.108012712 2.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- /W Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.07941134 4.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.07941134 4.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.073285434 6 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.053879719 8 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- /W Over andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.053879719 8 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.053879719 8 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- /W Over andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.039612566 10.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.039612566 10.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.025629783 12 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.01884311 13 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.012784842 14 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W mea- dow /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.009774285 15 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.009399463 16 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- /W Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.00919984 17.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.00919984 17.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W () /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.006631745 19 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over> /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.00624199 20.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.00624199 20.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over> /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.004589134 23 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- /W Over andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.004589134 23 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.004589134 23 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.004499566 25 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.003308097 26 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.002182983 27 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.001615124 28 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.001095844 29.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.001095844 29.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 0.001088932 31 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 8.06E-04 32.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 8.06E-04 32.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 5.65E-04 34.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W () /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 5.65E-04 34.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over> /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 5.32E-04 36 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- /W Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.83E-04 39 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over> /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 3.83E-04 39 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 3.83E-04 39 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 3.83E-04 39 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.83E-04 39 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- /W Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.82E-04 43 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over> /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 2.82E-04 43 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.82E-04 43 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.60E-04 46 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 2.60E-04 46 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 2.60E-04 46 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.91E-04 50 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- /W Over andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.91E-04 50 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.91E-04 50 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.91E-04 50 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.91E-04 50 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- /W Over andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.41E-04 53.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.41E-04 53.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W mea- dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 9.92E-05 55 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 9.33E-05 56.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 9.33E-05 56.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 9.09E-05 58 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 6.73E-05 59.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 6.73E-05 59.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 6.69E-05 61 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 4.95E-05 62 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 4.54E-05 63 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W mea- dow /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.47E-05 64 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.34E-05 65 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- /W Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.26E-05 67 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over> /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 3.26E-05 67 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.26E-05 67 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W () /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.35E-05 69.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W mea- dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 2.35E-05 69.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over> /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.21E-05 72.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.21E-05 72.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 2.21E-05 72.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 2.21E-05 72.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over> /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.63E-05 76 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- /W Over andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.63E-05 76 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.63E-05 76 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.60E-05 79 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.60E-05 79 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.60E-05 79 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.17E-05 81.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.17E-05 81.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder /S Oing /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 7.75E-06 83 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 5.73E-06 85 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 5.73E-06 85 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 5.73E-06 85 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.89E-06 87.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.89E-06 87.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- /W Oder Oing /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.86E-06 89 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.86E-06 90.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.86E-06 90.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W () /S and /W ri- Over /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.00E-06 92 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over> /W andO /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.89E-06 93 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over> /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.36E-06 96 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.36E-06 96 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.36E-06 96 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.36E-06 96 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- /W ding /S RHM bank 1.36E-06 96 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over> /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.00E-06 99 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 9.23E-07 100.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 9.23E-07 100.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 6.78E-07 102.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 6.78E-07 102.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W mea- dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.52E-07 104 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.31E-07 105.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 3.31E-07 105.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.39E-07 107.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.39E-07 107.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.76E-07 109 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over> /W () /S andO /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 1.16E-07 110 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W mea- dow /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 8.35E-08 111 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W () /S weed- /W () /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 7.86E-08 112.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W () /S wind-GCL /W () /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 7.86E-08 112.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 5.66E-08 114.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 5.66E-08 114.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- /W dow and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 4.16E-08 116 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.03E-08 117.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO>> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 2.03E-08 117.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W On /S mea- dow> /W () /S and /W () /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 4.82E-09 119.5 67 BP: On meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank. /W () /S On /W () /S mea- dow> /W and /S ri- Over andO> /W wind-GCL /S GCLwan- Oder Oing>> /W weed- /S win- ding> /W () /S RHM bank 4.82E-09 119.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W we /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat /S we /W () /S RHM do 1 0.128374533 3.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W we /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 1 0.128374533 3.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W () /S we /W but /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat /S we /W () /S RHM do 1 0.128374533 3.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W () /S we /W but /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 1 0.128374533 3.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if /S we /W but /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat /S we /W () /S RHM do 1 0.128374533 3.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if /S we /W but /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 1 0.128374533 3.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W we /S but /W knew GCL /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.044895843 8.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W () /S we /W () /S but /W knew GCL /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 0.044895843 8.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if /S we /W () /S but /W knew GCL /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 0.044895843 8.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W () /S if /W we /S but /W knew GCL /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 0.044895843 8.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W we but /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O /S if /W () /S we /W () /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O if /S we /W but /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O if /S we /W () /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O if /S we /W () /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if /S we /W () /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if we /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if we /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W () /S if /W we /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W () /S if /W we but /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W () /S if /W we but /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W () /S if /W () /S we /W but /S knew GCL /W GCLwhat we /S RHM do 0.003931717 16.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O if /S we /W () /S but /W knew GCL /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.001375022 23.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if we /S but /W knew GCL /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 0.001375022 23.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W GCL O if we /S but /W () /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 1.19E-04 25.5 68 BP: O if we but knew what we do /W () /S GCL O /W if we but /S knew GCL /W () /S GCLwhat /W () /S we /W () /S RHM do 1.19E-04 25.5 69 BP: When we delve or hew -- /W () /S GCLWhen /W we /S delve /W or /S RHM hew-- 1 1 0.420105865 1.5 69 BP: When we delve or hew -- /W GCLWhen /S we /W () /S delve /W or /S RHM hew-- 0.420105865 1.5 69 BP: When we delve or hew -- /W GCLWhen /S we /W delve /S or /W () /S RHM hew-- 0.146921719 3 69 BP: When we delve or hew -- /W GCLWhen we /S delve /W () /S or /W () /S RHM hew-- 0.012866551 4 70 BP: Hack and rack the growing green! /W () /S GCLHack /W and /S rack /W the /S grow- /W ing /S RHM green! 1 0.81663901 1 70 BP: Hack and rack the growing green! /W GCLHack /S and /W () /S rack /W the /S grow- /W ing /S RHM green! 0.143369181 2 70 BP: Hack and rack the growing green! /W () /S GCLHack /W and /S rack /W the /S grow- ing /W () /S RHM green! 0.034019338 3 70 BP: Hack and rack the growing green! /W GCLHack /S and /W () /S rack /W the /S grow- ing /W () /S RHM green! 0.005972436 4 70 BP: Hack and rack the growing green! /W () /S GCLHack /W and /S rack /W the /S grow- ing> /W () /S RHM green! 3.01E-08 5 70 BP: Hack and rack the growing green! /W GCLHack /S and /W () /S rack /W the /S grow- ing> /W () /S RHM green! 5.29E-09 6 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- /W try /S is /W so /S RHM ten- /W der 1 0.96940786 1 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- /W try is /S so /W () /S RHM ten- /W der 0.029689981 2 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W () /S Since /W () /S Coun- /W try is so /S RHM ten- /W der 9.02E-04 3 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- /W try /S is /W so /S RHM ten- der> 2.04E-07 4 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- try> /W is /S so /W () /S RHM ten- /W der 1.93E-07 5.5 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- try> /W () /S is /W so /S RHM ten- /W der 1.93E-07 5.5 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- /W try is /S so /W () /S RHM ten- der> 6.23E-09 7 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W () /S Since /W () /S Coun- try> /W is so /S RHM ten- /W der 5.90E-09 8 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W () /S Since /W () /S Coun- /W try is so /S RHM ten- der> 1.89E-10 9 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- try> /W is /S so /W () /S RHM ten- der> 4.05E-14 10.5 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W Since /S Coun- try> /W () /S is /W so /S RHM ten- der> 4.05E-14 10.5 71 BP: Since country is so tender /W () /S Since /W () /S Coun- try> /W is so /S RHM ten- der> 1.24E-15 12 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W () /S touch, /W her /S be- ing /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 1 0.26870048 1 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W () /S touch, /W her /S be- /W ing soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.197549574 2.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W her /S be- /W ing /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.197549574 2.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W be- ing /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.138500999 4 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W () /S be- ing /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.0939714 5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W () /S be- /W ing soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.069088117 6 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W be- ing /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.012129113 7 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W her /S be- ing /W () /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.008229469 8.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W () /S be- ing /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.008229469 8.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W () /S be- /W ing soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 0.006050336 10 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W () /S touch, /W her /S be- ing /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 3.04E-07 11 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W () /S touch, /W her /S be- ing> /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 2.38E-07 12 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W () /S touch, /W her /S be- /W ing soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 2.24E-07 13.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W her /S be- /W ing /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 2.24E-07 13.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W be- ing /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 1.57E-07 15 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W () /S be- ing /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 1.06E-07 16 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W () /S be- ing> /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 8.32E-08 17 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W () /S be- /W ing soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 7.83E-08 18 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W be- ing /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 1.37E-08 19 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W her /S be- ing /W () /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 9.32E-09 20.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W () /S be- ing /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 9.32E-09 20.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W her /S be- ing> /W () /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 7.28E-09 22.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W () /S be- ing> /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- /W der, 7.28E-09 22.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W () /S be- /W ing soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 6.85E-09 24 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W () /S touch, /W her /S be- ing> /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 2.69E-13 25 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der /S To /W touch, /S her /W () /S be- ing> /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 9.42E-14 26 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W her /S be- ing> /W () /S soGCL /W () /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 8.25E-15 27.5 72 BP: To touch, her being só slender, /W der To /S touch, /W () /S her /W () /S be- ing> /W soGCL /S RHM GCLslen- der,> 8.25E-15 27.5 73 BP: That, like this sleek and seeing ball /W der, That, /S like /W this /S sleek /W and /S see- /W ing /S RHM ball 1 0.730076903 1 73 BP: That, like this sleek and seeing ball /W der, /S That, /W like /S this /W sleek /S and /W see- ing /S RHM ball 0.179008096 2 73 BP: That, like this sleek and seeing ball /W der, That, /S like /W this /S sleek /W () /S and /W see- ing /S RHM ball 0.044825129 3 73 BP: That, like this sleek and seeing ball /W der, That, /S like /W this /S sleek /W and /S see- ing /W () /S RHM ball 0.030413356 4 73 BP: That, like this sleek and seeing ball /W der, That, /S like /W () /S this /W sleek /S and /W see- ing /S RHM ball 0.015676489 5 73 BP: That, like this sleek and seeing ball /W der, That, /S like /W this /S sleek /W and /S see- ing> /W () /S RHM ball 2.69E-08 6 74 BP: But a prick will make no eye at all, /W But a /S prick /W will /S make /W no /S eye /W at /S RHM all, 1 1 1 1 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W GCLWhere /S we, /W () /S e- /W ven /S where /W we /S RHM mean 1 0.703612064 1 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W () /S GCLWhere /W we, /S e- /W ven /S where /W we /S RHM mean 0.246071056 2 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W GCLWhere /S we, /W () /S e- /W ven where /S we /W () /S RHM mean 0.021549473 3 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W () /S GCLWhere /W () /S we, /W () /S e- /W ven where we /S RHM mean 0.021230912 4 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W () /S GCLWhere /W we, /S e- /W ven where /S we /W () /S RHM mean 0.0075364 5 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W GCLWhere /S we, /W () /S e- ven> /W where /S we /W () /S RHM mean 2.59E-08 6.5 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W GCLWhere /S we, /W () /S e- ven> /W () /S where /W we /S RHM mean 2.59E-08 6.5 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W () /S GCLWhere /W () /S we, /W () /S e- ven> /W where we /S RHM mean 2.58E-08 8 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W () /S GCLWhere /W we, /S e- ven> /W where /S we /W () /S RHM mean 9.07E-09 9.5 75 BP: Where we, even where we mean /W () /S GCLWhere /W we, /S e- ven> /W () /S where /W we /S RHM mean 9.07E-09 9.5 76 BP: To mend her we end her, /W To /S mend /W her we /S RHM end /W her, 1 1 0.999992374 1 76 BP: To mend her we end her, /W To /S mend her> /W we /S RHM end /W her, 6.49E-06 2 76 BP: To mend her we end her, /W To /S mend /W her we /S RHM end her,> 1.13E-06 3 76 BP: To mend her we end her, /W To /S mend her> /W we /S RHM end her,> 7.36E-12 4 77 BP: When we hew or delve: /W her, /S GCLWhen /W we /S hew /W or /S RHM delve: 1 1 0.959446179 1 77 BP: When we hew or delve: /W her, GCLWhen /S we /W () /S hew /W or /S RHM delve: 0.029384886 2 77 BP: When we hew or delve: /W her, GCLWhen /S we /W hew /S or /W () /S RHM delve: 0.010276643 3 77 BP: When we hew or delve: /W her, GCLWhen we /S hew /W () /S or /W () /S RHM delve: 8.92E-04 4 78 BP: After-comers cannot guess the beauty been. /W () /S GCLAf- /W ter- /S com- ers /W can- /S not /W () /S guess /W the /S beau- /W ty /S RHM been. 1 0.454034816 1 78 BP: After-comers cannot guess the beauty been. /W () /S GCLAf- /W ter- /S com- /W ers can- /S not /W () /S guess /W the /S beau- /W ty /S RHM been. 0.333808054 2 78 BP: After-comers cannot guess the beauty been. /W () /S GCLAf- /W ter- /S com- ers> /W can- /S not /W () /S guess /W the /S beau- /W ty /S RHM been. 0.208621532 3 78 BP: After-comers cannot guess the beauty been. /W () /S GCLAf- /W ter- /S com- ers /W can- /S not /W () /S guess /W the /S beau- ty> /W () /S RHM been. 0.00161098 4 78 BP: After-comers cannot guess the beauty been. /W () /S GCLAf- /W ter- /S com- /W ers can- /S not /W () /S guess /W the /S beau- ty> /W () /S RHM been. 0.001184399 5 78 BP: After-comers cannot guess the beauty been. /W () /S GCLAf- /W ter- /S com- ers> /W can- /S not /W () /S guess /W the /S beau- ty> /W () /S RHM been. 7.40E-04 6 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W () /S GCLTen /W or /S twelve,GCL /W () /S GCLon- /W ly /S ten /W or /S RHM twelve 1 1 0.797639672 1 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W GCLTen /S or /W () /S twelve,GCL /W () /S GCLon- /W ly /S ten /W or /S RHM twelve 0.140033656 2 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W () /S GCLTen /W () /S or /W twelve,GCL /S GCLon- /W ly /S ten /W or /S RHM twelve 0.048973335 3 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W GCLTen /S or /W twelve,GCL /S GCLon- /W ly /S ten /W () /S or /W () /S RHM twelve 0.008597761 4 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W () /S GCLTen /W or /S twelve,GCL /W () /S GCLon- ly> /W () /S ten /W or /S RHM twelve 0.00283014 5 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W () /S GCLTen /W or /S twelve,GCL /W () /S GCLon- ly> /W ten /S or /W () /S RHM twelve 9.90E-04 6 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W GCLTen /S or /W () /S twelve,GCL /W () /S GCLon- ly> /W () /S ten /W or /S RHM twelve 4.97E-04 7 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W GCLTen /S or /W () /S twelve,GCL /W () /S GCLon- ly> /W ten /S or /W () /S RHM twelve 1.74E-04 8.5 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W () /S GCLTen /W () /S or /W twelve,GCL /S GCLon- ly> /W () /S ten /W or /S RHM twelve 1.74E-04 8.5 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W () /S GCLTen /W () /S or /W twelve,GCL /S GCLon- ly> /W ten /S or /W () /S RHM twelve 6.08E-05 10 79 BP: Ten or twelve, only ten or twelve /W GCLTen /S or /W twelve,GCL /S GCLon- ly> /W () /S ten /W () /S or /W () /S RHM twelve 3.05E-05 11 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W of /S ha- /W voc /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 1 0.736260926 1 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W GCLStrokes /S of /W () /S ha- /W voc /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 0.129258001 2 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W () /S of /W ha- voc /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 0.045204814 3 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W of /S ha- voc /W () /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 0.030670968 4.5 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W () /S of /W () /S ha- voc /W un-GCL /S RHM GCLselve 0.030670968 4.5 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W () /S of /W () /S ha- /W voc un-GCL /S RHM GCLselve 0.022549408 6 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W GCLStrokes /S of /W () /S ha- voc /W () /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 0.005384597 7 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W of /S ha- voc> /W () /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 1.46E-07 8.5 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W () /S GCLStrokes /W () /S of /W () /S ha- voc> /W un-GCL /S RHM GCLselve 1.46E-07 8.5 80 BP: Strokes of havoc únselve /W GCLStrokes /S of /W () /S ha- voc> /W () /S un-GCL /W () /S RHM GCLselve 2.57E-08 10 81 BP: The sweet especial scene, /W The /S sweet /W es- /S pec- /W ial /S RHM scene, 1 0.960008191 1 81 BP: The sweet especial scene, /W The /S sweet /W es- /S pec- ial /W () /S RHM scene, 0.039991774 2 81 BP: The sweet especial scene, /W The /S sweet /W es- /S pec- ial> /W () /S RHM scene, 3.54E-08 3 82 BP: Rural scene, a rural scene, /W () /S GCLRu- /W ral /S scene, /W a /S ru- /W ral /S RHM scene 1 1 0.999999926 1 82 BP: Rural scene, a rural scene, /W () /S GCLRu- /W ral /S scene, /W a /S ru- ral> /W () /S RHM scene 3.69E-08 2.5 82 BP: Rural scene, a rural scene, /W () /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S scene, /W a /S ru- /W ral /S RHM scene 3.69E-08 2.5 82 BP: Rural scene, a rural scene, /W () /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S scene, /W a /S ru- ral> /W () /S RHM scene 1.36E-15 4 83 BP: Sweet especial rural scene. /W () /S GCLSweet /W es- /S pe- /W cial /S ru- /W ral /S RHM scene. 1 0.960008155 1 83 BP: Sweet especial rural scene. /W () /S GCLSweet /W es- /S pe- cial /W () /S ru- /W ral /S RHM scene. 0.039991772 2 83 BP: Sweet especial rural scene. /W () /S GCLSweet /W es- /S pe- /W cial /S ru- ral> /W () /S RHM scene. 3.54E-08 3.5 83 BP: Sweet especial rural scene. /W () /S GCLSweet /W es- /S pe- cial> /W () /S ru- /W ral /S RHM scene. 3.54E-08 3.5 83 BP: Sweet especial rural scene. /W () /S GCLSweet /W es- /S pe- cial /W () /S ru- ral> /W () /S RHM scene. 1.47E-09 5 83 BP: Sweet especial rural scene. /W () /S GCLSweet /W es- /S pe- cial> /W () /S ru- ral> /W () /S RHM scene. 1.30E-15 6 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- /W ly the /S el- /W der /S RHM bro- /W ther's 1 0.808219568 1 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- /W ly the /S el- /W der /S RHM bro- ther's 0.191778276 2 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- ly> /W the /S el- /W der /S RHM bro- /W ther's 9.73E-07 3 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- /W ly the /S el- /W der /S RHM bro- ther's> 9.16E-07 4 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- ly> /W the /S el- /W der /S RHM bro- ther's 2.31E-07 5 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- /W ly the /S el- der> /W () /S RHM bro- /W ther's 2.98E-08 6 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- /W ly the /S el- der> /W () /S RHM bro- ther's 7.07E-09 7 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- ly> /W the /S el- /W der /S RHM bro- ther's> 1.10E-12 8 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- ly> /W the /S el- der> /W () /S RHM bro- /W ther's 3.59E-14 9 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- /W ly the /S el- der> /W () /S RHM bro- ther's> 3.38E-14 10 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- ly> /W the /S el- der> /W () /S RHM bro- ther's 8.51E-15 11 84 BR: How lovely the elder brother's /W How /S love- ly> /W the /S el- der> /W () /S RHM bro- ther's> 4.06E-20 12 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W ACCTLife /S all /W ACCTlaced /S in /W the /S RHM ACCTo- /W ther's, 1 0.509467773 1 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W () /S ACCTLife /W all /S ACCTlaced /W in the /S RHM ACCTo- /W ther's, 0.25413657 2 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W ACCTLife /S all /W ACCTlaced /S in /W the /S RHM ACCTo- ther's, 0.120888995 3 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W () /S ACCTLife /W all /S ACCTlaced /W in the /S RHM ACCTo- ther's, 0.060302763 4 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W ACCTLife /S all /W () /S ACCTlaced /W in the /S RHM ACCTo- /W ther's, 0.044616228 5 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W ACCTLife /S all /W () /S ACCTlaced /W in the /S RHM ACCTo- ther's, 0.010586756 6 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W ACCTLife /S all /W ACCTlaced /S in /W the /S RHM ACCTo- ther's,> 5.77E-07 7 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W () /S ACCTLife /W all /S ACCTlaced /W in the /S RHM ACCTo- ther's,> 2.88E-07 8 85 BR: Life all laced in the other's, /W ACCTLife /S all /W () /S ACCTlaced /W in the /S RHM ACCTo- ther's,> 5.05E-08 9 86 BR: Love-laced! -- what once I well /W Love- /S laced! -- /W what /S once /W I /S RHM well 1 1 0.999998867 1 86 BR: Love-laced! -- what once I well /W () /S Love- laced! --> /W what /S once /W I /S RHM well 1.13E-06 2 87 BR: Witnessed; so fortune fell. /W Wit- /S nessed; /W so /S for- /W tune /S RHM fell. 1 1 0.999998668 1 87 BR: Witnessed; so fortune fell. /W () /S Wit- nessed;> /W so /S for- /W tune /S RHM fell. 1.13E-06 2 87 BR: Witnessed; so fortune fell. /W Wit- /S nessed; /W so /S for- tune> /W () /S RHM fell. 1.99E-07 3 87 BR: Witnessed; so fortune fell. /W () /S Wit- nessed;> /W so /S for- tune> /W () /S RHM fell. 2.25E-13 4 88 BR: When Shrovetide, two years gone, /W When /S Shrove- /W tide, /S two /W years /S RHM gone, 1 1 0.999998471 1 88 BR: When Shrovetide, two years gone, /W When /S Shrove- tide,> /W () /S two /W years /S RHM gone, 1.13E-06 2 88 BR: When Shrovetide, two years gone, /W When /S Shrove- tide,> /W two /S years /W () /S RHM gone, 3.96E-07 3 89 BR: Our boys' plays brought on /W Our /S boys' /W () /S plays /W brought /S RHM on 1 0.890634028 1 89 BR: Our boys' plays brought on /W Our /S boys' /W plays /S brought /W () /S RHM on 0.054682986 2.5 89 BR: Our boys' plays brought on /W () /S Our /W boys' /S plays /W brought /S RHM on 0.054682986 2.5 90 BR: Part was picked for John, /W () /S Part /W was /S picked /W for /S RHM John, 1 0.808434976 1 90 BR: Part was picked for John, /W Part /S was /W () /S picked /W for /S RHM John, 0.14192888 2 90 BR: Part was picked for John, /W Part /S was /W picked /S for /W () /S RHM John, 0.049636144 3 91 BR: Young John: then fear, then joy /W Young /S ACCTJohn: /W then /S ACCTfear, /W then /S RHM joy 1 1 1 1 92 BR: Ran revel in the elder boy. /W Ran /S ACCTre- vel /W in the /S ACCTel- /W der /S RHM ACCTboy 1 0.578391092 1 92 BR: Ran revel in the elder boy. /W Ran /S ACCTre- /W vel in the /S ACCTel- /W der /S RHM ACCTboy 0.42160836 2 92 BR: Ran revel in the elder boy. /W Ran /S ACCTre- vel> /W in the /S ACCTel- /W der /S RHM ACCTboy 5.12E-07 3 92 BR: Ran revel in the elder boy. /W Ran /S ACCTre- vel /W in the /S ACCTel- der> /W () /S RHM ACCTboy 2.13E-08 4 92 BR: Ran revel in the elder boy. /W Ran /S ACCTre- /W vel in the /S ACCTel- der> /W () /S RHM ACCTboy 1.55E-08 5 92 BR: Ran revel in the elder boy. /W Ran /S ACCTre- vel> /W in the /S ACCTel- der> /W () /S RHM ACCTboy 1.89E-14 6 93 BR: Now the night come, all /W () /S GCLNow /W the /S night /W come, /S RHM all 1 1 1 1 94 BR: Our company thronged the hall; /W Our /S com- /W pa- ny /S thronged /W the /S RHM hall. 1 1 0.99999886 1 94 BR: Our company thronged the hall; /W Our /S com- pa- ny>> /W () /S thronged /W the /S RHM hall. 1.14E-06 2 95 BR: Henry, by the wall, /W () /S GCLHen- /W ry /S by /W the /S RHM wall 1 1 0.999999801 1 95 BR: Henry, by the wall, /W () /S GCLHen- ry> /W () /S by /W the /S RHM wall 1.99E-07 2 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- /W ckoned /S me /W be- /S RHM side /W him. 1 0.813151127 1 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W GCLBe- ckoned /S me /W be- /S RHM side /W () /S him. 0.142756848 2 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- ckoned /W () /S me /W be- /S RHM side /W him. 0.03387404 3 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- ckoned /W me be- /S RHM side /W () /S him. 0.005909418 4 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- /W ckoned me be- /S RHM side /W () /S him. 0.00430757 5 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- /W ckoned /S me /W be- /S RHM side him.> 9.21E-07 6 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- ckoned /W () /S me /W be- /S RHM side him.> 3.84E-08 7 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- ckoned me>> /W be- /S RHM side /W () /S him. 3.00E-08 8 96 BR: Beckoned me beside him: /W () /S GCLBe- ckoned me> /W be- /S RHM side /W () /S him. 7.11E-09 9 97 BR: I came where called, and eyed him /W I /S came /W where /S called /W and /S RHM eyed /W him 1 1 0.999998867 1 97 BR: I came where called, and eyed him /W I /S came /W where /S called /W and /S RHM eyed him> 1.13E-06 2 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- /W whiles; /S ma- /W king /S RHM ACCTmy /W play 1 1 0.999998547 1 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- whiles;> /W () /S ma- /W king /S RHM ACCTmy /W play 1.13E-06 2 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- /W whiles; /S ma- /W king /S RHM ACCTmy play> 2.10E-07 3 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- /W whiles; /S ma- king> /W RHM ACCTmy /S play 7.34E-08 4 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- /W whiles; /S ma- king> /W () /S RHM ACCTmy /W play 3.69E-08 5 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- whiles;> /W () /S ma- /W king /S RHM ACCTmy play> 2.38E-13 6 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- whiles;> /W () /S ma- king> /W RHM ACCTmy /S play 8.32E-14 7 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- whiles;> /W () /S ma- king> /W () /S RHM ACCTmy /W play 4.18E-14 8 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- /W whiles; /S ma- king> /W () /S RHM ACCTmy play> 7.74E-15 9 98 BR: By meanwhiles; making my play /W By /S mean- whiles;> /W () /S ma- king> /W () /S RHM ACCTmy play> 8.77E-21 10 99 BR: Turn most on tender byplay. /W Turn /S most /W on /S ten- /W der /S RHM by- /W play 1 1 0.999998757 1 99 BR: Turn most on tender byplay. /W Turn /S most /W on /S ten- /W der /S RHM by- play> 1.13E-06 2 99 BR: Turn most on tender byplay. /W Turn /S most /W on /S ten- der> /W RHM by- /S play 7.34E-08 3 99 BR: Turn most on tender byplay. /W Turn /S most /W on /S ten- der> /W () /S RHM by- /W play 3.69E-08 4 99 BR: Turn most on tender byplay. /W Turn /S most /W on /S ten- der> /W () /S RHM by- play> 4.18E-14 5 100 BR: For, wrung all on love's rack, /W For, /S wrung /W all /S on /W love's /S RHM rack, 1 0.667188155 1 100 BR: For, wrung all on love's rack, /W For, /S wrung /W all on /S love's /W () /S RHM rack, 0.332811845 2 101 BR: My lad, and lost in Jack, /W My /S lad, /W and /S lost /W in /S RHM Jack, 1 1 1 1 102 BR: Smiled, blushed, and bit his lip; /W Smiled, /S blushed, /W and /S bit /W his /S RHM lip, 1 1 1 1 103 BR: Or drove, with a diver's dip, /W Or /S drove, /W with a /S di- /W ver's /S RHM dip, 1 1 0.999999801 1 103 BR: Or drove, with a diver's dip, /W Or /S drove, /W with a /S di- ver's> /W () /S RHM dip, 1.99E-07 2 104 BR: Clutched hands through clasped knees -- /W Clutched /S hands /W through /S clas- /W pe`d /S RHM knees; 1 1 0.999999963 1 104 BR: Clutched hands through clasped knees -- /W Clutched /S hands /W through /S clas- pe`d> /W () /S RHM knees; 3.69E-08 2 105 BR: And many a mark like these /W And /S ma- ny /W a /S mark /W like /S RHM these 1 0.576301231 1 105 BR: And many a mark like these /W And /S ma- /W ny a /S mark /W like /S RHM these 0.423698769 2 106 BR: Told tales with what heart's stress /W Told /S tales /W with /S what /W heart's /S RHM stress 1 0.667188155 1 106 BR: Told tales with what heart's stress /W Told /S tales /W with what /S heart's /W () /S RHM stress 0.332811845 2 107 BR: He hung on the imp's success. /W He /S hung /W on /S *H the imp's /W su- /S RHM cess. 1 1 1 1 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- /W ther /S was /W ACCTbrass- /S RHM ACCTbold: 1 0.348384713 1 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther /W was /S ACCTbrass- /W () /S RHM ACCTbold: 0.236375185 2 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- /W ther /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 0.174886995 3 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- /W ther was /S ACCTbrass- /W () /S RHM ACCTbold: 0.173783899 4 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W ACCT *H the^o- ther /S was /W ACCTbrass- /S RHM ACCTbold: 0.021390061 5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther /W () /S was /W ACCTbrass- /S RHM ACCTbold: 0.014512921 6 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W ACCT *H the^o- ther /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 0.01073768 7 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther /W () /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 0.007285397 8.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W () /S ACCT *H the^o- ther /W was /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 0.007285397 8.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W () /S ACCT *H the^o- /W ther was /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 0.005356251 10 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther> /W was /S ACCTbrass- /W () /S RHM ACCTbold: 1.13E-06 11 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- /W ther /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 1.98E-07 12 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther> /W () /S was /W ACCTbrass- /S RHM ACCTbold: 6.93E-08 13 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther> /W () /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 3.48E-08 14.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W () /S ACCT *H the^o- ther> /W was /S ACCTbrass- /W RHM ACCTbold: 3.48E-08 14.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W ACCT *H the^o- ther /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 1.22E-08 16 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther /W () /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 8.25E-09 17.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W () /S ACCT *H the^o- ther /W was /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 8.25E-09 17.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W () /S ACCT *H the^o- /W ther was /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 6.07E-09 19 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W Now /S ACCT *H the^o- ther> /W () /S was /W () /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 3.94E-14 20.5 108 BR: Now the other was brass-bold: /W () /S Now /W () /S ACCT *H the^o- ther> /W was /S ACCTbrass- RHM ACCTbold:> 3.94E-14 20.5 109 BR: He had no work to hold /W He /S had /W no /S work /W to /S RHM hold 1 0.959446179 1 109 BR: He had no work to hold /W He had /S no /W () /S work /W to /S RHM hold 0.029384886 2 109 BR: He had no work to hold /W He had /S no /W work /S to /W () /S RHM hold 0.010276643 3 109 BR: He had no work to hold /W He had no /S work /W () /S to /W () /S RHM hold 8.92E-04 4 110 BR: His heart up at the strain; /W His /S heart /W up /S at /W the /S RHM strain; 1 0.653827887 1 110 BR: His heart up at the strain; /W His /S heart /W () /S up /W at the /S RHM strain; 0.326147375 2 110 BR: His heart up at the strain; /W () /S His /W heart /S up /W at the /S RHM strain; 0.020024737 3 111 BR: Nay, roguish ran the vein. /W Nay /S rogu- /W ish /S ran /W the /S RHM vein. 1 1 0.999999963 1 111 BR: Nay, roguish ran the vein. /W Nay /S rogu- ish> /W () /S ran /W the /S RHM vein. 3.69E-08 2 112 BR: Two tedious acts were past; /W Two /S te- /W di- ous /S acts /W were /S RHM past; 1 1 0.999999715 1 112 BR: Two tedious acts were past; /W Two /S te- di- ous>> /W () /S acts /W were /S RHM past; 2.11E-07 2 112 BR: Two tedious acts were past; /W Two /S te- di- ous>> /W acts /S were /W () /S RHM past; 7.39E-08 3 113 BR: Jack's call and cue at last; /W Jack's /S call /W and /S cue /W at /S RHM last; 1 1 1 1 114 BR: When Henry, heart-forsook, /W When /S Hen- /W ry, /S heart /W for- /S RHM sook, 1 1 0.999999801 1 114 BR: When Henry, heart-forsook, /W When /S Hen- ry,> /W () /S heart /W for- /S RHM sook, 1.99E-07 2 115 BR: Dropped eyes and dared not look. /W Dropped /S eyes /W and /S dared /W not /S RHM look. 1 1 1 1 116 BR: There! The hall rung; /W () /S ACCTThere! /W the /S ACCThall /W () /S RHM ACCTrung; 1 1 1 1 117 BR: Dog, he did give tongue! /W Dog, /S he /W did /S give /W () /S RHM tongue! 1 0.630685637 1 117 BR: Dog, he did give tongue! /W () /S Dog, /W he /S did /W give /S RHM tongue! 0.220566827 2 117 BR: Dog, he did give tongue! /W () /S Dog, /W he did /S give /W () /S RHM tongue! 0.110024814 3 117 BR: Dog, he did give tongue! /W Dog, /S he /W () /S did /W give /S RHM tongue! 0.038722722 4 118 BR: Oh, Harry -- in his hands he has flung /W Oh, /S Ha- rry, - /W in his /S hands /W he has /S RHM flung 1 0.578389812 1 118 BR: Oh, Harry -- in his hands he has flung /W Oh, /S Ha- /W rry, - in his /S hands /W he has /S RHM flung 0.421607427 2 118 BR: Oh, Harry -- in his hands he has flung /W Oh, /S Ha- rry, -> /W in his /S hands /W he has /S RHM flung 2.76E-06 3 119 BR: But Harry -- in his hands he has flung /W But /S Ha- rry, - /W in his /S hands /W he has /S RHM flung 1 0.578389812 1 119 BR: But Harry -- in his hands he has flung /W But /S Ha- /W rry, - in his /S hands /W he has /S RHM flung 0.421607427 2 119 BR: But Harry -- in his hands he has flung /W But /S Ha- rry, -> /W in his /S hands /W he has /S RHM flung 2.76E-06 3 120 BR: His tear-tricked cheeks of flame /W His /S tear- /W tricked /S cheeks /W of /S RHM flame 1 1 0.999999777 1 120 BR: His tear-tricked cheeks of flame /W His /S tear- tricked> /W () /S cheeks /W of /S RHM flame 2.10E-07 2 120 BR: His tear-tricked cheeks of flame /W His /S tear- tricked> /W cheeks /S of /W () /S RHM flame 1.29E-08 3 121 BR: For fond love and for shame. /W For /S fond /W love /S and /W for /S RHM shame. -- 1 0.653827887 1 121 BR: For fond love and for shame. /W For /S fond /W () /S love /W and for /S RHM shame. -- 0.326147375 2 121 BR: For fond love and for shame. /W () /S For /W fond /S love /W and for /S RHM shame. -- 0.020024737 3 122 BR: Ah Nature, framed in fault, /W Ah /S Na- /W ture, /S framed /W in /S RHM fault, 1 1 0.999999732 1 122 BR: Ah Nature, framed in fault, /W Ah /S Na- ture,> /W () /S framed /W in /S RHM fault, 1.99E-07 2 122 BR: Ah Nature, framed in fault, /W Ah /S Na- ture,> /W framed /S in /W () /S RHM fault, 6.96E-08 3 123 BR: There's comfort then, there's salt; /W There's /S com- /W fort /S then, /W there's /S RHM salt! 1 0.667187398 1 123 BR: There's comfort then, there's salt; /W There's /S com- /W fort then, /S there's /W () /S RHM salt! 0.332811467 2 123 BR: There's comfort then, there's salt; /W () /S There's /W () /S com- fort then,>> /W there's /S RHM salt! 7.56E-07 3 123 BR: There's comfort then, there's salt; /W There's /S com- fort then,>> /W () /S there's /W () /S RHM salt! 3.79E-07 4 124 BR: Nature, bad, base, and blind, /W Na- /S ture /W bad, /S base, /W and /S RHM blind. 1 1 0.99999979 1 124 BR: Nature, bad, base, and blind, /W () /S Na- ture> /W bad, /S base, /W and /S RHM blind. 2.10E-07 2 125 BR: Dearly thou canst be kind; /W Dear- /S ly /W thou /S canst /W be /S RHM kind; 1 1 0.999998867 1 125 BR: Dearly thou canst be kind; /W () /S Dear- ly> /W thou /S canst /W be /S RHM kind; 1.13E-06 2 126 BR: There dearly then, dearly, /W There /S ACCTdear- /W ly /S ACCTthen, /W () /S ACCTdear- /W ly, 1 1 0.999998867 1 126 BR: There dearly then, dearly, /W There /S ACCTdear- /W ly /S ACCTthen, /W () /S ACCTdear- ly,> 1.13E-06 2 127 BR: Dearly thou canst be kind. /W Dear- /S ly /W thou /S canst /W be /S RHM kind. 1 1 0.999998867 1 127 BR: Dearly thou canst be kind. /W () /S Dear- ly> /W thou /S canst /W be /S RHM kind. 1.13E-06 2 128 BR: I'll cry thou canst be kind. /W I'll /S cry /W thou /S canst /W be /S RHM kind. 1 1 1 1 129 CC: Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee; /W Not, /S I'll /W not, /S car- /W rion /S com- Ofort,> /W Des- /S pair, /W not /S feast /W on /S RHM thee; 1 1 0.383245928 2 129 CC: Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee; /W Not, /S I'll /W not, /S car- /W rion /S com- /W Ofort, Des- /S pair, /W not /S feast /W on /S RHM thee; 0.613218474 1 129 CC: Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee; /W Not, /S I'll /W not, /S car- rion> /W () /S com- /W Ofort, Des- /S pair, /W not /S feast /W on /S RHM thee; 0.002175787 3 129 CC: Not, I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee; /W Not, /S I'll /W not, /S car- rion> /W () /S com- Ofort,> /W Des- /S pair, /W not /S feast /W on /S RHM thee; 0.001359811 4 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W slack /S they /W may /S be-- /W these /S last /W () /S strands /W of /S RHM man 1 0.683783757 1 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W () /S slack /W they may /S be-- /W these /S last /W () /S strands /W of /S RHM man 0.119287925 2 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W () /S slack /W they /S may /W be-- /S these /W last /S strands /W of /S RHM man 0.083632156 3 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W slack /S they /W may /S be-- /W these /S last /W strands /S of /W () /S RHM man 0.041982831 4.5 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W slack /S they /W may /S be-- /W () /S these /W last /S strands /W of /S RHM man 0.041982831 4.5 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W slack /S they /W () /S may /W be-- /S these /W last /S strands /W of /S RHM man 0.014682465 6 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W () /S slack /W they may /S be-- /W these /S last /W strands /S of /W () /S RHM man 0.007324018 7.5 130 CC: Not untwist -- slack they may be -- these last strands of man /W Not un- /S twist -- /W () /S slack /W they may /S be-- /W () /S these /W last /S strands /W of /S RHM man 0.007324018 7.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- /W ry, /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 1 1 0.777577786 1 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- /W ry, /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.085316267 2.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W () /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- /W ry, /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.085316267 2.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- /W ry, /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.023611697 4 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W () /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.014883653 5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W () /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.005205193 6 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W () /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.001820388 7 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W () /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.001633043 8.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W () /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W () /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 0.001633043 8.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W more. /S I /W () /S RHM can; 6.37E-04 10 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W () /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 5.71E-04 11.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W () /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W () /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 5.71E-04 11.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W () /S cry /W I /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 4.52E-04 13 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W () /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 2.00E-04 14.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W () /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W () /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 2.00E-04 14.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W () /S can /W no /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 1.58E-04 16 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W more. /S I /W () /S RHM can; 6.99E-05 17.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /O In me>> /W () /S ACCTor, /W most /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W more. /S I /W () /S RHM can; 6.99E-05 17.5 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W () /S more. /W I /S RHM can; 5.53E-05 19 131 CC: In me ór, most weary, cry I can no more. I can; /W In me ACCTor, /S most /W () /S wea- ry,> /W cry /S I /W can /S no /W more. /S I /W () /S RHM can; 1.93E-05 20 132 CC: Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be. /W Can /S some- /W thing, /S hope, /W wish /S day /W come, /S not /W choose /S not /W to /S RHM be. 1 1 0.667915598 1 132 CC: Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be. /W Can /S some- thing,> /W hope, /S wish /W day /S come, /W not /S choose /W () /S not /W to /S RHM be. 0.20822571 2 132 CC: Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be. /W Can /S some- thing,> /W () /S hope, /W wish /S day /W come, /S not /W choose /S not /W to /S RHM be. 0.072821833 3 132 CC: Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be. /W Can /S some- thing,> /W hope, /S wish /W () /S day /W come, /S not /W choose /S not /W to /S RHM be. 0.025467649 4 132 CC: Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be. /W Can /S some- thing,> /W hope, /S wish /W day /S come, /W not /S choose /W not /S to /W () /S RHM be. 0.012784604 5.5 132 CC: Can something, hope, wish day come, not choose not to be. /W Can /S some- thing,> /W hope, /S wish /W day /S come, /W () /S not /W choose /S not /W to /S RHM be. 0.012784604 5.5 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on /S RHM me 1 1 0.240515235 2.5 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- /W Orri- /S Oble, /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.384840058 1 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- /W Orri- /S Oble, /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 0.240515235 2.5 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on /S RHM me 0.057070626 4 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- /W Oble, /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.016031568 5 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- /W Orri- Oble, /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.011786467 6 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- /W Oble, /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 0.010019322 7 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- /W Orri- Oble, /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 0.007366242 8 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- /W Oble, /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude /W on RHM me 0.005606648 9 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- /W Orri- Oble, /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude /W on RHM me 0.004122028 10 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- /W Oble, /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude on RHM me>> 0.003504012 11 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- /W Orri- Oble, /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude on RHM me>> 0.002576162 12 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W () /S thou /W () /S rude /W on RHM me 0.001293218 15 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W () /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.001293218 15 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W () /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.001293218 15 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.001293218 15 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W () /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 0.001293218 15 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W () /S thou /W () /S rude on RHM me>> 8.08E-04 20 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W () /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 8.08E-04 20 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W () /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 8.08E-04 20 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 8.08E-04 20 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W () /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 8.08E-04 20 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W () /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude /W on RHM me 4.52E-04 24 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 4.52E-04 24 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 4.52E-04 24 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W () /S thou /W () /S rude /W on RHM me 3.07E-04 28 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W () /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 3.07E-04 28 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W () /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 3.07E-04 28 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 3.07E-04 28 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W () /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 3.07E-04 28 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W () /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude on RHM me>> 2.83E-04 32 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 2.83E-04 32 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 2.83E-04 32 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W () /S thou /W () /S rude on RHM me>> 1.92E-04 36 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W () /S why /W () /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 1.92E-04 36 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W () /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 1.92E-04 36 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 1.92E-04 36 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W () /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 1.92E-04 36 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 1.58E-04 39 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W () /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude /W on RHM me 1.07E-04 41 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 1.07E-04 41 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 1.07E-04 41 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,>> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 9.89E-05 43 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W but /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W () /S why /W wouldst /S thou /W () /S rude on RHM me>> 6.71E-05 45 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W But /S ah, /W () /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 6.71E-05 45 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W () /S O /W thou /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 6.71E-05 45 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude /W on RHM me 3.75E-05 47 133 CC: But ah, but O thou terrible, why wouldst thou rude on me /W () /S But /W ah, /S but /W O /S thou /W () /S te- Orri- Oble,> /W why /S wouldst /W thou /S rude on RHM me>> 2.35E-05 48 134 CC: Thy wring-world right foot rock? lay a lionlimb against me? scan /W Thy /S wring- /W world /S right foot> /W rock? /S lay /W a /S li- on- limb> /W a- /S gainst /W me? /S RHM scan 1 0.904316772 1 134 CC: Thy wring-world right foot rock? lay a lionlimb against me? scan /W Thy /S wring- world> /W right /S foot /W rock? /S lay /W a /S li- on- limb> /W a- /S gainst /W me? /S RHM scan 0.058625053 2 134 CC: Thy wring-world right foot rock? lay a lionlimb against me? scan /W Thy /S wring- world> /W () /S right foot> /W rock? /S lay /W a /S li- on- limb> /W a- /S gainst /W me? /S RHM scan 0.018276626 3 134 CC: Thy wring-world right foot rock? lay a lionlimb against me? scan /W Thy /S wring- /W world /S right foot> /W rock? /S lay /W a /S li- on- limb> /W a- /S gainst me?> /W () /S RHM scan 0.01730957 4 134 CC: Thy wring-world right foot rock? lay a lionlimb against me? scan /W Thy /S wring- world> /W right /S foot /W rock? /S lay /W a /S li- on- limb> /W a- /S gainst me?> /W () /S RHM scan 0.001122145 5 134 CC: Thy wring-world right foot rock? lay a lionlimb against me? scan /W Thy /S wring- world> /W () /S right foot> /W rock? /S lay /W a /S li- on- limb> /W a- /S gainst me?> /W () /S RHM scan 3.50E-04 6 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- /W ing /S eyes /W my /S brui- /W se`d /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 1 1 0.609542064 1 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- /W ing /S eyes /W my /S brui- /W se`d /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 0.380948265 2 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- /W ing /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W () /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 0.002162742 3.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- ing> /W () /S eyes /W my /S brui- /W se`d /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 0.002162742 3.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- /W ing /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W () /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 0.001351659 5.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- ing> /W () /S eyes /W my /S brui- /W se`d /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 0.001351659 5.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- /W ing /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W bones? /S and /W () /S RHM fan, 7.56E-04 7.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- ing> /W eyes /S my /W () /S brui- /W se`d /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 7.56E-04 7.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- /W ing /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W bones? /S and /W () /S RHM fan, 4.73E-04 9.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- ing> /W eyes /S my /W () /S brui- /W se`d /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 4.73E-04 9.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- ing> /W () /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W () /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 7.67E-06 11 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- ing> /W () /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W () /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 4.80E-06 12 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- ing> /W eyes /S my /W () /S brui- se`d> /W () /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 2.68E-06 13.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- ing> /W () /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W bones? /S and /W () /S RHM fan, 2.68E-06 13.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- ing> /W eyes /S my /W () /S brui- se`d> /W () /S bones? /W and /S RHM fan, 1.68E-06 15.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- ing> /W () /S eyes /W my /S brui- se`d> /W bones? /S and /W () /S RHM fan, 1.68E-06 15.5 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- /W some de- /S vour- ing> /W eyes /S my /W () /S brui- se`d> /W bones? /S and /W () /S RHM fan, 9.39E-07 17 135 CC: With darksome devouring eyes my bruisèd bones? and fan, /W With /S dark- some> /W de- /S vour- ing> /W eyes /S my /W () /S brui- se`d> /W bones? /S and /W () /S RHM fan, 5.87E-07 18 136 CC: O in turns of tempest, me heaped there; me frantic to avoid thee and flee? /W *H O in /S turns /W of /S tem- Opest,> /W me /S heaped Othere;> /W me /S fran- Otic> /W to a- /S void /W thee and /S RHM flee? 1 1 0.064383933 3 136 CC: O in turns of tempest, me heaped there; me frantic to avoid thee and flee? /W *H O in /S turns /W of /S tem- Opest,> /W me /S heaped Othere;> /W me /S fran- /W Otic to a- /S void /W thee and /S RHM flee? 0.551010328 1 136 CC: O in turns of tempest, me heaped there; me frantic to avoid thee and flee? /W *H O in /S turns /W of /S tem- Opest,> /W me /S heaped Othere;> /W me /S fran- /W Otic to a- /S void thee> /W and /S RHM flee? 0.344367421 2 136 CC: O in turns of tempest, me heaped there; me frantic to avoid thee and flee? /W *H O in /S turns /W of /S tem- Opest,> /W me /S heaped Othere;> /W me /S fran- Otic> /W to a- /S void thee> /W and /S RHM flee? 0.040238318 4 137 CC: Why? That my chaff might fly; my grain lie, sheer and clear. /W Why? /S that /W my /S chaff /W might /S fly; /W my /S grain /W lie, /S sheer /W and /S RHM clear. 1 1 1 1 138 CC: Nay in all that toil, that coil, since (seems) I kissed the rod, /W Nay in /S all /W that /S toil, /W that /S coil, /W since /S (seems) /W I /S kissed /W the /S RHM rod, 1 1 1 1 139 CC: Hand rather, my heart lo! lapped strength, stole joy, would laugh, chéer. /W Hand /S ra- Other,> /W my /S heart Olo!> /W lapped /S strength, /W stole /S joy, /W would /S laugh, /W () /S RHM cheer. 1 0.733307388 1 139 CC: Hand rather, my heart lo! lapped strength, stole joy, would laugh, chéer. /W Hand /S ra- Other,> /W my /S heart /W Olo! /S lapped /W strength, /S stole /W joy, /S would /W laugh, /S RHM cheer. 0.100613223 2 139 CC: Hand rather, my heart lo! lapped strength, stole joy, would laugh, chéer. /W Hand /S ra- Other,> /W my /S heart Olo!> /W lapped /S strength, /W () /S stole /W joy, /S would /W laugh, /S RHM cheer. 0.089689287 3 139 CC: Hand rather, my heart lo! lapped strength, stole joy, would laugh, chéer. /W Hand /S ra- Other,> /W my /S heart Olo!> /W lapped /S strength, /W stole /S joy, /W () /S would /W laugh, /S RHM cheer. 0.045023474 4 139 CC: Hand rather, my heart lo! lapped strength, stole joy, would laugh, chéer. /W Hand /S ra- Other,> /W my /S heart Olo!> /W () /S lapped /W strength, /S stole /W joy, /S would /W laugh, /S RHM cheer. 0.031366628 5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung /W me, /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 1 1 0.050591938 5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.40225654 1 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.140679355 2.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung /W me, /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.140679355 2.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W Ohan- /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.107074894 4 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.024697674 6 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W who´m /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.017206197 7 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.016757099 8 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.008637405 10 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W () /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.008637405 10 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung /W () /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.008637405 10 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.007699612 12.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.007699612 12.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W who´m /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.006017445 14 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.005860384 15.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W Ohan- /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.005860384 15.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W () /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.00536411 17 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung /W () /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.003106235 18 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W () /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.003020721 19.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W () /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.003020721 19.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W () /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.00269275 22.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung /W me, /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.00269275 22.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.00269275 22.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.00269275 22.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W Ohan- /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.002049526 25 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W () /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.001929073 26 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W () /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.001875966 27 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W () /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 0.001086329 28 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W () /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 9.68E-04 29.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung /W me, /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 9.68E-04 29.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W () /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 9.42E-04 31.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 9.42E-04 31.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- /W Ohan- /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 7.17E-04 33 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 4.73E-04 34.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 4.73E-04 34.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung /W me, /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.39E-04 36 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W who´m /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.29E-04 37 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.21E-04 38.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.21E-04 38.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W () /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.65E-04 41.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung /W () /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.65E-04 41.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.65E-04 41.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- /W () /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.65E-04 41.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.47E-04 44 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W who´m /S though? /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.18E-04 45 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.12E-04 47 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.12E-04 47 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W Ohan- /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.12E-04 47 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W () /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.03E-04 49 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W () /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 5.95E-05 51.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W though? /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 5.95E-05 51.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W () /S though? /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 5.95E-05 51.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung /W () /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 5.95E-05 51.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W () /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 5.15E-05 54.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- /W ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 5.15E-05 54.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W who´m /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 4.14E-05 56 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- dling> /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.92E-05 57.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- /W Ohan- /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.92E-05 57.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W () /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.69E-05 59 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m /W () /S though? /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 2.08E-05 61 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung /W () /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 2.08E-05 61 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W () /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 2.08E-05 61 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W () /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.85E-05 63 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W () /S Cheer /W () /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.29E-05 64 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W ACCThea- ven- /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 9.05E-06 65 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W () /S dling /W ACCTflung /S me, /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 7.27E-06 66 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W () /S ACCTfoot /W () /S RHM ACCTtrod 6.48E-06 67 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 6.14E-06 68 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- /W () /S Ohan- dling> /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 2.15E-06 69 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W *H ro whose /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W () /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.14E-06 70.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W () /S ACCT*H the he- /W () /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W dling /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 1.14E-06 70.5 140 CC: Cheer whom though? the hero whose heaven-handling flung me, fóot tród /W Cheer /S who´m though?> /W ACCT*H the he- /S *H ro whose /W () /S ACCThea- ven- Ohan-> /W () /S dling /W () /S ACCTflung me,> /W ACCTfoot /S RHM ACCTtrod 3.98E-07 72 141 CC: Me? or me that fought him? O which one? is it each one? That night, that year /W Me? or /S ACCTme /W that /S ACCTfought Ohim?> /W O /S ACCTwhich Oone?> /W is it /S ACCTeach Oone?> /W That /S ACCTnight, /W that /S RHM ACCTyear 1 1 0.615394261 1 141 CC: Me? or me that fought him? O which one? is it each one? That night, that year /O Me?> /W or /S ACCTme /W that /S ACCTfought Ohim?> /W O /S ACCTwhich Oone?> /W is it /S ACCTeach Oone?> /W That /S ACCTnight, /W that /S RHM ACCTyear 0.384605739 2 142 CC: Of now done darkness I wretch lay wrestling with (my God!) my God. /W Of /S now /W done /S dark- /W ness /S I Owretch> /W lay /S wres- tling with>> /W (My /S God!) /W my /S RHM God. 1 1 0.730531422 1 142 CC: Of now done darkness I wretch lay wrestling with (my God!) my God. /W Of /S now /W done /S dark- ness> /W I /S Owretch /W lay /S wres- tling with>> /W (My /S God!) /W my /S RHM God. 0.255485441 2 142 CC: Of now done darkness I wretch lay wrestling with (my God!) my God. /W Of /S now /W done /S dark- ness> /W () /S I Owretch> /W lay /S wres- tling with>> /W (My /S God!) /W my /S RHM God. 0.013983137 3 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- /W gale /S sky- /W lark /S scan- /W ted in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 1 1 0.78644661 1 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- /W gale /S sky- /W lark /S scan- ted> /W in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.091893969 2 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- /W gale /S sky- lark> /W () /S scan- /W ted in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.085745091 3 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- gale> /W () /S sky- /W lark /S scan- /W ted in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.01589442 4 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- /W gale /S sky- lark> /W () /S scan- ted> /W in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.010019061 5 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- gale> /W sky- /S lark /W () /S scan- /W ted in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.005558683 6 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- gale> /W () /S sky- /W lark /S scan- ted> /W in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.001857216 7 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- gale> /W () /S sky- lark> /W () /S scan- /W ted in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 0.001732945 8 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- gale> /W sky- /S lark /W () /S scan- ted> /W in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 6.50E-04 9 143 CS: As a dare-gale skylark scanted in a dull cage /W As a /S dare- gale> /W () /S sky- lark> /W () /S scan- ted> /W in a /S dullGCL /W () /S RHM GCLcage 2.02E-04 10 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 1 0.333173205 1 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.242860947 2 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.153087609 3 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W spir- it /S in /W his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.056888568 4 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.036325374 5.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.036325374 5.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.026478764 7.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.026478764 7.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.016690912 9.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.016690912 9.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.012703908 11 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.009260298 12 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W spir- it /S in /W his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.006202475 13.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W spir- it /S in /W his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.006202475 13.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.005837237 15 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.003960501 16 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.00288694 17 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W spir- it /S in /W his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.002169163 18 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- /W ting /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 0.001819785 19 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 0.001182146 20 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 8.62E-04 21 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W spir- it /S in /W his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 6.76E-04 22 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 5.43E-04 23 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 1.29E-04 24.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 1.29E-04 24.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 9.40E-05 26.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 9.40E-05 26.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- /W house, /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 5.92E-05 28.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean /W house, /S RHM dwells -- 5.92E-05 28.5 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 4.51E-05 30 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 3.29E-05 31 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- house,> /W mean /S house, /W () /S RHM dwells -- 2.07E-05 32 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 1.41E-05 33 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- /W it in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 1.02E-05 34 144 CS: Man's mounting spirit in his bone-house, mean house, dwells -- /W Man's /S moun- ting> /W () /S spir- it> /W in his /S bone- house,> /W () /S mean house,> /W () /S RHM dwells -- 6.46E-06 35 145 CS: That bird beyond the remembering his free fells; /W That /S bird /W bey- /S ond /W the re- /S mem- /W ber- ing /S ACCThis /W free /S RHM fells, 1 1 0.541661093 1 145 CS: That bird beyond the remembering his free fells; /W That /S bird /W bey- /S ond /W the re- /S mem- /W ber- ing ACCThis /S free /W () /S RHM fells, 0.267890956 2 145 CS: That bird beyond the remembering his free fells; /W That /S bird /W bey- /S ond /W the re- /S mem- ber- ing>> /W ACCThis /S free /W () /S RHM fells, 0.179431263 3 145 CS: That bird beyond the remembering his free fells; /W That /S bird /W bey- /S ond /W the re- /S mem- ber- ing>> /W () /S ACCThis /W free /S RHM fells, 0.011016688 4 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- /W Odge- /S Ory, /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 1 0.262377487 1 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- /W Ory, /S day- /W () /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.178020231 2 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,>> /W day- /S lab- /W our- /S ing- /W out /S life's /W () /S RHM age. 0.163979247 3 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- /W Odge- Ory, /S day- /W () /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.130881124 4 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,>> /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W () /S life's /W () /S RHM age. 0.081797369 5 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,> /W day- /S lab- /W our- /S ing- /W out /S life's /W () /S RHM age. 0.038909794 6 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This /S in /W () /S dru- Odge- Ory,>> /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.028788204 8 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,>> /W day- /S lab- /W our- /S ing- /W () /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.028788204 8 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W () /S This /W in /S dru- Odge- Ory,>> /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.028788204 8 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,> /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W () /S life's /W () /S RHM age. 0.019409278 10 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,>> /W () /S day- /W () /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.01436035 11 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This /S in /W () /S dru- Odge- Ory,> /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.006831005 13 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,> /W day- /S lab- /W our- /S ing- /W () /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.006831005 13 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W () /S This /W in /S dru- Odge- Ory,> /W day- /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.006831005 13 146 CS: This in drudgery, day-labouring-out life's age. /W This in /S dru- Odge- Ory,> /W () /S day- /W () /S lab- /W our- ing- /S out /W life's /S RHM age. 0.003407494 15 147 CS: Though aloft on turf or perch or poor low stage, /W Though a- /S loft /W on /S turf /W or /S perch /W or /S poor /W low /S RHM stage 1 1 1 1 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W some- /S ACCTtimes /W the /S swee- /W test, /S swee- /W test /S RHM spells, 1 1 0.602244414 1 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W () /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- /W test, /S swee- /W test /S RHM spells, 0.187752421 2.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W () /S Both /W sing /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- /W test, /S swee- /W test /S RHM spells, 0.187752421 2.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W some- /S ACCTtimes /W the /S swee- test,> /W () /S swee- /W test /S RHM spells, 0.011527589 4 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W () /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- test,> /W () /S swee- /W test /S RHM spells, 0.003593778 5.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W () /S Both /W sing /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- test,> /W () /S swee- /W test /S RHM spells, 0.003593778 5.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W some- /S ACCTtimes /W the /S swee- /W test, /S swee- test> /W () /S RHM spells, 0.002136849 7 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W () /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- /W test, /S swee- test> /W () /S RHM spells, 6.66E-04 8.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W () /S Both /W sing /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- /W test, /S swee- test> /W () /S RHM spells, 6.66E-04 8.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W some- /S ACCTtimes /W the /S swee- test,> /W () /S swee- test> /W () /S RHM spells, 4.09E-05 10 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W Both /S sing /W () /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- test,> /W () /S swee- test> /W () /S RHM spells, 1.28E-05 11.5 148 CS: Both sing sometímes the sweetest, sweetest spells, /W () /S Both /W sing /S some- ACCTtimes> /W the /S swee- test,> /W () /S swee- test> /W () /S RHM spells, 1.28E-05 11.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- /W times /S in /W their /S RHM cells 1 0.805338213 1 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- /W () /S times /W in their /S RHM cells 0.140493428 2 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- times> /W in /S their /W () /S RHM cells 0.015415017 3.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- times> /W () /S in /W their /S RHM cells 0.015415017 3.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W () /S droop /W () /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- times> /W in their /S RHM cells 0.015317787 5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- /W times /S in /W their /S RHM cells 0.002857455 6 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W ACCTsome- /S times /W in /S their /W () /S RHM cells 9.99E-04 7.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W ACCTsome- /S times /W () /S in /W their /S RHM cells 9.99E-04 7.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W () /S droop /W () /S dead- ly> /W ACCTsome- /S times /W in their /S RHM cells 9.93E-04 9 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W () /S Yet /W both /S droop /W () /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- times> /W in their /S RHM cells 9.40E-04 10 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- /W () /S times /W in their /S RHM cells 4.98E-04 11 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W () /S Yet /W () /S both /W droop /S dead- /W ly /S ACCTsome- times> /W in their /S RHM cells 4.72E-04 12 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W () /S Yet /W both /S droop /W () /S dead- ly> /W ACCTsome- /S times /W in their /S RHM cells 6.10E-05 13 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- times> /W in /S their /W () /S RHM cells 5.47E-05 14.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- times> /W () /S in /W their /S RHM cells 5.47E-05 14.5 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W Yet /S both /W () /S droop /W () /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- times> /W in their /S RHM cells 5.43E-05 16 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W () /S Yet /W () /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W ACCTsome- /S times /W in their /S RHM cells 3.06E-05 17 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W () /S Yet /W both /S droop /W () /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- times> /W in their /S RHM cells 3.34E-06 18 149 CS: Yet both droop deadly sómetimes in their cells /W () /S Yet /W () /S both /W droop /S dead- ly> /W () /S ACCTsome- times> /W in their /S RHM cells 1.68E-06 19 150 CS: Or wring their barriers in bursts of fear or rage. /W Or /S wring /W their /S bar- Ori- Oers>> /W in /S bursts /W of /S fear /W or /S RHM rage. 1 1 0.528063665 1 150 CS: Or wring their barriers in bursts of fear or rage. /W Or /S wring /W their /S bar- Ori- /W Oers in /S bursts /W of /S fear /W or /S RHM rage. 0.2004906 2 150 CS: Or wring their barriers in bursts of fear or rage. /W Or /S wring /W their /S bar- /W Ori- Oers in /S bursts /W of /S fear /W or /S RHM rage. 0.146144216 3 150 CS: Or wring their barriers in bursts of fear or rage. /W Or /S wring /W their /S bar- Ori- Oers> /W in /S bursts /W of /S fear /W or /S RHM rage. 0.125301519 4 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 1 0.715031316 1 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.077958789 2.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.077958789 2.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- fowl,> /W song- /S fowl, /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.027264174 4 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.02189921 5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- /W () /S fowl, /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.021575478 6.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W () /S fowl, /W () /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.021575478 6.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.00849973 8 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W () /S fowl, /W song- /S fowl, /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.007545494 9 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- fowl,> /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 0.0047865 10 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.002387638 11.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.002387638 11.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W () /S fowl, /W () /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.002352342 13.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- /W () /S fowl, /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 0.002352342 13.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- fowl,> /W song- /S fowl, /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 0.001673961 15 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- /W () /S fowl, /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 0.001324687 16 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W song- /S fowl, /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 8.35E-04 17 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W () /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 6.65E-04 18 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not /S that /W the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- fowl,> /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 5.22E-04 19 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W () /S fowl, /W song- /S fowl, /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 4.63E-04 20 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W no /S RHM rest-- 2.60E-04 21 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- fowl,> /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 1.47E-04 22 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W () /S fowl, /W () /S song- fowl,> /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 1.44E-04 23.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- /W () /S fowl, /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 1.44E-04 23.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- /W fowl, /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W () /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 7.25E-05 25.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- /W fowl, /S needs /W () /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 7.25E-05 25.5 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W song- /S fowl, /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 5.13E-05 27 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W song- /S fowl, /W () /S needs /W () /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 2.54E-05 28 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W () /S Not /W that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- fowl,> /W needs /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 1.60E-05 29 151 CS: Not that the sweet-fowl, song-fowl, needs no rest -- /W Not that the /S sweet- fowl,> /W () /S song- fowl,> /W () /S needs /W () /S no /W () /S RHM rest-- 7.90E-06 30 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear /W him, /S hear /W him /S ba- Obble Oand>> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 1 1 0.564297768 1 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear /W him, /S hear him> /W ba- Obble /S Oand /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.197349299 2 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear /W him, /S hear /W him /S ba- Obble Oand> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.133899323 3 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W hear /S him /W ba- Obble /S Oand /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.069018075 4 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear /W him, /S hear him> /W () /S ba- Obble Oand>> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.01080125 5.5 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W () /S hear /W him /S ba- Obble Oand>> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.01080125 5.5 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W () /S hear him> /W ba- Obble /S Oand /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.003777472 7.5 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W hear /S him /W () /S ba- Obble Oand>> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.003777472 7.5 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear /W him, /S hear him> /W () /S ba- Obble Oand> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.002562973 9.5 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W () /S hear /W him /S ba- Obble Oand> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 0.002562973 9.5 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W hear /S him /W () /S ba- Obble Oand> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 8.96E-04 11 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W () /S hear him> /W () /S ba- Obble Oand>> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 2.07E-04 12 152 CS: Why, hear him, hear him babble and drop down to his nest, /W Why, /S hear him,> /W () /S hear him> /W () /S ba- Obble Oand> /W drop /S down /W to his /S RHM nest, 4.91E-05 13 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 1 0.2197063 1 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.110291219 2.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.110291219 2.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.109595559 4 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.052132981 5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.038571648 7 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.038571648 7 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.038571648 7 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.026170438 9.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.026170438 9.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.026005368 11 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.023954247 12 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.019240601 13 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.012024886 15.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.012024886 15.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.012024886 15.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.012024886 15.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.011949039 18 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 0.009152468 20 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.009152468 20 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.009152468 20 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.00677164 23.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.00677164 23.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.00677164 23.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.00677164 23.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 0.004565504 26 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 0.004205409 28 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.004205409 28 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.004205409 28 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.003377881 30 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.002853323 31.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.002853323 31.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 0.002097774 33 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 0.001606808 35.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 0.001606808 35.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 0.001606808 35.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son. 0.001606808 35.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.001311055 38.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 0.001311055 38.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 0.001181331 40 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 8.02E-04 41 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 7.38E-04 44.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 7.38E-04 44.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 7.38E-04 44.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W GCLnest, /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 7.38E-04 44.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 7.38E-04 44.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 7.38E-04 44.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W GCLwild /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 3.68E-04 48.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 3.68E-04 48.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 2.80E-04 50 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 1.75E-04 51.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son. 1.75E-04 51.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 1.30E-04 54 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- /W son. 1.30E-04 54 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- /W son. 1.30E-04 54 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild /W () /S GCLnest, /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 1.29E-04 56 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 8.74E-05 57 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 8.05E-05 58.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W ownGCL /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 8.05E-05 58.5 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But his /S ownGCL /W () /S GCLnest,GCL /W () /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 4.02E-05 60 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 3.08E-05 62 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son. 3.08E-05 62 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son. 3.08E-05 62 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W But /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 1.41E-05 65 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W his /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W () /S no /W () /S RHM pri- son.> 1.41E-05 65 153 CS: But his own nest, wild nest, no prison. /W () /S But /W () /S his /W () /S ownGCL /W GCLnest,GCL /S GCLwild GCLnest,> /W no /S RHM pri- son.> 1.41E-05 65 154 CS: Man's spirit will be flesh-bound when found at best, /W son. /S Man's /W spir- it /S will /W be /S flesh- bound> /W when /S found /W at /S RHM best, 1 0.79426209 1 154 CS: Man's spirit will be flesh-bound when found at best, /W son. /S Man's /W () /S spir- it /W will be /S flesh- bound> /W when /S found /W at /S RHM best, 0.094012225 2 154 CS: Man's spirit will be flesh-bound when found at best, /W son. /S Man's /W () /S spir- /W it will be /S flesh- bound> /W when /S found /W at /S RHM best, 0.068528614 3 154 CS: Man's spirit will be flesh-bound when found at best, /W son. /S Man's /W () /S spir- it> /W will be /S flesh- bound> /W when /S found /W at /S RHM best, 0.043197071 4 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But /S ACCTun- /W () /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W mea- dow- /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 1 1 0.05931682 3.5 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- /S Oe`d: /W mea- dow- /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.5406172 1 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- Oe`d: /S mea- /W dow- /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.269674763 2 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W () /S But /W ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W mea- dow- /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.05931682 3.5 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W () /S mea- /W dow- /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.029588865 5 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- Oe`d: /S mea- dow- /W () /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.011234042 6 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But /S ACCTun- /W () /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- Oe`d: /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.00702099 8 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- /S Oe`d: /W () /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.00702099 8 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W () /S But /W ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- Oe`d: /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.00702099 8 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- Oe`d: /S mea- dow- /W ACCTdown /S is /W () /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.003928831 10 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W mea- dow- /S ACCTdown /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.001816692 11 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W () /S mea- dow- /W () /S ACCTdown /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 0.001232605 12 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But /S ACCTun- /W () /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W () /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 7.70E-04 13.5 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W () /S But /W ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W () /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W is /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 7.70E-04 13.5 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W () /S mea- dow- /W ACCTdown /S is /W () /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 4.31E-04 15 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- /W Ober- Oe`d: /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 2.15E-04 16 155 CS: But uncumbered: meadow-down is not distressed /W But ACCTun- /S ACCTcum- Ober- Oe`d:>> /W () /S mea- dow- ACCTdown> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTnot /W dis- /S RHM ACCTtressed 2.36E-05 17 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 1 0.252163689 1 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.1257862 2 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.095739307 3 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.069787541 4 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.059834628 5.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.059834628 5.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.047757406 7 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.034811949 8 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.029847162 9.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.029847162 9.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.027493028 11 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.022717489 12 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.016559528 13 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W ACCTfoo- Oting /S Oit /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.016347269 14 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.014197852 15 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.01371428 16 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.01133211 17 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.010438313 18 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.008260349 19 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W ACCTfoo- Oting /S Oit /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 0.008154469 20 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.007608831 21 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.00708228 22 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.00652368 23 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.005206918 24 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W ACCTfoo- Oting /S Oit /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.00387896 25 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.003795494 26 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- /W bow /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.003254191 27 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W ACCTfoo- Oting /S Oit /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 0.001934932 28 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W ACCTfoo- Oting /S Oit /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 0.001782318 29 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 8.95E-04 30 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W ACCTfoo- Oting /S Oit /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 8.89E-04 31 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 4.46E-04 32 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 3.40E-04 33 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 2.48E-04 34 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 2.12E-04 35.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 2.12E-04 35.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 1.69E-04 37 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 1.24E-04 38 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- /W sen. 1.06E-04 39.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 1.06E-04 39.5 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 9.75E-05 41 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 8.06E-05 42 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 5.88E-05 43 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 5.04E-05 44 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit>> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 4.87E-05 45 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 4.02E-05 46 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 3.70E-05 47 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 2.93E-05 48 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 2.70E-05 49 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen. 2.51E-05 50 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for /S his /W ACCTbones /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 2.31E-05 51 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting /W Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 1.85E-05 52 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- /W Oting Oit nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 1.35E-05 53 156 CS: For a rainbow footing it nor he for his bónes rísen. /W For a /S ACCTrain- bow> /W () /S ACCTfoo- Oting Oit> /W nor /S ACCThe /W for his /S ACCTbones /W () /S RHM ACCTri- sen.> 1.15E-05 54 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 1 0.428146531 1 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.314774892 2 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.049600968 3 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 0.046680172 4 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.036466813 5.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.036466813 5.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 0.034319433 7 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W ci- ty /S and /W () /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.012834325 8 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.008707948 9 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.006402115 10 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 0.005407919 11 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.004224697 12 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 0.003975922 13.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 0.003975922 13.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W ci- ty /S and /W () /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.001486862 15 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W ci- ty /S and /W () /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 0.001399307 16 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 0.00100882 17 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 9.49E-04 18 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 7.42E-04 19.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 7.42E-04 19.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 6.98E-04 21 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- /W we- ry /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 4.61E-04 22 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W ci- ty /S and /W () /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 1.62E-04 23 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 1.10E-04 24 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- /W wers; 8.59E-05 25 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- /W ty and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 8.09E-05 26.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- /W chy be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 8.09E-05 26.5 157 DO: Towery city and branchy between towers; /W () /S GCLTo- we- ry>> /W () /S ci- ty> /W and /S bran- chy> /W be- /S tweenGCL /W () /S RHM GCLto- wers;> 9.37E-06 28 158 DO: Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded; /W wers; /S Cuc- koo- e- Ochoing,>> /W bell- /S swarm- Oe`d,> /W lark- /S char- Ome`d,> /W rook- /S racked, /W ri- ver- /S RHM roun- /W ded; 1 1 0.230368689 2 158 DO: Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded; /W wers; /S Cuc- koo- e- Ochoing,>> /W bell- /S swarm- Oe`d,> /W lark- /S char- /W Ome`d, /S rook- racked,> /W ri- ver- /S RHM roun- /W ded; 0.658712941 1 158 DO: Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded; /W wers; /S Cuc- koo- e- Ochoing,>> /W bell- /S swarm- Oe`d,> /W lark- /S char- /W Ome`d, /S rook- racked,> /W ri- ver- /S RHM roun- ded;> 0.071818481 3 158 DO: Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded; /W wers; /S Cuc- koo- e- Ochoing,>> /W bell- /S swarm- Oe`d,> /W lark- /S char- Ome`d,> /W rook- /S racked, /W ri- ver- /S RHM roun- ded;> 0.025116752 4 158 DO: Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded; /W wers; /S Cuc- koo- e- Ochoing,>> /W bell- /S swarm- Oe`d,> /W lark- /S char- Ome`d,> /W () /S rook- racked,> /W ri- ver- /S RHM roun- /W ded; 0.012608456 5 158 DO: Cuckoo-echoing, bell-swarmed, lark-charmed, rook-racked, river-rounded; /W wers; /S Cuc- koo- e- Ochoing,>> /W bell- /S swarm- Oe`d,> /W lark- /S char- Ome`d,> /W () /S rook- racked,> /W ri- ver- /S RHM roun- ded;> 0.001374681 6 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- /W eared /S li- ly /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- /W try and /S RHM town /W did 1 0.386030985 1 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- /W eared /S li- /W ly be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- /W try and /S RHM town /W did 0.283811389 2 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- /W eared /S li- ly> /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- /W try and /S RHM town /W did 0.17737489 3 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- /W eared /S li- ly /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- try> /W and /S RHM town /W did 0.044721864 4 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- /W eared /S li- /W ly be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- try> /W and /S RHM town /W did 0.032879677 5 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- eared> /W () /S li- ly /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- /W try and /S RHM town /W did 0.022308498 6 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- /W eared /S li- ly> /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- try> /W and /S RHM town /W did 0.020548961 7 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- eared> /W () /S li- /W ly be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- /W try and /S RHM town /W did 0.016401289 8 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- eared> /W () /S li- ly> /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- /W try and /S RHM town /W did 0.010250388 9 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- eared> /W () /S li- ly /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- try> /W and /S RHM town /W did 0.00258445 10 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- eared> /W () /S li- /W ly be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- try> /W and /S RHM town /W did 0.001900097 11 159 DO: The dapple-eared lily below thee; that country and town did /W ded; The /S da- pple- eared> /W () /S li- ly> /W be- /S low Othee;> /W that /S coun- try> /W and /S RHM town /W did 0.001187512 12 160 DO: Once encounter in, here coped and poised powers; /W did /S GCLOnce /W en- /S coun- Oter Oin,>> /W here /S coped /W and /S poi- /W se`d /S RHM po- wers;> 1 1 0.780466468 1 160 DO: Once encounter in, here coped and poised powers; /W did /S GCLOnce /W en- /S coun- /W Oter Oin, here /S coped /W and /S poi- /W se`d /S RHM po- wers;> 0.215997934 2 160 DO: Once encounter in, here coped and poised powers; /W did /S GCLOnce /W en- /S coun- Oter Oin,>> /W here /S coped /W and /S poi- se`d> /W () /S RHM po- wers;> 0.002769207 3 160 DO: Once encounter in, here coped and poised powers; /W did /S GCLOnce /W en- /S coun- /W Oter Oin, here /S coped /W and /S poi- se`d> /W () /S RHM po- wers;> 7.66E-04 4 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- /W ish /S skirt /W there, /S RHM sours 1 0.432843779 1.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- /W ish /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- /W urs 1 0.432843779 1.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W () /S and /W brick- ish /S skirt /W there, /S RHM sours 0.026575664 3.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W () /S and /W brick- ish /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- /W urs 0.026575664 3.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W () /S skirt /W there, /S RHM sours 0.018031295 5.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W () /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- /W urs 0.018031295 5.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- /W ish /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- urs> 0.008747956 7 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- /W ish /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM sours 0.008285083 8.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- /W ish /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- /W urs 0.008285083 8.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W skirt /S there, /W () /S RHM sours 0.006306003 10.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W skirt /S there, /W () /S RHM so- /W urs 0.006306003 10.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W () /S skirt /W there, /S RHM sours 0.001535792 12.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W () /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- /W urs 0.001535792 12.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W skirt /S there, /W () /S RHM sours 5.37E-04 15 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W skirt /S there, /W () /S RHM so- /W urs 5.37E-04 15 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W () /S and /W brick- ish /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- urs> 5.37E-04 15 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W () /S and /W brick- ish /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM sours 5.09E-04 17.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W () /S and /W brick- ish /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- /W urs 5.09E-04 17.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W () /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- urs> 3.64E-04 19 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W () /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM sours 3.45E-04 20.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W () /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- /W urs 3.45E-04 20.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- /W ish /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- urs> 1.67E-04 22 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W skirt /S there, /W () /S RHM so- urs> 1.27E-04 23 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W () /S skirt /W there, /S RHM so- urs> 3.10E-05 24 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W () /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM sours 2.94E-05 25.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W () /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- /W urs 2.94E-05 25.5 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W skirt /S there, /W () /S RHM so- urs> 1.09E-05 27 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W () /S and /W brick- ish /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- urs> 1.03E-05 28 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish /W () /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- urs> 6.98E-06 29 161 DO: Thou hast a base and brickish skirt there, sours /W Thou /S hast /W a /S base /W and /S brick- ish> /W () /S skirt there,> /W () /S RHM so- urs> 5.94E-07 30 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- /W ture /S thy /W grey /S beau- /W ty is /S RHM groun- /W ded 1 1 0.568342533 1 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- /W ture /S thy /W grey /S beau- ty> /W is /S RHM groun- /W ded 0.355199608 2 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W thy /S grey /W () /S beau- /W ty is /S RHM groun- /W ded 0.032844173 3 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W thy /S grey /W () /S beau- ty> /W is /S RHM groun- /W ded 0.020526772 4 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- /W ture /S thy /W grey /S beau- /W ty is /S RHM groun- ded> 0.011486444 5 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- /W ture /S thy /W grey /S beau- ty> /W is /S RHM groun- ded> 0.007178735 6 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W () /S thy /W grey /S beau- /W ty is /S RHM groun- /W ded 0.002016561 7 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W () /S thy /W grey /S beau- ty> /W is /S RHM groun- /W ded 0.001260299 8 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W thy /S grey /W () /S beau- /W ty is /S RHM groun- ded> 6.64E-04 9 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W thy /S grey /W () /S beau- ty> /W is /S RHM groun- ded> 4.15E-04 10 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W () /S thy /W grey /S beau- /W ty is /S RHM groun- ded> 4.08E-05 11 162 DO: That neighbour-nature thy grey beauty is grounded /W That /S neigh- /W bour- /S na- ture> /W () /S thy /W grey /S beau- ty> /W is /S RHM groun- ded> 2.55E-05 12 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest /W in; /S grace- /W less /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- /W ded 1 1 0.957196428 1 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest /W in; /S grace- /W less /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- ded> 0.019345346 2 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest in;> /W () /S grace- /W less /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- /W ded 0.018321742 3 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest /W in; /S grace- less> /W () /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- /W ded 0.00339627 4 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest /W in; /S grace- less> /W growth, /S thou /W () /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- /W ded 0.001187762 5 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest in;> /W () /S grace- /W less /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- ded> 3.70E-04 6 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest /W in; /S grace- less> /W () /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- ded> 6.86E-05 7 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest in;> /W () /S grace- less> /W () /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- /W ded 6.50E-05 8 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest /W in; /S grace- less> /W growth, /S thou /W () /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- ded> 2.40E-05 9 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest in;> /W () /S grace- less> /W growth, /S thou /W () /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- /W ded 2.27E-05 10 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest in;> /W () /S grace- less> /W () /S growth, /W thou /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- ded> 1.31E-06 11 163 DO: Best in; graceless growth, thou hast confounded /W ded /S GCLBest in;> /W () /S grace- less> /W growth, /S thou /W () /S hast /W con- /S RHM foun- ded> 4.59E-07 12 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- /W ral /S ru- /W ral /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- /W ers. 1 0.737526143 1 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- /W ral /S ru- /W ral /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers. 0.175003795 2 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- /W ral /S ru- /W ral /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers.> 0.080411366 3 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- /W ral /S ru- ral> /W () /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- /W ers. 0.002616848 4.5 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S ru- /W ral /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- /W ers. 0.002616848 4.5 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- /W ral /S ru- ral> /W () /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers. 6.21E-04 6.5 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S ru- /W ral /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers. 6.21E-04 6.5 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- /W ral /S ru- ral> /W () /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers.> 2.85E-04 8.5 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S ru- /W ral /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers.> 2.85E-04 8.5 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S ru- ral> /W () /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- /W ers. 9.28E-06 10 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S ru- ral> /W () /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers. 2.20E-06 11 164 DO: Rural rural keeping -- folk, flocks, and flowers. /W ded /S GCLRu- ral> /W () /S ru- ral> /W () /S keep- Oing-- > /W folk, /S flocks, /W and /S RHM flow- ers.> 1.01E-06 12 165 DO: Yet ah! this air I gather and I release /W ers. Yet /S ah! /W this /S air /W I /S ga- ther /W and /S I /W re- /S RHM lease 1 0.54933666 1 165 DO: Yet ah! this air I gather and I release /W ers. Yet /S ah! /W this /S air /W I /S ga- /W ther and /S I /W re- /S RHM lease 0.403874318 2 165 DO: Yet ah! this air I gather and I release /W ers. Yet /S ah! /W this /S air /W I /S ga- ther> /W and /S I /W re- /S RHM lease 0.046789022 3 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived Oon;> /W these /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are /S RHM what 1 1 0.484826985 1 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived /W Oon; /S these /W () /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.136191545 3 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived /W () /S Oon; /W these /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.136191545 3 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived Oon;> /W these /S weeds /W and /S wa- /W Oters, /S these /W () /S walls /W are RHM what 0.136191545 3 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived /W Oon; /S these /W weeds /S and /W () /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.047629651 5.5 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W () /S He /W lived /S Oon; /W these /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.047629651 5.5 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived Oon;> /W these /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W () /S these /W () /S walls /W are RHM what 0.002606849 8.5 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived Oon;> /W these /S weeds /W () /S and /W () /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.002606849 8.5 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived Oon;> /W () /S these /W () /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.002606849 8.5 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W () /S He /W () /S lived Oon;> /W these /S weeds /W and /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 0.002606849 8.5 166 DO: He lived on; these weeds and waters, these walls are what /W He /S lived Oon;> /W () /S these /W weeds /S and /W () /S wa- Oters,> /W these /S walls /W are RHM what 9.12E-04 11 167 DO: He haunted who of all men most sways my spirits to peace; /W He /S haun- Oted> /W who of /S all Omen> /W most /S sways /W my /S spi- rits> /W to /S RHM peace; 1 1 0.386635099 2 167 DO: He haunted who of all men most sways my spirits to peace; /W He /S haun- /W Oted who of /S all Omen> /W most /S sways /W my /S spi- rits> /W to /S RHM peace; 0.613364901 1 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 1 0.156466284 1 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.097787442 2 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.059405752 3.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.059405752 3.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 0.043577679 5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.043302814 6.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.043302814 6.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.037127082 9.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.037127082 9.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.037127082 9.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.037127082 9.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.027063156 12.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.027063156 12.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;>> /W a /S RHM not 0.023203481 14.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.023203481 14.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.022554657 16 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 0.016545192 17 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.016440834 18.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.016440834 18.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.014096086 21 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.014096086 21 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.014096086 21 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 0.012060337 23 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.011984267 24 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 0.010340324 25 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.010275103 27.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.010275103 27.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.010275103 27.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.010275103 27.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.008809695 31 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.008809695 31 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- /W ller; a /S RHM not 0.008809695 31 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.007489861 33 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.006421677 34.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a /S RHM not 0.006421677 34.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- ve- ller;> /W a /S RHM not 0.005505835 36 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 0.00133465 37 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W () /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 8.34E-04 38.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- al- ty>> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 8.34E-04 38.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 5.07E-04 40 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 3.69E-04 41 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W () /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 3.17E-04 43 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- al- /W ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 3.17E-04 43 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- /W Oe`d un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 3.17E-04 43 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W () /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 2.31E-04 45.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- /W al- ty the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 2.31E-04 45.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W Of /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W () /S un- /W () /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 1.98E-04 47.5 168 DO: Of realty the rarest-veined unraveller; a not /W () /S Of /W () /S re- al- ty> /W the /S rar- /W est- /S vein- Oe`d> /W un- /S ra- /W ve- ller; a RHM not 1.98E-04 47.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- ta- /W ly or /S RHM Greece; 1 0.425603959 1 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- /W ta- ly or /S RHM Greece; 0.310236775 2 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- ta- ly>> /W or /S RHM Greece; 0.20779416 3 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- ta- ly> /W or /S RHM Greece; 0.04930641 4 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- ta- /W ly or /S RHM Greece; 0.001510104 5.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- ta- /W ly or /S RHM Greece; 0.001510104 5.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- /W ta- ly or /S RHM Greece; 0.001100764 7.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- /W ta- ly or /S RHM Greece; 0.001100764 7.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- ta- ly>> /W or /S RHM Greece; 7.37E-04 9.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- ta- ly>> /W or /S RHM Greece; 7.37E-04 9.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- /W valled /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- ta- ly> /W or /S RHM Greece; 1.75E-04 11.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- /W val /S I- ta- ly> /W or /S RHM Greece; 1.75E-04 11.5 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- ta- /W ly or /S RHM Greece; 5.36E-06 13 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- /W ta- ly or /S RHM Greece; 3.91E-06 14 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- ta- ly>> /W or /S RHM Greece; 2.62E-06 15 169 DO: Rivalled insight, be rival Italy or Greece; /W () /S Ri- valled> /W () /S in- Osight,> /W be /S ri- val> /W () /S I- ta- ly> /W or /S RHM Greece; 6.21E-07 16 170 DO: Who fired France for Mary without spot. /W Who /S ACCTfired /W () /S ACCTFrance /W for /S ACCTMa- /W ry with- /S ACCTout : /W () /S RHM ACCTspot. 1 1 0.548091069 1 170 DO: Who fired France for Mary without spot. /W Who /S ACCTfired /W () /S ACCTFrance /W for /S ACCTMa- ry> /W with- /S ACCTout : /W () /S RHM ACCTspot. 0.342542959 2 170 DO: Who fired France for Mary without spot. /W Who /S ACCTfired /W ACCTFrance /S for /W () /S ACCTMa- /W ry with- /S ACCTout : /W () /S RHM ACCTspot. 0.033651596 3.5 170 DO: Who fired France for Mary without spot. /W () /S Who /W ACCTfired /S ACCTFrance /W for /S ACCTMa- /W ry with- /S ACCTout : /W () /S RHM ACCTspot. 0.033651596 3.5 170 DO: Who fired France for Mary without spot. /W Who /S ACCTfired /W ACCTFrance /S for /W () /S ACCTMa- ry> /W with- /S ACCTout : /W () /S RHM ACCTspot. 0.02103139 5.5 170 DO: Who fired France for Mary without spot. /W () /S Who /W ACCTfired /S ACCTFrance /W for /S ACCTMa- ry> /W with- /S ACCTout : /W () /S RHM ACCTspot. 0.02103139 5.5 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- Odal> /W the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,>> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- /W ded, 1 1 0.101590984 4 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- /W Odal the /S ACCTfa- Orri- /W Oer, O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- /W ded, 0.353771527 1 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- Odal> /W the /S ACCTfa- Orri- /W Oer, O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- /W ded, 0.221098194 2 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- /W Odal the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,>> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- /W ded, 0.162552199 3 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- /W Odal the /S ACCTfa- Orri- /W Oer, O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- ded,> 0.038571178 5.5 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- /W Odal the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- /W ded, 0.038571178 5.5 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- Odal> /W the /S ACCTfa- Orri- /W Oer, O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- ded,> 0.024106004 7.5 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- Odal> /W the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- /W ded, 0.024106004 7.5 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- /W Odal the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,>> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- ded,> 0.017722822 9 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- Odal> /W the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,>> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- ded,> 0.011076312 10 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- /W Odal the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- ded,> 0.004205357 11 171 FR: Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended, /W () /S GCLFe- /W lix /S ACCTRan- Odal> /W the /S ACCTfa- Orri- Oer,> /W O is he /S ACCTdead Othen?> /W My /S ACCTdu- /W *H ty all /S RHM ACCTen- ded,> 0.002628241 12 172 FR: Who have watched his mould of man, big-boned and hardy-handsome /W ded, Who have /S watched /W his /S mould /W of /S man, /W big /S boned /W and /S har- /W dy- /S RHM hand- /W some 1 1 0.901690086 1 172 FR: Who have watched his mould of man, big-boned and hardy-handsome /W ded, Who have /S watched /W his /S mould /W of /S man, /W big /S boned /W and /S har- /W dy- /S RHM hand- some> 0.098309914 2 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 1 1 0.077912975 6 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 0.248341354 1 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.196524697 2 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 0.155207021 3 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 0.124665841 4 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.12282293 5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.022963332 7 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.014351497 8 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 0.004753514 9.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 0.004753514 9.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.003761689 11.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.003761689 11.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 0.002970825 13.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 0.002970825 13.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 0.002386235 15.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 0.002386235 15.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.00235096 17.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 0.00235096 17.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 0.001491336 19.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 0.001491336 19.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 4.40E-04 21.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 4.40E-04 21.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- /W ning, /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 2.75E-04 23.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- /W son /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 2.75E-04 23.5 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 9.10E-05 25 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 7.20E-05 26 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W RHM and /S some 5.69E-05 27 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 4.57E-05 28 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- /W bled Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 4.50E-05 29 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled Oin Oit,>>> /W () /S RHM and /W some 2.85E-05 30 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- /W Oning, till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 8.41E-06 31 173 FR: Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it and some /W some /S Pi- ning,> /W () /S pi- Oning,> /W till /S time /W when /S rea- son> /W () /S ram- bled> /W Oin Oit, /S RHM and /W some 5.26E-06 32 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 1 1 0.859528812 1 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 0.093713134 2 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 0.016452282 3.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 0.016452282 3.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W fleshed /S there, /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 0.005753782 5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 0.003049731 6 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 0.001793768 7.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 0.001793768 7.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W fleshed /S there, /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 6.27E-04 9 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 3.33E-04 10 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 3.15E-04 11 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 5.84E-05 12.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 5.84E-05 12.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- /W tal /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 3.43E-05 14 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W fleshed /S there, /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 2.04E-05 15 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- /W ders, /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 6.36E-06 16.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed /W there, /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 6.36E-06 16.5 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W fleshed /S there, /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 2.23E-06 18 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- /W ded? 1.12E-06 19 174 FR: Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended? /W some /S Fa- tal> /W () /S four /W dis- /S or- ders,> /W () /S fleshed there,> /W () /S all /W con- /S RHM ten- ded?> 1.22E-07 20 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- /W ness /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- Otient,> /W he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- /W ded 1 1 0.253344778 2 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- /W ness /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- /W Otient, he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- /W ded 0.405368163 1 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W broke /S Ohim. /W Im- /S pa- /W Otient, he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- /W ded 0.141767569 3 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W broke /S Ohim. /W Im- /S pa- Otient,> /W he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- /W ded 0.08860112 4 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- /W ness /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- /W Otient, he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- ded> 0.044196681 5 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- /W ness /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- Otient,> /W he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- ded> 0.0276218 6 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W broke /S Ohim. /W Im- /S pa- /W Otient, he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- ded> 0.015456705 7 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W broke /S Ohim. /W Im- /S pa- Otient,> /W he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- ded> 0.009660047 8 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W () /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- /W Otient, he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- /W ded 0.007759171 9 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W () /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- Otient,> /W he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- /W ded 0.004849284 10 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W () /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- /W Otient, he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- ded> 8.46E-04 11 175 FR: Sickness broke him. Impatient he cursed at first, but mended /W ded? /S GCLSick- ness> /W () /S broke Ohim.> /W Im- /S pa- Otient,> /W he /S cursed /W at /S first, /W but /S RHM men- ded> 5.29E-04 12 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- /W ted and /S all; /W though a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 1 0.198914603 1 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- /W ted /S and /W all; though a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 0.197218037 2.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- /W ted and all; /S though /W a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 0.197218037 2.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted and all;>>> /W () /S though /W a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 0.125105662 4 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W and /S all; /W though a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 0.124316561 5.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W and all; /S though /W a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 0.124316561 5.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted and all;>>> /W though a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W () /S some 0.021825021 7 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W and all; though a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W () /S some 0.00377496 8.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W () /S and /W all; though a /S heaven- /W lier /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 0.00377496 8.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- /W ted and /S all; /W though a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 7.06E-04 10 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- /W ted /S and /W all; though a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 7.00E-04 11.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- /W ted and all; /S though /W a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 7.00E-04 11.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted and all;>>> /W () /S though /W a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 4.44E-04 13 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W and /S all; /W though a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 4.41E-04 14.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W and all; /S though /W a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 4.41E-04 14.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted and all;>>> /W though a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W () /S some 7.74E-05 16 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W and all; though a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W () /S some 1.34E-05 17.5 176 FR: Being anointed and all; though a heavenlier heart began some /W ded /S Be- /W ing a- /S noin- ted> /W () /S and /W all; though a /S heaven- lier> /W () /S heart /W be- /S RHM gan /W some 1.34E-05 17.5 177 FR: Months earlier, since I had our sweet reprieve and ransom /W some /S ACCTMonths /W () /S ACCTear- Olier,> /W since /S ACCT *H I had /W our /S ACCTsweet /W re- /S ACCTprieve /W and /S RHM ACCTran- /W som 1 1 0.376986678 2 177 FR: Months earlier, since I had our sweet reprieve and ransom /W some /S ACCTMonths /W () /S ACCTear- /W Olier, since /S ACCT *H I had /W our /S ACCTsweet /W re- /S ACCTprieve /W and /S RHM ACCTran- /W som 0.603203267 1 177 FR: Months earlier, since I had our sweet reprieve and ransom /W some /S ACCTMonths /W () /S ACCTear- /W Olier, since /S ACCT *H I had /W our /S ACCTsweet /W re- /S ACCTprieve /W and /S RHM ACCTran- som> 0.012190994 3 177 FR: Months earlier, since I had our sweet reprieve and ransom /W some /S ACCTMonths /W () /S ACCTear- Olier,> /W since /S ACCT *H I had /W our /S ACCTsweet /W re- /S ACCTprieve /W and /S RHM ACCTran- som> 0.007619061 4 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all /W road /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 1 0.170986448 1.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1 0.170986448 1.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all /W road /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.124637666 3.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.124637666 3.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W e- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.055081844 5.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.055081844 5.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W e- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.029195548 7.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.029195548 7.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all /W road /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 0.018642395 9.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.018642395 9.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.014752642 11 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all /W road /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.014563544 12.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.014563544 12.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all /W road /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 0.013589057 14.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.013589057 14.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.010753688 16 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.009358368 17 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.006821624 18 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W () /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.00651972 19.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.00651972 19.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W e- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 0.006005491 21.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.006005491 21.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W () /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.004752439 24 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.004752439 24 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.004752439 24 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W () /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.003455709 26.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.003455709 26.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all /W road /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.00327286 28.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.00327286 28.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W e- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 0.003183147 30.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.003183147 30.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.00301472 32 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W () /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.00251898 34 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.00251898 34 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.00251898 34 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all /W road /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 0.002385696 36.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.002385696 36.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.001723803 38 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.001608458 39 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.00159792 40 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all /W road /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 0.001587841 41.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.001587841 41.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.001256537 43.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 0.001256537 43.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.001172458 45 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 0.001020329 46 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 7.97E-04 47 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 7.44E-04 48 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W () /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 7.11E-04 49.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 7.11E-04 49.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.63E-04 51 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W e- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 5.59E-04 52.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.59E-04 52.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W () /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 5.55E-04 55 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.55E-04 55 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.55E-04 55 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W () /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 5.18E-04 58 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.18E-04 58 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.18E-04 58 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.10E-04 60 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W () /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 3.77E-04 61.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.77E-04 61.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all /W road /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 3.57E-04 64 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.57E-04 64 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.57E-04 64 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.29E-04 66 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.98E-04 67 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W () /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 2.94E-04 69 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.94E-04 69 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.94E-04 69 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.82E-04 71 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all /W road /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 2.79E-04 72.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.79E-04 72.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W () /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 2.75E-04 75 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.75E-04 75 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.75E-04 75 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all /W road /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 2.60E-04 78 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.60E-04 78 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.60E-04 78 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.17E-04 80 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.06E-04 81 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.89E-04 82 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.88E-04 83 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.79E-04 84 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.74E-04 85 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.47E-04 86 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.38E-04 87 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.37E-04 88.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.37E-04 88.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.31E-04 90 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 8.69E-05 91 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W () /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 6.61E-05 92.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 6.61E-05 92.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 6.57E-05 94 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.13E-05 95 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W e- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 6.09E-05 96.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.09E-05 96.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W all /S road /W () /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 6.05E-05 99 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.05E-05 99 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.05E-05 99 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W () /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 4.82E-05 102 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.82E-05 102 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.82E-05 102 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.79E-05 104.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.79E-05 104.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 4.47E-05 106 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.89E-05 107 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.48E-05 108 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.30E-05 109 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.25E-05 110 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest /W him /S all road> /W () /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 3.21E-05 112 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.21E-05 112 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.21E-05 112 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.08E-05 114 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.06E-05 115 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all /W road /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 3.04E-05 117 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.04E-05 117 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.04E-05 117 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.84E-05 119 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.54E-05 120.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.54E-05 120.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.41E-05 122.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.41E-05 122.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.37E-05 124 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.24E-05 125 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.06E-05 126 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.95E-05 127 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.61E-05 128 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.60E-05 129 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 1.53E-05 130 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.50E-05 131 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.42E-05 132 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W () /S e- ver /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 7.21E-06 133.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 7.21E-06 133.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 7.17E-06 135 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.71E-06 136 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W () /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- /W ded! 5.63E-06 138 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.63E-06 138 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.63E-06 138 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.60E-06 140 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W () /S e- /W ver he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 5.26E-06 142 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.26E-06 142 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.26E-06 142 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.22E-06 144.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.22E-06 144.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.16E-06 146 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.80E-06 147 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.62E-06 148 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.60E-06 149 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.33E-06 150 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.31E-06 151 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.97E-06 152 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.81E-06 153 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.77E-06 154.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.77E-06 154.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 2.64E-06 156 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.62E-06 157.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.62E-06 157.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.76E-06 159 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 1.66E-06 160 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 6.67E-07 161 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.22E-07 162 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S Ten- Odered to him.>>> /W Ah /S Owell, /W God /S rest him> /W () /S all road> /W () /S e- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ffen- ded!> 6.14E-07 164 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W ACCTe- ver /S he /W o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.14E-07 164 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W ACCTAh /S Owell, /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.14E-07 164 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W ACCTall /S road /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.10E-07 166 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.86E-07 167.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 4.86E-07 167.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 4.54E-07 169 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.95E-07 170 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest /W him /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.24E-07 171 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 3.08E-07 172 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall /W road /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.06E-07 173 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 2.88E-07 174 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 7.27E-08 175 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- /W ded! 5.68E-08 176 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- /W dered Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.30E-08 177.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- /W ver he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 5.30E-08 177.5 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered Oto Ohim.>>> /W () /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 3.36E-08 179 178 FR: Tendered to him. Ah well, God rest him all road ever he offended! /W som /S ACCTTen- dered> /W Oto Ohim. /S ACCTAh Owell,> /W God /S ACCTrest him> /W () /S ACCTall road> /W () /S ACCTe- ver> /W he o- /S RHM ACCTffen- ded!> 6.19E-09 180 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- /W ing the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears /W them /S ACCTto /W us, us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 1 1 0.536229893 1 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- /W ing the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears /W them /S ACCTto us,> /W us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.335130026 2 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- ing> /W the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears /W them /S ACCTto /W us, us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.062122475 3 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- ing> /W the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears /W them /S ACCTto us,> /W us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.038824964 4 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- /W ing the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears them> /W ACCTto /S us, /W us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.021725811 5 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- ing> /W the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears them> /W ACCTto /S us, /W us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.002516945 6 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- /W ing the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears them> /W () /S ACCTto /W us, us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.00190262 7 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- /W ing the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears them> /W () /S ACCTto us,> /W us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 0.001189089 8 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- ing> /W the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears them> /W () /S ACCTto /W us, us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 2.20E-04 9 179 FR: This seeing the sick endears them to us, us too it endears. /W ded! This /S ACCTsee- ing> /W the /S ACCTsick /W en- /S ACCTdears them> /W () /S ACCTto us,> /W us /S ACCTtoo /W it en- /S RHM ACCTdears. 1.38E-04 10 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught /W thee /S com- /W fort, /S touch /W had /S quenched /W thy /S RHM tears, 1 1 0.969157176 1 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught /W thee /S com- fort,> /W () /S touch /W had /S quenched /W thy /S RHM tears, 0.018550684 2 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught /W thee /S com- fort,> /W touch /S had /W () /S quenched /W thy /S RHM tears, 0.006487646 3 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught thee> /W () /S com- /W fort, /S touch /W had /S quenched /W thy /S RHM tears, 0.003438708 4 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught /W thee /S com- fort,> /W touch /S had /W quenched /S thy /W () /S RHM tears, 0.002268895 5 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught thee> /W () /S com- fort,> /W () /S touch /W had /S quenched /W thy /S RHM tears, 6.58E-05 6 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught thee> /W () /S com- fort,> /W touch /S had /W () /S quenched /W thy /S RHM tears, 2.30E-05 7 180 FR: My tongue had taught thee comfort, touch had quenched thy tears, /W My /S tongue /W had /S taught thee> /W () /S com- fort,> /W touch /S had /W quenched /S thy /W () /S RHM tears, 8.05E-06 8 181 FR: Thy tears that touched my heart, child, Felix, poor Felix Randal; /W Thy /S tears /W that /S touched /W my /S heart, Ochild,> /W () /S Fe- Olix,> /W poor /S Fe- /W lix /S RHM Ran- /W dal; 1 1 0.088645075 2.5 181 FR: Thy tears that touched my heart, child, Felix, poor Felix Randal; /W Thy /S tears /W that /S touched /W my /S heart, /W Ochild, /S Fe- Olix,> /W poor /S Fe- /W lix /S RHM Ran- /W dal; 0.813045011 1 181 FR: Thy tears that touched my heart, child, Felix, poor Felix Randal; /W Thy /S tears /W that /S touched /W my /S heart, /W Ochild, /S Fe- Olix,> /W poor /S Fe- /W lix /S RHM Ran- dal;> 0.088645075 2.5 181 FR: Thy tears that touched my heart, child, Felix, poor Felix Randal; /W Thy /S tears /W that /S touched /W my /S heart, Ochild,> /W () /S Fe- Olix,> /W poor /S Fe- /W lix /S RHM Ran- dal;> 0.009664839 4 182 FR: How far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years, /W dal; How /S far /W from then /S fore- /W thought /S Oof, /W all /S thy /W more /S bois- /W ter- ous /S RHM years, 1 0.738225505 1 182 FR: How far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years, /W dal; How /S far /W from /S then /W fore- /S thought Oof,> /W all /S thy /W more /S bois- /W ter- ous /S RHM years, 0.161353585 2 182 FR: How far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years, /W dal; How /S far /W from then /S fore- /W () /S thought Oof,> /W all /S thy /W more /S bois- /W ter- ous /S RHM years, 0.080487617 3 182 FR: How far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years, /W dal; How /S far /W from then /S fore- /W thought /S Oof, /W all /S thy /W more /S bois- ter- ous>> /W () /S RHM years, 0.015014555 4 182 FR: How far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years, /W dal; How /S far /W from /S then /W fore- /S thought Oof,> /W all /S thy /W more /S bois- ter- ous>> /W () /S RHM years, 0.003281724 5 182 FR: How far from then forethought of, all thy more boisterous years, /W dal; How /S far /W from then /S fore- /W () /S thought Oof,> /W all /S thy /W more /S bois- ter- ous>> /W () /S RHM years, 0.001637014 6 183 FR: When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers, /W When /S *H thou at /W the /S ran- Odom> /W grim /S forge, GCL /W () /S GCLpow- /W er- ful a- /S midstGCL /W () /S RHM GCLpeers 1 1 0.011822667 3 183 FR: When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers, /W When /S *H thou at /W the /S ran- /W Odom /S grim /W forge, GCL /S GCLpow- /W er- ful a- /S midstGCL /W () /S RHM GCLpeers 0.584978673 1 183 FR: When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers, /W When /S *H thou at /W the /S ran- /W Odom /S grim /W forge, GCL /S GCLpow- er- ful>> /W a- /S midstGCL /W () /S RHM GCLpeers 0.39181413 2 183 FR: When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers, /W When /S *H thou at /W the /S ran- Odom> /W grim /S forge, GCL /W () /S GCLpow- er- ful>> /W a- /S midstGCL /W () /S RHM GCLpeers 0.00791873 4 183 FR: When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers, /W When /S *H thou at /W the /S ran- Odom> /W () /S grim /W forge, GCL /S GCLpow- /W er- ful a- /S midstGCL /W () /S RHM GCLpeers 0.002075588 5 183 FR: When thou at the random grim forge, powerful amidst peers, /W When /S *H thou at /W the /S ran- Odom> /W () /S grim /W forge, GCL /S GCLpow- er- ful>> /W a- /S midstGCL /W () /S RHM GCLpeers 0.001390213 6 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- /W ing /S RHM san- /W dal! 1 0.234947479 1 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- /W ter- ing /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.172734244 2 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- /W ing /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.171260973 3 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- /W ter- ing /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.125911692 4 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- /W ing /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.107954503 5 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- /W ter- ing /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.079368545 6 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- /W ing /S RHM san- dal!> 0.02561597 7 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- /W ter- ing /S RHM san- dal!> 0.018832955 8 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- /W ing /S RHM san- dal!> 0.018672326 9 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- /W ter- ing /S RHM san- dal!> 0.013727962 10 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- /W ing /S RHM san- dal!> 0.011770117 11 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- /W ter- ing /S RHM san- dal!> 0.008653433 12 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing>> /W () /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.003513192 13 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing>> /W () /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.002560881 14 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing>> /W () /S RHM san- /W dal! 0.001614254 15 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing> /W () /S RHM san- /W dal! 8.34E-04 16 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing> /W () /S RHM san- /W dal! 6.08E-04 17 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing>> /W () /S RHM san- dal!> 3.83E-04 18.5 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing> /W () /S RHM san- /W dal! 3.83E-04 18.5 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing>> /W () /S RHM san- dal!> 2.79E-04 20 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing>> /W () /S RHM san- dal!> 1.76E-04 21 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing> /W () /S RHM san- dal!> 9.09E-05 22 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- /W ttle for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing> /W () /S RHM san- dal!> 6.63E-05 23 184 FR: Didst fettle for the great grey drayhorse his bright and battering sandal! /W Didst /S fe- ttle> /W for the /S great /W grey /S dray- Ohorse> /W his /S bright /W and /S bat- ter- ing> /W () /S RHM san- dal!> 4.18E-05 24 185 HF: Cloud-puffball, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air- /W Cloud- /S puff- Oball,> /W torn /S tufts, /W tossed /S pi- Ollows /W CSZ flaunt /S forth, /W then /S che- vy /W on an /S RHM air-- 1 0.37769216 1 185 HF: Cloud-puffball, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air- /W Cloud- /S puff- Oball,> /W torn /S tufts, /W tossed /S pi- Ollows /W CSZ flaunt /S forth, /W then /S che- /W vy on an /S RHM air-- 0.275312283 2 185 HF: Cloud-puffball, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air- /W Cloud- /S puff- Oball,> /W torn /S tufts, /W tossed /S pi- Ollows> /W CSZ flaunt /S forth, /W then /S che- vy /W on an /S RHM air-- 0.173543337 3 185 HF: Cloud-puffball, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air- /W Cloud- /S puff- Oball,> /W torn /S tufts, /W tossed /S pi- Ollows> /W CSZ flaunt /S forth, /W then /S che- /W vy on an /S RHM air-- 0.126501467 4 185 HF: Cloud-puffball, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air- /W Cloud- /S puff- Oball,> /W torn /S tufts, /W tossed /S pi- Ollows /W CSZ flaunt /S forth, /W then /S che- vy> /W on an /S RHM air-- 0.032169429 5 185 HF: Cloud-puffball, torn tufts, tossed pillows ' flaunt forth, then chevy on an air- /W Cloud- /S puff- Oball,> /W torn /S tufts, /W tossed /S pi- Ollows> /W CSZ flaunt /S forth, /W then /S che- vy> /W on an /S RHM air-- 0.014781324 6 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 1 0.260080278 1 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.19121197 2 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.119502611 3 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.071978496 4 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.061713115 5 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.052918853 6 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.045371708 7 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.033072935 8 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.028356162 9.5 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.028356162 9.5 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.020847554 11 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.017079408 12 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.01302919 13 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.012556843 14 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- /W Oches. 0.007847707 15.5 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.007847707 15.5 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.006728488 17 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.005769663 18 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.004946809 19 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:>> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.003605892 20 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- Oster- Oers,>> /W in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.00309163 21 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.001862142 22 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- /W tter in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 0.001369054 23 186 HF: Built thoroughfare: heaven-roysterers, in gay-gangs ' they throng; they glitter in marches. /W Built /S tho- rough- Ofare:> /W hea- ven- /S roy- /W Oster- Oers, in /S gay- Ogangs> /W CSZthey /S throng; /W they /S gli- tter> /W in /S RHM mar- Oches.> 8.56E-04 24 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- /W ches, 1 0.380347741 1 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.258061748 2 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.189727939 3 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.041468742 4 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.028136084 5 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.024657186 6 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.020685752 7 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.016729629 8 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W () /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.015844428 9 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.012299684 10 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.002688336 11 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.001824006 12 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- /W zling /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W () /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.001727494 13 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.001349528 14 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- ches,> 0.001341016 15 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W () /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- /W ches, 0.001027163 16 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- /W ches, 9.16E-04 17 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- /W ches, 6.73E-04 18 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- ches,> 1.47E-04 19 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W white- /S Owash, /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W () /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- ches,> 1.12E-04 20 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- ches,> 9.98E-05 21 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- /W ver an /S elm /W () /S RHM ar- ches,> 7.34E-05 22 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W () /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- /W ches, 5.62E-05 23 187 HF: Down roughcast, down dazzling whitewash, ' wherever an elm arches, /W Down /S rough- Ocast,> /W down /S daz- zling> /W () /S white- Owash,> /W CSZwher- /S e- ver /W () /S an /W elm /S RHM ar- ches,> 6.13E-06 24 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- /W ta- ckle /S ACCTin /W long /S CSZla- Oshes> /W lace, /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 1 1 0.181319918 3 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- /W ta- ckle /S ACCTin /W long /S CSZla- Oshes /W lace, /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 0.394616773 1 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- ta- ckle>> /W ACCTin /S long /W CSZla- Oshes /S lace, /W () /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 0.274806127 2 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- ta- ckle>> /W ACCTin /S long /W () /S CSZla- Oshes /W lace, /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 0.065207336 4 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- ta- ckle>> /W ACCTin /S long /W CSZla- Oshes /S lace, /W lance, /S and /W () /S RHM pair. 0.048244976 5 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- ta- ckle>> /W ACCTin /S long /W () /S CSZla- Oshes> /W lace, /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 0.029961699 6 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- ta- ckle>> /W () /S ACCTin /W long /S CSZla- Oshes /W lace, /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 0.004003588 7 188 HF: Shivelights and shadowtackle in long ' lashes lace, lance, and pair. /W ches, /S Shive- Olights> /W and /S sha- dow- ta- ckle>> /W () /S ACCTin /W long /S CSZla- Oshes> /W lace, /S lance, /W and /S RHM pair. 0.001839583 8 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- /W Oster- Oous /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 1 0.394723204 1 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- /W Oster- Oous /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.264382508 2 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- /W stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.086274456 3 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- /W stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.057785955 4 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W () /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.04330925 5 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- /W Oster- Oous /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.043036077 6 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W () /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.029008196 7 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- /W Oster- Oous /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.028825227 8 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- /W stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.009406374 9 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 0.007159448 10 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- /W stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.006300316 11 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 0.004795342 12 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W () /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.004721942 13 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.003593999 14 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 0.003289649 15 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W () /S CSZropes, /W wre- stles, /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.00316272 16 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.002407232 17 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 0.002203381 18 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.001651383 19 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright /W wind /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 0.001106084 20 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 7.81E-04 21 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 5.23E-04 22 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 3.92E-04 23 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 3.59E-04 24 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles, /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 2.62E-04 25 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W beats /S earth /W () /S RHM bare 2.40E-04 26 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- /W ful- ly the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 1.80E-04 27 189 HF: Delightfully the bright wind boisterous ' ropes, wrestles, beats earth bare /W De- /S light- ful- ly>> /W the /S bright wind> /W () /S boi- Oster- Oous>> /W CSZropes, /S wre- stles,> /W () /S beats /W earth /S RHM bare 1.21E-04 28 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 1 0.445078226 1 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.278162556 2 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 0.04852621 3.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 0.04852621 3.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 0.030327645 5.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 0.030327645 5.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.027326832 7 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.018540954 8 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.017078574 9 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.011587624 10 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.008519264 11 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 0.005324323 12 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 0.00529074 13 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 0.003306578 14 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 0.002979403 15.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 0.002979403 15.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 0.002021492 17.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 0.002021492 17.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 0.001862051 19.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 0.001862051 19.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 0.001263381 21.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 0.001263381 21.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 9.29E-04 23.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 9.29E-04 23.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 5.81E-04 25.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 5.81E-04 25.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 5.23E-04 27 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 3.55E-04 28 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 3.27E-04 29 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 3.25E-04 30 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- /W ches 2.22E-04 31 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 2.20E-04 32 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 2.03E-04 33 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- /W pest's /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 1.38E-04 34 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 1.01E-04 35 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- /W ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 6.33E-05 36 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 5.70E-05 37.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 5.70E-05 37.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 3.87E-05 39.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 3.87E-05 39.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 3.56E-05 41.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 3.56E-05 41.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- /W peel /S RHM par- ches> 2.42E-05 43.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- /W ches 2.42E-05 43.5 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 6.22E-06 45 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- /W Oses; in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 4.22E-06 46 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W () /S Of /W yes- ter- /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 3.89E-06 47 190 HF: Of yestertempest's creases; in pool and rut peel parches /W Of /S yes- ter- /W () /S tem- pest's> /W () /S crea- Oses;> /W in /S pool /W and /S rut- peel> /W () /S RHM par- ches> 2.64E-06 48 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- /W der- ing /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 1 1 0.798167086 1 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- /W der- ing /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 0.087022957 2 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W ACCTcrust, /S dust; /W () /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 0.03233842 3.5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W () /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 0.03233842 3.5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W () /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 0.016233689 5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- /W der- ing /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 0.015277754 6 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W () /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 0.005677334 7 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W ACCTcrust, /S dust; /W () /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 0.003525809 8.5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W () /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 0.003525809 8.5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W () /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 0.001769935 10 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- /W der- ing /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 0.001665711 11 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W ACCTcrust, /S dust; /W () /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 6.19E-04 13 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W () /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 6.19E-04 13 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W () /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- /W ches, /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 6.19E-04 13 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W () /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 3.11E-04 15 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W () /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- /W ches 1.09E-04 16 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W ACCTcrust, /S dust; /W () /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 6.75E-05 17.5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W squeezed /S CSZdough, /W () /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 6.75E-05 17.5 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W () /S ooze /W to /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 3.39E-05 19 191 HF: Squandering ooze to squeezed ' dough, crust, dust; stanches, starches /W ches /S Squan- der- ing>> /W ooze /S to /W () /S squeezed /W CSZdough, /S ACCTcrust, /W dust; /S ACCTstan- ches,> /W () /S RHM ACCTstar- ches> 1.18E-05 20 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1 0.214005249 2 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1 0.214005249 2 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 1 0.214005249 2 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.074843085 4.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.074843085 4.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.026174533 6 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 0.02333267 7.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 0.02333267 7.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 0.013139455 9 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.008914976 11 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.008914976 11 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 0.008914976 11 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 0.008160029 13 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 0.006595926 14 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.006210821 15.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.006210821 15.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.004595202 17 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.004325137 19.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.004325137 19.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.004325137 19.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.004325137 19.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.003117794 24 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.003117794 24 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 0.003117794 24 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.003117794 24 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.003117794 24 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.002172082 27.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.002172082 27.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.001607059 29 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 0.00151261 31 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 0.00151261 31 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.00151261 31 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 0.001432575 33 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.001090372 35 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 0.001090372 35 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 0.001090372 35 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 9.72E-04 37.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 9.72E-04 37.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 7.59E-04 40 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 7.59E-04 40 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 7.59E-04 40 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 7.19E-04 42 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 6.77E-04 43 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 5.47E-04 44 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 5.29E-04 45.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 5.29E-04 45.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 5.01E-04 47 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 4.72E-04 48.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 4.72E-04 48.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 3.81E-04 50 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 3.40E-04 52 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 3.40E-04 52 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 3.40E-04 52 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 2.75E-04 54 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 2.66E-04 57.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 2.66E-04 57.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 2.66E-04 57.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 2.66E-04 57.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 2.66E-04 57.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 2.66E-04 57.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.91E-04 61 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.85E-04 62.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 1.85E-04 62.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.80E-04 65.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.80E-04 65.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.80E-04 65.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.80E-04 65.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.33E-04 68.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 1.33E-04 68.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.26E-04 70 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.19E-04 71 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 9.29E-05 73.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 9.29E-05 73.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 9.29E-05 73.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 9.29E-05 73.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 8.74E-05 76 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 8.28E-05 77.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 8.28E-05 77.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 6.69E-05 79 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 6.30E-05 83 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 5.97E-05 87 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 5.77E-05 88 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 4.66E-05 90 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 4.66E-05 90 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 4.66E-05 90 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 3.25E-05 92 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 3.00E-05 93 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 2.90E-05 95.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 2.90E-05 95.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 2.90E-05 95.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 2.90E-05 95.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 2.34E-05 98 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 2.20E-05 100 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 2.20E-05 100 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 2.20E-05 100 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 2.09E-05 102 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.96E-05 103.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.96E-05 103.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 1.63E-05 105.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.63E-05 105.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.53E-05 108.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.53E-05 108.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.53E-05 108.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.53E-05 108.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.45E-05 111.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 1.45E-05 111.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.11E-05 113 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.07E-05 114 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.01E-05 115 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 6.87E-06 116.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 6.87E-06 116.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 5.70E-06 118 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 5.55E-06 119.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 5.55E-06 119.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W () /S RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 5.37E-06 124 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 5.08E-06 128.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 5.08E-06 128.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 3.87E-06 130 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 3.64E-06 131 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 2.69E-06 132 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 2.55E-06 133 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 1.94E-06 134.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.94E-06 134.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 1.88E-06 137 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.88E-06 137 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 1.88E-06 137 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.78E-06 139 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.67E-06 140.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.67E-06 140.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.27E-06 142 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.21E-06 143 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 9.42E-07 144.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 9.42E-07 144.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 6.79E-07 146 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 6.05E-07 147.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 6.05E-07 147.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- /W () /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 5.85E-07 149.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W () /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 5.85E-07 149.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 4.73E-07 151.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil /W RHM there 4.73E-07 151.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 3.30E-07 153 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W and /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 3.10E-07 154 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- /W droned /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 2.94E-07 155 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 2.12E-07 156 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 1.65E-07 157.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.65E-07 157.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 1.12E-07 159 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W masks /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W () /S RHM there 1.08E-07 160 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W man- /S marks /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.03E-07 161 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W toil /S RHM there 5.79E-08 162 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- /W marks /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 5.16E-08 163.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- /W mire- /S toil RHM there> 5.16E-08 163.5 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 3.93E-08 165 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W CSZtread- /S mire- /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.80E-08 166 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.22E-08 167 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil /W RHM there 9.56E-09 168 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W toil /S RHM there 3.34E-09 169 192 HF: Squadroned masks and manmarks ' treadmire toil there /W ches /S Squa- droned> /W () /S masks /W () /S and /W () /S man- marks> /W () /S CSZtread- mire-> /W () /S toil RHM there> 1.04E-09 170 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1 1 2.02E-04 53.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.40812548 1 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.142731873 2 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.096842002 3 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.044497307 4.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.044497307 4.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.033868114 6.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.033868114 6.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.024899961 8 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.016894349 9 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.015561841 10.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.015561841 10.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.012314849 12 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.011844542 13 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.010558538 14.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.010558538 14.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.00870815 16 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.007811949 18 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.007811949 18 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.007811949 18 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.005908384 20 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.004306816 21 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.00369259 22.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.00369259 22.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.002732038 25 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.002732038 25 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 0.002732038 25 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.001853657 28 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 0.001853657 28 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 0.001853657 28 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 8.52E-04 31.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 8.52E-04 31.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 8.52E-04 31.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 8.52E-04 31.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 7.04E-04 34 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 6.48E-04 37 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 6.48E-04 37 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 6.48E-04 37 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 6.48E-04 37 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 6.48E-04 37 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 5.13E-04 40 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 4.77E-04 41.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 4.77E-04 41.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 3.25E-04 43 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 3.23E-04 44.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 3.23E-04 44.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 2.98E-04 46.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 2.98E-04 46.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 2.46E-04 48 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 2.36E-04 49.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 2.36E-04 49.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 2.27E-04 51 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 2.02E-04 53.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 2.02E-04 53.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 2.02E-04 53.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 1.79E-04 56 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 1.67E-04 57 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 1.50E-04 59 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.50E-04 59 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.50E-04 59 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 1.14E-04 61 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 1.13E-04 62 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 8.24E-05 63 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 7.72E-05 64 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 7.07E-05 65.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 7.07E-05 65.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 5.23E-05 67.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 5.23E-05 67.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W Ofire /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 3.55E-05 70 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 3.55E-05 70 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 3.55E-05 70 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 2.70E-05 72 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 1.63E-05 73.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.63E-05 73.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.35E-05 75.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.35E-05 75.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.24E-05 78 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- /W () /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 1.24E-05 78 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 1.24E-05 78 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 9.82E-06 80.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 9.82E-06 80.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin /S Oit. /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 9.12E-06 82 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 6.23E-06 83.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 6.23E-06 83.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 6.19E-06 85 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 4.71E-06 86 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 4.51E-06 87 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W () /S burns /W () /S RHM on. 3.87E-06 88.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W () /S ACCTFoot- /W () /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W Mi- llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 3.87E-06 88.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 3.43E-06 90 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 2.86E-06 91 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 2.18E-06 92 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- /W Oe`d, /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.48E-06 93.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- /W ture's /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.48E-06 93.5 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- /W llion- /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 6.79E-07 95 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W bon- /S Ofire /W burns /S RHM on. 5.17E-07 96 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted /W Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 2.58E-07 97 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- /W ted Oin Oit. /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.88E-07 98 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 1.19E-07 99 193 HF: Footfretted in it. Million-fuelèd, ' nature's bonfire burns on. /W ACCTFoot- /S fret- ted Oin Oit.>> /W () /S Mi- llion- /W () /S fuel- Oe`d,> /W () /S CSZna- ture's> /W () /S bon- Ofire> /W burns /S RHM on. 2.83E-08 100 194 HF: But quench her bonniest, dearest ' to her, her clearest-selvèd spark /W But /S quench /W her /S bo- nni- /W est, /S dear- est CSZ> /W Oto Oher, Oher /S clear- /W est- /S sel- /W ve`d /S RHM spark 1 0.977749257 1 194 HF: But quench her bonniest, dearest ' to her, her clearest-selvèd spark /W But /S quench /W her /S bo- nni- est,> /W () /S dear- est CSZ> /W Oto Oher, Oher /S clear- /W est- /S sel- /W ve`d /S RHM spark 0.018715145 2 194 HF: But quench her bonniest, dearest ' to her, her clearest-selvèd spark /W But /S quench /W her /S bo- nni- /W est, /S dear- est CSZ> /W Oto Oher, Oher /S clear- /W est- /S sel- ve`d> /W () /S RHM spark 0.003469194 3 194 HF: But quench her bonniest, dearest ' to her, her clearest-selvèd spark /W But /S quench /W her /S bo- nni- est,> /W () /S dear- est CSZ> /W Oto Oher, Oher /S clear- /W est- /S sel- ve`d> /W () /S RHM spark 6.64E-05 4 195 HF: Man, how fast his firedint, ' his mark on mind, is gone! /W () /S ACCTMan, /W how /S ACCTfast /W his /S ACCTfire Odint,> /W CSZhis /S mark /W on /S mind, /W is /S RHM gone! 1 1 0.423952391 2 195 HF: Man, how fast his firedint, ' his mark on mind, is gone! /W ACCTMan, /S how /W ACCTfast /S his /W ACCTfire /S Odint, /W CSZhis /S mark /W on /S mind, /W is /S RHM gone! 0.475588756 1 195 HF: Man, how fast his firedint, ' his mark on mind, is gone! /W ACCTMan, /S how /W () /S ACCTfast /W his /S ACCTfire Odint,> /W CSZhis /S mark /W on /S mind, /W is /S RHM gone! 0.074429101 3 195 HF: Man, how fast his firedint, ' his mark on mind, is gone! /W ACCTMan, /S how /W ACCTfast /S his /W () /S ACCTfire Odint,> /W CSZhis /S mark /W on /S mind, /W is /S RHM gone! 0.026029752 4 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 1 0.239269849 1 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.220397925 2 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.174411691 3 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.11063841 4 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.052297093 5 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.041741272 6 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.038449014 7 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.030426591 8 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.026252821 9 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.01930117 10 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.009123369 11 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.0073281 12 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.006750111 13 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.005341694 14 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.004579876 15 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.003388514 16 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.001601699 17 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.001267503 18 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 0.001167531 19 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 9.24E-04 20 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 8.49E-04 21 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 8.04E-04 22 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 7.82E-04 23 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 6.19E-04 24 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 5.86E-04 25 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 3.93E-04 26 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 2.77E-04 27 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.86E-04 28 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.48E-04 29 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- /W mous /S RHM ACCTdark 1.39E-04 30 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.36E-04 31 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.08E-04 32 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 9.31E-05 33 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 6.85E-05 34 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 3.24E-05 35 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 2.60E-05 36 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 2.40E-05 37 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.90E-05 38 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in /S an /W >CTun- /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.63E-05 39 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 1.20E-05 40 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 5.68E-06 41 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- /W a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 4.50E-06 42 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 4.14E-06 43 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- /W thom- a- ble, /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 3.28E-06 44 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W ACCTBoth /S are /W in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 2.85E-06 45 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 2.08E-06 46 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W ACCTall /S is /W in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 9.83E-07 47 196 HF: Both are in an unfathomable, all is in an enormous dark /W () /S ACCTBoth /W are in an /S >CTun- /W () /S ACCTfa- thom- a- ble,>> /W () /S ACCTall /W is in an e- /S ACCTnor- mous> /W () /S RHM ACCTdark 4.93E-07 48 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- ty /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 1 0.361177808 1 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- /W ty and /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.265539243 2 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- ty /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 0.126313077 3 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- /W ty and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 0.092865835 4 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W pi- ty /S and /W () /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.032683699 5 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- ty> /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.030762841 6 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- ty /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.022175529 7 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- /W ty and /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.01630353 8 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W pi- ty /S and /W () /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 0.011430322 9 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- ty> /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 0.010758549 10 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- ty /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 0.007755347 11 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- ty /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.006913322 12 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- /W ty and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 0.00570176 13 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- /W ty and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.005082699 14 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- ty> /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- /W Otion! /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 0.001888771 15 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- ty> /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W man- /S shape, /W that /S RHM shone 6.61E-04 16 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W pi- ty /S and /W () /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 6.26E-04 17 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W () /S Drowned. /W O /S pi- ty> /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 5.89E-04 18 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- ty /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 4.24E-04 19 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- /W ty and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 3.12E-04 20 197 HF: Drowned. O pity and indig ' nation! Manshape, that shone /W Drowned. /S O /W () /S pi- ty> /W and /S in- /W dig- /S na- Otion!> /W () /S man- shape,> /W that /S RHM shone 3.62E-05 21 198 HF: Sheer off, disseveral, a star, ' death blots black out; nor mark /W Sheer /S off, /W dis- /S se- veral, /W a /S star, /W CSZdeath /S blots /W black /S out; /W nor /S RHM mark 1 0.455645796 1 198 HF: Sheer off, disseveral, a star, ' death blots black out; nor mark /W Sheer /S off, /W dis- /S se- /W veral, a /S star, /W CSZdeath /S blots /W black /S out; /W nor /S RHM mark 0.334992453 2 198 HF: Sheer off, disseveral, a star, ' death blots black out; nor mark /W Sheer /S off, /W dis- /S se- veral,> /W a /S star, /W CSZdeath /S blots /W black /S out; /W nor /S RHM mark 0.209361751 3 199 HF: Is any of him at all so stark /W Is /S ACCTa- /W ny of him at /S ACCTall /W so /S RHM ACCTstark 1 0.808221311 1 199 HF: Is any of him at all so stark /W Is /S ACCTa- ny /W of him at /S ACCTall /W so /S RHM ACCTstark 0.191778689 2 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- /W ness /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 1 0.395364778 1 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- /W ness /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.290673628 2 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- /W ness /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.181663614 3 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- /W ness /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 0.043106027 4 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- /W ness /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 0.031691709 5 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- /W ness /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 0.019806511 6 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W () /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.007567696 7 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W () /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.005563798 8 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W time /S CSZbeats /W () /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.005272208 9 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W time /S CSZbeats /W () /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.003876146 10 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W () /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.003477232 11 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W () /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.002646616 12 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W time /S CSZbeats /W () /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.002422493 13 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W () /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.001945802 14 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W () /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- /W tion, 0.001216077 15 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W () /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 8.25E-04 16 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W () /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 6.07E-04 17 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W time /S CSZbeats /W () /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 5.75E-04 18 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W time /S CSZbeats /W () /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 4.23E-04 19 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W () /S blurs /W and /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 3.79E-04 20 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W () /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel. /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 2.89E-04 21 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W time /S CSZbeats /W () /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 2.64E-04 22 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W () /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- /W vel. E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 2.12E-04 23 200 HF: But vastness blurs and time ' beats level. Enough! the Resurrection, /W But /S vast- ness> /W blurs /S and /W () /S time /W CSZbeats /S le- vel.> /W E- /S nough! /W the^ Re^- sur^- /S RHM rec- tion,> 1.33E-04 24 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 1 1 0.794954155 1 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 0.086672656 2.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 0.086672656 2.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 0.015216255 4 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 0.009449789 5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 0.002820611 6 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 0.001659005 7.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 0.001659005 7.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 3.08E-04 9.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 3.08E-04 9.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- /W less /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 1.81E-04 11 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 5.40E-05 12 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- /W ping, /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 3.35E-05 13 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway /W grief's /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 5.89E-06 14.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- /W tion. 5.89E-06 14.5 201 HF: A heart's-clarion! Away grief's gasping, ' joyless days, dejection. /W tion, A /S ACCTheart's- cla- rion!>> /W A- /S ACCTway grief's> /W () /S ACCTgas- ping,> /W () /S CSZjoy- less> /W () /S days, /W de- /S RHM jec- tion.> 6.42E-07 16 202 HF: Across my foundering deck shone /W tion. A- /S cross /W my /S foun- /W der- ing /S RHM deck shone> 1 1 0.72907121 1 202 HF: Across my foundering deck shone /W tion. A- /S cross /W my /S foun- der- ing>> /W RHM deck /S shone 0.270928636 2 202 HF: Across my foundering deck shone /W tion. A- /S cross /W my /S foun- der- ing>> /W () /S RHM deck shone> 1.54E-07 3 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- /W nal /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 1 1 0.604516259 1 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- /W nal /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 0.381057349 2 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W () /S fade, /W and /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 0.004272781 3 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W () /S fade, /W and /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 0.002693351 4 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- /W nal /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 0.00214491 5.5 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- nal> /W () /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 0.00214491 5.5 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- /W nal /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 0.001352046 7.5 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- nal> /W () /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 0.001352046 7.5 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W fade, /S and /W () /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 2.62E-04 9 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W fade, /S and /W () /S mor- /W tal /S RHM trash 1.65E-04 10 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W () /S fade, /W and /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 1.52E-05 11 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W () /S fade, /W and /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 9.56E-06 12 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- nal> /W () /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 7.61E-06 13 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- nal> /W () /S beam. /W CSZFlesh /S fade, /W and /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 4.80E-06 14 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- /W con, an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W fade, /S and /W () /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 9.31E-07 15 203 HF: A beacon, an eternal beam. ' Flesh fade, and mortal trash /W A /S bea- con,> /W an e- /S ter- nal> /W beam. /S CSZFlesh /W fade, /S and /W () /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM trash 5.87E-07 16 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- /W a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 1 0.361021485 1 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi /W du- a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.263160478 2 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- /W a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.062444 3 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.061643598 4 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi /W du- a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.045517493 5 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- /W a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.03936163 6 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.030944709 7 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi /W du- a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.028691991 8 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.021558336 9 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.014627093 10 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.010662171 11 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.007342711 12 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- /W a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.006808175 13 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.006720909 14 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.005352345 15 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.005115467 16 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi /W du- a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.004962704 17 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.003728833 18 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.003373855 19 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.002529972 20 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- /W a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 0.002416718 21 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi /W du- a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 0.001761626 22 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.00159477 23 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 0.001323635 24 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- /W fire, /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.00127003 25 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 0.00116248 26 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 8.85E-04 27 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 8.01E-04 28 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 5.84E-04 29 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- /W a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 4.18E-04 30 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 4.13E-04 31 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 3.14E-04 32 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi /W du- a- ry /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 3.05E-04 33 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 2.76E-04 34 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 2.29E-04 35 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 2.07E-04 36 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W () /S leave /W but /S RHM ash: 1.38E-04 37 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 9.79E-05 38 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 7.14E-05 39 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W wild- /S fire, /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 5.43E-05 40 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W ACCTFall /S to /W the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 4.92E-05 41 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 3.58E-05 42 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W worm; /S CSZworld's /W () /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 1.69E-05 43 204 HF: Fall to the residuary worm; ' world's wildfire, leave but ash: /W () /S ACCTFall /W to the re- /S ACCTsi du- a- ry>> /W () /S worm; /W CSZworld's /S wild- fire,> /W leave /S but /W () /S RHM ash: 8.50E-06 44 205 HF: In a flash, at a trumpet crash, /W In a /S flash, /W at a /S trum- /W pet /S RHM crash, 1 1 0.999999963 1 205 HF: In a flash, at a trumpet crash, /W In a /S flash, /W at a /S trum- pet> /W () /S RHM crash, 3.69E-08 2 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, /S CSZsince /W he /S was /W what /S RHM I /W am, and 1 0.353064153 1 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, /S and 0.176118133 2 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, /S and 0.110069348 3 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W all /S at /W once /S what /W Christ /S is, /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.043182535 4 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W () /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.030919307 7.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, /S CSZsince /W () /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.030919307 7.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was /S what /W () /S RHM I /W am, and 0.030919307 7.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W () /S was /W what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.030919307 7.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W () /S is, /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.030919307 7.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W () /S I /W am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.030919307 7.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W () /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.01932378 12.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was /S what /W () /S RHM I /W am, and 0.01932378 12.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W () /S was /W what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.01932378 12.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W () /S I /W am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.01932378 12.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W all /S at /W () /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.010813269 15.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W () /S what /W Christ /S is, /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.010813269 15.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W all /S at /W () /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.006758018 17.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W () /S CSZsince /W he /S was /W what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.006758018 17.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W all /S at /W once /S what /W () /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.003781676 19.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W () /S at /W once /S what /W Christ /S is, /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.003781676 19.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I am,> /W () /S and 0.003371086 21 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I /S am /W all /S at /W once /S what /W () /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 0.002363451 22 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I am,> /W () /S and 0.002106843 23 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W () /S what /W () /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 9.47E-04 24.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W () /S at /W () /S once /W what /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 9.47E-04 24.5 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W () /S CSZsince /W () /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 5.92E-04 27 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W at /S once /W () /S what /W () /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 5.92E-04 27 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W () /S at /W () /S once /W what /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 5.92E-04 27 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W () /S at /W once /S what /W () /S Christ /W is, CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 3.31E-04 29 206 HF: I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and /W I am /S all /W () /S at /W once /S what /W () /S Christ is,> /W CSZsince /S he /W was what /S RHM I /W am, and 2.07E-04 30 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and /S ACCTThis /W Jack, /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 1 1 0.367738878 1 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and /S ACCTThis /W Jack, /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 0.229827433 2 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W () /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 0.181873723 3 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W () /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 0.113666445 4 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W ACCTjoke, /S poor /W () /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 0.063605872 5 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W ACCTjoke, /S poor /W () /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 0.03975205 6 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and /S ACCTThis /W Jack, /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 0.00130479 7 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and /S ACCTThis /W Jack, /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 8.15E-04 8 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W () /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 6.45E-04 9 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W () /S ACCTjoke, /W poor /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 4.03E-04 10 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W ACCTjoke, /S poor /W () /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 2.26E-04 11 207 HF: This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, /W am, and ACCTThis /S Jack, /W ACCTjoke, /S poor /W () /S ACCTpot- Osherd,> /W CSZpatch, /S match- wood,> /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 1.41E-04 12 208 HF: Is immortal diamond. /W a- mond. /S Is /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 1 1 0.502139756 1 208 HF: Is immortal diamond. /W a- mond. Is im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- /W a- /S mond. 0.497856946 2 208 HF: Is immortal diamond. /W a- mond. /S Is /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 3.26E-06 3 208 HF: Is immortal diamond. /W a- mond. /S Is /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- /W a- mond. 1.85E-08 4 208 HF: Is immortal diamond. /W a- mond. Is im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- /W a- /S mond. 1.84E-08 5 208 HF: Is immortal diamond. /W a- mond. /S Is /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM di- a- mond.>> 1.20E-13 6 209 HH: Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the stooks rise /W Sum mer /S ACCTends Onow;> /W now, /S bar Obarous> /W in /S ACCTbeau /W ty, the /S ACCTstooks /W () /S RHM ACCTrise 1 1 0.236684165 2.5 209 HH: Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the stooks rise /W Sum mer /S ACCTends Onow;> /W now, /S bar /W Obarous in /S ACCTbeau /W ty, the /S ACCTstooks /W () /S RHM ACCTrise 0.378710096 1 209 HH: Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the stooks rise /W Sum mer /S ACCTends Onow;> /W now, /S bar /W Obarous in /S ACCTbeau ty,> /W the /S ACCTstooks /W () /S RHM ACCTrise 0.236684165 2.5 209 HH: Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the stooks rise /W Sum mer /S ACCTends Onow;> /W now, /S bar Obarous> /W in /S ACCTbeau ty,> /W the /S ACCTstooks /W () /S RHM ACCTrise 0.147921575 4 210 HH: Around; up above, what wind-walks! what lovely behaviour /W A- /S round; /W up a- /S bove /W what /S wind= Owalks!> /W what /S love- /W ly be- /S RHM ha- /W viour 1 1 0.808074313 1 210 HH: Around; up above, what wind-walks! what lovely behaviour /W A- /S round; /W up a- /S bove /W what /S wind= Owalks!> /W what /S love- ly> /W be- /S RHM ha- /W viour 0.093615773 2 210 HH: Around; up above, what wind-walks! what lovely behaviour /W A- /S round; /W up a- /S bove /W what /S wind= Owalks!> /W what /S love- /W ly be- /S RHM ha- viour> 0.088103127 3 210 HH: Around; up above, what wind-walks! what lovely behaviour /W A- /S round; /W up a- /S bove /W what /S wind= Owalks!> /W what /S love- ly> /W be- /S RHM ha- viour> 0.010206787 4 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= /W sack /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- /W der, /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- /W ier 1 1 0.866174383 1 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= /W sack /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- /W der, /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- ier> 0.09443769 2 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W () /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- /W der, /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- /W ier 0.017505752 3 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= /W sack /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- der,> /W () /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- /W ier 0.016579485 4 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W () /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- /W der, /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- ier> 0.001908626 5 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= /W sack /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- der,> /W () /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- ier> 0.001807636 6 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W ACCTclouds! /S has /W () /S wil- /W der, /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- /W ier 0.001074815 7 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W () /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- der,> /W () /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- /W ier 3.35E-04 8 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W ACCTclouds! /S has /W () /S wil- /W der, /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- ier> 1.17E-04 9 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W () /S ACCTclouds! /W has /S wil- der,> /W () /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- ier> 3.65E-05 10 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W ACCTclouds! /S has /W () /S wil- der,> /W () /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- /W ier 2.06E-05 11 211 HH: Of silk-sack clouds! has wilder, wilful-wavier /W viour Of /S ACCTsilk= sack> /W ACCTclouds! /S has /W () /S wil- der,> /W () /S wil- /W ful- /S RHM ACCTwav- ier> 2.24E-06 12 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 1 0.272325537 1 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- /W ded /S e- /W ver and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.200214729 2 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.171660639 3 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- /W ded /S e- /W ver and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.126205528 4 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.125129106 5 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.078875241 6 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.005503815 7 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- /W ded /S e- /W ver and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.004046425 8 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.003469334 9 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- /W ded /S e- /W ver and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.002550667 10 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.002528912 11 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- /W ded /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.001594102 12 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W e- ver /S and /W () /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 0.00142412 13 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 9.66E-04 14 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W e- ver /S and /W () /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 8.98E-04 15 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- /W ver and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 7.10E-04 16 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 6.09E-04 17 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- /W ver and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 4.48E-04 18 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 4.44E-04 19 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= /W drift /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 2.80E-04 20 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W e- ver /S and /W () /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 2.88E-05 21 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 1.95E-05 22 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W e- ver /S and /W () /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 1.81E-05 23 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- /W ver and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 1.44E-05 24 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 1.23E-05 25 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- /W ver and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 9.05E-06 26 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- /W ted a- cross /S RHM skies? 8.97E-06 27 212 HH: Meal-drift moulded ever and melted across skies? /W ier /S Meal= drift> /W () /S moul- ded> /W () /S e- ver> /W and /S mel- ted> /W a- cross /S RHM skies? 5.66E-06 28 213 HH: I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes, /W I /S ACCTwalk, /W I /S ACCTlift /W up, /S ACCTI /W lift /S ACCTup /W heart, /S RHM ACCTeyes, 1 1 0.840985359 1 213 HH: I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes, /W I /S ACCTwalk, /W I /S ACCTlift /W () /S up, /W ACCTI /S lift ACCTup> /W heart, /S RHM ACCTeyes, 0.138966255 2 213 HH: I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes, /W I /S ACCTwalk, /W I /S ACCTlift /W up, /S ACCTI /W () /S lift ACCTup> /W heart, /S RHM ACCTeyes, 0.008532225 3.5 213 HH: I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes, /W I /S ACCTwalk, /W () /S I /W ACCTlift /S up, /W ACCTI /S lift ACCTup> /W heart, /S RHM ACCTeyes, 0.008532225 3.5 213 HH: I walk, I lift up, I lift up heart, eyes, /W () /S I /W ACCTwalk, /S I /W ACCTlift /S up, /W ACCTI /S lift ACCTup> /W heart, /S RHM ACCTeyes, 0.002983936 5 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 1 0.214569531 1 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.157752302 2 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.13525409 3 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.099439301 4 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.098591171 5 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.06214703 6 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.037432235 7 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.027520316 8 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.023595442 9 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.023394193 10 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.017347455 11 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.017199496 12.5 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.017199496 12.5 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.01474655 14 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.010841717 15.5 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- /W viour; 0.010841717 15.5 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.010749247 17 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W Down /S all /W that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.006775797 18 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.00408118 19 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.003000499 20 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.002572576 21 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- /W vens to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.001891367 22 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- /W ry in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.001875235 23 214 HH: Down all that glory in the heavens to glean our Saviour; /W () /S Down /W all that /S glo- ry> /W in the /S hea- vens> /W to /S glean /W our /S RHM Sa- viour;> 0.001182056 24 215 HH: And, eyes, heart, what looks, what lips yet gave you a /W viour; And, /S ACCTeyes, /W () /S ACCTheart, /W what /S looks, /W what /S lips /W yet /S RHM ACCTgave /W you a 1 1 0.306454139 2 215 HH: And, eyes, heart, what looks, what lips yet gave you a /W viour; /S And, /W ACCTeyes, /S ACCTheart, /W what /S looks, /W what /S lips /W yet /S RHM ACCTgave /W you a 0.614348843 1 215 HH: And, eyes, heart, what looks, what lips yet gave you a /W viour; And, /S ACCTeyes, /W ACCTheart, /S what /W () /S looks, /W what /S lips /W yet /S RHM ACCTgave /W you a 0.053801102 3 215 HH: And, eyes, heart, what looks, what lips yet gave you a /W viour; And, /S ACCTeyes, /W ACCTheart, /S what /W looks, /S what /W () /S lips /W yet /S RHM ACCTgave /W you a 0.018815616 4 215 HH: And, eyes, heart, what looks, what lips yet gave you a /W viour; And, /S ACCTeyes, /W ACCTheart, /S what /W looks, /S what /W lips /S yet /W () /S RHM ACCTgave /W you a 0.0065803 5 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- Oting> /W of /S real- /W er, of /S round- /W er re- /S RHM plies? 1 1 0.057258397 3.5 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- /W Oting of /S real- /W er, of /S round- /W er re- /S RHM plies? 0.494244057 1 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- /W Oting of /S real- er,> /W of /S round- /W er re- /S RHM plies? 0.308889947 2 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- /W Oting of /S real- /W er, of /S round- er> /W re- /S RHM plies? 0.057258397 3.5 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- /W Oting of /S real- er,> /W of /S round- er> /W re- /S RHM plies? 0.03578504 5.5 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- Oting> /W of /S real- er,> /W of /S round- /W er re- /S RHM plies? 0.03578504 5.5 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- Oting> /W of /S real- /W er, of /S round- er> /W re- /S RHM plies? 0.006633411 7 216 HH: Rapturous love's greeting of realer, of rounder replies? /W you a /S Rap- Oturous> /W love's /S gree- Oting> /W of /S real- er,> /W of /S round- er> /W re- /S RHM plies? 0.004145713 8 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are his /S world=GCL /W () /S GCLwiel- /W ding /S RHM shoul- /W der 1 1 0.299032132 2 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are /S his /W world=GCL /S GCLwiel- /W ding /S RHM shoul- /W der 0.59946994 1 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are /S his /W world=GCL /S GCLwiel- /W ding /S RHM shoul- der> 0.065359306 3 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are his /S world=GCL /W () /S GCLwiel- /W ding /S RHM shoul- der> 0.032603024 4 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are /S his /W world=GCL /S GCLwiel- ding> /W () /S RHM shoul- /W der 0.002127005 5 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are his /S world=GCL /W () /S GCLwiel- ding> /W () /S RHM shoul- /W der 0.001061009 6 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are /S his /W world=GCL /S GCLwiel- ding> /W () /S RHM shoul- der> 2.32E-04 7 217 HH: And the azurous hung hills are his world-wielding shoulder /W And the /S az- Ourous> /W hung /S hills /W are his /S world=GCL /W () /S GCLwiel- ding> /W () /S RHM shoul- der> 1.16E-04 8 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- Otic-- /W as a /S stal- /W lion /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 1 0.437187926 1 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- /W Otic-- as a /S stal- /W lion /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.318680711 2 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- Otic--> /W as a /S stal- /W lion /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.200880663 3 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- Otic-- /W as a /S stal- lion /W () /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.018212262 4 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- /W Otic-- as a /S stal- lion /W () /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.013275519 5 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- Otic--> /W as a /S stal- lion /W () /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.008368235 6 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- Otic-- /W as a /S stal- lion> /W () /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.001551205 7 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- /W Otic-- as a /S stal- lion> /W () /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 0.001130725 8 218 HH: Majestic -- as a stallion stalwart, very-violet-sweet! -- /W der Ma- /S jes- Otic--> /W as a /S stal- lion> /W () /S stal- Owart,> /W ve- ry= /S vio- /W let= /S RHM sweet! -- 7.13E-04 9 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W were /S here /W and /S but /W the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 1 0.845568036 1 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W were /S here /W and /S but /W the be- /S RHM hol- der> 0.092191011 2 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W were /S here /W () /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.025676268 3 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W () /S were /W here /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.008979645 4 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W () /S were /W () /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.004507727 6 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W () /S these /W () /S things /W were /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.004507727 6 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W () /S things, /W these /S things /W were /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.004507727 6 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W () /S these /W things /S were /W here /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.00314041 8 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W were /S here /W () /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 0.002799445 9 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W () /S these /W things /S were /W () /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.001576467 10.5 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W things, /S these /W () /S things /W were /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.001576467 10.5 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W things, /S these /W things /S were /W here /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 0.001098282 12 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W () /S were /W here /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 9.79E-04 13 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W things, /S these /W things /S were /W () /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- /W der 5.51E-04 14 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W these /S things /W () /S were /W () /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 4.91E-04 16 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W () /S these /W () /S things /W were /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 4.91E-04 16 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W () /S things, /W these /S things /W were /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 4.91E-04 16 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W () /S these /W things /S were /W here /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 3.42E-04 18 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W These /S things, /W () /S these /W things /S were /W () /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 1.72E-04 19.5 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W things, /S these /W () /S things /W were /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 1.72E-04 19.5 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W things, /S these /W things /S were /W here /S and /W but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 1.20E-04 21 219 HH: These things, these things were here and but the beholder /W () /S These /W things, /S these /W things /S were /W () /S here /W and but the be- /S RHM hol- der> 6.01E-05 22 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; /S ACCTwhich /W two /S ACCTwhen /W they /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 1 1 0.608556089 1 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; /S ACCTwhich /W () /S two /W ACCTwhen /S they /W ACCTonce /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.106838134 2 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; /S ACCTwhich /W () /S two /W ACCTwhen they /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.053293807 4 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; ACCTwhich /S two /W ACCTwhen /S they /W () /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.053293807 4 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; ACCTwhich /S two /W () /S ACCTwhen /W they /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.053293807 4 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; /S ACCTwhich /W two /S ACCTwhen /W () /S they /W ACCTonce /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.037364016 6 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W ACCTwhich /S two /W ACCTwhen /S they /W () /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.033307272 7.5 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W ACCTwhich /S two /W () /S ACCTwhen /W they /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.033307272 7.5 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W () /S ACCTwhich /W two /S ACCTwhen /W they /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.011648401 9 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- /W ting; ACCTwhich /S two /W () /S ACCTwhen /W () /S they /W ACCTonce /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.003272123 10 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W ACCTwhich /S two /W () /S ACCTwhen /W () /S they /W ACCTonce /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.002044994 11.5 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W () /S ACCTwhich /W () /S two /W ACCTwhen /S they /W ACCTonce /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.002044994 11.5 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W () /S ACCTwhich /W () /S two /W ACCTwhen they /S ACCTonce /W () /S RHM ACCTmeet, 0.001020099 13 220 HH: Wanting; which two when they once meet, /W der /S GCLWan- ting;> /W () /S ACCTwhich /W two /S ACCTwhen /W () /S they /W ACCTonce /S RHM ACCTmeet, 7.15E-04 14 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W () /S GCLwingsGCL /W () /S GCLbold /W and /S RHM bol- /W der, 1 1 0.738774874 1 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W () /S GCLwingsGCL /W GCLbold /S and /W () /S RHM bol- /W der, 0.12969935 2 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W () /S GCLwingsGCL /W () /S GCLbold /W and /S RHM bol- der,> 0.080547514 3 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W GCLrearsGCL /S GCLwingsGCL /W () /S GCLbold /W () /S and /W () /S RHM bol- /W der, 0.022770024 4 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W () /S GCLwingsGCL /W GCLbold /S and /W () /S RHM bol- der,> 0.014140925 5 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W GCLwingsGCL /S GCLbold /W () /S and /W () /S RHM bol- /W der, 0.007963257 6 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W GCLrearsGCL /S GCLwingsGCL /W () /S GCLbold /W () /S and /W () /S RHM bol- der,> 0.002482581 7.5 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W () /S GCLwingsGCL GCLbold> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM bol- /W der, 0.002482581 7.5 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W GCLwingsGCL /S GCLbold /W () /S and /W () /S RHM bol- der,> 8.68E-04 9 221 HH: The heart rears wings bold and bolder /W The /S heartGCL /W () /S GCLrearsGCL /W () /S GCLwingsGCL GCLbold> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM bol- der,> 2.71E-04 10 222 HH: And hurls for him, O half hurls earth for him off under his feet. /W der, And /S hurls Ofor Ohim,>> /W O /S half /W hurls /S earth Ofor Ohim>> /W off /S un- /W der his /S RHM feet. 1 1 0.783235675 1 222 HH: And hurls for him, O half hurls earth for him off under his feet. /W der, And /S hurls /W Ofor Ohim, O /S half /W hurls /S earth Ofor Ohim>> /W off /S un- /W der his /S RHM feet. 0.216764325 2 223 HP: Hard as hurdle arms, with a broth of goldish flue /W Hard /S as /W hur- /S *H dle arms, /W with a /S broth /W of /S gold- /W ish /S RHM flue 1 1 0.729216606 1 223 HP: Hard as hurdle arms, with a broth of goldish flue /W () /S Hard /W as /S hur- *H dle arms,> /W with a /S broth /W of /S gold- /W ish /S RHM flue 0.227336577 2 223 HP: Hard as hurdle arms, with a broth of goldish flue /W Hard /S as /W () /S hur- *H dle arms,> /W with a /S broth /W of /S gold- /W ish /S RHM flue 0.03991122 3 223 HP: Hard as hurdle arms, with a broth of goldish flue /W Hard /S as /W hur- /S *H dle arms, /W with a /S broth /W of /S gold- ish> /W () /S RHM flue 0.002587365 4 223 HP: Hard as hurdle arms, with a broth of goldish flue /W () /S Hard /W as /S hur- *H dle arms,> /W with a /S broth /W of /S gold- ish> /W () /S RHM flue 8.07E-04 5 223 HP: Hard as hurdle arms, with a broth of goldish flue /W Hard /S as /W () /S hur- *H dle arms,> /W with a /S broth /W of /S gold- ish> /W () /S RHM flue 1.42E-04 6 224 HP: Breathed round; the rack of ribs; the scooped flank; lank /W Breathed /S round; /W the /S rack /W of /S ribs; /W the /S scooped /W flank; /S RHM lank 1 1 0.259108592 2 224 HP: Breathed round; the rack of ribs; the scooped flank; lank /W Breathed /S round; /W the /S rack /W of /S ribs; /W the /S scooped /W () /S flank; /W RHM lank 0.740891408 1 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W knee- /S nave; /W and /S bar- /W relled /S RHM shank-- 1 0.634123248 1 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W () /S knee- /W nave; /S and /W bar- relled /S RHM shank-- 0.221769047 2 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W () /S knee- nave;> /W and /S bar- /W relled /S RHM shank-- 0.069137504 3 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W knee- /S nave; /W () /S and /W bar- relled /S RHM shank-- 0.038933784 4 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W knee- /S nave; /W and /S bar- relled /W () /S RHM shank-- 0.026416143 5 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W () /S knee- nave;> /W () /S and /W bar- relled /S RHM shank-- 0.004244892 6 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W () /S knee- nave;> /W and /S bar- relled /W () /S RHM shank-- 0.002880112 7 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W knee- /S nave; /W and /S bar- relled> /W () /S RHM shank-- 0.00224996 8 225 HP: Rope-over thigh; knee-nave; and barrelled shank -- /W Rope- /S o- /W ver /S thigh; /W () /S knee- nave;> /W and /S bar- relled> /W () /S RHM shank-- 2.45E-04 9 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W and /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- /W ul /S ACCTder /W and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 1 1 0.661430261 1 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W and /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTshoul- /W ACCTder /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.116120726 2.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W ACCTHead /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- /W ul /S ACCTder /W and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.116120726 2.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W ACCTfoot, /S >CTsho- /W ul /S ACCTder /W and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.040610375 4 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W ACCTHead /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTshoul- /W ACCTder /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.02038616 5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W and /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- /W ul ACCTder /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.020257575 6 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W ACCTfoot, /S >CTshoul- /W ACCTder /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.007129559 7.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W ACCTHead /S and /W ACCTfoot, /S >CTsho- /W ul /S ACCTder /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.007129559 7.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTshoul- /W ACCTder and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.003556421 9.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W ACCTHead /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- /W ul ACCTder /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.003556421 9.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W ACCTfoot, /S >CTsho- /W ul ACCTder /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 0.001243771 11 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- /W ul ACCTder and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 6.15E-04 12 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W and /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTshoul- ACCTder> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 4.12E-04 14.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTshoul- ACCTder> /W and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 4.12E-04 14.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W and /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- ul ACCTder>> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 4.12E-04 14.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- ul ACCTder>> /W and /S RHM ACCTshank-- 4.12E-04 14.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W ACCTHead /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTshoul- ACCTder> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 7.23E-05 17.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W ACCTHead /S and /W () /S ACCTfoot, /W () /S >CTsho- ul ACCTder>> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 7.23E-05 17.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W ACCTfoot, /S >CTshoul- ACCTder> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 2.53E-05 19.5 226 HP: Head and foot, shoulder and shank -- /W () /S ACCTHead /W () /S and /W ACCTfoot, /S >CTsho- ul ACCTder>> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTshank-- 2.53E-05 19.5 227 HP: By a grey eye's heed steered well, one crew, fall to; /W By a /S grey /W eye's /S heed /W steered /S well, /W one /S crew, /W fall /S RHM to; 1 1 1 1 228 HP: Stand at stress. Each limb's barrowy brawned thew /W Stand /S at /W stress. /S Each /W limb's /S ba- rrow- /W y- /S braw- /W ne`d /S RHM thew 1 0.574263662 1 228 HP: Stand at stress. Each limb's barrowy brawned thew /W Stand /S at /W stress. /S Each /W limb's /S ba- /W rrow- y- /S braw- /W ne`d /S RHM thew 0.42220074 2 228 HP: Stand at stress. Each limb's barrowy brawned thew /W Stand /S at /W stress. /S Each /W limb's /S ba- rrow- /W y- /S braw- ne`d> /W () /S RHM thew 0.00203757 3 228 HP: Stand at stress. Each limb's barrowy brawned thew /W Stand /S at /W stress. /S Each /W limb's /S ba- /W rrow- y- /S braw- ne`d> /W () /S RHM thew 0.001498029 4 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- /W ded, /S one- /W where /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 1 1 0.948824698 1 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- /W ded, /S one- /W where /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 0.01917615 2 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- ded,> /W () /S one- /W where /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 0.018161499 3 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- ded,> /W one- /S where /W () /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 0.006351539 4 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- /W ded, /S one- where> /W () /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 0.003366566 5 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- ded,> /W one- /S where /W sucked /S or /W () /S RHM sank-- 0.002221295 6 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- /W ded, /S one- where> /W sucked /S or /W () /S RHM sank-- 0.001177374 7 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- ded,> /W () /S one- /W where /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 3.67E-04 8 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- ded,> /W one- /S where /W () /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 1.28E-04 9 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- /W ded, /S one- where> /W () /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 6.80E-05 10 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- ded,> /W () /S one- where> /W () /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 6.44E-05 11 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- ded,> /W one- /S where /W sucked /S or /W () /S RHM sank-- 4.49E-05 12 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- /W ded, /S one- where> /W sucked /S or /W () /S RHM sank-- 2.38E-05 13 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- /W where /S cur- ded,> /W () /S one- where> /W sucked /S or /W () /S RHM sank-- 2.25E-05 14 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- ded,> /W () /S one- where> /W () /S sucked /W or /S RHM sank-- 1.30E-06 15 229 HP: That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank -- /W That /S one- where> /W () /S cur- ded,> /W () /S one- where> /W sucked /S or /W () /S RHM sank-- 4.55E-07 16 230 HP: Soared or sank -- , /W () /S >CTSo- /W ared /S ACCTor /W () /S RHM ACCTsank--, 1 0.850658351 1 230 HP: Soared or sank -- , /W () /S >CTSoared /W () /S ACCTor /W () /S RHM ACCTsank--, 0.149341618 2 230 HP: Soared or sank -- , /W () /S >CTSo- ared> /W () /S ACCTor /W () /S RHM ACCTsank--, 3.14E-08 3 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W bole /S firm, /W finds /S his, /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 1 0.308417055 1.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W bole /S firm, /W () /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 1 0.308417055 1.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W () /S bole /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.107861298 3 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though /S as /W a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.072244652 4 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W bole /S firm, /W finds /S his, /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.033626248 6 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W bole /S firm, /W () /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.033626248 6 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W bole /S firm, /W () /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.033626248 6 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, /S as /W at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.012603275 8.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as /S at /W a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.012603275 8.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W () /S bole /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.011759955 10.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W () /S bole /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.011759955 10.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though /S as /W a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.007876726 13 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though /S as /W a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.007876726 13 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as /S at /W a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.007876726 13 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W () /S firm, /W finds /S his, /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.00623324 15.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W () /S firm, /W () /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.00623324 15.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W bole /S firm, /W () /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.003666219 17 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W () /S Though /W as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 0.002212631 18 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- /W () /S call, /W () /S RHM rank 0.002179923 19 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, /S as /W at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.001374116 20.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as /S at /W a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.001374116 20.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- /W () /S bole /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 0.00128217 22 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though /S as /W a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 8.59E-04 23.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as /S at /W a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 8.59E-04 23.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W () /S firm, /W finds /S his, /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 6.80E-04 26 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W () /S firm, /W () /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 6.80E-04 26 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W () /S firm, /W () /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 6.80E-04 26 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W () /S his, /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 3.83E-04 28 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W () /S as /W at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 2.41E-04 30 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W () /S Though /W as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W his, as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 2.41E-04 30 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W () /S Though /W as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- /W call, /S RHM rank 2.41E-04 30 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- /W () /S call, /W () /S RHM rank 2.38E-04 32 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W () /S firm, /W () /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 7.41E-05 33 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds /W () /S his, /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 4.17E-05 34 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W Though as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W () /S as /W at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 2.63E-05 35.5 231 HP: Though as a beechbole firm, finds his, as at a roll-call, rank /W () /S Though /W as a /S beech- bole> /W firm, /S finds his,> /W as at a /S roll- call,> /W () /S RHM rank 2.63E-05 35.5 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- /W tures, /S ACCTin /W flesh, /S ACCTwhat /W deed /S *H he each /W must /S RHM do-- 1 1 0.506262112 1 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- /W tures, ACCTin /S flesh, /W ACCTwhat /S deed /W *H he each /S must /W () /S RHM do-- 0.12677228 2.5 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- /W tures, ACCTin /S flesh, /W ACCTwhat /S deed /W () /S *H he each /W must /S RHM do-- 0.12677228 2.5 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- tures,> /W ACCTin /S flesh, /W ACCTwhat /S deed /W *H he each /S must /W () /S RHM do-- 0.079229446 4.5 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- tures,> /W ACCTin /S flesh, /W ACCTwhat /S deed /W () /S *H he each /W must /S RHM do-- 0.079229446 4.5 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- /W tures, ACCTin /S flesh, /W () /S ACCTwhat /W deed /S *H he each /W must /S RHM do-- 0.044335494 6 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- tures,> /W ACCTin /S flesh, /W () /S ACCTwhat /W deed /S *H he each /W must /S RHM do-- 0.027708555 7 232 HP: And features, in flesh, what deed he each must do -- /W And /S fea- tures,> /W () /S ACCTin /W flesh, /S ACCTwhat /W deed /S *H he each /W must /S RHM do-- 0.009690387 8 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W His /S ACCTsi- /W new- /S ACCTser- /W vice /S ACCTwhere /W () /S RHM ACCTdo. 1 0.881089553 1 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W () /S His /W ACCTsi- new- /S ACCTser- /W vice /S ACCTwhere /W () /S RHM ACCTdo. 0.054096976 2 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W His /S ACCTsi- new- /W () /S ACCTser- /W vice /S ACCTwhere /W () /S RHM ACCTdo. 0.036704202 3 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W () /S His /W () /S ACCTsi- /W new- /S ACCTser- /W vice ACCTwhere /S RHM ACCTdo. 0.026985063 4 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W () /S His /W () /S ACCTsi- new- /W () /S ACCTser- /W vice ACCTwhere /S RHM ACCTdo. 0.001124137 5 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W His /S ACCTsi- /W new- /S ACCTser- vice> /W () /S ACCTwhere /W () /S RHM ACCTdo. 3.25E-08 6.5 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W () /S His /W () /S ACCTsi- /W new- /S ACCTser- vice> /W ACCTwhere /S RHM ACCTdo. 3.25E-08 6.5 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W () /S His /W ACCTsi- new- /S ACCTser- vice> /W () /S ACCTwhere /W () /S RHM ACCTdo. 1.99E-09 8 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W His /S ACCTsi- new- /W () /S ACCTser- vice> /W () /S ACCTwhere /W () /S RHM ACCTdo. 1.35E-09 9.5 233 HP: His sinew-service where do. /W () /S His /W () /S ACCTsi- new- /W () /S ACCTser- vice> /W ACCTwhere /S RHM ACCTdo. 1.35E-09 9.5 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- /W bow, /S and /W li- quid /S RHM waist 1 0.535800524 1 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- /W bow, and /S li- /W quid /S RHM waist 0.267272073 2 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- bow,> /W and /S li- /W quid /S RHM waist 0.167038238 3 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- /W bow, and /S li- quid /W () /S RHM waist 0.011133951 4 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- bow,> /W () /S and /W li- quid /S RHM waist 0.010255783 5 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- bow,> /W and /S li- quid /W () /S RHM waist 0.006958436 6 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- /W bow, and /S li- quid> /W () /S RHM waist 9.48E-04 7 234 HP: He leans to it, Harry bends, look. Back, elbow, and liquid waist /W He /S leans to it,>> /W Ha- rry /S bends, Olook.> /W Back, /S el- bow,> /W and /S li- quid> /W () /S RHM waist 5.93E-04 8 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- /W llow- ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- /W sons; /S RHM curls 1 0.37602226 1.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- /W llow- ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- /W sons; /S RHM cur- /W ls 1 0.37602226 1.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- llow- /W ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- /W sons; /S RHM curls 0.089224393 3.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- llow- /W ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- /W sons; /S RHM cur- /W ls 0.089224393 3.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- /W llow- ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- /W sons; /S RHM cur- ls> 0.040997142 5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- llow- /W ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- /W sons; /S RHM cur- ls> 0.009728001 6 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- /W llow- ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- sons;> /W () /S RHM curls 0.00719746 7.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- /W llow- ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- sons;> /W () /S RHM cur- /W ls 0.00719746 7.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- llow- /W ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- sons;> /W () /S RHM curls 0.001707848 9.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- llow- /W ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- sons;> /W () /S RHM cur- /W ls 0.001707848 9.5 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- /W llow- ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- sons;> /W () /S RHM cur- ls> 7.85E-04 11 235 HP: In him, all quail to the wallowing o' the plough: 's cheek crimsons; curls /O OIn Ohim,>> /W all /S quail /W to the /S wa- llow- /W ing o' the /S plough. /W S cheek /S crim- sons;> /W () /S RHM cur- ls> 1.86E-04 12 236 HP: Wag or crossbridle, in a wind lifted, windlaced -- /W Wag /S or /W cross- /S bri- /W dle, in a /S wind /W lift- /S ACCTed, /W wind- /S RHM laced-- 1 1 0.553065051 1 236 HP: Wag or crossbridle, in a wind lifted, windlaced -- /W Wag /S or /W cross- /S bri- dle,> /W in a /S wind /W lift- /S ACCTed, /W wind- /S RHM laced-- 0.348625035 2 236 HP: Wag or crossbridle, in a wind lifted, windlaced -- /W Wag /S or /W cross- /S bri- /W dle, in a /S wind /W () /S lift- ACCTed,> /W wind- /S RHM laced-- 0.060299851 3 236 HP: Wag or crossbridle, in a wind lifted, windlaced -- /W Wag /S or /W cross- /S bri- dle,> /W in a /S wind /W () /S lift- ACCTed,> /W wind- /S RHM laced-- 0.038010063 4 237 HP: See his wind- lilylocks -laced; /W *H See his /S >CTwind- /W () /S ACCTli- /W ly- /S ACCTlocks-- /W () /S RHM ACCTlaced--; 1 0.401778022 1.5 237 HP: See his wind- lilylocks -laced; /W () /S *H See his /W () /S >CTwind- /W ACCTli- ly- /S ACCTlocks-- /W () /S RHM ACCTlaced--; 1 0.401778022 1.5 237 HP: See his wind- lilylocks -laced; /W () /S *H See his /W >CTwind- /S ACCTli- /W ly- /S ACCTlocks-- /W () /S RHM ACCTlaced--; 0.140512005 3 237 HP: See his wind- lilylocks -laced; /W () /S *H See his /W () /S >CTwind- /W () /S ACCTli- ly- /W ACCTlocks-- /S RHM ACCTlaced--; 0.033341373 4 237 HP: See his wind- lilylocks -laced; /W *H See his /S >CTwind- /W () /S ACCTli- ly- /W () /S ACCTlocks-- /W () /S RHM ACCTlaced--; 0.016737165 5 237 HP: See his wind- lilylocks -laced; /W () /S *H See his /W >CTwind- /S ACCTli- ly- /W () /S ACCTlocks-- /W () /S RHM ACCTlaced--; 0.005853413 6 238 HP: Churlsgrace, too, child of Amansstrength, how it hangs or hurls /W Chu~rls- /S grace /W Otoo, /S child /W of /S A- mans- Ostrength,> /W how it /S hangs /W or /S RHM hu~rls 1 0.886391594 1 238 HP: Churlsgrace, too, child of Amansstrength, how it hangs or hurls /W Chu~rls- /S grace Otoo,> /W () /S child /W of /S A- mans- Ostrength,> /W how it /S hangs /W or /S RHM hu~rls 0.096641943 2 238 HP: Churlsgrace, too, child of Amansstrength, how it hangs or hurls /W Chu~rls- /S grace Otoo,> /W child /S of /W () /S A- mans- Ostrength,> /W how it /S hangs /W or /S RHM hu~rls 0.016966464 3 239 HP: These -- broad in bluff hide his frowning feet lashed! raced /O OThese--> /W broad /S ACCTIn /W bluff /S ACCThide /W his /S ACCTfrow- /W ning /S ACCTfeet /W lashed! /S RHM ACCTraced 1 1 0.976792803 1 239 HP: These -- broad in bluff hide his frowning feet lashed! raced /O OThese--> /W broad /S ACCTIn /W bluff /S ACCThide /W his /S ACCTfrow- ning> /W ACCTfeet /S lashed! /W () /S RHM ACCTraced 0.019741397 2 239 HP: These -- broad in bluff hide his frowning feet lashed! raced /O OThese--> /W broad /S ACCTIn /W bluff /S ACCThide /W his /S ACCTfrow- ning> /W () /S ACCTfeet /W lashed! /S RHM ACCTraced 0.003465801 3 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 1 0.173514074 1.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1 0.173514074 1.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.108441877 3.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.108441877 3.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.086553604 5.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.086553604 5.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.054093798 7.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.054093798 7.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 0.018917979 9 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 0.011823255 10 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.010027274 11.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.010027274 11.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 0.009436809 13 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.006616099 14.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.006616099 14.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.006266791 16.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.006266791 16.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 0.005897765 18 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.004134893 19.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.004134893 19.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.003506793 21.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.003506793 21.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.003321241 23.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.003321241 23.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.003300293 25.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.003300293 25.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.002191656 27.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.002191656 27.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.002075691 29.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.002075691 29.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.002062599 31.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.002062599 31.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.001749285 33.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.001749285 33.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.001656727 35.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.001656727 35.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.001093259 38 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.001093259 38 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 0.001093259 38 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 0.001035412 40.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 0.001035412 40.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 7.21E-04 42 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 6.83E-04 43 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 6.16E-04 44.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 6.16E-04 44.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 4.51E-04 46 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 3.85E-04 47.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 3.85E-04 47.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 3.82E-04 50 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 3.82E-04 50 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 3.82E-04 50 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 3.62E-04 52 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 3.60E-04 53 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 2.39E-04 55 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.39E-04 55 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 2.39E-04 55 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.26E-04 57 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.25E-04 58 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 2.03E-04 59.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 2.03E-04 59.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.92E-04 61.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.92E-04 61.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.91E-04 63 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.81E-04 64 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.27E-04 65.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.27E-04 65.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.20E-04 67.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.20E-04 67.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.19E-04 69 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.13E-04 70 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 6.71E-05 72 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 6.71E-05 72 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 6.71E-05 72 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 4.20E-05 75 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 4.20E-05 75 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 4.20E-05 75 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 4.17E-05 77 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 3.35E-05 78.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 3.35E-05 78.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.61E-05 80 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 2.35E-05 81.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 2.35E-05 81.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.21E-05 83 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 2.09E-05 85 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 2.09E-05 85 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.09E-05 85 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.47E-05 87.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.47E-05 87.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.38E-05 89 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.31E-05 90 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.24E-05 91.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.24E-05 91.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.18E-05 93.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.18E-05 93.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 7.78E-06 95.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 7.78E-06 95.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 7.36E-06 97.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 7.36E-06 97.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 7.32E-06 99 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 4.57E-06 100 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 3.88E-06 101.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 3.88E-06 101.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 3.65E-06 103 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.56E-06 104 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~rls-- 2.42E-06 105.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 2.42E-06 105.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- /W der and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.28E-06 107 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W crag- /S iron /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.60E-06 108 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.36E-06 109 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.28E-06 110 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long /W them, /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 8.48E-07 111 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- /W iron /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 8.03E-07 112 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 4.23E-07 113 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W and /S cold /W () /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.64E-07 114 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 2.38E-07 115.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 2.38E-07 115.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~rls-- 1.49E-07 117.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- /W ls-- 1.49E-07 117.5 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /W With, a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 2.60E-08 119 240 HP: With, along them, cragiron under and cold furls -- /O With,> /W a- /S long them,> /W () /S crag- iron> /W () /S un- der> /W () /S and /W cold /S RHM fu~r- ls--> 1.62E-08 120 241 HP: With-a-wet-sheen-shot-furls. /W With- a- /S ACCTwet- /W () /S ACCTsheen- /W () /S ACCTshot /W () /S RHM ACCTfurls. 1 1 0.331928718 3 241 HP: With-a-wet-sheen-shot-furls. /W () /S With- /W a- /S ACCTwet- /W ACCTsheen- /S ACCTshot /W () /S RHM ACCTfurls. 0.334035641 1.5 241 HP: With-a-wet-sheen-shot-furls. /W () /S With- /W a- /S ACCTwet- /W () /S ACCTsheen- /W ACCTshot /S RHM ACCTfurls. 0.334035641 1.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 1 1 0.018379652 15 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.128308241 1 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.094332687 2 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.087055726 3 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.064003688 4.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.064003688 4.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.058955527 6 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.047055745 7 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.040000675 8.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.040000675 8.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.033199951 10 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.029408642 11.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.029408642 11.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.0225258 13.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.0225258 13.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.016561051 16.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.016561051 16.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.015283507 18 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.01123649 19.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.01123649 19.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.010350235 21.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.010350235 21.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.008261109 23 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.007877846 24 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.00702252 25.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.00702252 25.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.005828585 27 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.005791821 28 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.005345032 29.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.005345032 29.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.005162983 31.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.005162983 31.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.003954631 33 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.003929687 35 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.003929687 35 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.003929687 35 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.003619741 37 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.003226733 38 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.002907459 39 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.00288912 40 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.002455954 42.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.002455954 42.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.002455954 42.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.002455954 42.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W () /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.002038405 45 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W () /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001817088 46 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001805626 48 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001805626 48 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001805626 48 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001383035 51.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W () /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001383035 51.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001383035 51.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W () /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001383035 51.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001128471 54.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W () /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001128471 54.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W () /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001016812 57 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001016812 57 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W () /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 0.001016812 57 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 9.38E-04 59 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 6.90E-04 60.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 6.90E-04 60.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 6.35E-04 63.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W Have /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W () /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 6.35E-04 63.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S so /W () /S RHM ACCTdear 6.35E-04 63.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W () /S ACCTfair /W ACCTfa- Ollen, /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 6.35E-04 63.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 5.07E-04 66 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 4.31E-04 67.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 4.31E-04 67.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 3.28E-04 69 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 3.17E-04 70.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 3.17E-04 70.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 2.41E-04 72 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W O /S ACCTfair, /W ACCTfair /S have /W () /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 1.98E-04 73 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 1.51E-04 74.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen, /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 1.51E-04 74.5 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- /W Ollen, so /S RHM ACCTdear 1.11E-04 76 242 HR: Have fair fallen, O fair, fair have fallen, so dear /W () /S Have /W ACCTfair /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W () /S O /W ACCTfair, /S ACCTfair /W have /S ACCTfa- Ollen,> /W so /S RHM ACCTdear 6.93E-05 77 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 1 0.176772908 1 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.129964087 2.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.129964087 2.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.095550071 4 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.081224244 5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.059716361 6 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.048922772 7 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.0359682 8.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.0359682 8.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.026443952 10 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.022479209 11 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.019273284 12 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.016526797 13 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.015056398 14 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.014169789 15.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.014169789 15.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.011069519 17 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.010417681 18 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.008855757 19 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.006918167 20 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.006510785 21 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.005333976 22 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.004166932 23 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.003921559 24.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.003921559 24.5 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.003063544 26 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.002883144 27 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.002450874 28 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- /W cell, 0.001914637 29 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- /W rit as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.001801892 30 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.001641576 31 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 0.001206893 32 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /O OTo Ome,>> /W so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 7.54E-04 33 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 4.54E-04 34 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- /W cial a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 3.34E-04 35 243 HR: To me, so arch-especial a spirit as heaves in Henry Purcell, /W OTo Ome, so /S arch- /W es- /S pe- cial> /W a /S spi- rit> /W as /S heaves /W in /S Hen- /W ry /S RHM Pur- cell,> 2.09E-04 36 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; /S with /W the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 1 0.73468952 1 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W () /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.127882021 2 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.044723599 3 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.015640981 4 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; /S with /W the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 0.014848387 5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W () /S with /W the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.014062727 6 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W () /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.013942784 7 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.00547005 8 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.004876147 9 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W () /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.003916633 11 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.003916633 11 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.003916633 11 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W () /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 0.00258455 13 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.001705313 14 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.001369746 15.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 0.001369746 15.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 9.04E-04 17 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 5.96E-04 18 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 4.79E-04 19 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W () /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 4.27E-04 21 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 4.27E-04 21 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 4.27E-04 21 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 3.16E-04 23 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W () /S with /W the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 2.84E-04 24 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W () /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 2.82E-04 25 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 1.49E-04 26.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 1.49E-04 26.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 1.11E-04 28 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 9.85E-05 29 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W () /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 7.92E-05 31 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 7.92E-05 31 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 7.92E-05 31 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- /W sal 5.22E-05 33 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 3.45E-05 34 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 2.77E-05 35.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 2.77E-05 35.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, /S An /W age /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 1.21E-05 37 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- /W ted; with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 9.68E-06 38 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W since /S passed, /W () /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 8.63E-06 40 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 8.63E-06 40 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W () /S now /W since /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 8.63E-06 40 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W is /S now /W () /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 3.02E-06 42.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W () /S passed, /W since /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 3.02E-06 42.5 244 HR: An age is now since passed, since parted; with the reversal /W cell, An /S age /W () /S is /W now /S since /W passed, /S since /W () /S par- ted;> /W with the re- /S RHM ver- sal> 1.06E-06 44 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 1 0.32681922 1 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 0.240278683 2 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 0.206010779 3 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 0.151459877 4 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 0.026363511 5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 0.016618262 6 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 0.006255662 7.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 0.006255662 7.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 0.004599186 9 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 0.003943262 10.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 0.003943262 10.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 0.002899101 12 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 0.001159601 13 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 8.53E-04 14 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 7.31E-04 15 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 5.37E-04 16 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 5.05E-04 17 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 3.18E-04 18 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 1.20E-04 19 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 9.35E-05 20 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- /W ward /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 7.55E-05 21 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 5.90E-05 22 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 2.22E-05 23.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 2.22E-05 23.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 1.63E-05 25 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays /W him, /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 1.40E-05 26.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- /W sy, /S RHM here. 1.40E-05 26.5 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- /W re- sy, /S RHM here. 1.03E-05 28 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 1.79E-06 29 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,>> /W () /S RHM here. 1.13E-06 30 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- /W Oted to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 4.25E-07 31 245 HR: Of the outward sentence low lays him, listed to a heresy, here. /W sal Of the /S out- ward> /W () /S sen- Otence> /W low /S lays him,> /W () /S lis- Oted> /W to a /S he- re- sy,> /W () /S RHM here. 2.68E-07 32 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in /S him /W nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 1 0.516346058 1 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- /W Oing, /S proud /W () /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 0.408609968 2 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- /W Oing, /S proud /W fire /S or /W () /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 0.025087761 3 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him /S nor /W () /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 0.015814092 4.5 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W () /S in /W him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 0.015814092 4.5 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W () /S proud /W () /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 0.007821223 6 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W () /S Not /W mood /S in /W him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 0.005530591 7 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in /S him /W nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 0.00183207 8 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- /W Oing, /S proud /W () /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 0.001449807 9 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W () /S or /W () /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 4.80E-04 11 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W () /S proud /W fire /S or /W () /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 4.80E-04 11 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W () /S Not /W () /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- /W cred /S RHM fear, 4.80E-04 11 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- /W Oing, /S proud /W fire /S or /W () /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 8.90E-05 13 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him /S nor /W () /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 5.61E-05 14.5 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W () /S in /W him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 5.61E-05 14.5 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W () /S proud /W () /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 2.78E-05 16 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W () /S Not /W mood /S in /W him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 1.96E-05 17 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W () /S or /W () /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 1.70E-06 19 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W Not /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W () /S proud /W fire /S or /W () /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 1.70E-06 19 246 HR: Not mood in him nor meaning, proud fire or sacred fear, /W () /S Not /W () /S mood /W in him nor /S mean- Oing,> /W proud /S fire /W or /S sa- cred> /W () /S RHM fear, 1.70E-06 19 247 HR: Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: /W Or /S love, /W or /S pi- ty, /W or /S all Othat> /W sweet /S notes /W not /S his /W might /S RHM nur- /W sle: 1 0.410851297 1 247 HR: Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: /W Or /S love, /W or /S pi- /W ty, or /S all Othat> /W sweet /S notes /W not /S his /W might /S RHM nur- /W sle: 0.302059374 2 247 HR: Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: /W Or /S love, /W or /S pi- ty,> /W or /S all Othat> /W sweet /S notes /W not /S his /W might /S RHM nur- /W sle: 0.188779415 3 247 HR: Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: /W Or /S love, /W or /S pi- ty, /W or /S all Othat> /W sweet /S notes /W not /S his /W might /S RHM nur- sle:> 0.044794499 4 247 HR: Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: /W Or /S love, /W or /S pi- /W ty, or /S all Othat> /W sweet /S notes /W not /S his /W might /S RHM nur- sle:> 0.032933079 5 247 HR: Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: /W Or /S love, /W or /S pi- ty,> /W or /S all Othat> /W sweet /S notes /W not /S his /W might /S RHM nur- sle:> 0.020582336 6 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1 0.157616313 1.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1 0.157616313 1.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.156271984 3.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.156271984 3.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.098506181 5.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.098506181 5.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.027435116 8.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.027435116 8.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.027435116 8.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.027435116 8.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.017146249 11 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.006385959 12.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.006385959 12.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 0.003185493 14.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 0.003185493 14.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 0.003158323 16.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 0.003158323 16.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.002991209 18.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.002991209 18.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 0.001990852 20.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 0.001990852 20.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 0.001111557 22 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 8.33E-04 23 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.59E-04 25.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.59E-04 25.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.59E-04 25.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.59E-04 25.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 5.54E-04 31.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 5.25E-04 36 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.50E-04 38.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.50E-04 38.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.50E-04 38.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.50E-04 38.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.47E-04 41 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.94E-04 42.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.94E-04 42.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.29E-04 44.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.29E-04 44.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 9.73E-05 49.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 6.08E-05 54.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 6.08E-05 54.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.05E-05 56.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.05E-05 56.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.40E-05 58 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 2.27E-05 59.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 2.27E-05 59.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.25E-05 61 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.68E-05 62 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.13E-05 64.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.13E-05 64.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.13E-05 64.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.13E-05 64.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.12E-05 68.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.12E-05 68.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.12E-05 68.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.12E-05 68.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.06E-05 73 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.06E-05 73 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.06E-05 73 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.06E-05 73 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.06E-05 73 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.06E-06 77.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.06E-06 77.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.06E-06 77.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.06E-06 77.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.94E-06 80 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.92E-06 81.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.92E-06 81.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 2.96E-06 83.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 2.96E-06 83.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.98E-06 85.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.98E-06 85.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.97E-06 91.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.86E-06 97.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.86E-06 97.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.24E-06 99.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.24E-06 99.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.23E-06 101.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.23E-06 101.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 6.88E-07 104 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 6.88E-07 104 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.88E-07 104 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 4.58E-07 106.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 4.58E-07 106.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.45E-07 109.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.45E-07 109.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.45E-07 109.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.45E-07 109.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 2.16E-07 112 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.14E-07 114.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.14E-07 114.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.14E-07 114.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.14E-07 114.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.21E-07 117 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.97E-08 118 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 5.97E-08 119.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 5.97E-08 119.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 4.01E-08 121.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 4.01E-08 121.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.98E-08 123.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.98E-08 123.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.77E-08 126.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 3.77E-08 126.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- /W ge`d /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.77E-08 126.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- /W ture /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 3.77E-08 126.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.51E-08 129.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.51E-08 129.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.39E-08 131.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.39E-08 131.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 1.05E-08 133 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.98E-09 135.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.98E-09 135.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W me; /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.98E-09 135.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W it /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 6.98E-09 135.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- /W sal 6.61E-09 138 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W () /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W it is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 4.36E-09 139 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W finds /S me; /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.44E-09 140 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: /S It /W is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.61E-10 141.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It /S is /W the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 7.61E-10 141.5 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds /W () /S me; /W () /S it /W is the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 2.12E-10 143 248 HR: It is the forged feature finds me; it is the rehearsal /W sle: It is the /S for- ge`d> /W () /S fea- ture> /W () /S finds me;> /W () /S it /W () /S is /W the re- /S RHM hear- sal> 1.34E-10 144 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W () /S GCLself Othere> /W so /S thrusts Oon,> /W so /S throngsGCL /W () /S RHM GCL *H the ear 1 1 0.04033326 6 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W GCLself /S Othere /W so /S thrusts /W Oon, /S so /W throngsGCL /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.414990159 1 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W () /S GCLself /W Othere so /S thrusts /W Oon, /S so /W throngsGCL /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.207008532 2 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W GCLself /S Othere /W so /S thrusts Oon,> /W so /S throngsGCL /W () /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.12937506 3.5 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W () /S GCLself Othere> /W so /S thrusts /W Oon, /S so /W throngsGCL /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.12937506 3.5 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W () /S GCLself /W Othere so /S thrusts Oon,> /W so /S throngsGCL /W () /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.064535847 5 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W GCLself /S Othere /W so /S thrusts Oon,> /W () /S so /W throngsGCL /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.007943346 7 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W () /S GCLself /W Othere so /S thrusts Oon,> /W () /S so /W throngsGCL /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.00396236 8 249 HR: Of own, of abrupt self there so thrusts on, so throngs the ear. /W sal Of /S own, /W of a- /S bruptGCL /W () /S GCLself Othere> /W so /S thrusts Oon,> /W () /S so /W throngsGCL /S RHM GCL *H the ear 0.002476374 9 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift /W me, /S lay Ome!> /W on- /S RHM *H ly I'll 1 1 0.01336176 4 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift /W me, /S lay /W Ome! /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.560704529 1 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift /W me, /S lay /W Ome! /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.35042605 2 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift /W me, /S lay Ome!> /W on- /S RHM *H ly I'll 0.021379687 3 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift /W me, /S lay Ome!> /W () /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.010732472 5.5 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift me,> /W () /S lay /W Ome! /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.010732472 5.5 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift me,> /W lay /S Ome! /W on- /S RHM *H ly I'll 0.007477021 7 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift /W me, /S lay Ome!> /W () /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.006707522 8.5 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift me,> /W () /S lay /W Ome! /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.006707522 8.5 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift me,> /W lay /S Ome! /W on- /S RHM *H ly I'll 0.004672948 10 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift me,> /W lay /S Ome! /W () /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.003753419 11 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift me,> /W lay /S Ome! /W () /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 0.002345791 12 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift me,> /W () /S lay Ome!> /W on- /S RHM *H ly I'll 4.09E-04 13 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift me,> /W () /S lay Ome!> /W on- /S RHM *H ly I'll 2.56E-04 14 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- /W Ogels then /S lift me,> /W () /S lay Ome!> /W () /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 2.05E-04 15 250 HR: Let him Oh! with his air of angels then lift me, lay me! only I'll /W Let him /S oh! /W with his /S air /W of /S an- Ogels> /W then /S lift me,> /W () /S lay Ome!> /W () /S on- /W RHM *H ly I'll 1.28E-04 16 251 HR: Have an eye to the sakes of him, quaint moonmarks, to his pelted plumage under /W Have an /S eye /W to the /S sakes Oof Ohim,>> /W quaint /S moon- Omarks,> /W to his /S pel- /W ted /S plu- /W mage /S RHM un- /W der 1 1 0.992941304 1 251 HR: Have an eye to the sakes of him, quaint moonmarks, to his pelted plumage under /W Have an /S eye /W to the /S sakes Oof Ohim,>> /W quaint /S moon- Omarks,> /W to his /S pel- /W ted /S plu- mage> /W () /S RHM un- /W der 0.003523098 2.5 251 HR: Have an eye to the sakes of him, quaint moonmarks, to his pelted plumage under /W Have an /S eye /W to the /S sakes Oof Ohim,>> /W quaint /S moon- Omarks,> /W to his /S pel- ted> /W () /S plu- /W mage /S RHM un- /W der 0.003523098 2.5 251 HR: Have an eye to the sakes of him, quaint moonmarks, to his pelted plumage under /W Have an /S eye /W to the /S sakes Oof Ohim,>> /W quaint /S moon- Omarks,> /W to his /S pel- ted> /W () /S plu- mage> /W () /S RHM un- /W der 1.25E-05 4 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so some /S great /W storm- /S Ofowl, /W when- /S e- ver /W he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 1 0.284621897 1 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so some /S great /W storm- /S Ofowl, /W when- /S e- /W ver he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.207470296 2 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so /S some /W great /S storm- Ofowl,> /W when- /S e- ver /W he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.177881436 3 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so /S some /W great /S storm- Ofowl,> /W when- /S e- /W ver he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.129663651 4 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so some /S great /W () /S storm- Ofowl,> /W when- /S e- ver /W he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.088732164 5 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so some /S great /W () /S storm- Ofowl,> /W when- /S e- /W ver he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.064679804 6 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so some /S great /W storm- /S Ofowl, /W when- /S e- ver> /W he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.024242293 7 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so /S some /W great /S storm- Ofowl,> /W when- /S e- ver> /W he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.015150815 8 252 HR: Wings: so some great stormfowl, whenever he has walked his while /W der /S GCLWings: /W so some /S great /W () /S storm- Ofowl,> /W when- /S e- ver> /W he has /S walked /W his /S RHM while 0.007557644 9 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 1 1 0.71892373 1 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 0.083287638 2 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 0.078383173 3.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 0.078383173 3.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 0.009080726 5.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 0.009080726 5.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 0.008545999 7 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 0.005081425 8 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 0.002550844 9.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 0.002550844 9.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 9.90E-04 11 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 5.89E-04 12 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 5.54E-04 13 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 2.96E-04 14.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 2.96E-04 14.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 2.78E-04 17.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 2.78E-04 17.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 2.78E-04 17.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 2.78E-04 17.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 6.42E-05 20 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 3.22E-05 22.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 3.22E-05 22.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 3.22E-05 22.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 3.22E-05 22.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 3.03E-05 25.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 3.03E-05 25.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 1.80E-05 27 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 9.05E-06 28 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- /W ple /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 3.51E-06 29.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- /W me`d /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 3.51E-06 29.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 2.09E-06 31 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 1.97E-06 32 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 1.05E-06 33 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 9.87E-07 34.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- /W der, 9.87E-07 34.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W sea- /S beach, /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 2.28E-07 36 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- /W beach, /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 1.14E-07 37.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- /W der, 1.14E-07 37.5 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- /W ple of /S RHM thun- der,> 1.08E-07 39 253 HR: The thunder-purple seabeach plumed purple-of-thunder, /W The /S thun- /W der- /S pur- ple> /W () /S sea- beach,> /W () /S plu- me`d> /W () /S pur- ple> /W of /S RHM thun- der,> 1.25E-08 40 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 1 0.374487763 1 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.272976492 2 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.08886028 3 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.064773192 4 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.043757792 5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.031896499 6.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.031896499 6.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.015600315 8 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.011371584 9 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.010383062 10 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.007568557 11.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.007568557 11.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.007168088 13 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.005225056 14 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.003727012 15 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.003701719 16 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.002698305 17 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.001822851 18 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.001700879 19 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 0.001328736 21 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.001328736 21 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 0.001328736 21 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 0.001239827 23 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 9.69E-04 24 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 8.84E-04 25 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 8.38E-04 26 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 6.11E-04 27.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 6.11E-04 27.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 4.33E-04 29 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 3.15E-04 31 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 3.15E-04 31 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 3.15E-04 31 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 2.99E-04 33 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.30E-04 34 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 2.18E-04 35 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 1.99E-04 36 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 1.55E-04 37.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 1.55E-04 37.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 1.45E-04 39.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 1.45E-04 39.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 1.13E-04 41.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 1.13E-04 41.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 7.13E-05 43 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 7.09E-05 44 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 5.16E-05 45 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 3.68E-05 46.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 3.68E-05 46.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 3.49E-05 48 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.69E-05 49.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.69E-05 49.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.54E-05 52 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 2.54E-05 52 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 2.54E-05 52 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 1.85E-05 54 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- /W ssal /S RHM smile 1.69E-05 55 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 1.32E-05 56 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 8.28E-06 57 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 6.03E-06 59 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 6.03E-06 59 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 6.03E-06 59 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 4.40E-06 61 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- /W Onions /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 3.14E-06 62 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.97E-06 63.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 2.97E-06 63.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- /W ther- ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.17E-06 65.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.17E-06 65.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 7.05E-07 67.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal /W () /S RHM smile 7.05E-07 67.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- /W ing of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 5.14E-07 69.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- /W tter a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 5.14E-07 69.5 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing>> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 2.53E-07 71 254 HR: If a wuthering of his palmy snow-pinions scatter a colossal smile /W der, If a /S wu- ther- ing> /W of his /S pal- Omy> /W snow- /S pi- Onions> /W () /S GCLsca- tter> /W a col- /S o- ssal> /W () /S RHM smile 6.01E-08 72 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff Ohim,> /W but /S mean- /W ing /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- /W der. 1 1 0.154708305 3 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W GCLOff /S Ohim, /W but /S mean- /W ing /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- /W der. 0.496250391 1 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff /W Ohim, but /S mean- /W ing /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- /W der. 0.247543376 2 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W GCLOff /S Ohim, /W but /S mean- /W ing /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- der.> 0.054105434 4 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff /W Ohim, but /S mean- /W ing /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- der.> 0.026989282 5 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff Ohim,> /W but /S mean- /W ing /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- der.> 0.016867614 6 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W GCLOff /S Ohim, /W but /S mean- ing> /W () /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- /W der. 0.001760767 7 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff /W Ohim, but /S mean- ing> /W () /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- /W der. 8.78E-04 8 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff Ohim,> /W but /S mean- ing> /W () /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- /W der. 5.49E-04 9 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W GCLOff /S Ohim, /W but /S mean- ing> /W () /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- der.> 1.92E-04 10 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff /W Ohim, but /S mean- ing> /W () /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- der.> 9.58E-05 11 255 HR: Off him, but meaning motion fans fresh our wits with wonder. /W () /S GCLOff Ohim,> /W but /S mean- ing> /W () /S mo- Otion> /W fans /S fresh /W our /S wits /W with /S RHM won- der.> 5.98E-05 12 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- /W some /S ACCTburn, /W () /S ACCThorse- /W back /S RHM ACCTbrown, 1 1 0.421727639 1.5 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- /W some /S ACCTburn, /W ACCThorse- /S back /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 0.421727639 1.5 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- /W () /S some /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- /W back /S RHM ACCTbrown, 0.147488895 3 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W () /S This /W ACCTdark- /S some /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- /W back /S RHM ACCTbrown, 0.009055496 4 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- /W some /S ACCTburn, /W () /S ACCThorse- back> /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 8.86E-08 6 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- some> /W () /S ACCTburn, /W ACCThorse- /S back /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 8.86E-08 6 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- some> /W () /S ACCTburn, /W () /S ACCThorse- /W back /S RHM ACCTbrown, 8.86E-08 6 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- /W () /S some /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- back> /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 3.10E-08 8.5 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- some> /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- /W () /S back /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 3.10E-08 8.5 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W () /S This /W ACCTdark- /S some /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- back> /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 1.90E-09 10 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W () /S This /W () /S ACCTdark- some> /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- /W back /S RHM ACCTbrown, 9.55E-10 11 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W This /S ACCTdark- some> /W () /S ACCTburn, /W () /S ACCThorse- back> /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 1.86E-14 12 256 ID: This darksome burn, horseback brown, /W () /S This /W () /S ACCTdark- some> /W ACCTburn, /S ACCThorse- back> /W () /S RHM ACCTbrown, 2.00E-16 13 257 ID: His rollrock highroad roaring down, /W His /S roll- /W rock /S high- /W road /S roa- /W ring /S RHM down, 1 1 0.999998584 1 257 ID: His rollrock highroad roaring down, /W His /S roll- /W rock /S high- road> /W () /S roa- /W ring /S RHM down, 1.13E-06 2 257 ID: His rollrock highroad roaring down, /W His /S roll- rock> /W () /S high- /W road /S roa- /W ring /S RHM down, 2.10E-07 3 257 ID: His rollrock highroad roaring down, /W His /S roll- rock> /W high- /S road /W () /S roa- /W ring /S RHM down, 7.34E-08 4 257 ID: His rollrock highroad roaring down, /W His /S roll- rock> /W () /S high- road> /W () /S roa- /W ring /S RHM down, 2.38E-13 5 258 ID: In coop and in comb the fleece of his foam /W In /S coop /W and in /S comb /W the /S fleece /W of his /S RHM foam 1 1 1 1 259 ID: Flutes and low to the lake falls home. /W Flutes /S and /W low /S to /W the /S lake /W falls /S RHM home. 1 0.630357345 1 259 ID: Flutes and low to the lake falls home. /W () /S Flutes /W and /S low /W to the /S lake /W falls /S RHM home. 0.314439621 2 259 ID: Flutes and low to the lake falls home. /W Flutes /S and /W () /S low /W to the /S lake /W falls /S RHM home. 0.055203034 3 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- /W net /S of /W ACCTfawn- /S RHM ACCTfroth 1 0.1844612 1.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W ACCTbon- net /S of /W ACCTfawn- /S RHM ACCTfroth 1 0.1844612 1.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net /W of /S ACCTfawn- /W () /S RHM ACCTfroth 0.12515489 3.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W () /S ACCTbon- net /W of /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 0.12515489 3.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- /W net /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 0.092598394 5.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W ACCTbon- net /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 0.092598394 5.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- /W net of /S ACCTfawn- /W () /S RHM ACCTfroth 0.092014332 7.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W () /S ACCTbon- /W net of /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 0.092014332 7.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net /W () /S of /W ACCTfawn- /S RHM ACCTfroth 0.007684237 9 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net /W () /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 0.00385744 10 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W () /S ACCTbon- net /W of /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 1.42E-07 11 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net> /W of /S ACCTfawn- /W () /S RHM ACCTfroth 1.11E-07 12.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W () /S ACCTbon- net> /W of /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 1.11E-07 12.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- /W net /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 1.05E-07 14.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W ACCTbon- net /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 1.05E-07 14.5 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W () /S ACCTbon- /W net of /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 1.04E-07 16 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net> /W () /S of /W ACCTfawn- /S RHM ACCTfroth 6.80E-09 17 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net /W () /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 4.37E-09 18 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net> /W () /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- /W RHM ACCTfroth 3.41E-09 19 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W () /S puff- /W () /S ACCTbon- net> /W of /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 1.25E-13 20 260 ID: A windpuff-bonnet of fawn-froth /W A /S ACCTwind- /W puff- /S ACCTbon- net> /W () /S of /W () /S ACCTfawn- RHM ACCTfroth> 3.87E-15 21 261 ID: Turns and twindles over the broth /W () /S Turns /W and /S twin- /W dles /S o- /W ver the /S RHM broth 1 0.850658346 1 261 ID: Turns and twindles over the broth /W Turns /S and /W () /S twin- /W dles /S o- /W ver the /S RHM broth 0.149341617 2 261 ID: Turns and twindles over the broth /W () /S Turns /W and /S twin- dles> /W () /S o- /W ver the /S RHM broth 3.14E-08 3 261 ID: Turns and twindles over the broth /W Turns /S and /W () /S twin- dles> /W () /S o- /W ver the /S RHM broth 5.51E-09 4 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- /W black, /S ACCTfell- /W () /S RHM ACCTfrow- /W ning, 1 1 0.729287714 1 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- /W () /S black, /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- /W ning, 0.255050484 2 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W () /S so /W ACCTpitch- /S black, /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- /W ning, 0.015659543 3 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- /W black, /S ACCTfell- /W () /S RHM ACCTfrow- ning,> 8.26E-07 4.5 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- black,> /W () /S ACCTfell- /W () /S RHM ACCTfrow- /W ning, 8.26E-07 4.5 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W () /S Of /W a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- black,> /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- /W ning, 2.91E-07 6 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- /W () /S black, /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- ning,> 2.89E-07 7 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W () /S so /W ACCTpitch- /S black, /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- ning,> 1.77E-08 8 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W () /S so /W () /S ACCTpitch- black,> /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- /W ning, 8.90E-09 9 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- black,> /W () /S ACCTfell- /W () /S RHM ACCTfrow- ning,> 9.36E-13 10 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W () /S Of /W a /S ACCTpool /W so /S ACCTpitch- black,> /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- ning,> 3.29E-13 11 262 ID: Of a pool so pitchblack, fell-frowning, /W Of a /S ACCTpool /W () /S so /W () /S ACCTpitch- black,> /W ACCTfell- /S RHM ACCTfrow- ning,> 1.01E-14 12 263 ID: It rounds and rounds Despair to drowning. /W ning, It /S rounds /W and /S rounds /W De- /S spair /W to /S RHM drow- /W ning. 1 1 0.999998867 1 263 ID: It rounds and rounds Despair to drowning. /W ning, It /S rounds /W and /S rounds /W De- /S spair /W to /S RHM drow- ning.> 1.13E-06 2 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W with /S dew, /W () /S da- ppled /W with /S RHM dew 1 0.387354776 1 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W with /S dew, /W da- ppled /S with /W () /S RHM dew 0.286592321 2 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W with /S dew, /W () /S da- /W ppled with /S RHM dew 0.284784645 3 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W () /S with /W dew, /S da- ppled /W with /S RHM dew 0.023782738 4 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W () /S with /W dew, /S da- /W ppled with /S RHM dew 0.017485156 5 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W with /S dew, /W () /S da- ppled> /W with /S RHM dew 3.43E-07 6 264 ID: Degged with dew, dappled with dew /W ning. /S Degged /W () /S with /W dew, /S da- ppled> /W with /S RHM dew 2.10E-08 7 265 ID: Are the groins of the braes that the brook treads through, /W Are the /S groins /W of the /S braes /W that the /S brook /W treads /S RHM through, 1 1 1 1 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- /W packs, /S fli- tches /W of /S RHM fern, 1 0.576300117 1 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- /W packs, /S fli- /W tches of /S RHM fern, 0.42369795 2 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- packs,> /W () /S fli- tches /W of /S RHM fern, 6.53E-07 3 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- /W packs, /S fli- tches> /W of /S RHM fern, 5.10E-07 4 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- packs,> /W () /S fli- /W tches of /S RHM fern, 4.80E-07 5 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- packs,> /W fli- tches /S of /W () /S RHM fern, 1.69E-07 6 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W heath- /S packs, /W () /S fli- tches /W of /S RHM fern, 4.23E-08 7 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W heath- /S packs, /W () /S fli- /W tches of /S RHM fern, 3.11E-08 8 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- /W packs, /S fli- tches /W of /S RHM fern, 2.12E-08 9 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- /W packs, /S fli- /W tches of /S RHM fern, 1.56E-08 10 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W heath- /S packs, /W fli- tches /S of /W () /S RHM fern, 1.10E-08 11 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- /W ry /S heath- packs,> /W () /S fli- tches> /W of /S RHM fern, 5.78E-13 12 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W heath- /S packs, /W () /S fli- tches> /W of /S RHM fern, 3.75E-14 13 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- packs,> /W () /S fli- tches /W of /S RHM fern, 2.41E-14 14 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- /W packs, /S fli- tches> /W of /S RHM fern, 1.88E-14 15 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- packs,> /W () /S fli- /W tches of /S RHM fern, 1.77E-14 16 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- packs,> /W fli- tches /S of /W () /S RHM fern, 6.23E-15 17 266 ID: Wiry heathpacks, flitches of fern, /W () /S Wi- ry> /W () /S heath- packs,> /W () /S fli- tches> /W of /S RHM fern, 2.13E-20 18 267 ID: And the beadbonny ash that sits over the burn. /W And the /S bead- /W bo- nny /S ash /W that /S sits /W over the /S RHM burn, 1 1 0.999999803 1 267 ID: And the beadbonny ash that sits over the burn. /W And the /S bead- bo- nny>> /W ash /S that /W sits /S over /W the /S RHM burn, 1.47E-07 2 267 ID: And the beadbonny ash that sits over the burn. /W And the /S bead- bo- nny>> /W () /S ash /W that /S sits /W over the /S RHM burn, 3.69E-08 3 267 ID: And the beadbonny ash that sits over the burn. /W And the /S bead- bo- nny>> /W ash /S that /W () /S sits /W over the /S RHM burn, 1.29E-08 4 268 ID: What would the world be, once bereft /W What /S would /W the /S world /W be, /S once /W be- /S RHM reft 1 0.895330075 1 268 ID: What would the world be, once bereft /W What would the /S world /W () /S be, /W () /S once /W be- /S RHM reft 0.077248719 2 268 ID: What would the world be, once bereft /W () /S What /W would the /S world /W be, /S once /W be- /S RHM reft 0.027421206 3 269 ID: Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, /W Of /S wet /W and of /S wild- /W ness? /S Let /W them be /S RHM left, 1 1 0.99999753 1 269 ID: Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, /W Of /S wet /W and of /S wild- ness?> /W Let /S them /W be /S RHM left, 2.27E-06 2 269 ID: Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left, /W Of /S wet /W and of /S wild- ness?> /W () /S Let /W them be /S RHM left, 1.99E-07 3 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O /S let /W them /S be /W left, /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 1 0.453227188 1 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O /S let /W them be /S left, /W () /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 0.226082216 2.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let /S them /W be /S left, /W () /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 0.226082216 2.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let them be /S left, /W () /S wild- /W ness /S and /W () /S RHM wet; 0.039352475 4 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let /S them /W () /S be /W left, /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 0.013880955 5.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W () /S O /W let them /S be /W left, /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 0.013880955 5.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let them /S be /W left, /S wild- /W ness /S and /W () /S RHM wet; 0.013762562 7 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let them /S be /W () /S left, /W () /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 0.006865146 8.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W () /S O /W let them be /S left, /W () /S wild- /W ness and /S RHM wet; 0.006865146 8.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O /S let /W them /S be /W left, /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 5.46E-07 10 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O /S let /W them be /S left, /W () /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 2.72E-07 11.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let /S them /W be /S left, /W () /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 2.72E-07 11.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let /S them /W () /S be /W left, /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 1.67E-08 13.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W () /S O /W let them /S be /W left, /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 1.67E-08 13.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let them /S be /W () /S left, /W () /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 8.26E-09 15.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W () /S O /W let them be /S left, /W () /S wild- ness> /W and /S RHM wet; 8.26E-09 15.5 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let them be /S left, /W () /S wild- ness> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM wet; 1.45E-09 17 270 ID: O let them be left, wildness and wet; /W O let them /S be /W left, /S wild- ness> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM wet; 5.07E-10 18 271 ID: Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet. /W Long /S live /W the /S weeds /W and the /S wil- /W der- ness /S RHM yet. 1 1 0.999999789 1 271 ID: Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet. /W Long /S live /W the /S weeds /W and the /S wil- der- ness>> /W () /S RHM yet. 2.11E-07 2 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W () /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 1 0.54588672 1 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- /W gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.190910487 2 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W () /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 0.059517208 3 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon /W flies /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 0.04530017 4.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- shers /W catch /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.04530017 4.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- shers> /W catch /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.020814683 6.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- /W gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.020814683 6.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W () /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 0.014122533 8.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W () /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.014122533 8.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W () /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.010448844 10 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon /W () /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.0079529 11 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- /W shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.004939009 12.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon /W flies /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 0.004939009 12.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- /W gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.003654227 14 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- shers /W catch /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.002781332 15 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W () /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 0.001539759 16 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- shers> /W catch /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.001277976 17 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- shers /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 0.001171952 18 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon /W () /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 8.67E-04 19.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon /W flies /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 8.67E-04 19.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W () /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W dra- gon /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 6.42E-04 21 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- shers> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 5.38E-04 22 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- /W shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 3.03E-04 23 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W () /S draw /W () /S RHM flame; 2.70E-04 24.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W () /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 2.70E-04 24.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- shers /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 2.06E-04 26 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon /W () /S flies /W draw /S RHM flame; 1.52E-04 27.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W () /S king- /W fi- shers /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 1.52E-04 27.5 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W As /S king- /W () /S fi- shers> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 9.45E-05 29 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- shers /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 7.20E-05 30 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- shers> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 3.31E-05 31 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W () /S king- fi- shers>> /W catch /S fire, /W () /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 1.66E-05 32 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- shers /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 1.26E-05 33 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W king- /S fi- shers> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 5.80E-06 34 272 KF: AS kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; /W () /S As /W () /S king- fi- shers>> /W () /S catch /W fire, /S dra- gon flies> /W draw /S RHM flame; 2.91E-06 35 273 KF: As tumbled over rim in roundy wells /W As /S tum- /W bled /S o- /W ver /S rim /W in /S roun- /W dy /S RHM wells 1 1 0.992941304 1 273 KF: As tumbled over rim in roundy wells /W As /S tum- /W bled /S o- /W ver /S rim /W in /S roun- dy > /W () /S RHM wells 0.003523098 2.5 273 KF: As tumbled over rim in roundy wells /W As /S tum- bled> /W () /S o- /W ver /S rim /W in /S roun- /W dy /S RHM wells 0.003523098 2.5 273 KF: As tumbled over rim in roundy wells /W As /S tum- bled> /W () /S o- /W ver /S rim /W in /S roun- dy > /W () /S RHM wells 1.25E-05 4 274 KF: Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's /W Stones /S ring; /W like /S each /W tucked /S string /W tells, /S each /W hung /S RHM bell's 1 1 1 1 275 KF: Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name; /W Bow /S swung /W finds /S tongue /W to /S fling /W out /S broad /W its /S RHM name; 1 1 0.978999194 1 275 KF: Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name; /W Bow /S swung /W finds /S tongue /W to /S fling out> /W () /S broad /W its /S RHM name; 0.019785989 2 275 KF: Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name; /W Bow /S swung /W finds /S tongue /W to /S fling out> /W broad /S its /W () /S RHM name; 0.001214817 3 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- /W tal /S thing /W does /S one /W thing /S and /W the /S RHM same: 1 0.650186622 1 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- /W tal /S thing /W does /S one /W () /S thing /W and the /S RHM same: 0.324331012 2 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- /W tal /S thing /W () /S does /W one /S thing /W and the /S RHM same: 0.019913216 3 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- tal> /W () /S thing /W does /S one /W thing /S and /W the /S RHM same: 0.002306955 4 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- tal> /W () /S thing /W does /S one /W () /S thing /W and the /S RHM same: 0.001150773 5 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- tal> /W thing /S does /W one /S thing /W () /S and /W the /S RHM same: 8.07E-04 6.5 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- tal> /W thing /S does /W () /S one /W thing /S and /W the /S RHM same: 8.07E-04 6.5 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- tal> /W thing /S does /W () /S one /W () /S thing /W and the /S RHM same: 4.02E-04 8 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W Each /S mor- tal> /W () /S thing /W () /S does /W one /S thing /W and the /S RHM same: 7.07E-05 9 276 KF: Each mortal thing does one thing and the same: /W () /S Each /W () /S mor- tal> /W thing /S does /W one /S thing /W and the /S RHM same: 2.47E-05 10 277 KF: Deals out that being indoors each one dwells; /W Deals /S out /W that /S be- ing> /W in- /S doors /W each /S one /W () /S RHM dwells; 1 0.474151962 1.5 277 KF: Deals out that being indoors each one dwells; /W Deals /S out /W that /S be- ing> /W in- /S doors /W () /S each /W one /S RHM dwells; 1 0.474151962 1.5 277 KF: Deals out that being indoors each one dwells; /W Deals /S out /W that /S be- ing> /W in- /S doors /W () /S each one> /W () /S RHM dwells; 0.051696075 3 278 KF: Selves -- goes itself; myself it speaks and spells, /W Selves -- /S goes /W it /S self; /W my- /S self /W it /S speaks /W and /S RHM spells, 1 1 1 1 279 KF: Crying What I do is me: for that I came. /W *H Cry- ing /S What /W I /S do /W is /S me: /W for /S that /W I /S RHM came. 1 1 1 1 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W () /S GCLI /W say /S more: /W the /S just /W man /S jus- /W ti- /S RHM ces; 1 1 0.044782538 4 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W GCLI /S say /W () /S more: /W the /S just /W man /S jus- /W ti- /S RHM ces; 0.729383211 1 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W GCLI /S say /W () /S more: /W the /S just /W () /S man /W () /S jus- /W ti- RHM ces; 0.127242873 2 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W GCLI /S say /W () /S more: /W the /S just /W () /S man /W () /S jus- ti- RHM ces;>> 0.079523555 3 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W () /S GCLI /W say /S more: /W the /S just /W () /S man /W () /S jus- /W ti- RHM ces; 0.007812435 5 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W () /S GCLI /W say /S more: /W the /S just /W () /S man /W () /S jus- ti- RHM ces;>> 0.004882573 6 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W () /S GCLI /W () /S say /W () /S more: /W the /S just /W man /S jus- /W ti- RHM ces; 0.003921794 7 280 KF: I say more: the just man justices; /W () /S GCLI /W () /S say /W () /S more: /W the /S just /W man /S jus- ti- RHM ces;>> 0.002451022 8 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W () /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- /W ces; 1 1 0.350358384 1.5 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W () /S all /W his /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.350358384 1.5 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W () /S Keeps /W grace: GCL /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.122529248 3 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W all /S his /W () /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.061508933 4 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W () /S all /W his /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- ces;> 0.038199048 5.5 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W () /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- ces;> 0.038199048 5.5 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W () /S Keeps /W grace: GCL /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- ces;> 0.01335918 7 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W all /S his /W () /S go- /W ings /S RHM gra- ces;> 0.006706227 9 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W () /S all /W his /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.006706227 9 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W () /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.006706227 9 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W () /S Keeps /W grace: GCL /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.002345338 11 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W all /S his /W () /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- /W ces; 0.001177345 12 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W () /S all /W his /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- ces;> 7.31E-04 13.5 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W () /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- ces;> 7.31E-04 13.5 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W () /S Keeps /W grace: GCL /S GCLthat /W keeps /S all /W his /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- ces;> 2.56E-04 15 281 KF: Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces; /W Keeps /S grace: GCL /W GCLthat /S keeps /W all /S his /W () /S go- ings> /W () /S RHM gra- ces;> 1.28E-04 16 282 KF: Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is -- /W ces; /S GCLActs /W in /S God's /W eye /S what /W in /S God's /W *H eye he /S RHM is-- 1 0.653827887 1 282 KF: Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is -- /W ces; /S GCLActs /W in /S God's /W () /S eye /W what in /S God's /W *H eye he /S RHM is-- 0.326147375 2 282 KF: Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is -- /W ces; /S GCLActs /W () /S in /W God's /S eye /W what in /S God's /W *H eye he /S RHM is-- 0.020024737 3 283 KF: In God's eye acts what in God's eye he is -- /W In /S God's /W eye /S acts /W what /S in /W God's /S eye /W he /S RHM is-- 1 0.653827887 1 283 KF: In God's eye acts what in God's eye he is -- /W In /S God's /W eye /S acts /W what in /S God's /W () /S eye /W he /S RHM is-- 0.326147375 2 283 KF: In God's eye acts what in God's eye he is -- /W In /S God's /W eye /S acts /W what in /S God's /W eye /S he /W () /S RHM is-- 0.020024737 3 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W () /S GCLChrist-- /W for /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- /W ces, 1 1 0.213395281 2 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W in /S ten /W () /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- /W ces, 0.610179421 1 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W in /S ten /W () /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- ces,> 0.066526945 3 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W () /S in /W ten /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- /W ces, 0.037463685 4.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W () /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- /W ces, 0.037463685 4.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W () /S GCLChrist-- /W for /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- ces,> 0.023266167 6 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W () /S in /W ten /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- ces,> 0.004084609 7.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W () /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- /W sand /S RHM pla- ces,> 0.004084609 7.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W in /S ten /W () /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- /W ces, 0.002165004 9 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W () /S GCLChrist-- /W for /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- /W ces, 7.57E-04 10 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W in /S ten /W () /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- ces,> 2.36E-04 11 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W () /S in /W ten /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- /W ces, 1.33E-04 12.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W () /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- /W ces, 1.33E-04 12.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W () /S GCLChrist-- /W for /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- ces,> 8.26E-05 14 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W Christ /S plays /W () /S in /W ten /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- ces,> 1.45E-05 15.5 284 KF: Christ -- for Christ plays in ten thousand places, /W GCLChrist-- /S for /W () /S Christ /W plays /S in /W ten /S thou- sand> /W () /S RHM pla- ces,> 1.45E-05 15.5 285 KF: Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his /W ces, /S Love- /W ly in /S limbs, /W and /S love- /W ly in /S eyes /W not /S RHM his 1 1 0.803134004 1 285 KF: Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his /W ces, /S Love- /W ly in /S limbs, /W and /S love- ly> /W in /S eyes /W not /S RHM his 0.093043436 2.5 285 KF: Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his /W ces, /S Love- ly> /W in /S limbs, /W and /S love- /W ly in /S eyes /W not /S RHM his 0.093043436 2.5 285 KF: Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his /W ces, /S Love- ly> /W in /S limbs, /W and /S love- ly> /W in /S eyes /W not /S RHM his 0.010779124 4 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 1 0.532898026 1 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.265824226 2 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 0.05810107 3 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.030795856 4 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 0.028982416 5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.016181823 6 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.010200227 7.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.010200227 7.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.00807194 9.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.00807194 9.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.005088154 12 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.005088154 12 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.005088154 12 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 0.003357626 14 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 0.001890798 15 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 0.00176428 16 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 0.001112115 17.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 0.001112115 17.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 9.35E-04 19 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 8.80E-04 20.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 8.80E-04 20.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 5.89E-04 22.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 5.89E-04 22.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- /W tures /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 5.55E-04 25 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 5.55E-04 25 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- /W tures of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 5.55E-04 25 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 2.06E-04 27 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 1.02E-04 28 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 6.43E-05 29.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- tures> /W of /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 6.43E-05 29.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 5.74E-05 31 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 3.62E-05 32.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- /W ces. 3.62E-05 32.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 2.86E-05 34 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- /W ces. 1.81E-05 35 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 6.26E-06 36 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W () /S through /W the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 3.95E-06 37.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W () /S To /W the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W men's /S RHM fa- ces.> 3.95E-06 37.5 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- /W ther through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 3.12E-06 39 286 KF: To the Father through the features of men's faces. /W To the /S Fa- ther> /W through the /S fea- tures> /W () /S of /W () /S men's /W () /S RHM fa- ces.> 1.97E-06 40 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- di- /W ce -- /S it /W con- /S cerned /W thee, O /S RHM Lord: 1 0.576297145 1 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- /W di- ce -- /S it /W con- /S cerned /W thee, O /S RHM Lord: 0.423695764 2 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- di- /W ce -- /S it /W con- /S cerned thee,> /W O /S RHM Lord: 3.74E-06 3 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- /W di- ce -- /S it /W con- /S cerned thee,> /W O /S RHM Lord: 2.75E-06 4 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- di- ce -->> /W () /S it /W con- /S cerned /W thee, O /S RHM Lord: 4.83E-07 5 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- di- ce --> /W () /S it /W con- /S cerned /W thee, O /S RHM Lord: 1.15E-07 6 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- di- ce -->> /W () /S it /W con- /S cerned thee,> /W O /S RHM Lord: 3.14E-12 7 287 LE: The Eurydice -- it concerned thee, O Lord: /W The Eu- /S ry- di- ce --> /W () /S it /W con- /S cerned thee,> /W O /S RHM Lord: 7.44E-13 8 288 LE: Three hundred souls, O alas! on board, /W Three /S hun- /W dred /S souls, /W O a- /S las! /W on /S RHM board, 1 1 0.999999542 1 288 LE: Three hundred souls, O alas! on board, /W Three /S hun- dred> /W souls, /S O /W a- /S las! /W on /S RHM board, 4.21E-07 2 288 LE: Three hundred souls, O alas! on board, /W Three /S hun- dred> /W () /S souls, /W O a- /S las! /W on /S RHM board, 3.69E-08 3 289 LE: Some asleep unawakened, all un- /W Some a- /S sleep /W un- a- /S wa- /W kened, /S RHM all /W un= 1 1 0.999999405 1 289 LE: Some asleep unawakened, all un- /W Some a- /S sleep /W un- a- /S wa- kened,> /W RHM all /S un= 3.96E-07 2 289 LE: Some asleep unawakened, all un- /W Some a- /S sleep /W un- a- /S wa- kened,> /W () /S RHM all /W un= 1.99E-07 3 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- /W len 1 0.744868672 1 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- len 0.176746067 2 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- /W len 0.031029547 3.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- /W len 0.031029547 3.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- len 0.007362842 5.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- len 0.007362842 5.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- /W len 0.001292621 7 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- len 3.07E-04 8 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- len> 8.44E-07 9 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- /W len 1.48E-07 10 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- len> 3.51E-08 12 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- len 3.51E-08 12 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- len> 3.51E-08 12 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- /W len 2.75E-08 14 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- len 6.52E-09 15 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- /W len 6.17E-09 16 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- len> 1.46E-09 17.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- len 1.46E-09 17.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- /W len 1.14E-09 19 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- len 2.71E-10 20 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- /W ven /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- len> 1.68E-13 21 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- /W thoms /S RHM fal- len> 3.11E-14 22 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven /W () /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- len> 6.99E-15 23 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- /W len 5.46E-15 24 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- thoms /W () /S RHM fal- len> 1.30E-15 25.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- len 1.30E-15 25.5 290 LE: warned, eleven fathoms fallen /W un= /S warned, /W e- /S le- ven> /W () /S fa- thoms> /W () /S RHM fal- len> 6.19E-21 27 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W Where /S she /W () /S foun- /W dered! /S One /W () /S RHM stroke 1 0.4924115 1.5 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W she /S foun- /W dered! /S One /W () /S RHM stroke 1 0.4924115 1.5 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W () /S she /W () /S foun- /W dered! /S One /W RHM stroke 0.015176777 3 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W Where /S she /W () /S foun- dered!> /W () /S One /W () /S RHM stroke 9.79E-08 4.5 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W she /S foun- dered!> /W () /S One /W () /S RHM stroke 9.79E-08 4.5 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W () /S she /W () /S foun- /W dered! /S One RHM stroke> 1.72E-08 6 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W () /S she /W () /S foun- dered!> /W One /S RHM stroke 6.01E-09 7 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W () /S she /W () /S foun- dered!> /W () /S One /W RHM stroke 3.02E-09 8 291 LE: Where she foundered! One stroke /W () /S Where /W () /S she /W () /S foun- dered!> /W () /S One RHM stroke> 3.42E-15 9 292 LE: Felled and furled them, the hearts of oak! /W () /S Felled /W and /S fur- /W led them, the /S hearts /W of /S RHM oak! 1 0.942118443 1 292 LE: Felled and furled them, the hearts of oak! /W Felled /S and /W () /S fur- /W led them, the /S hearts /W of /S RHM oak! 0.057844017 2 292 LE: Felled and furled them, the hearts of oak! /W () /S Felled /W and /S fur- led them,>> /W the /S hearts /W of /S RHM oak! 3.54E-05 3 292 LE: Felled and furled them, the hearts of oak! /W Felled /S and /W () /S fur- led them,>> /W the /S hearts /W of /S RHM oak! 2.17E-06 4 293 LE: And flockbells off the aerial /W And /S flock- /W bells /S off /W the /S RHM ae- /W ri- al 1 1 0.999998597 1 293 LE: And flockbells off the aerial /W And /S flock- /W bells /S off /W the /S RHM ae- ri- al>> 1.20E-06 2 293 LE: And flockbells off the aerial /W And /S flock- bells> /W () /S off /W the /S RHM ae- /W ri- al 1.99E-07 3 293 LE: And flockbells off the aerial /W And /S flock- bells> /W () /S off /W the /S RHM ae- ri- al>> 2.39E-13 4 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- /W falls /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- /W ri- al. 1 0.487605021 1 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W fore- /S falls /W beat /S to /W the /S RHM bu- /W ri- al. 0.341857393 2 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W fore- /S falls /W () /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- /W ri- al. 0.170527892 3 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- /W falls /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- ri- al.>> 3.17E-06 4 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W fore- /S falls /W beat /S to /W the /S RHM bu- ri- al.>> 2.22E-06 5 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W fore- /S falls /W () /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- ri- al.>> 1.11E-06 6.5 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- falls> /W beat /S to /W the /S RHM bu- /W ri- al. 1.11E-06 6.5 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- /W falls /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- ri- al.> 7.51E-07 8 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- falls> /W () /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- /W ri- al. 5.52E-07 9 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W fore- /S falls /W beat /S to /W the /S RHM bu- ri- al.> 5.27E-07 10 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W fore- /S falls /W () /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- ri- al.> 2.63E-07 11 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- falls> /W beat /S to /W the /S RHM bu- ri- al.>> 7.19E-12 12 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- falls> /W () /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- ri- al.>> 3.59E-12 13 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- falls> /W beat /S to /W the /S RHM bu- ri- al.> 1.71E-12 14 294 LE: Downs' forefalls beat to the burial. /W ri- al /S Downs' /W () /S fore- falls> /W () /S beat /W to the /S RHM bu- ri- al.> 8.51E-13 15 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For /S did /W she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 1 0.798042722 1 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, /S on 0.13803328 2 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W () /S pride /W her, /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 0.024441594 3.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W () /S For /W did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 0.024441594 3.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W pride /S her, /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 0.008547848 5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- ly, /W () /S on 0.005750155 6 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W () /S her, /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 7.42E-04 7 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For /S did /W she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 3.36E-07 8 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For /S did /W she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 1.59E-07 9 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For /S did /W she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 2.94E-08 10 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- ly,> /W () /S on 2.75E-08 11.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, /S on 2.75E-08 11.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W () /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 1.03E-08 13.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W () /S For /W did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 1.03E-08 13.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, /S on 5.09E-09 15 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W () /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 4.86E-09 16.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W () /S For /W did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 4.86E-09 16.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W pride /S her, /W () /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 3.60E-09 18 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- ly, /W () /S on 1.14E-09 19 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W () /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 9.01E-10 20.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W () /S For /W did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 9.01E-10 20.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W pride /S her, /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 3.15E-10 22 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W () /S her, /W () /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 3.12E-10 23 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- ly, /W () /S on 2.12E-10 24 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W () /S her, /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 2.74E-11 25 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For /S did /W she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 6.68E-14 26 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For /S did /W she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 5.85E-15 27 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- /W ted /S RHM ful- ly,> /W () /S on 5.46E-15 28 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W () /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 2.05E-15 29.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W () /S For /W did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W RHM ful- ly, /S on 2.05E-15 29.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride /W her, /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- ly,> /W () /S on 1.01E-15 31.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, /S on 1.01E-15 31.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did /S she /W () /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 1.79E-16 33.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W () /S For /W did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- /W ly, on 1.79E-16 33.5 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- ly, /W () /S on 4.22E-17 35 295 LE: For did she pride her, freighted fully, on /W For did she /S pride her,> /W () /S freigh- ted> /W () /S RHM ful- ly,> /W () /S on 2.01E-22 36 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- /W den /S bales /W or a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- /W lion? -- 1 0.808220201 1 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- /W den /S bales /W or a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- lion? -- 0.191778426 2 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- /W den /S bales /W or a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- lion? --> 9.16E-07 3 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- den> /W bales /S or /W a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- /W lion? -- 3.40E-07 4 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- den> /W bales /S or /W a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- lion? -- 8.07E-08 5 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- den> /W () /S bales /W or a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- /W lion? -- 2.98E-08 6 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- den> /W () /S bales /W or a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- lion? -- 7.07E-09 7 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- den> /W bales /S or /W a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- lion? --> 3.85E-13 8 296 LE: Bounden bales or a hoard of bullion? -- /W ly, on /S Boun- den> /W () /S bales /W or a /S hoard /W of /S RHM bul- lion? --> 3.38E-14 9 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- /W sure; 1 0.744868788 1 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- sure; 0.176746094 2 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- /W sure; 0.031029552 3.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- /W sure; 0.031029552 3.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- sure; 0.007362843 5.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- sure; 0.007362843 5.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- /W sure; 0.001292621 7 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- sure; 3.07E-04 8 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- sure;> 8.44E-07 9 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- sure;> 3.51E-08 10.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- sure;> 3.51E-08 10.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- /W sure; 2.75E-08 12.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- /W sure; 2.75E-08 12.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- sure; 6.52E-09 14.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- sure; 6.52E-09 14.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- sure;> 1.46E-09 16 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- /W sure; 1.14E-09 17.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- /W sure; 1.14E-09 17.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- sure; 2.71E-10 19.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- sure; 2.71E-10 19.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- /W cious /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- sure;> 3.11E-14 21.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- /W sing /S RHM mea- sure;> 3.11E-14 21.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious /W () /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- sure;> 1.30E-15 23.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- sing /W () /S RHM mea- sure;> 1.30E-15 23.5 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- /W sure; 1.01E-15 25 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- sure; 2.40E-16 26 297 LE: Precious passing measure, /W lion? -- /S Pre- cious> /W () /S pas- sing> /W () /S RHM mea- sure;> 1.15E-21 27 298 LE: Lads and men her lade and treasure. /W sure; /S Lads /W and /S men /W her /S lade /W and /S RHM trea- /W sure. 1 0.808220571 1 298 LE: Lads and men her lade and treasure. /W sure; /S Lads /W and /S men /W her /S lade /W and /S RHM trea- sure. 0.191778514 2 298 LE: Lads and men her lade and treasure. /W sure; /S Lads /W and /S men /W her /S lade /W and /S RHM trea- sure.> 9.16E-07 3 299 LE: She had come from a cruise, training seamen -- /W She had /S come /W from a /S cruise, /W () /S train- /W ing /S RHM sea- /W men -- 1 1 0.999998757 1 299 LE: She had come from a cruise, training seamen -- /W She had /S come /W from a /S cruise, /W () /S train- /W ing /S RHM sea- men --> 1.13E-06 2 299 LE: She had come from a cruise, training seamen -- /W She had /S come /W from a /S cruise, /W () /S train- ing> /W RHM sea- /S men -- 7.34E-08 3 299 LE: She had come from a cruise, training seamen -- /W She had /S come /W from a /S cruise, /W () /S train- ing> /W () /S RHM sea- /W men -- 3.69E-08 4 299 LE: She had come from a cruise, training seamen -- /W She had /S come /W from a /S cruise, /W () /S train- ing> /W () /S RHM sea- men --> 4.18E-14 5 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W bold- /S boys /W () /S soon /W to /S RHM be /W men: 1 0.457936391 1.5 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- /W boys /S soon /W to /S RHM be /W men: 1 0.457936391 1.5 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W bold- /S boys /W soon /S to /W RHM be /S men: 0.056009239 3 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W bold- /S boys /W soon /S to /W () /S RHM be /W men: 0.028116295 4 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W bold- /S boys /W () /S soon /W to /S RHM be men:> 5.19E-07 6 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- /W boys /S soon /W to /S RHM be men:> 5.19E-07 6 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- boys> /W () /S soon /W to /S RHM be /W men: 5.19E-07 6 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- boys> /W soon /S to /W RHM be /S men: 6.34E-08 8 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W bold- /S boys /W soon /S to /W () /S RHM be men:> 3.18E-08 9.5 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- boys> /W soon /S to /W () /S RHM be /W men: 3.18E-08 9.5 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- boys> /W () /S soon /W to /S RHM be men:> 5.88E-13 11 300 LE: Men, boldboys soon to be men: /W men -- /S Men, /W () /S bold- boys> /W soon /S to /W () /S RHM be men:> 3.61E-14 12 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must /W it, /S worst /W () /S RHM wea- /W ther, 1 0.761467949 1 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must /W it, /S worst /W () /S RHM wea- ther, 0.180684824 2 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must /W () /S it, /W worst /S RHM wea- /W ther, 0.046752471 3 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must /W () /S it, /W worst /S RHM wea- ther, 0.011093654 4 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must /W it, /S worst /W () /S RHM wea- ther,> 8.63E-07 5 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must it,> /W () /S worst /W () /S RHM wea- /W ther, 1.51E-07 6 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must /W () /S it, /W worst /S RHM wea- ther,> 5.30E-08 7 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must it,> /W () /S worst /W () /S RHM wea- ther, 3.59E-08 8 301 LE: Must it, worst weather, /W men: /S Must it,> /W () /S worst /W () /S RHM wea- ther,> 1.72E-13 9 302 LE: Blast bole and bloom together? /W ther, /S Blast /W () /S bole /W and /S bloom /W to- /S RHM ge- /W ther? 1 0.687519599 1 302 LE: Blast bole and bloom together? /W ther, /S Blast /W () /S bole /W and /S bloom /W to- /S RHM ge- ther? 0.163137999 2 302 LE: Blast bole and bloom together? /W ther, /S Blast /W bole /S and /W () /S bloom /W to- /S RHM ge- /W ther? 0.120700971 3 302 LE: Blast bole and bloom together? /W ther, /S Blast /W bole /S and /W () /S bloom /W to- /S RHM ge- ther? 0.028640514 4 302 LE: Blast bole and bloom together? /W ther, /S Blast /W () /S bole /W and /S bloom /W to- /S RHM ge- ther?> 7.79E-07 5 302 LE: Blast bole and bloom together? /W ther, /S Blast /W bole /S and /W () /S bloom /W to- /S RHM ge- ther?> 1.37E-07 6 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- /W tic /S squall /W () /S o'er /W () /S RHM wrought /W her 1 1 0.655614439 1 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- /W tic /S squall /W () /S o'er /W RHM wrought /S her 0.229285064 2 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- /W tic /S squall /W o'er /S RHM wrought /W () /S her 0.1150997 3 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- /W tic /S squall /W () /S o'er /W () /S RHM wrought her> 7.43E-07 4 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- tic> /W () /S squall /W () /S o'er /W () /S RHM wrought /W her 2.42E-08 5 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W () /S No /W At- /S lan- tic> /W squall /S o- /W ver- /S RHM wrought /W her 8.45E-09 7 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- tic> /W squall /S o'er /W () /S RHM wrought /W () /S her 8.45E-09 7 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- tic> /W () /S squall /W () /S o'er /W RHM wrought /S her 8.45E-09 7 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- tic> /W () /S squall /W o'er /S RHM wrought /W () /S her 4.24E-09 9 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W *A No At- /S lan- tic> /W () /S squall /W () /S o'er /W () /S RHM wrought her> 2.74E-14 10 303 LE: No Atlantic squall overwrought her /W () /S No /W At- /S lan- tic> /W squall /S o- /W ver- /S RHM wrought her> 9.57E-15 11 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 1 0.578389822 1 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 0.421607434 2 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W bi- llow /S of /W the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 1.03E-06 3 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 6.55E-07 4 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 5.12E-07 5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 4.78E-07 6 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 2.13E-08 7.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 2.13E-08 7.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 1.55E-08 9.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 1.55E-08 9.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W bi- llow /S of /W the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 1.16E-12 11 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 5.80E-13 12 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W bi- llow /S of /W the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 3.78E-14 13 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 2.42E-14 14.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 2.42E-14 14.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 1.89E-14 16.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- /W ter: 1.89E-14 16.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 1.76E-14 18.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 1.76E-14 18.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 7.86E-16 20 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 5.73E-16 21 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W bi- llow /S of /W the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 4.28E-20 22 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- /W ing /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 2.14E-20 23.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- /W cay /S RHM wa- ter:> 2.14E-20 23.5 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 8.90E-22 25 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- /W ter: 6.96E-22 26 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- /W llow of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 6.49E-22 27 304 LE: Or rearing billow of the Biscay water: /W her Or /S rear- ing> /W () /S bi- llow> /W of the /S Bis- cay> /W () /S RHM wa- ter:> 7.88E-28 28 305 LE: Home was hard at hand /W ter: /S Home /W was /S hard /W at /S RHM hand 1 1 1 1 306 LE: And the blow bore from land. /W () /S And /W the /S blow /W () /S bore /W from /S RHM land. 1 0.850658377 1 306 LE: And the blow bore from land. /W () /S And /W the /S blow /W bore /S from /W () /S RHM land. 0.149341623 2 307 LE: And you were a liar, O blue March day. /W And /S you /W were a /S li- /W ar, O /S blue /W March /S RHM day. 1 1 0.999993507 1 307 LE: And you were a liar, O blue March day. /W And /S you /W were a /S li- ar,> /W O /S blue /W March /S RHM day. 6.49E-06 2 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W Bright /S sun /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- ven- /W ly /S RHM bay; 1 0.576300514 1 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W Bright /S sun /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- /W ven- ly /S RHM bay; 0.423698242 2 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W () /S Bright sun> /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- ven- /W ly /S RHM bay; 6.53E-07 3 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W () /S Bright sun> /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- /W ven- ly /S RHM bay; 4.80E-07 4 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W Bright /S sun /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- ven- ly>> /W () /S RHM bay; 8.95E-08 5 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W Bright /S sun /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- ven- ly> /W () /S RHM bay; 2.12E-08 6 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W () /S Bright sun> /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- ven- ly>> /W () /S RHM bay; 1.01E-13 7 308 LE: Bright sun lanced fire in the heavenly bay; /W () /S Bright sun> /W lanced /S fire /W in the /S hea- ven- ly> /W () /S RHM bay; 2.41E-14 8 309 LE: But what black Boreas wrecked her? he /W But /S what /W black /S Bo- /W re- as /S RHM wrecked /W her? he 1 0.667187394 1 309 LE: But what black Boreas wrecked her? he /W But what /S black /W () /S Bo- /W re- as /S RHM wrecked /W her? he 0.332811466 2 309 LE: But what black Boreas wrecked her? he /W But /S what /W black /S Bo- re- as>> /W () /S RHM wrecked /W her? he 7.61E-07 3 309 LE: But what black Boreas wrecked her? he /W But what /S black /W () /S Bo- re- as>> /W () /S RHM wrecked /W her? he 3.79E-07 4 310 LE: Came equipped, deadly-electric, /W her? he /S Came /W e- /S quipped, /W () /S dead- /W ly- e- /S RHM lec- /W tric, 1 1 0.999998867 1 310 LE: Came equipped, deadly-electric, /W her? he /S Came /W e- /S quipped, /W () /S dead- /W ly- e- /S RHM lec- tric,> 1.13E-06 2 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- /W ling /S bald- /W bright /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- /W gland 1 1 0.999998125 1 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- /W ling /S bald- bright> /W () /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- /W gland 1.13E-06 2 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- /W ling /S bald- bright> /W cloud /S thorough /W () /S RHM En- /W gland 3.96E-07 3 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- /W ling /S bald- /W bright /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- gland> 2.10E-07 4 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W bald- /S bright /W () /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- /W gland 7.34E-08 5 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W () /S bald- /W bright /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- /W gland 3.69E-08 6 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W bald- /S bright /W cloud /S thorough /W () /S RHM En- /W gland 2.57E-08 7 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- /W ling /S bald- bright> /W () /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- gland> 2.38E-13 8 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- /W ling /S bald- bright> /W cloud /S thorough /W () /S RHM En- gland> 8.32E-14 9 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W () /S bald- bright> /W () /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- /W gland 4.18E-14 10 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W bald- /S bright /W () /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- gland> 1.54E-14 11 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W () /S bald- bright> /W cloud /S thorough /W () /S RHM En- /W gland 1.46E-14 12 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W () /S bald- /W bright /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- gland> 7.74E-15 13 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W bald- /S bright /W cloud /S thorough /W () /S RHM En- gland> 5.39E-15 14 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W () /S bald- bright> /W () /S cloud /W thorough /S RHM En- gland> 8.77E-21 15 311 LE: A beetling baldbright cloud thorough England /W A /S beet- ling> /W () /S bald- bright> /W cloud /S thorough /W () /S RHM En- gland> 3.07E-21 16 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: /S there /W did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 1 0.797276923 1 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: /S there /W did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W gle? and 0.139087114 2 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there /S did /W () /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 0.02441814 3 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W gle? /S and 0.024057171 4 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there /S did /W stores /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 0.008539645 5 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there /S did /W () /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W gle? and 0.004259811 6 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there /S did /W stores /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W gle? and 0.001489764 7 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there did /S stores /W () /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 7.41E-04 8 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there did /S stores /W () /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W gle? and 1.29E-04 9 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there /S did /W () /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 1.59E-07 10.5 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W () /S there /W did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 1.59E-07 10.5 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W gle? /S and 1.58E-07 12 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there /S did /W stores /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 5.55E-08 13 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there /S did /W () /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W gle? and 2.77E-08 14.5 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W () /S there /W did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- /W gle? and 2.77E-08 14.5 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there /S did /W stores /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W gle? and 9.67E-09 16 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there did /S stores /W () /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W *A gle and 4.86E-09 17 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- /W ding: there did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- gle?> /W () /S and 4.78E-09 18 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there did /S stores /W () /S not /W () /S RHM min- /W gle? and 8.47E-10 19 312 LE: Riding: there did stores not mingle? and /W gland /S Ri- ding:> /W there did /S stores /W not /S RHM min- gle?> /W () /S and 3.13E-14 20 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- /W ropes /S hus- tle /W and /S RHM grind /W their 1 0.576298702 1 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- /W ropes /S hus- /W tle and /S RHM grind /W their 0.423696909 2 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- /W ropes /S hus- tle> /W and /S RHM grind /W their 2.75E-06 3 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- ropes> /W () /S hus- tle /W and /S RHM grind /W their 6.53E-07 4 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- ropes> /W () /S hus- /W tle and /S RHM grind /W their 4.80E-07 5 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- ropes> /W hus- tle /S and /W RHM grind /S their 3.36E-07 6 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- ropes> /W hus- tle /S and /W () /S RHM grind /W their 1.69E-07 7 313 LE: Hailropes hustle and grind their /W *A gle and /S Hail- ropes> /W () /S hus- tle> /W and /S RHM grind /W their 3.12E-12 8 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind /W there? 1 1 0.999988081 1 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds of it>> /W RHM wind /S there? 2.27E-06 3 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W worlds /S of /W it /S RHM wind /W there? 2.27E-06 3 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W worlds /S of /W it /S RHM wind /W there? 2.27E-06 3 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind /W there? 1.14E-06 5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind there?> 1.13E-06 7 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind /W there? 1.13E-06 7 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W () /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind /W there? 1.13E-06 7 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind /W there? 5.69E-07 9 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W worlds /S of /W it /S RHM wind there?> 2.57E-12 11.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds of it>> /W RHM wind /S there? 2.57E-12 11.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W worlds /S of /W it /S RHM wind there?> 2.57E-12 11.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W () /S worlds of it>> /W RHM wind /S there? 2.57E-12 11.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind there?> 1.29E-12 16 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind /W there? 1.29E-12 16 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W () /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind /W there? 1.29E-12 16 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds of it>> /W RHM wind /S there? 1.29E-12 16 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W worlds /S of /W it /S RHM wind /W there? 1.29E-12 16 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind there?> 1.28E-12 19.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W () /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind there?> 1.28E-12 19.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind /W there? 6.48E-13 21 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind there?> 6.44E-13 22.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind /W there? 6.44E-13 22.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- /W gra- vel? /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind there?> 1.46E-18 25.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W wolf- /S snow, /W () /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind there?> 1.46E-18 25.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W worlds /S of /W it /S RHM wind there?> 1.46E-18 25.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds of it>> /W RHM wind /S there? 1.46E-18 25.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- /W snow, /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind there?> 7.34E-19 28.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind /W there? 7.34E-19 28.5 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds /W of it /S RHM wind there?> 7.30E-19 30 314 LE: Heavengravel? wolfsnow, worlds of it, wind there? /W their /S Hea- ven- gra- vel?>> /W () /S wolf- snow,> /W () /S worlds of it>> /W () /S RHM wind there?> 8.32E-25 31 315 LE: Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom; /W Now /S Car- is- /W brook /S keep /W goes /S un- /W der in /S RHM gloom; 1 1 0.999992696 1 315 LE: Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom; /W Now /S Car- is- /W brook /S keep /W goes /S un- der> /W in /S RHM gloom; 6.49E-06 2 315 LE: Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom; /W Now /S Car- is- brook> /W () /S keep /W goes /S un- /W der in /S RHM gloom; 6.00E-07 3 315 LE: Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom; /W Now /S Car- is- brook> /W keep /S goes /W () /S un- /W der in /S RHM gloom; 2.10E-07 4 315 LE: Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom; /W Now /S Car- is- brook> /W () /S keep /W goes /S un- der> /W in /S RHM gloom; 3.90E-12 5 315 LE: Now Carisbrook keep goes under in gloom; /W Now /S Car- is- brook> /W keep /S goes /W () /S un- der> /W in /S RHM gloom; 1.36E-12 6 316 LE: Now it overvaults Appledurcombe; /W Now it /S o- /W ver- /S vaults /W () /S Ap- ple- /W dur- /S RHM combe; 1 0.576301231 1 316 LE: Now it overvaults Appledurcombe; /W Now it /S o- /W ver- /S vaults /W () /S Ap- /W ple- dur- /S RHM combe; 0.423698769 2 317 LE: Now near by Ventnor town /W Now /S near /W by /S Vent- /W nor /S RHM town 1 1 1 1 318 LE: It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. /W It /S hurls, /W () /S hurls /W off /S Bon- I- /W face /S RHM Down. 1 0.808434946 1 318 LE: It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. /W It /S hurls, /W hurls /S off /W () /S Bon- I- /W face /S RHM Down. 0.141928875 2 318 LE: It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. /W () /S It /W hurls, /S hurls /W off /S Bon- I- /W face /S RHM Down. 0.049636142 3 318 LE: It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. /W It /S hurls, /W () /S hurls /W off /S Bon- I- face> /W () /S RHM Down. 2.98E-08 4 318 LE: It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. /W It /S hurls, /W hurls /S off /W () /S Bon- I- face> /W () /S RHM Down. 5.23E-09 5 318 LE: It hurls, hurls off Boniface Down. /W () /S It /W hurls, /S hurls /W off /S Bon- I- face> /W () /S RHM Down. 1.83E-09 6 319 LE: Too proud, too proud, what a press she bore! /W Too /S proud, /W too /S proud, /W what a /S press /W she /S RHM bore! 1 1 1 1 320 LE: Royal, and all her royals wore. /W () /S Roy- /W al, and /S all /W her /S roy- /W als /S RHM wore. 1 1 0.99999347 1 320 LE: Royal, and all her royals wore. /W () /S Roy- al,> /W and /S all /W her /S roy- /W als /S RHM wore. 6.49E-06 2 320 LE: Royal, and all her royals wore. /W () /S Roy- /W al, and /S all /W her /S roy- als> /W () /S RHM wore. 3.69E-08 3 320 LE: Royal, and all her royals wore. /W () /S Roy- al,> /W and /S all /W her /S roy- als> /W () /S RHM wore. 2.39E-13 4 321 LE: Sharp with her, shorten sail! /W Sharp /S with /W her, /S shor- /W ten /S RHM sail! 1 0.851460113 1 321 LE: Sharp with her, shorten sail! /W () /S Sharp /W with her, /S shor- /W ten /S RHM sail! 0.148539518 2 321 LE: Sharp with her, shorten sail! /W Sharp /S with /W her, /S shor- ten> /W () /S RHM sail! 1.69E-07 3.5 321 LE: Sharp with her, shorten sail! /W () /S Sharp with her,>> /W () /S shor- /W ten /S RHM sail! 1.69E-07 3.5 321 LE: Sharp with her, shorten sail! /W () /S Sharp /W with her, /S shor- ten> /W () /S RHM sail! 2.95E-08 5 321 LE: Sharp with her, shorten sail! /W () /S Sharp with her,>> /W () /S shor- ten> /W () /S RHM sail! 3.37E-14 6 322 LE: Too late; lost; gone with the gale. /W Too /S late; /W () /S lost; /W gone /S with /W the /S RHM gale. 1 0.700526157 1 322 LE: Too late; lost; gone with the gale. /W Too /S late; /W lost; /S gone /W () /S with /W the /S RHM gale. 0.122984403 2 322 LE: Too late; lost; gone with the gale. /W Too /S late; /W () /S lost; /W () /S gone /W with the /S RHM gale. 0.122208682 3 322 LE: Too late; lost; gone with the gale. /W () /S Too /W late; /S lost; /W gone /S with /W the /S RHM gale. 0.043010778 4 322 LE: Too late; lost; gone with the gale. /W () /S Too /W late; /S lost; /W () /S gone /W with the /S RHM gale. 0.007503346 5 322 LE: Too late; lost; gone with the gale. /W () /S Too /W () /S late; /W lost; /S gone /W with the /S RHM gale. 0.003766634 6 323 LE: This was that fell capsize, /W () /S ACCTThis /W was /S ACCTthat /W () /S ACCTfell /W cap- /S RHM ACCTsize, 1 1 0.333333333 2 323 LE: This was that fell capsize, /W ACCTThis /S was /W () /S ACCTthat /W () /S ACCTfell /W cap- /S RHM ACCTsize, 0.333333333 2 323 LE: This was that fell capsize, /W () /S ACCTThis /W () /S was /W ACCTthat /S ACCTfell /W cap- /S RHM ACCTsize, 0.333333333 2 324 LE: As half she had righted and hoped to rise /W As /S half /W she had /S righ- /W ted and /S hoped /W to /S RHM rise 1 1 0.999993507 1 324 LE: As half she had righted and hoped to rise /W As /S half /W she had /S righ- ted> /W and /S hoped /W to /S RHM rise 6.49E-06 2 325 LE: Death teeming in by her portholes /W Death /S tee- /W ming /S in /W by her /S RHM port- /W holes 1 1 0.999998867 1 325 LE: Death teeming in by her portholes /W Death /S tee- /W ming /S in /W by her /S RHM port- holes> 1.13E-06 2 326 LE: Raced down decks, round messes of mortals. /W holes /S Raced /W down /S decks, /W round /S mes- ses /W of /S RHM mor- /W tals. 1 0.576300284 1 326 LE: Raced down decks, round messes of mortals. /W holes /S Raced /W down /S decks, /W round /S mes- /W ses of /S RHM mor- /W tals. 0.423698073 2 326 LE: Raced down decks, round messes of mortals. /W holes /S Raced /W down /S decks, /W round /S mes- ses /W of /S RHM mor- tals.> 6.53E-07 3 326 LE: Raced down decks, round messes of mortals. /W holes /S Raced /W down /S decks, /W round /S mes- ses> /W of /S RHM mor- /W tals. 5.10E-07 4 326 LE: Raced down decks, round messes of mortals. /W holes /S Raced /W down /S decks, /W round /S mes- /W ses of /S RHM mor- tals.> 4.80E-07 5 326 LE: Raced down decks, round messes of mortals. /W holes /S Raced /W down /S decks, /W round /S mes- ses> /W of /S RHM mor- tals.> 5.78E-13 6 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- /W ward, /S fri- gate /W and /S RHM men; 1 0.576299434 1 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- /W ward, /S fri- /W gate and /S RHM men; 0.423697447 2 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- /W ward, /S fri- gate> /W and /S RHM men; 2.75E-06 3 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- ward,> /W fri- gate /S and /W () /S RHM men; 1.69E-07 4 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- ward,> /W () /S fri- gate /W and /S RHM men; 1.15E-07 5 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- ward,> /W () /S fri- /W gate and /S RHM men; 8.43E-08 6 327 LE: Then a lurch forward, frigate and men; /W Then a /S lurch /W () /S for- ward,> /W () /S fri- gate> /W and /S RHM men; 5.47E-13 7 328 LE: 'All hands for themselves' the cry ran then; /W All /S hands /W for them- /S selves' /W the /S cry /W ran /S RHM then; 1 1 1 1 329 LE: But she who had housed them thither /W But /S she /W who had /S housed /W them /S RHM thi- /W ther 1 0.808220541 1 329 LE: But she who had housed them thither /W But /S she /W who had /S housed /W them /S RHM thi- ther 0.191778507 2 329 LE: But she who had housed them thither /W But /S she /W who had /S housed /W them /S RHM thi- ther> 9.16E-07 3 329 LE: But she who had housed them thither /W But /S she /W who had /S housed them> /W () /S RHM thi- /W ther 2.98E-08 4 329 LE: But she who had housed them thither /W But /S she /W who had /S housed them> /W () /S RHM thi- ther 7.07E-09 5 329 LE: But she who had housed them thither /W But /S she /W who had /S housed them> /W () /S RHM thi- ther> 3.38E-14 6 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound /W them or /S wound /W them /S RHM with /W her. 1 1 0.999989309 1 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound them> /W or /S wound /W them /S RHM with /W her. 6.49E-06 2 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W bound /S them /W or /S wound /W them /S RHM with /W her. 2.27E-06 3 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound /W them or /S wound /W them /S RHM with her.> 1.13E-06 4 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound /W them or /S wound them> /W RHM with /S her. 3.96E-07 5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound /W them or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with /W her. 1.99E-07 6.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound /W them or /S wound /W them /S RHM with /W her. 1.99E-07 6.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound them> /W or /S wound /W them /S RHM with her.> 7.36E-12 8 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound them> /W or /S wound them> /W RHM with /S her. 2.57E-12 9.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W bound /S them /W or /S wound /W them /S RHM with her.> 2.57E-12 9.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound them> /W or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with /W her. 1.29E-12 11.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound them> /W or /S wound /W them /S RHM with /W her. 1.29E-12 11.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W bound /S them /W or /S wound them> /W RHM with /S her. 9.00E-13 13 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W bound /S them /W or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with /W her. 4.52E-13 14 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound /W them or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with her.> 2.25E-13 15.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound /W them or /S wound /W them /S RHM with her.> 2.25E-13 15.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound /W them or /S wound them> /W RHM with /S her. 7.88E-14 17 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound /W them or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with /W her. 3.95E-14 18 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round /W them, /S bound them> /W or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with her.> 1.46E-18 19.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound them> /W or /S wound /W them /S RHM with her.> 1.46E-18 19.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W bound /S them /W or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with her.> 5.12E-19 21.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound them> /W or /S wound them> /W RHM with /S her. 5.12E-19 21.5 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound them> /W or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with /W her. 2.57E-19 23 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound /W them or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with her.> 4.48E-20 24 330 LE: Was around them, bound them or wound them with her. /W ther Was a- /S round them,> /W () /S bound them> /W or /S wound them> /W () /S RHM with her.> 2.91E-25 25 331 LE: Marcus Hare, high her captain, /W () /S Mar- /W cus /S Hare, /W () /S high /W her /S RHM cap- /W tain, 1 0.850657414 1 331 LE: Marcus Hare, high her captain, /W () /S Mar- /W cus /S Hare, /W high /S her /W () /S RHM cap- /W tain, 0.149341453 2 331 LE: Marcus Hare, high her captain, /W () /S Mar- /W cus /S Hare, /W () /S high /W her /S RHM cap- tain,> 9.64E-07 3 331 LE: Marcus Hare, high her captain, /W () /S Mar- /W cus /S Hare, /W high /S her /W () /S RHM cap- tain,> 1.69E-07 4 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to /S her -- /W care- /S drowned /W and /S RHM wrapped /W in 1 0.567905651 1 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to her -- /S care- /W () /S drowned /W and /S RHM wrapped /W in 0.283286995 2 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to her -- /S care- /W drowned /S and /W RHM wrapped /S in 0.099072676 3 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to her -- /S care- /W drowned /S and /W () /S RHM wrapped /W in 0.049733877 4 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W () /S care- /W () /S drowned /W and /S RHM wrapped /W in 3.23E-07 5 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W care- /S drowned /W and /S RHM wrapped /W () /S in 1.13E-07 6.5 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W () /S care- /W drowned /S and /W RHM wrapped /S in 1.13E-07 6.5 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to /S her -- /W () /S care- drowned> /W and /S RHM wrapped /W in 5.99E-08 8.5 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W () /S to /W her -- /S care- drowned> /W and /S RHM wrapped /W in 5.99E-08 8.5 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W () /S care- /W drowned /S and /W () /S RHM wrapped /W in 5.67E-08 10 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W care- /S drowned /W () /S and /W RHM wrapped /S in 3.95E-08 11 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W care- /S drowned /W () /S and /W () /S RHM wrapped /W in 1.98E-08 12 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to her -- /S care- drowned> /W and /S RHM wrapped /W () /S in 1.04E-08 13 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to her -- /S care- drowned> /W () /S and /W RHM wrapped /S in 3.65E-09 14 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept /W to her -- /S care- drowned> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM wrapped /W in 1.83E-09 15 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W () /S care- drowned> /W and /S RHM wrapped /W () /S in 1.19E-14 16 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W () /S care- drowned> /W () /S and /W RHM wrapped /S in 4.16E-15 17 332 LE: Kept to her -- care-drowned and wrapped in /W tain, /S Kept to her -->> /W () /S care- drowned> /W () /S and /W () /S RHM wrapped /W in 2.09E-15 18 333 LE: Cheer's death, would follow /W in /S Cheer's /W () /S death, /W would /S RHM fo- /W llow 1 0.761468091 1 333 LE: Cheer's death, would follow /W in /S Cheer's /W () /S death, /W would /S RHM fo- llow 0.180684858 2 333 LE: Cheer's death, would follow /W in /S Cheer's /W death, /S would /W () /S RHM fo- /W llow 0.046752479 3 333 LE: Cheer's death, would follow /W in /S Cheer's /W death, /S would /W () /S RHM fo- llow 0.011093656 4 333 LE: Cheer's death, would follow /W in /S Cheer's /W () /S death, /W would /S RHM fo- llow> 8.63E-07 5 333 LE: Cheer's death, would follow /W in /S Cheer's /W death, /S would /W () /S RHM fo- llow> 5.30E-08 6 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- /W white /S wa- ter- /W in- a- /S RHM wa- /W llow 1 0.467467257 1 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- /W white /S wa- /W ter- in- a- /S RHM wa- /W llow 0.340752315 2 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- /W white /S wa- ter- /W in- a- /S RHM wa- llow 0.110922908 3 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- /W white /S wa- /W ter- in- a- /S RHM wa- llow 0.080855369 4 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W wa- ter- /S in- /W a- /S RHM wa- /W llow 8.29E-07 5 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- /W white /S wa- ter- /W in- a- /S RHM wa- llow> 5.30E-07 6 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- /W white /S wa- /W ter- in- a- /S RHM wa- llow> 3.86E-07 7 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W wa- ter- /S in- /W a- /S RHM wa- llow 1.97E-07 8 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W () /S wa- ter- /W in- a- /S RHM wa- /W llow 9.82E-08 9 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W () /S wa- /W ter- in- a- /S RHM wa- /W llow 7.16E-08 10 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W () /S wa- ter- /W in- a- /S RHM wa- llow 2.33E-08 11 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W () /S wa- /W ter- in- a- /S RHM wa- llow 1.70E-08 12 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W wa- ter- /S in- /W a- /S RHM wa- llow> 9.39E-13 13 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W () /S wa- ter- /W in- a- /S RHM wa- llow> 1.11E-13 14 334 LE: His charge through the champ-white water-in-a-wallow, /W llow His /S charge /W through the /S champ- white> /W () /S wa- /W ter- in- a- /S RHM wa- llow> 8.11E-14 15 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- nnel /W to /S bu- ry /W in a /S RHM beach /W her 1 0.333326594 1 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- /W nnel to /S bu- ry /W in a /S RHM beach /W her 0.245062928 2 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- nnel /W to /S bu- /W ry in a /S RHM beach /W her 0.242972757 3 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- /W nnel to /S bu- /W ry in a /S RHM beach /W her 0.178634458 4 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- nnel> /W to /S bu- ry /W in a /S RHM beach /W her 1.59E-06 5 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- nnel> /W to /S bu- /W ry in a /S RHM beach /W her 1.16E-06 6 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- nnel /W to /S bu- ry> /W in a /S RHM beach /W her 2.95E-07 7 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- /W nnel to /S bu- ry> /W in a /S RHM beach /W her 2.17E-07 8 335 LE: All under Channel to bury in a beach her /W All /S un- /W der /S Cha- nnel> /W to /S bu- ry> /W in a /S RHM beach /W her 1.41E-12 9 336 LE: Cheeks: Right, rude of feature, /W her /S Cheeks: /W () /S Right, /W () /S rude /W of /S RHM fea- /W ture, 1 0.828924326 1 336 LE: Cheeks: Right, rude of feature, /W her /S Cheeks: /W () /S Right, /W rude /S of /W () /S RHM fea- /W ture, 0.145525992 2 336 LE: Cheeks: Right, rude of feature, /W her /S Cheeks: /W Right, /S rude /W () /S of /W () /S RHM fea- /W ture, 0.02554855 3 336 LE: Cheeks: Right, rude of feature, /W her /S Cheeks: /W () /S Right, /W () /S rude /W of /S RHM fea- ture,> 9.39E-07 4 336 LE: Cheeks: Right, rude of feature, /W her /S Cheeks: /W () /S Right, /W rude /S of /W () /S RHM fea- ture,> 1.65E-07 5 336 LE: Cheeks: Right, rude of feature, /W her /S Cheeks: /W Right, /S rude /W () /S of /W () /S RHM fea- ture,> 2.89E-08 6 337 LE: He thought he heard say /W ture, He /S thought /W he /S heard /W () /S RHM say 1 0.56737823 1 337 LE: He thought he heard say /W ture, /S He /W thought /S he /W heard /S RHM say 0.397785984 2 337 LE: He thought he heard say /W ture, He /S thought /W () /S he /W heard /S RHM say 0.034835785 3 338 LE: 'Her commander! and thou too, and thou this way.' /W Her com- /S man- /W der! and /S thou /W *too,and /S thou /W this /S RHM way.' 1 1 0.999998196 1 338 LE: 'Her commander! and thou too, and thou this way.' /W Her com- /S man- /W der! /S and /W thou /S *too,and thou> /W this /S RHM way.' 1.20E-06 2 338 LE: 'Her commander! and thou too, and thou this way.' /W Her com- /S man- /W der! and /S thou /W () /S *too,and thou> /W this /S RHM way.' 6.00E-07 3 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- /W ven /S seen, /W time's /S some- /W thing /S RHM ser- /W ver, 1 1 0.99999872 1 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- /W ven /S seen, /W time's /S some- /W thing /S RHM ser- ver,> 1.13E-06 2 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W seen, /S time's /W () /S some- /W thing /S RHM ser- /W ver, 7.34E-08 3 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- /W ven /S seen, /W time's /S some- thing> /W () /S RHM ser- /W ver, 3.69E-08 4.5 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W () /S seen, /W time's /S some- /W thing /S RHM ser- /W ver, 3.69E-08 4.5 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W seen, /S time's /W () /S some- /W thing /S RHM ser- ver,> 8.32E-14 6 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- /W ven /S seen, /W time's /S some- thing> /W () /S RHM ser- ver,> 4.18E-14 7.5 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W () /S seen, /W time's /S some- /W thing /S RHM ser- ver,> 4.18E-14 7.5 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W seen, /S time's /W () /S some- thing> /W () /S RHM ser- /W ver, 2.71E-15 9 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W () /S seen, /W time's /S some- thing> /W () /S RHM ser- /W ver, 1.36E-15 10 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W seen, /S time's /W () /S some- thing> /W () /S RHM ser- ver,> 3.07E-21 11 339 LE: It is even seen, time's something server, /W It is /S e- ven> /W () /S seen, /W time's /S some- thing> /W () /S RHM ser- ver,> 1.54E-21 12 340 LE: In mankind's medley a duty-swerver, /W ver, In /S man- /W kind's /S med- /W ley a /S du- /W ty- /S RHM swer- /W ver, 1 1 0.999992374 1 340 LE: In mankind's medley a duty-swerver, /W ver, In /S man- /W kind's /S med- ley> /W a /S du- /W ty- /S RHM swer- /W ver, 6.49E-06 2 340 LE: In mankind's medley a duty-swerver, /W ver, In /S man- /W kind's /S med- /W ley a /S du- /W ty- /S RHM swer- ver,> 1.13E-06 3 340 LE: In mankind's medley a duty-swerver, /W ver, In /S man- /W kind's /S med- ley> /W a /S du- /W ty- /S RHM swer- ver,> 7.36E-12 4 341 LE: At downright 'No or yes?' /W ver, At /S down- /W right /S No /W or /S RHM yes?' 1 1 0.99999995 1 341 LE: At downright 'No or yes?' /W ver, At /S down- right> /W () /S No /W or /S RHM yes?' 3.69E-08 2 341 LE: At downright 'No or yes?' /W ver, At /S down- right> /W No /S or /W () /S RHM yes?' 1.29E-08 3 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W drives /S full /W for /S ri- /W ghteous- /S RHM ness. 1 1 0.68651438 1 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W () /S drives /W () /S full /W for /S ri- /W ghteous- RHM ness. 0.119764289 2.5 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W () /S Doffs /W () /S all, /W drives /S full /W for /S ri- /W ghteous- RHM ness. 0.119764289 2.5 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W () /S Doffs /W all, /S drives /W () /S full /W for /S ri- /W ghteous- RHM ness. 0.041884622 4 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W () /S drives /W full /S for /W () /S ri- /W ghteous- RHM ness. 0.021025824 5 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W () /S Doffs /W all, /S drives /W full /S for /W () /S ri- /W ghteous- RHM ness. 0.007353266 6 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W drives /S full /W () /S for /W () /S ri- /W ghteous- RHM ness. 0.003691295 7 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W () /S drives /W () /S full /W for /S ri- ghteous- RHM ness.>> 7.78E-07 8.5 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W () /S Doffs /W () /S all, /W drives /S full /W for /S ri- ghteous- RHM ness.>> 7.78E-07 8.5 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W () /S Doffs /W all, /S drives /W () /S full /W for /S ri- ghteous- RHM ness.>> 2.72E-07 10 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W () /S drives /W full /S for /W () /S ri- ghteous- RHM ness.>> 1.37E-07 11 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W () /S Doffs /W all, /S drives /W full /S for /W () /S ri- ghteous- RHM ness.>> 4.77E-08 12 342 LE: Doffs all, drives full for righteousness. /W Doffs /S all, /W drives /S full /W () /S for /W () /S ri- ghteous- RHM ness.>> 2.40E-08 13 343 LE: Sydney Fletcher, Bristol-bred, /W () /S Syd- /W ney /S Fle- /W tcher, /S Bris- /W tol- /S RHM bred, 1 0.960008041 1 343 LE: Sydney Fletcher, Bristol-bred, /W () /S Syd- /W ney /S Fle- tcher, /W () /S Bris- /W tol- /S RHM bred, 0.039991768 2 343 LE: Sydney Fletcher, Bristol-bred, /W () /S Syd- /W ney /S Fle- tcher,> /W () /S Bris- /W tol- /S RHM bred, 1.91E-07 3 344 LE: (Low lie his mates now on watery bed) /W (Low /S lie /W his /S mates /W now on /S wa- te- /W ry /S RHM bed) 1 0.576301167 1 344 LE: (Low lie his mates now on watery bed) /W (Low /S lie /W his /S mates /W now on /S wa- /W te- ry /S RHM bed) 0.423698722 2 344 LE: (Low lie his mates now on watery bed) /W (Low /S lie /W his /S mates /W now on /S wa- te- ry>> /W () /S RHM bed) 8.95E-08 3 344 LE: (Low lie his mates now on watery bed) /W (Low /S lie /W his /S mates /W now on /S wa- te- ry> /W () /S RHM bed) 2.12E-08 4 345 LE: Takes to the seas and snows /W Takes /S to /W the /S seas /W and /S RHM snows 1 0.851460427 1 345 LE: Takes to the seas and snows /W () /S Takes /W to the /S seas /W and /S RHM snows 0.148539573 2 346 LE: As sheer down the ship goes. /W As /S sheer /W () /S down /W the /S ship /W () /S RHM goes. 1 0.942153812 1 346 LE: As sheer down the ship goes. /W () /S As /W sheer /S down /W the /S ship /W () /S RHM goes. 0.057846188 2 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W gu- llies /S him /W too /S RHM down; 1 1 0.205406278 3 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W () /S gu- llies /W him /S too /W RHM down; 0.398500848 1 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W () /S gu- /W llies him /S too /W RHM down; 0.292979278 2 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W gu- llies /S him /W () /S too /W RHM down; 0.103112695 4 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W () /S gu- llies /W him /S too RHM down;> 4.51E-07 5 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W () /S gu- /W llies him /S too RHM down;> 3.32E-07 6 347 LE: Now her afterdraught gullies him too down; /W Now her /S af- /W ter- /S draught /W gu- llies /S him /W () /S too RHM down;> 1.17E-07 7 348 LE: Now he wrings for breath with the deathgush brown; /W Now he /S wrings /W for /S breath /W with the /S death- /W gush /S RHM brown; 1 1 0.99999979 1 348 LE: Now he wrings for breath with the deathgush brown; /W Now he /S wrings /W for /S breath /W with the /S death- gush> /W () /S RHM brown; 2.10E-07 2 349 LE: Till a lifebelt and God's will /W Till a /S life- /W belt /S and /W God's /S RHM will 1 1 0.999999363 1 349 LE: Till a lifebelt and God's will /W Till a /S life- belt> /W and /S God's /W () /S RHM will 6.00E-07 2 349 LE: Till a lifebelt and God's will /W Till a /S life- belt> /W () /S and /W God's /S RHM will 3.69E-08 3 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W Lend /S him /W a /S lift /W () /S from /W the /S sea- /W RHM swill. 1 0.397463828 1 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W Lend /S him /W a /S lift /W from the /S sea- /W () /S RHM swill. 0.394956833 2 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend /W him a /S lift /W () /S from /W the /S sea- /W RHM swill. 0.069338639 3.5 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend /W () /S him /W a /S lift /W from the /S sea- /W RHM swill. 0.069338639 3.5 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend /W him a /S lift /W from the /S sea- /W () /S RHM swill. 0.068901287 5 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W Lend /S him /W a /S lift /W () /S from /W the /S sea- RHM swill.> 4.50E-07 6 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend him> /W a /S lift /W () /S from /W the /S sea- /W RHM swill. 8.35E-08 7 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend him> /W a /S lift /W from the /S sea- /W () /S RHM swill. 8.29E-08 8 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend /W him a /S lift /W () /S from /W the /S sea- RHM swill.> 7.85E-08 9.5 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend /W () /S him /W a /S lift /W from the /S sea- RHM swill.> 7.85E-08 9.5 350 LE: Lend him a lift from the sea-swill. /W () /S Lend him> /W a /S lift /W () /S from /W the /S sea- RHM swill.> 9.45E-14 11 351 LE: Now he shoots short up to the round air; /W Now he /S shoots /W short /S up /W to the /S round /W () /S RHM air; 1 1 1 1 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now he /S gasps, /W now he /S ga- /W zes /S e- /W very- /S RHM where; 1 1 0.999995792 1 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now /S he /W gasps, /S now /W he /S ga- /W zes /S e- very- RHM where;> 3.09E-06 2 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now /S he /W () /S gasps, /W now he /S ga- /W zes /S e- very- RHM where;> 2.70E-07 4.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now he /S gasps, /W now /S he /W () /S ga- /W zes /S e- very- RHM where;> 2.70E-07 4.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now he /S gasps, /W () /S now /W he /S ga- /W zes /S e- very- RHM where;> 2.70E-07 4.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W () /S Now /W he /S gasps, /W now he /S ga- /W zes /S e- very- RHM where;> 2.70E-07 4.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now he /S gasps, /W now he /S ga- zes> /W () /S e- /W very- /S RHM where; 3.69E-08 7 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now /S he /W gasps, /S now /W he /S ga- zes> /W () /S e- very- RHM where;> 1.14E-13 8 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now /S he /W () /S gasps, /W now he /S ga- zes> /W () /S e- very- RHM where;> 9.97E-15 10.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now he /S gasps, /W now /S he /W () /S ga- zes> /W () /S e- very- RHM where;> 9.97E-15 10.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W Now he /S gasps, /W () /S now /W he /S ga- zes> /W () /S e- very- RHM where;> 9.97E-15 10.5 352 LE: Now he gasps, now he gazes everywhere; /W () /S Now /W he /S gasps, /W now he /S ga- zes> /W () /S e- very- RHM where;> 9.97E-15 10.5 353 LE: But his eye no cliff, no coast or /W But his /S eye /W no /S cliff, /W no /S RHM coast /W or 1 1 1 1 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- /W ing /S RHM snow- /W storm. 1 0.490696974 1 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- /W vell- ing /S RHM snow- /W storm. 0.360762206 2 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- /W ing /S RHM snow- /W storm. 0.085603413 3 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- /W vell- ing /S RHM snow- /W storm. 0.062935942 4 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- /W ing /S RHM snow- storm.> 5.56E-07 5 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- /W vell- ing /S RHM snow- storm.> 4.09E-07 6 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- ing>> /W RHM snow- /S storm. 1.52E-07 7 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- /W ing /S RHM snow- storm.> 9.70E-08 8 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- ing>> /W () /S RHM snow- /W storm. 7.62E-08 9 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- /W vell- ing /S RHM snow- storm.> 7.13E-08 10 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- ing> /W RHM snow- /S storm. 3.60E-08 11 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- ing>> /W RHM snow- /S storm. 2.65E-08 12 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- ing> /W () /S RHM snow- /W storm. 1.81E-08 13 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- ing>> /W () /S RHM snow- /W storm. 1.33E-08 14 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- ing> /W RHM snow- /S storm. 6.29E-09 15 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- ing> /W () /S RHM snow- /W storm. 3.16E-09 16 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- ing>> /W () /S RHM snow- storm.> 8.64E-14 17 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W makes /S in /W the /S ri- vell- ing> /W () /S RHM snow- storm.> 2.05E-14 18 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- ing>> /W () /S RHM snow- storm.> 1.51E-14 19 354 LE: Mark makes in the rivelling snowstorm. /W or /S Mark /W () /S makes /W in the /S ri- vell- ing> /W () /S RHM snow- storm.> 3.57E-15 20 355 LE: Him, after an hour of wintry waves, /W Him, /S af- /W ter an /S hour /W of /S win- /W try /S RHM waves, 1 1 0.999999963 1 355 LE: Him, after an hour of wintry waves, /W Him, /S af- /W ter an /S hour /W of /S win- try> /W () /S RHM waves, 3.69E-08 2 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- /W ner /S sights, /W with a- /S no- ther, /W and /S RHM saves, 1 0.576298222 1 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- /W ner /S sights, /W with a- /S no- /W ther, and /S RHM saves, 0.423696557 2 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- /W ner /S sights, /W with a- /S no- ther,> /W and /S RHM saves, 2.75E-06 3 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- ner> /W sights, /S with /W a- /S no- ther, /W and /S RHM saves, 1.31E-06 4 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- ner> /W sights, /S with /W a- /S no- /W ther, and /S RHM saves, 9.62E-07 5 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- ner> /W () /S sights, /W with a- /S no- ther, /W and /S RHM saves, 1.15E-07 6 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- ner> /W () /S sights, /W with a- /S no- /W ther, and /S RHM saves, 8.43E-08 7 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- ner> /W sights, /S with /W a- /S no- ther,> /W and /S RHM saves, 6.25E-12 8 356 LE: A schooner sights, with another, and saves, /W A /S schoo- ner> /W () /S sights, /W with a- /S no- ther,> /W and /S RHM saves, 5.47E-13 9 357 LE: And he boards her in Oh! such joy /W And he /S boards /W her in /S Oh! /W such /S RHM joy 1 1 0.999998796 1 357 LE: And he boards her in Oh! such joy /W And he /S boards her> /W in /S Oh! /W such /S RHM joy 1.20E-06 2 358 LE: He has lost count what came next, poor boy. -- /W He has /S lost /W count /S what /W came /S next, /W poor /S RHM boy. -- 1 1 1 1 359 LE: They say who saw one sea-corpse cold /W They /S say /W who /S saw /W one /S sea- /W corpse /S RHM cold 1 1 0.999999507 1 359 LE: They say who saw one sea-corpse cold /W They /S say /W who /S saw /W one /S sea- corpse> /W () /S RHM cold 2.10E-07 2.5 359 LE: They say who saw one sea-corpse cold /W They /S say /W who /S saw one> /W () /S sea- /W corpse /S RHM cold 2.10E-07 2.5 359 LE: They say who saw one sea-corpse cold /W They /S say /W who /S saw one> /W sea- /S corpse /W () /S RHM cold 7.34E-08 4 359 LE: They say who saw one sea-corpse cold /W They /S say /W who /S saw one> /W () /S sea- corpse> /W () /S RHM cold 4.41E-14 5 360 LE: He was all of lovely manly mould, /W He was /S all /W of /S love- /W ly /S man- /W ly /S RHM mould, 1 1 0.999999926 1 360 LE: He was all of lovely manly mould, /W He was /S all /W of /S love- /W ly /S man- ly> /W () /S RHM mould, 3.69E-08 2.5 360 LE: He was all of lovely manly mould, /W He was /S all /W of /S love- ly> /W () /S man- /W ly /S RHM mould, 3.69E-08 2.5 360 LE: He was all of lovely manly mould, /W He was /S all /W of /S love- ly> /W () /S man- ly> /W () /S RHM mould, 1.36E-15 4 361 LE: Every inch a tar, /W () /S E- /W very /S inch /W a /S RHM tar, 1 0.960008191 1 361 LE: Every inch a tar, /W () /S E- very /W () /S inch /W a /S RHM tar, 0.039991774 2 361 LE: Every inch a tar, /W () /S E- very> /W () /S inch /W a /S RHM tar, 3.54E-08 3 362 LE: Of the best we boast our sailors are. /W Of the /S best /W we /S boast /W our /S sai- /W lors /S RHM are. 1 1 1 1 363 LE: Look, foot to forelock, how all things suit! he /W Look, /S foot /W to /S fore- lock,> /W how /S all /W things /S RHM suit! /W he 1 1 0.999998471 1 363 LE: Look, foot to forelock, how all things suit! he /W Look, /S foot /W to /S fore- lock,> /W how /S all things> /W () /S RHM suit! /W he 1.13E-06 2 363 LE: Look, foot to forelock, how all things suit! he /W Look, /S foot /W to /S fore- lock,> /W how /S all things> /W RHM suit! /S he 3.96E-07 3 364 LE: Is strung by duty, is strained to beauty, /W he Is /S strung /W by /S du- /W ty, is /S strained /W to /S RHM beau- /W ty, 1 1 0.999992374 1 364 LE: Is strung by duty, is strained to beauty, /W he Is /S strung /W by /S du- ty,> /W is /S strained /W to /S RHM beau- /W ty, 6.49E-06 2 364 LE: Is strung by duty, is strained to beauty, /W he Is /S strung /W by /S du- /W ty, is /S strained /W to /S RHM beau- ty,> 1.13E-06 3 364 LE: Is strung by duty, is strained to beauty, /W he Is /S strung /W by /S du- ty,> /W is /S strained /W to /S RHM beau- ty,> 7.36E-12 4 365 LE: And brown-as-dawning-skinned /W ty, And /S brown- /W as- /S dawn- /W ing- /S RHM skinned 1 1 1 1 366 LE: With brine and shine and whirling wind. /W With /S brine /W and /S shine /W and /S whir- /W ling /S RHM wind. 1 1 0.999999963 1 366 LE: With brine and shine and whirling wind. /W With /S brine /W and /S shine /W and /S whir- ling> /W () /S RHM wind. 3.69E-08 2 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- /W ble /S fin- /W ger, /S his /W gnarled /S RHM grip! 1 0.6671866 1 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- /W ble /S fin- /W ger, his /S gnarled /W () /S RHM grip! 0.332811069 2 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- /W ble /S fin- ger,> /W his /S gnarled /W () /S RHM grip! 2.16E-06 3 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- /W ble /S fin- ger,> /W () /S his /W gnarled /S RHM grip! 1.33E-07 4 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- ble> /W () /S fin- /W ger, /S his /W gnarled /S RHM grip! 2.46E-08 5 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- ble> /W () /S fin- /W ger, his /S gnarled /W () /S RHM grip! 1.23E-08 6 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- ble> /W () /S fin- ger,> /W his /S gnarled /W () /S RHM grip! 7.97E-14 7 367 LE: O his nimble finger, his gnarled grip! /W O his /S nim- ble> /W () /S fin- ger,> /W () /S his /W gnarled /S RHM grip! 4.89E-15 8 368 LE: Leagues, leagues of seamanship /W () /S Leagues, /W () /S Leagues /W of /S sea- /W man- /S RHM ship 1 0.8252471 1 368 LE: Leagues, leagues of seamanship /W () /S Leagues, /W Leagues /S of /W () /S sea- /W man- /S RHM ship 0.144880418 2 368 LE: Leagues, leagues of seamanship /W Leagues, /S Leagues /W () /S of /W () /S sea- /W man- /S RHM ship 0.025435213 3 368 LE: Leagues, leagues of seamanship /W () /S Leagues, /W () /S Leagues /W () /S of /W () /S sea- /W man- RHM ship 0.004437242 4 368 LE: Leagues, leagues of seamanship /W () /S Leagues, /W () /S Leagues /W () /S of /W () /S sea- man- RHM ship>> 2.88E-08 5 369 LE: Slumber in these forsaken /W () /S Slum- /W ber in /S these /W for- /S RHM sa- /W ken 1 1 0.999998586 1 369 LE: Slumber in these forsaken /W () /S Slum- ber> /W in /S these /W for- /S RHM sa- /W ken 1.20E-06 2 369 LE: Slumber in these forsaken /W () /S Slum- /W ber in /S these /W for- /S RHM sa- ken> 2.10E-07 3 369 LE: Slumber in these forsaken /W () /S Slum- ber> /W in /S these /W for- /S RHM sa- ken> 2.53E-13 4 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new, /W and /S will /W not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 1 0.384027022 1 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- /W new, /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.282338068 2.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- /W new, and /S will /W not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.282338068 2.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W si- new, /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.017334941 4 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new, /W and will /S not /W () /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.011761567 5.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new, /W () /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.011761567 5.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- /W new, and will /S not /W () /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.008573394 7 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W () /S si- /W new, and will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 0.001505145 8 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W () /S si- new, /W and will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 3.57E-04 9 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new,> /W and /S will /W not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 1.83E-06 10 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new, /W and /S will /W not /S RHM wa- ken.> 4.35E-07 11 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- /W new, /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 3.20E-07 12.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- /W new, and /S will /W not /S RHM wa- ken.> 3.20E-07 12.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new,> /W and will /S not /W () /S RHM wa- /W ken. 5.61E-08 14.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new,> /W () /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 5.61E-08 14.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W si- new, /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 1.96E-08 16 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new, /W and will /S not /W () /S RHM wa- ken.> 1.33E-08 17.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new, /W () /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 1.33E-08 17.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- /W new, and will /S not /W () /S RHM wa- ken.> 9.71E-09 19 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W () /S si- /W new, and will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 1.70E-09 20.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W () /S si- new,> /W and will not /S RHM wa- /W ken. 1.70E-09 20.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W () /S si- new, /W and will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 4.05E-10 22 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new,> /W and /S will /W not /S RHM wa- ken.> 2.08E-12 23 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new,> /W and will /S not /W () /S RHM wa- ken.> 6.36E-14 24.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W this /S si- new,> /W () /S and /W will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 6.36E-14 24.5 370 LE: Bones, this sinew, and will not waken. /W ken /S Bones, /W () /S this /W () /S si- new,> /W and will not /S RHM wa- ken.> 1.93E-15 26 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He /S was /W but /S one /W like /S thou- /W sands /S RHM more, 1 0.932057734 1 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He was /S but /W () /S one /W like /S thou- /W sands /S RHM more, 0.028546062 2.5 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W () /S He /W was but /S one /W like /S thou- /W sands /S RHM more, 0.028546062 2.5 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He was /S but /W one /S like /W () /S thou- /W sands /S RHM more, 0.009983285 4 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He was but /S one /W () /S like /W () /S thou- /W sands /S RHM more, 8.67E-04 5 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He /S was /W but /S one /W like /S thou- sands> /W () /S RHM more, 3.44E-08 6 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He was /S but /W () /S one /W like /S thou- sands> /W () /S RHM more, 1.05E-09 7.5 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W () /S He /W was but /S one /W like /S thou- sands> /W () /S RHM more, 1.05E-09 7.5 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He was /S but /W one /S like /W () /S thou- sands> /W () /S RHM more, 3.68E-10 9 371 LE: He was but one like thousands more, /W He was but /S one /W () /S like /W () /S thou- sands> /W () /S RHM more, 3.20E-11 10 372 LE: Day and night I deplore /W () /S Day /W and /S night /W () /S I /W de- /S RHM plore 1 0.642709691 1 372 LE: Day and night I deplore /W () /S Day /W () /S and /W night /S I /W de- /S RHM plore 0.224771945 2 372 LE: Day and night I deplore /W Day /S and /W () /S night /W () /S I /W de- /S RHM plore 0.112834142 3 372 LE: Day and night I deplore /W () /S Day /W () /S and /W () /S night /W I de- /S RHM plore 0.019684221 4 373 LE: My people and born own nation, /W My /S peo- /W ple and /S born /W own /S RHM na- /W tion, 1 1 0.999997664 1 373 LE: My people and born own nation, /W My /S peo- ple> /W and /S born /W own /S RHM na- /W tion, 1.20E-06 2 373 LE: My people and born own nation, /W My /S peo- /W ple and /S born /W own /S RHM na- tion,> 1.13E-06 3 373 LE: My people and born own nation, /W My /S peo- ple> /W and /S born /W own /S RHM na- tion,> 1.36E-12 4 374 LE: Fast foundering own generation. /W tion, /S Fast /W () /S foun- /W der- ing /S own /W gen- er- /S RHM a- /W tion. 1 1 0.999995456 1 374 LE: Fast foundering own generation. /W tion, /S Fast /W () /S foun- der- ing>> /W own /S gen- /W er- /S RHM a- /W tion. 2.27E-06 2 374 LE: Fast foundering own generation. /W tion, /S Fast /W () /S foun- der- ing>> /W () /S own /W gen- er- /S RHM a- /W tion. 1.14E-06 3 374 LE: Fast foundering own generation. /W tion, /S Fast /W () /S foun- /W der- ing /S own /W gen- er- /S RHM a- tion.> 1.13E-06 4 374 LE: Fast foundering own generation. /W tion, /S Fast /W () /S foun- der- ing>> /W own /S gen- /W er- /S RHM a- tion.> 2.57E-12 5 374 LE: Fast foundering own generation. /W tion, /S Fast /W () /S foun- der- ing>> /W () /S own /W gen- er- /S RHM a- tion.> 1.29E-12 6 375 LE: I might let bygones be -- our curse /W I /S might /W let /S by- /W gones /S be -- /W our /S RHM curse 1 1 0.999999889 1 375 LE: I might let bygones be -- our curse /W I /S might /W let /S by- gones> /W be -- /S our /W () /S RHM curse 3.69E-08 3 375 LE: I might let bygones be -- our curse /W I /S might /W let /S by- gones> /W () /S be -- /W our /S RHM curse 3.69E-08 3 375 LE: I might let bygones be -- our curse /W I /S might let> /W () /S by- /W gones /S be -- /W our /S RHM curse 3.69E-08 3 375 LE: I might let bygones be -- our curse /W I /S might let> /W () /S by- gones> /W be -- /S our /W () /S RHM curse 1.36E-15 5.5 375 LE: I might let bygones be -- our curse /W I /S might let> /W () /S by- gones> /W () /S be -- /W our /S RHM curse 1.36E-15 5.5 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- /W I- nous /S shrine /W no /S hand /W or, /S RHM worse, 1 1 0.99999949 1 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- I- nous>> /W () /S shrine /W no /S hand /W or, /S RHM worse, 2.11E-07 2 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- /W I- nous /S shrine /W no /S hand or,> /W () /S RHM worse, 1.99E-07 3 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- I- nous>> /W shrine /S no /W () /S hand /W or, /S RHM worse, 7.39E-08 4 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- I- nous>> /W shrine /S no /W hand /S or, /W () /S RHM worse, 2.58E-08 5 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- I- nous>> /W () /S shrine /W no /S hand or,> /W () /S RHM worse, 4.20E-14 6 376 LE: Of ruinous shrine no hand or, worse, /W Of /S ru- I- nous>> /W shrine /S no /W () /S hand or,> /W () /S RHM worse, 1.47E-14 7 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- /W y's /S hand /W is /S RHM bu- /W sy to 1 0.576299391 1 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- /W bber- y's /S hand /W is /S RHM bu- /W sy to 0.423697416 2 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- y's>> /W hand /S is /W RHM bu- sy /S to 1.93E-06 3 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- y's>> /W () /S hand /W is /S RHM bu- /W sy to 4.83E-07 4 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- y's> /W hand /S is /W RHM bu- sy /S to 4.58E-07 5 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- y's>> /W hand /S is /W () /S RHM bu- /W sy to 1.69E-07 6 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- y's> /W () /S hand /W is /S RHM bu- /W sy to 1.15E-07 7 377 LE: Robbery's hand is busy to /W () /S Ro- bber- y's> /W hand /S is /W () /S RHM bu- /W sy to 4.01E-08 8 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- /W e`d /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- /W sit- ed; 1 0.576296515 1 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- /W llow- e`d /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- /W sit- ed; 0.423695301 2 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- /W e`d /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;>> 3.74E-06 3 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- /W llow- e`d /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;>> 2.75E-06 4 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- /W e`d /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;> 8.88E-07 5 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- /W llow- e`d /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;> 6.53E-07 6 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d>> /W () /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- /W sit- ed; 8.95E-08 7 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d>> /W shrines /S un- /W () /S RHM vi- /W sit- ed; 3.13E-08 8 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d> /W () /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- /W sit- ed; 2.12E-08 9 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d> /W shrines /S un- /W () /S RHM vi- /W sit- ed; 7.43E-09 10 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d>> /W () /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;>> 5.81E-13 11 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d>> /W shrines /S un- /W () /S RHM vi- sit- ed;>> 2.03E-13 12 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d> /W () /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;>> 1.38E-13 13.5 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d>> /W () /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;> 1.38E-13 13.5 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d> /W shrines /S un- /W () /S RHM vi- sit- ed;>> 4.82E-14 15.5 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d>> /W shrines /S un- /W () /S RHM vi- sit- ed;> 4.82E-14 15.5 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d> /W () /S shrines /W un- /S RHM vi- sit- ed;> 3.27E-14 17 378 LE: Dress, hoar-hallowèd shrines unvisited; /W sy to /S Dress, /W hoar- /S ha- llow- e`d> /W shrines /S un- /W () /S RHM vi- sit- ed;> 1.14E-14 18 379 LE: Only the breathing temple and fleet /W () /S On- /W ly the /S breath- /W ing /S tem- /W ple and /S RHM fleet 1 1 0.999999963 1 379 LE: Only the breathing temple and fleet /W () /S On- /W ly the /S breath- ing> /W () /S tem- /W ple and /S RHM fleet 3.69E-08 2 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W () /S Life, /W this /S wild- /W worth /S blown /W so /S RHM sweet, 1 0.646513483 1 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W Life, /S this /W wild- /S worth /W () /S blown /W so /S RHM sweet, 0.226102228 2 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W Life, /S this /W () /S wild- /W worth /S blown /W so /S RHM sweet, 0.113501936 3 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W Life, /S this /W wild- /S worth /W blown /S so /W () /S RHM sweet, 0.013882183 4 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W () /S Life, /W this /S wild- worth> /W () /S blown /W so /S RHM sweet, 1.36E-07 5 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W Life, /S this /W () /S wild- worth> /W () /S blown /W so /S RHM sweet, 2.38E-08 6 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W () /S Life, /W this /S wild- worth> /W blown /S so /W () /S RHM sweet, 8.34E-09 7 380 LE: Life, this wildworth blown so sweet, /W Life, /S this /W () /S wild- worth> /W blown /S so /W () /S RHM sweet, 1.46E-09 8 381 LE: These daredeaths, ay this crew, in /W These /S dare- /W deaths, /S ay /W this /S RHM crew, /W in 1 1 0.999998659 1 381 LE: These daredeaths, ay this crew, in /W These /S dare- deaths,> /W () /S ay /W this /S RHM crew, /W in 1.13E-06 2 381 LE: These daredeaths, ay this crew, in /W These /S dare- deaths,> /W ay /S this /W RHM crew, /S in 1.39E-07 3 381 LE: These daredeaths, ay this crew, in /W These /S dare- deaths,> /W ay /S this /W () /S RHM crew, /W in 6.96E-08 4 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- /W () /S christ, /W all /S rolled /W in /S RHM ru- /W in-- 1 0.808434007 1 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- /W christ, /S all /W () /S rolled /W in /S RHM ru- /W in-- 0.14192871 2 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- /W christ, /S all /W rolled /S in /W () /S RHM ru- /W in-- 0.049636084 3 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- /W () /S christ, /W all /S rolled /W in /S RHM ru- in--> 9.16E-07 4 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- /W christ, /S all /W () /S rolled /W in /S RHM ru- in--> 1.61E-07 5 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- /W christ, /S all /W rolled /S in /W () /S RHM ru- in--> 5.62E-08 6 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- christ,> /W all /S rolled /W () /S in /W () /S RHM ru- /W in-- 2.82E-08 7.5 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- christ,> /W () /S all /W () /S rolled /W in /S RHM ru- /W in-- 2.82E-08 7.5 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- christ,> /W () /S all /W rolled /S in /W () /S RHM ru- /W in-- 9.87E-09 9 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- christ,> /W all /S rolled /W () /S in /W () /S RHM ru- in--> 3.20E-14 10.5 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- christ,> /W () /S all /W () /S rolled /W in /S RHM ru- in--> 3.20E-14 10.5 382 LE: Unchrist, all rolled in ruin -- /W in /S Un- christ,> /W () /S all /W rolled /S in /W () /S RHM ru- in--> 1.12E-14 12 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- /W ly /S sure- /W ly I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore /W it, 1 1 0.999997627 1 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- /W ly /S sure- ly> /W I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore /W it, 1.20E-06 2 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- /W ly /S sure- /W ly I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore it,> 1.13E-06 3 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- ly> /W () /S sure- /W ly I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore /W it, 3.69E-08 4 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- /W ly /S sure- ly> /W I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore it,> 1.36E-12 5 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- ly> /W () /S sure- ly> /W I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore /W it, 4.44E-14 6 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- ly> /W () /S sure- /W ly I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore it,> 4.18E-14 7 383 LE: Deeply surely I need to deplore it, /W () /S Deep- ly> /W () /S sure- ly> /W I /S need /W to de- /S RHM plore it,> 5.03E-20 8 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- /W der- ing /S why /W my /S mas- /W ter /S RHM bore /W it, 1 1 0.99999785 1 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- /W der- ing /S why /W my /S mas- /W ter /S RHM bore it,> 1.13E-06 2 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- /W der- ing /S why /W my /S mas- ter> /W RHM bore /S it, 3.96E-07 3 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W why /S my /W () /S mas- /W ter /S RHM bore /W it, 2.11E-07 4.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W () /S why /W my /S mas- /W ter /S RHM bore /W it, 2.11E-07 4.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- /W der- ing /S why /W my /S mas- ter> /W () /S RHM bore /W it, 1.99E-07 6 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W why /S my /W () /S mas- /W ter /S RHM bore it,> 2.39E-13 7.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W () /S why /W my /S mas- /W ter /S RHM bore it,> 2.39E-13 7.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- /W der- ing /S why /W my /S mas- ter> /W () /S RHM bore it,> 2.25E-13 9 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W why /S my /W () /S mas- ter> /W RHM bore /S it, 8.37E-14 10.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W () /S why /W my /S mas- ter> /W RHM bore /S it, 8.37E-14 10.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W why /S my /W () /S mas- ter> /W () /S RHM bore /W it, 4.20E-14 12.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W () /S why /W my /S mas- ter> /W () /S RHM bore /W it, 4.20E-14 12.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W why /S my /W () /S mas- ter> /W () /S RHM bore it,> 4.76E-20 14.5 384 LE: Wondering why my master bore it, /W it, /S Won- der- ing>> /W () /S why /W my /S mas- ter> /W () /S RHM bore it,> 4.76E-20 14.5 385 LE: The riving off that race /W it, The /S ri- /W ving /S off /W that /S RHM race 1 1 1 1 386 LE: So at home, time was, to his truth and grace /W So at /S home, /W time /S was, /W to his /S truth /W and /S RHM grace 1 1 0.999996596 1 386 LE: So at home, time was, to his truth and grace /W So /S at /W home, /S time was,> /W to his /S truth /W and /S RHM grace 2.27E-06 2 386 LE: So at home, time was, to his truth and grace /W So at /S home, /W () /S time was,> /W to his /S truth /W and /S RHM grace 1.13E-06 3 387 LE: That a starlight-wender of ours would say /W That a /S star- /W light- /S wen- /W der of /S ours /W would /S RHM say 1 1 0.999998796 1 387 LE: That a starlight-wender of ours would say /W That a /S star- /W light- /S wen- der> /W of /S ours /W would /S RHM say 1.20E-06 2 388 LE: The marvellous Milk was Walsingham Way /W The /S mar- /W ve- llous /S Milk /W was /S Wal- /W sing- ham /S RHM Way 1 1 0.999999503 1 388 LE: The marvellous Milk was Walsingham Way /W The /S mar- /W ve- llous /S Milk /W was /S Wal- sing- ham>> /W () /S RHM Way 2.11E-07 2.5 388 LE: The marvellous Milk was Walsingham Way /W The /S mar- ve- llous>> /W () /S Milk /W was /S Wal- /W sing- ham /S RHM Way 2.11E-07 2.5 388 LE: The marvellous Milk was Walsingham Way /W The /S mar- ve- llous>> /W Milk /S was /W () /S Wal- /W sing- ham /S RHM Way 7.39E-08 4 388 LE: The marvellous Milk was Walsingham Way /W The /S mar- ve- llous>> /W () /S Milk /W was /S Wal- sing- ham>> /W () /S RHM Way 4.47E-14 5 388 LE: The marvellous Milk was Walsingham Way /W The /S mar- ve- llous>> /W Milk /S was /W () /S Wal- sing- ham>> /W () /S RHM Way 1.56E-14 6 389 LE: And one -- but let be, let be: /W And /S one-- /W but /S let /W be, /S RHM let /W be: 1 1 0.999998867 1 389 LE: And one -- but let be, let be: /W And /S one-- /W but /S let /W be, /S RHM let be:> 1.13E-06 2 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W () /S more /W than /S was /W will /S RHM yet /W be. -- 1 0.735690544 1 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W more /S than /W () /S was /W will /S RHM yet /W be. -- 0.129157865 2 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W more /S than /W was /S will /W RHM yet /S be. -- 0.089980766 3 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W more /S than /W was /S will /W () /S RHM yet /W be. -- 0.045169794 4 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W () /S more /W than /S was /W will /S RHM yet be. --> 8.33E-07 5 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W more /S than /W () /S was /W will /S RHM yet be. --> 1.46E-07 6 390 LE: More, more than was will yet be. -- /W be: /S More, /W more /S than /W was /S will /W () /S RHM yet be. --> 5.12E-08 7 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W () /S wept, /W mo- ther /S have /W lost /S RHM son; 1 0.544238464 1 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W wept, /S mo- /W ther /S have /W lost /S RHM son; 0.19033405 2 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W wept, /S mo- ther /W have /S lost /W () /S RHM son; 0.129139553 3 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W wept, /S mo- /W ther have /S lost /W () /S RHM son; 0.094943871 4 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W () /S O /W well /S wept, /W mo- ther /S have /W lost /S RHM son; 0.033415054 5 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W wept, /S mo- ther /W () /S have /W lost /S RHM son; 0.007928887 6 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W wept, /S mo- ther> /W have /S lost /W () /S RHM son; 1.14E-07 7 391 LE: O well wept, mother have lost son; /W O /S well /W wept, /S mo- ther> /W () /S have /W lost /S RHM son; 7.02E-09 8 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W Wept, /S wife; /W wept, /S sweet- /W heart /S would /W be /S RHM one: 1 0.656444386 1 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W Wept, /S wife; /W wept, /S sweet- /W () /S heart /W would be /S RHM one: 0.114518498 3 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W Wept, /S wife; /W () /S wept, /W sweet- /S heart /W would be /S RHM one: 0.114518498 3 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W () /S Wept, /W wife; /S wept, /W sweet- /S heart /W would be /S RHM one: 0.114518498 3 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W Wept, /S wife; /W wept, /S sweet- heart> /W would /S be /W () /S RHM one: 2.42E-08 5.5 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W Wept, /S wife; /W wept, /S sweet- heart> /W () /S would /W be /S RHM one: 2.42E-08 5.5 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W Wept, /S wife; /W () /S wept, /W () /S sweet- heart> /W would be /S RHM one: 2.40E-08 8 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W () /S Wept, /W wife; /S wept, /W () /S sweet- heart> /W would be /S RHM one: 2.40E-08 8 392 LE: Wept, wife; wept, sweetheart would be one: /W () /S Wept, /W () /S wife; /W wept, /S sweet- heart> /W would be /S RHM one: 2.40E-08 8 393 LE: Though grief yield them no good /W Though /S grief /W yield /S them /W no /S RHM good 1 0.843765124 1 393 LE: Though grief yield them no good /W Though /S grief /W () /S yield /W them no /S RHM good 0.147197107 2 393 LE: Though grief yield them no good /W () /S Though /W grief /S yield /W them no /S RHM good 0.009037581 3 393 LE: Though grief yield them no good /W Though /S grief /W () /S yield them> /W no /S RHM good 1.77E-07 4 393 LE: Though grief yield them no good /W () /S Though /W grief /S yield them> /W no /S RHM good 1.09E-08 5 394 LE: Yet shed what tears sad truelove should. /W Yet /S shed /W what /S tears /W sad /S true- /W love /S RHM should. 1 1 0.999998867 1 394 LE: Yet shed what tears sad truelove should. /W Yet /S shed /W what /S tears /W sad /S true- love> /W () /S RHM should. 1.13E-06 2 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But /S to /W () /S Christ /W () /S Lord /W of /S RHM thun- /W der 1 0.399274042 1.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W () /S But /W to /S Christ /W () /S Lord /W of /S RHM thun- /W der 1 0.399274042 1.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But /S to /W () /S Christ /W Lord /S of /W () /S RHM thun- /W der 0.070096569 3.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W () /S But /W to /S Christ /W Lord /S of /W () /S RHM thun- /W der 0.070096569 3.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But /S to /W Christ /S Lord /W () /S of /W () /S RHM thun- /W der 0.024514555 5.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W () /S But /W () /S to /W Christ /S Lord /W of /S RHM thun- /W der 0.024514555 5.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But to /S Christ /W () /S Lord /W () /S of /W () /S RHM thun- /W der 0.012228536 7 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But /S to /W () /S Christ /W () /S Lord /W of /S RHM thun- der> 4.52E-07 8.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W () /S But /W to /S Christ /W () /S Lord /W of /S RHM thun- der> 4.52E-07 8.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But /S to /W () /S Christ /W Lord /S of /W () /S RHM thun- der> 7.94E-08 10.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W () /S But /W to /S Christ /W Lord /S of /W () /S RHM thun- der> 7.94E-08 10.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But /S to /W Christ /S Lord /W () /S of /W () /S RHM thun- der> 2.78E-08 12.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W () /S But /W () /S to /W Christ /S Lord /W of /S RHM thun- der> 2.78E-08 12.5 395 LE: But to Christ lord of thunder /W But to /S Christ /W () /S Lord /W () /S of /W () /S RHM thun- der> 1.39E-08 14 396 LE: Crouch; lay knee by earth low under: /W der /S Crouch; /W lay /S knee /W by /S earth /W low /S RHM un- /W der: 1 1 0.999998867 1 396 LE: Crouch; lay knee by earth low under: /W der /S Crouch; /W lay /S knee /W by /S earth /W low /S RHM un- der:> 1.13E-06 2 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- /W liest, /S love- /W liest, /S RHM brav /W est, 1 1 0.999998469 1 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- /W liest, /S love- /W liest, /S RHM brav est,> 1.13E-06 2 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- /W liest, /S love- liest,> /W () /S RHM brav /W est, 1.99E-07 3.5 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- liest,> /W () /S love- /W liest, /S RHM brav /W est, 1.99E-07 3.5 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- /W liest, /S love- liest,> /W () /S RHM brav est,> 2.25E-13 5.5 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- liest,> /W () /S love- /W liest, /S RHM brav est,> 2.25E-13 5.5 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- liest,> /W () /S love- liest,> /W () /S RHM brav /W est, 3.95E-14 7 397 LE: 'Holiest, loveliest, bravest, /W der: /S Ho- liest,> /W () /S love- liest,> /W () /S RHM brav est,> 4.48E-20 8 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- /W ro, O /S He- /W ro /S RHM sa- /W vest. 1 1 0.999992175 1 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- ro,> /W O /S He- /W ro /S RHM sa- /W vest. 6.49E-06 2 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- /W ro, O /S He- /W ro /S RHM sa- vest.> 1.13E-06 3 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- /W ro, O /S He- ro> /W () /S RHM sa- /W vest. 1.99E-07 4 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- ro,> /W O /S He- /W ro /S RHM sa- vest.> 7.36E-12 5 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- ro,> /W O /S He- ro> /W () /S RHM sa- /W vest. 1.29E-12 6 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- /W ro, O /S He- ro> /W () /S RHM sa- vest.> 2.25E-13 7 398 LE: Save my hero, O Hero savest. /W est, /S Save /W my /S he- ro,> /W O /S He- ro> /W () /S RHM sa- vest.> 1.46E-18 8 399 LE: And the prayer thou hearst me making /W () /S And /W the /S prayer /W thou /S hearst /W me /S RHM ma- /W king 1 1 0.99999883 1 399 LE: And the prayer thou hearst me making /W () /S And /W the /S prayer /W thou /S hearst /W me /S RHM ma- king> 1.13E-06 2 399 LE: And the prayer thou hearst me making /W () /S And /W the /S prayer /W thou /S hearst me> /W () /S RHM ma- /W king 3.69E-08 3 399 LE: And the prayer thou hearst me making /W () /S And /W the /S prayer /W thou /S hearst me> /W () /S RHM ma- king> 4.18E-14 4 400 LE: Have, at the awful overtaking, /W king /S Have, /W at the /S aw- /W ful /S o- /W ver- /S RHM ta- /W king, 1 1 0.99999883 1 400 LE: Have, at the awful overtaking, /W king /S Have, /W at the /S aw- /W ful /S o- /W ver- /S RHM ta- king,> 1.13E-06 2 400 LE: Have, at the awful overtaking, /W king /S Have, /W at the /S aw- ful> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM ta- /W king, 3.69E-08 3 400 LE: Have, at the awful overtaking, /W king /S Have, /W at the /S aw- ful> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM ta- king,> 4.18E-14 4 401 LE: Heard; have heard and granted /W king, /S Heard; /W have /S heard /W and /S RHM gran- /W ted 1 1 0.99999979 1 401 LE: Heard; have heard and granted /W king, /S Heard; /W have /S heard /W and /S RHM gran- ted> 2.10E-07 2 402 LE: Grace that day grace was wanted.' /W ted /S Grace /W that /S day /W () /S grace /W was /S RHM wan- /W ted." 1 0.80843406 1 402 LE: Grace that day grace was wanted.' /W ted /S Grace /W that /S day /W grace /S was /W () /S RHM wan- /W ted." 0.14192872 2 402 LE: Grace that day grace was wanted.' /W ted /S Grace /W () /S that /W day /S grace /W was /S RHM wan- /W ted." 0.049636087 3 402 LE: Grace that day grace was wanted.' /W ted /S Grace /W that /S day /W () /S grace /W was /S RHM wan- ted."> 9.16E-07 4 402 LE: Grace that day grace was wanted.' /W ted /S Grace /W that /S day /W grace /S was /W () /S RHM wan- ted."> 1.61E-07 5 402 LE: Grace that day grace was wanted.' /W ted /S Grace /W () /S that /W day /S grace /W was /S RHM wan- ted."> 5.62E-08 6 403 LE: Not that hell knows redeeming, /W Not /S that /W () /S hell /W () /S knows /W re- /S RHM deem- /W ing, 1 0.485107173 1.5 403 LE: Not that hell knows redeeming, /W () /S Not /W that /S hell /W () /S knows /W re- /S RHM deem- /W ing, 1 0.485107173 1.5 403 LE: Not that hell knows redeeming, /W () /S Not /W () /S that /W hell /S knows /W re- /S RHM deem- /W ing, 0.029784522 3 403 LE: Not that hell knows redeeming, /W Not /S that /W () /S hell /W () /S knows /W re- /S RHM deem- ing,> 5.50E-07 4.5 403 LE: Not that hell knows redeeming, /W () /S Not /W that /S hell /W () /S knows /W re- /S RHM deem- ing,> 5.50E-07 4.5 403 LE: Not that hell knows redeeming, /W () /S Not /W () /S that /W hell /S knows /W re- /S RHM deem- ing,> 3.37E-08 6 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, /S But /W for /S souls /W () /S sunk /W in /S RHM seem- /W ing 1 0.783838901 1 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, /S But /W for /S souls /W sunk /S in /W () /S RHM seem- /W ing 0.137610792 2 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, /S But /W () /S for /W souls /S sunk /W in /S RHM seem- /W ing 0.048125998 3 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But /S for /W () /S souls /W () /S sunk /W in /S RHM seem- /W ing 0.024006575 4 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But /S for /W () /S souls /W sunk /S in /W () /S RHM seem- /W ing 0.004214595 5 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But /S for /W souls /S sunk /W () /S in /W () /S RHM seem- /W ing 0.001473951 6 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But for /S souls /W () /S sunk /W () /S in /W () /S RHM seem- /W ing 7.29E-04 7 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, /S But /W for /S souls /W () /S sunk /W in /S RHM seem- ing> 1.65E-07 8 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, /S But /W for /S souls /W sunk /S in /W () /S RHM seem- ing> 2.89E-08 9 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, /S But /W () /S for /W souls /S sunk /W in /S RHM seem- ing> 1.01E-08 10 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But /S for /W () /S souls /W () /S sunk /W in /S RHM seem- ing> 5.04E-09 11 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But /S for /W () /S souls /W sunk /S in /W () /S RHM seem- ing> 8.85E-10 12 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But /S for /W souls /S sunk /W () /S in /W () /S RHM seem- ing> 3.10E-10 13 404 LE: But for souls sunk in seeming /W ing, But for /S souls /W () /S sunk /W () /S in /W () /S RHM seem- ing> 1.53E-10 14 405 LE: Fresh, till doomfire burn all, /W ing /S Fresh, /W till /S doom- /W fire /S RHM burn /W all, 1 1 0.999997338 1 405 LE: Fresh, till doomfire burn all, /W ing /S Fresh, /W till /S doom- /W fire /S RHM burn all,> 1.13E-06 2.5 405 LE: Fresh, till doomfire burn all, /W ing /S Fresh, /W till /S doom- fire> /W () /S RHM burn /W all, 1.13E-06 2.5 405 LE: Fresh, till doomfire burn all, /W ing /S Fresh, /W till /S doom- fire> /W RHM burn /S all, 3.96E-07 4 405 LE: Fresh, till doomfire burn all, /W ing /S Fresh, /W till /S doom- fire> /W () /S RHM burn all,> 1.28E-12 5 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W shall /S fetch /W () /S pi- ty /W e- /S RHM ter- /W nal. 1 0.54296351 1 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W shall /S fetch /W () /S pi- /W ty e- /S RHM ter- /W nal. 0.399188754 2 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W () /S shall /W fetch /S pi- ty /W e- /S RHM ter- /W nal. 0.033336775 3 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W () /S shall /W fetch /S pi- /W ty e- /S RHM ter- /W nal. 0.024509319 4 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W shall /S fetch /W () /S pi- ty /W e- /S RHM ter- nal.> 6.15E-07 5 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W shall /S fetch /W () /S pi- ty> /W e- /S RHM ter- /W nal. 4.80E-07 6 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W shall /S fetch /W () /S pi- /W ty e- /S RHM ter- nal.> 4.52E-07 7 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W () /S shall /W fetch /S pi- ty /W e- /S RHM ter- nal.> 3.78E-08 8 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W () /S shall /W fetch /S pi- ty> /W e- /S RHM ter- /W nal. 2.95E-08 9 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W () /S shall /W fetch /S pi- /W ty e- /S RHM ter- nal.> 2.78E-08 10 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W shall /S fetch /W () /S pi- ty> /W e- /S RHM ter- nal.> 5.44E-13 11 406 LE: Prayer shall fetch pity eternal. /W all, /S Prayer /W () /S shall /W fetch /S pi- ty> /W e- /S RHM ter- nal.> 3.34E-14 12 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W () /S May /W is /S Ma- /W ry's /S month, /W and /S RHM I 1 0.846785061 1 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W May /S is /W () /S Ma- /W ry's /S month, /W and /S RHM I 0.148661623 2 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W () /S May /W () /S is /W () /S Ma- /W ry's /S month, /W and RHM I 0.004553048 3 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W () /S May /W is /S Ma- ry's> /W () /S month, /W and /S RHM I 1.68E-07 4 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W () /S May /W is /S Ma- ry's> /W month, /S and /W () /S RHM I 5.89E-08 5 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W May /S is /W () /S Ma- ry's> /W () /S month, /W and /S RHM I 2.96E-08 6 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W May /S is /W () /S Ma- ry's> /W month, /S and /W () /S RHM I 1.03E-08 7 407 MM: May is Mary's month, and I /W () /S May /W () /S is /W () /S Ma- ry's> /W () /S month, /W and RHM I 9.05E-10 8 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W () /S Muse /W at /S that /W and /S won- /W der /S RHM why: 1 0.567954364 1 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W Muse /S at /W that /S and /W () /S won- /W der /S RHM why: 0.198628104 2.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W Muse /S at /W () /S that /W and /S won- /W der /S RHM why: 0.198628104 2.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W () /S Muse /W at that /S and /W () /S won- /W der /S RHM why: 0.017394695 4.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W () /S Muse /W () /S at /W that and /S won- /W der /S RHM why: 0.017394695 4.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W () /S Muse /W at /S that /W and /S won- der> /W () /S RHM why: 2.09E-08 6 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W Muse /S at /W that /S and /W () /S won- der> /W () /S RHM why: 7.32E-09 7.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W Muse /S at /W () /S that /W and /S won- der> /W () /S RHM why: 7.32E-09 7.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W () /S Muse /W at that /S and /W () /S won- der> /W () /S RHM why: 6.41E-10 9.5 408 MM: Muse at that and wonder why: /W () /S Muse /W () /S at /W that and /S won- der> /W () /S RHM why: 6.41E-10 9.5 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W Her /S feasts /W () /S fo- /W llow /S RHM rea- /W son, 1 0.879944034 1 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W feasts /S fo- /W llow /S RHM rea- /W son, 0.054026644 2 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W Her /S feasts /W () /S fo- llow /W () /S RHM rea- /W son, 0.036656482 3 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W () /S feasts /W fo- llow /S RHM rea- /W son, 0.027121045 4 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W feasts /S fo- llow /W () /S RHM rea- /W son, 0.002250628 5 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W Her /S feasts /W () /S fo- /W llow /S RHM rea- son,> 9.97E-07 6 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W feasts /S fo- /W llow /S RHM rea- son,> 6.12E-08 7 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W Her /S feasts /W () /S fo- llow /W () /S RHM rea- son,> 4.15E-08 8 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W Her /S feasts /W () /S fo- llow> /W () /S RHM rea- /W son, 3.24E-08 9 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W () /S feasts /W fo- llow /S RHM rea- son,> 3.07E-08 10 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W feasts /S fo- llow /W () /S RHM rea- son,> 2.55E-09 11 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W feasts /S fo- llow> /W () /S RHM rea- /W son, 1.99E-09 12 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W Her /S feasts /W () /S fo- llow> /W () /S RHM rea- son,> 3.67E-14 13 409 MM: Her feasts follow reason, /W () /S Her /W feasts /S fo- llow> /W () /S RHM rea- son,> 2.26E-15 14 410 MM: Dated due to season -- /W son, /S Da- /W ted /S due /W to /S RHM sea- /W son -- 1 1 0.999998599 1 410 MM: Dated due to season -- /W son, /S Da- /W ted /S due /W to /S RHM sea- son --> 1.13E-06 2 410 MM: Dated due to season -- /W son, /S Da- ted> /W () /S due /W to /S RHM sea- /W son -- 1.99E-07 3 410 MM: Dated due to season -- /W son, /S Da- ted> /W due /S to /W () /S RHM sea- /W son -- 6.96E-08 4 410 MM: Dated due to season -- /W son, /S Da- ted> /W () /S due /W to /S RHM sea- son --> 2.25E-13 5 410 MM: Dated due to season -- /W son, /S Da- ted> /W due /S to /W () /S RHM sea- son --> 7.88E-14 6 411 MM: Candlemas, Lady Day; /W son -- /S Can- /W dle- /S mas, /W () /S La- /W dy /S RHM Day; 1 1 0.999999963 1 411 MM: Candlemas, Lady Day; /W son -- /S Can- /W dle- /S mas, /W () /S La- dy> /W () /S RHM Day; 3.69E-08 2 412 MM: But the Lady Month, May, /W () /S But /W the /S La- /W dy /S Month, /W () /S RHM May, 1 1 0.999999963 1 412 MM: But the Lady Month, May, /W () /S But /W the /S La- dy> /W () /S Month, /W () /S RHM May, 3.69E-08 2 413 MM: Why fasten that upon her, /W Why /S fas- /W ten /S that /W u- /S RHM pon /W her, 1 0.906571621 1 413 MM: Why fasten that upon her, /W () /S Why /W fas- ten /S that /W u- /S RHM pon /W her, 0.055661519 2 413 MM: Why fasten that upon her, /W Why /S fas- ten /W () /S that /W u- /S RHM pon /W her, 0.037765727 3 413 MM: Why fasten that upon her, /W Why /S fas- /W ten /S that /W u- /S RHM pon her,> 1.03E-06 4 413 MM: Why fasten that upon her, /W () /S Why /W fas- ten /S that /W u- /S RHM pon her,> 6.31E-08 5 413 MM: Why fasten that upon her, /W Why /S fas- ten /W () /S that /W u- /S RHM pon her,> 4.28E-08 6 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, /S With /W a /S feas- /W ting in her /S RHM hon- /W our? 1 0.398015041 1.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- /W ting /S in /W her /S RHM hon- /W our? 1 0.398015041 1.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, /S With /W a /S feas- /W ting in her /S RHM hon- our? 0.094442948 3.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- /W ting /S in /W her /S RHM hon- our? 0.094442948 3.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- /W ting in /S her /W () /S RHM hon- /W our? 0.012189977 5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- /W ting in /S her /W () /S RHM hon- our? 0.002892497 6 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, /S With /W a /S feas- ting> /W in her /S RHM hon- /W our? 4.83E-07 7 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, /S With /W a /S feas- /W ting in her /S RHM hon- our?> 4.51E-07 8.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- /W ting /S in /W her /S RHM hon- our?> 4.51E-07 8.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, /S With /W a /S feas- ting> /W in her /S RHM hon- our? 1.15E-07 10 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- ting> /W in /S her /W () /S RHM hon- /W our? 1.47E-08 11.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- ting> /W () /S in /W her /S RHM hon- /W our? 1.47E-08 11.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- /W ting in /S her /W () /S RHM hon- our?> 1.38E-08 13 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- ting> /W in /S her /W () /S RHM hon- our? 3.48E-09 14.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- ting> /W () /S in /W her /S RHM hon- our? 3.48E-09 14.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, /S With /W a /S feas- ting> /W in her /S RHM hon- our?> 5.47E-13 16 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- ting> /W in /S her /W () /S RHM hon- our?> 1.66E-14 17.5 414 MM: With a feasting in her honour? /W her, With a /S feas- ting> /W () /S in /W her /S RHM hon- our?> 1.66E-14 17.5 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- /W ly /S its /W () /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- /W ter 1 1 0.999957942 1 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? /S Is /W it /S on- ly> /W its /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- /W ter 3.96E-05 2 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is /S it /W () /S on- ly> /W its /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- /W ter 1.21E-06 3 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- /W ly /S its /W () /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- ter> 1.13E-06 4 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- /W ly /S its /W () /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- /W ter 3.69E-08 5.5 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- ly> /W () /S its /W () /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- /W ter 3.69E-08 5.5 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? /S Is /W it /S on- ly> /W its /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- ter> 4.49E-11 7 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? /S Is /W it /S on- ly> /W its /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- /W ter 1.46E-12 8 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is /S it /W () /S on- ly> /W its /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- ter> 1.38E-12 9 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is /S it /W () /S on- ly> /W its /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- /W ter 4.48E-14 10 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- /W ly /S its /W () /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- ter> 4.18E-14 11.5 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- ly> /W () /S its /W () /S be- /W ing /S RHM brigh- ter> 4.18E-14 11.5 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- ly> /W () /S its /W () /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- /W ter 1.36E-15 13 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? /S Is /W it /S on- ly> /W its /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- ter> 1.66E-18 14 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is /S it /W () /S on- ly> /W its /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- ter> 5.07E-20 15 415 MM: Is it only its being brighter /W our? Is it /S on- ly> /W () /S its /W () /S be- ing> /W () /S RHM brigh- ter> 1.54E-21 16 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter /S Than /W the /S most /W are /S must /W de- /S RHM light /W her? 1 0.993809836 1 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter Than the /S most /W are /S must /W de- /S RHM light /W () /S her? 0.005264587 2 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter Than the /S most /W () /S are /W () /S must /W de- /S RHM light /W her? 9.24E-04 3 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter /S Than /W the /S most /W are /S must /W de- /S RHM light her?> 1.13E-06 4 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter /S Than /W the /S most are> /W () /S must /W de- /S RHM light /W her? 1.98E-07 5 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter Than the /S most /W () /S are /W () /S must /W de- /S RHM light her?> 1.05E-09 6.5 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter Than the /S most are> /W () /S must /W de- /S RHM light /W () /S her? 1.05E-09 6.5 416 MM: Than the most are must delight her? /W ter /S Than /W the /S most are> /W () /S must /W de- /S RHM light her?> 2.24E-13 8 417 MM: Is it opportunest /W her? /S Is /W it /S op- /W por- /S RHM tun- /W est 1 0.91572913 1 417 MM: Is it opportunest /W her? /S Is /W () /S it /W op- por- /S RHM tun- /W est 0.056223771 2 417 MM: Is it opportunest /W her? Is /S it /W () /S op- /W por- /S RHM tun- /W est 0.028045967 3 417 MM: Is it opportunest /W her? /S Is /W it /S op- /W por- /S RHM tun- est> 1.04E-06 4 417 MM: Is it opportunest /W her? /S Is /W () /S it /W op- por- /S RHM tun- est> 6.37E-08 5 417 MM: Is it opportunest /W her? Is /S it /W () /S op- /W por- /S RHM tun- est> 3.18E-08 6 418 MM: And flowers finds soonest? /W est /S And /W flow- ers /S finds /W () /S RHM soon- /W est? 1 0.960006954 1 418 MM: And flowers finds soonest? /W est /S And /W () /S flow- ers /W finds /S RHM soon- /W est? 0.039991722 2 418 MM: And flowers finds soonest? /W est /S And /W flow- ers /S finds /W () /S RHM soon- est?> 1.09E-06 3 418 MM: And flowers finds soonest? /W est /S And /W () /S flow- ers> /W finds /S RHM soon- /W est? 1.91E-07 4 418 MM: And flowers finds soonest? /W est /S And /W () /S flow- ers /W finds /S RHM soon- est?> 4.53E-08 5 418 MM: And flowers finds soonest? /W est /S And /W () /S flow- ers> /W finds /S RHM soon- est?> 2.16E-13 6 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W of /S her, /W the /S migh- /W ty /S RHM mo- /W ther: 1 0.784202821 1 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W of /S her, /W the /S migh- /W ty /S RHM mo- ther: 0.186079465 2 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W () /S of /W her, the /S migh- /W ty /S RHM mo- /W ther: 0.02401772 3 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W () /S of /W her, the /S migh- /W ty /S RHM mo- ther: 0.005699042 4 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W of /S her, /W the /S migh- /W ty /S RHM mo- ther:> 8.88E-07 5 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W of /S her, /W the /S migh- ty> /W () /S RHM mo- /W ther: 2.89E-08 6 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W () /S of /W her, the /S migh- /W ty /S RHM mo- ther:> 2.72E-08 7 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W of /S her, /W the /S migh- ty> /W () /S RHM mo- ther: 6.86E-09 8 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W () /S of /W her, the /S migh- ty> /W () /S RHM mo- /W ther: 8.85E-10 9 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W () /S of /W her, the /S migh- ty> /W () /S RHM mo- ther: 2.10E-10 10 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W of /S her, /W the /S migh- ty> /W () /S RHM mo- ther:> 3.27E-14 11 419 MM: Ask of her, the mighty mother: /W est? /S Ask /W () /S of /W her, the /S migh- ty> /W () /S RHM mo- ther:> 1.00E-15 12 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: /S Her /W re- /S ply /W () /S puts /W this /S RHM o- /W ther 1 0.686976632 1 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: /S Her /W re- /S ply /W () /S puts /W this /S RHM o- ther 0.163009161 2 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: /S Her /W re- /S ply /W puts /S this /W () /S RHM o- /W ther 0.120605648 3 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: /S Her /W re- /S ply /W puts /S this /W () /S RHM o- ther 0.028617896 4 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: Her re- /S ply /W () /S puts /W () /S this /W () /S RHM o- /W ther 6.39E-04 5 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: Her re- /S ply /W () /S puts /W () /S this /W () /S RHM o- ther 1.52E-04 6 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: /S Her /W re- /S ply /W () /S puts /W this /S RHM o- ther> 1.44E-07 7 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: /S Her /W re- /S ply /W puts /S this /W () /S RHM o- ther> 2.53E-08 8 420 MM: Her reply puts this other /W ther: Her re- /S ply /W () /S puts /W () /S this /W () /S RHM o- ther> 1.34E-10 9 421 MM: Question: What is Spring? -- /W ther /S Ques- /W tion: /S What /W is /S RHM Spring?-- 1 1 0.999999732 1 421 MM: Question: What is Spring? -- /W ther /S Ques- tion:> /W () /S What /W is /S RHM Spring?-- 1.99E-07 2 421 MM: Question: What is Spring? -- /W ther /S Ques- tion:> /W What /S is /W () /S RHM Spring?-- 6.96E-08 3 422 MM: Growth in every thing -- /W () /S Growth /W in /S e- /W very /S RHM thing -- 1 0.777647881 1 422 MM: Growth in every thing -- /W Growth /S in /W () /S e- /W very /S RHM thing -- 0.136523897 2 422 MM: Growth in every thing -- /W () /S Growth /W () /S in /W e- very /S RHM thing -- 0.047745883 3 422 MM: Growth in every thing -- /W () /S Growth /W in /S e- very /W () /S RHM thing -- 0.032395055 4 422 MM: Growth in every thing -- /W Growth /S in /W () /S e- very /W () /S RHM thing -- 0.005687277 5 422 MM: Growth in every thing -- /W () /S Growth /W () /S in /W () /S e- very RHM thing --> 6.44E-09 6 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W and /S fleece, /W () /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- /W ther, 1 0.555814891 1 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W and /S fleece, /W () /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- ther, 0.131886464 2 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W () /S fleece, /W () /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- /W ther, 0.097578887 3.5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W and /S fleece, /W fur /S and /W () /S RHM fea- /W ther, 0.097578887 3.5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W () /S and /W fleece, /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- /W ther, 0.034125822 5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W () /S fleece, /W () /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- ther, 0.023153994 6.5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W and /S fleece, /W fur /S and /W () /S RHM fea- ther, 0.023153994 6.5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W () /S fleece, /W fur /S and /W () /S RHM fea- /W ther, 0.017130954 8 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W () /S and /W fleece, /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- ther, 0.008097541 9 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W fleece, /S fur /W () /S and /W () /S RHM fea- /W ther, 0.005991131 10 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W () /S fleece, /W fur /S and /W () /S RHM fea- ther, 0.004064916 11 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W fleece, /S fur /W () /S and /W () /S RHM fea- ther, 0.001421605 12 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W and /S fleece, /W () /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- ther,> 6.30E-07 13 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W () /S fleece, /W () /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- ther,> 1.11E-07 14.5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W and /S fleece, /W fur /S and /W () /S RHM fea- ther,> 1.11E-07 14.5 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W () /S Flesh /W () /S and /W fleece, /S fur /W and /S RHM fea- ther,> 3.87E-08 16 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W () /S fleece, /W fur /S and /W () /S RHM fea- ther,> 1.94E-08 17 423 MM: Flesh and fleece, fur and feather, /W Flesh /S and /W fleece, /S fur /W () /S and /W () /S RHM fea- ther,> 6.79E-09 18 424 MM: Grass and greenworld all together; /W ther, /S Grass /W and /S green- /W world /S all /W to- /S RHM ge- /W ther; 1 0.808219655 1 424 MM: Grass and greenworld all together; /W ther, /S Grass /W and /S green- /W world /S all /W to- /S RHM ge- ther; 0.191778296 2 424 MM: Grass and greenworld all together; /W ther, /S Grass /W and /S green- /W world /S all /W to- /S RHM ge- ther;> 9.16E-07 3.5 424 MM: Grass and greenworld all together; /W ther, /S Grass /W and /S green- world> /W () /S all /W to- /S RHM ge- /W ther; 9.16E-07 3.5 424 MM: Grass and greenworld all together; /W ther, /S Grass /W and /S green- world> /W () /S all /W to- /S RHM ge- ther; 2.17E-07 5 424 MM: Grass and greenworld all together; /W ther, /S Grass /W and /S green- world> /W () /S all /W to- /S RHM ge- ther;> 1.04E-12 6 425 MM: Star-eyed strawberry-breasted /W ther; /S Star- /W eyed /S straw- /W be- rry- /S RHM brea- /W sted 1 1 0.99999958 1 425 MM: Star-eyed strawberry-breasted /W ther; /S Star- /W eyed /S straw- /W be- rry- /S RHM brea- sted> 2.10E-07 2.5 425 MM: Star-eyed strawberry-breasted /W ther; /S Star- eyed> /W () /S straw- /W be- rry- /S RHM brea- /W sted 2.10E-07 2.5 425 MM: Star-eyed strawberry-breasted /W ther; /S Star- eyed> /W () /S straw- /W be- rry- /S RHM brea- sted> 4.41E-14 4 426 MM: Throstle above her nested /W sted /S Thros- tle /W a- /S bove /W her /S RHM nes- /W ted 1 0.576299525 1 426 MM: Throstle above her nested /W sted /S Thros- /W tle a- /S bove /W her /S RHM nes- /W ted 0.423697514 2 426 MM: Throstle above her nested /W sted /S Thros- tle> /W a- /S bove /W her /S RHM nes- /W ted 2.75E-06 3 426 MM: Throstle above her nested /W sted /S Thros- tle /W a- /S bove /W her /S RHM nes- ted> 1.21E-07 4 426 MM: Throstle above her nested /W sted /S Thros- /W tle a- /S bove /W her /S RHM nes- ted> 8.90E-08 5 426 MM: Throstle above her nested /W sted /S Thros- tle> /W a- /S bove /W her /S RHM nes- ted> 5.78E-13 6 427 MM: Cluster of bugle blue eggs thin /W ted /S Clus- /W ter of /S bu- /W gle /S blue /W eggs /S RHM thin 1 1 0.999998549 1 427 MM: Cluster of bugle blue eggs thin /W ted /S Clus- ter> /W of /S bu- /W gle /S blue /W eggs /S RHM thin 1.20E-06 2 427 MM: Cluster of bugle blue eggs thin /W ted /S Clus- /W ter of /S bu- gle> /W blue /S eggs /W () /S RHM thin 2.10E-07 3 427 MM: Cluster of bugle blue eggs thin /W ted /S Clus- /W ter of /S bu- gle> /W () /S blue /W eggs /S RHM thin 3.69E-08 4 427 MM: Cluster of bugle blue eggs thin /W ted /S Clus- ter> /W of /S bu- gle> /W blue /S eggs /W () /S RHM thin 2.53E-13 5 427 MM: Cluster of bugle blue eggs thin /W ted /S Clus- ter> /W of /S bu- gle> /W () /S blue /W eggs /S RHM thin 4.44E-14 6 428 MM: Forms and warms the life within; /W () /S Forms /W and /S warms /W the /S life /W wi- /S RHM thin; 1 0.850658377 1 428 MM: Forms and warms the life within; /W Forms /S and /W () /S warms /W the /S life /W wi- /S RHM thin; 0.149341623 2 429 MM: And bird and blossom swell /W And /S bird /W and /S blo- /W ssom /S RHM swell 1 0.889261873 1 429 MM: And bird and blossom swell /W And /S bird /W () /S and /W blo- ssom /S RHM swell 0.054598739 2 429 MM: And bird and blossom swell /W And /S bird /W and /S blo- ssom /W () /S RHM swell 0.037044642 3 429 MM: And bird and blossom swell /W () /S And /W bird /S and /W blo- ssom /S RHM swell 0.019094569 4 429 MM: And bird and blossom swell /W And /S bird /W and /S blo- ssom> /W () /S RHM swell 1.77E-07 5 430 MM: In sod or sheath or shell. /W In /S sod /W or /S sheath /W or /S RHM shell. 1 1 1 1 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all /W things /S RHM si- /W zing 1 0.499998979 1.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- /W sing, /S all /W things /S RHM si- /W zing 1 0.499998979 1.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all /W things /S RHM si- zing> 5.66E-07 3.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- /W sing, /S all /W things /S RHM si- zing> 5.66E-07 3.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- sing,> /W all /S things /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 1.98E-07 5.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- sing,> /W all /S things /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 1.98E-07 5.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 1.05E-07 8 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- /W sing, /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 1.05E-07 8 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all /W things /S RHM si- /W zing 1.05E-07 8 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all /W things /S RHM si- /W zing 9.94E-08 10.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all /W things /S RHM si- /W zing 9.94E-08 10.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- sing,> /W all /S things /W () /S RHM si- zing> 2.24E-13 12.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- sing,> /W all /S things /W () /S RHM si- zing> 2.24E-13 12.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- zing> 1.19E-13 15 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- /W sing, /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- zing> 1.19E-13 15 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all /W things /S RHM si- zing> 1.19E-13 15 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all /W things /S RHM si- zing> 1.13E-13 17.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all /W things /S RHM si- zing> 1.13E-13 17.5 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- sing,> /W all /S things /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 4.16E-14 19 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 2.20E-14 20 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 2.09E-14 22 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 2.09E-14 22 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all /W things /S RHM si- /W zing 2.09E-14 22 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- sing,> /W all /S things /W () /S RHM si- zing> 4.71E-20 24 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- /W sing, /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- zing> 2.50E-20 25 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W All /S things /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- zing> 2.37E-20 27 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All /W things /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- zing> 2.37E-20 27 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all /W things /S RHM si- zing> 2.37E-20 27 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- /W zing 4.38E-21 29 431 MM: All things rising, all things sizing /W () /S All things> /W () /S ri- sing,> /W () /S all things> /W () /S RHM si- zing> 4.97E-27 30 432 MM: Mary sees, sympathising /W zing /S Ma- /W ry /S sees, /W () /S sym- /W pa- /S RHM thi- /W sing 1 1 0.999999591 1 432 MM: Mary sees, sympathising /W zing /S Ma- /W ry /S sees, /W () /S sym- /W pa- /S RHM thi- sing> 2.10E-07 2 432 MM: Mary sees, sympathising /W zing /S Ma- ry> /W () /S sees, /W () /S sym- /W pa- /S RHM thi- /W sing 1.99E-07 3 432 MM: Mary sees, sympathising /W zing /S Ma- ry> /W () /S sees, /W () /S sym- /W pa- /S RHM thi- sing> 4.18E-14 4 433 MM: With that world of good, /W sing /S With /W that /S world /W of /S RHM good, 1 0.959446179 1 433 MM: With that world of good, /W sing With /S that /W () /S world /W of /S RHM good, 0.029384886 2 433 MM: With that world of good, /W sing With /S that /W world /S of /W () /S RHM good, 0.010276643 3 433 MM: With that world of good, /W sing With that /S world /W () /S of /W () /S RHM good, 8.92E-04 4 434 MM: Nature's motherhood. /W () /S Na- /W ture's /S mo- /W ther- /S RHM hood. 1 1 0.999999801 1 434 MM: Nature's motherhood. /W () /S Na- ture's> /W () /S mo- /W ther- /S RHM hood. 1.99E-07 2 435 MM: Their magnifying of each its kind /W Their /S mag- /W ni- /S fy- /W ing of /S each /W its /S RHM kind 1 1 1 1 436 MM: With delight calls to mind /W () /S With /W de- /S light /W () /S calls /W to /S RHM mind 1 0.829058866 1 436 MM: With delight calls to mind /W () /S With /W de- /S light /W calls /S to /W () /S RHM mind 0.145549611 2 436 MM: With delight calls to mind /W With de- /S light /W () /S calls /W () /S to /W () /S RHM mind 0.025391523 3 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W How /S she /W did /S in /W her /S RHM stored 1 0.842778371 1 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W How /S she /W did in /S her /W () /S RHM stored 0.025811709 4.5 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W How /S she /W () /S did /W in her /S RHM stored 0.025811709 4.5 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W How she /S did /W in /S her /W () /S RHM stored 0.025811709 4.5 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W How she /S did /W () /S in /W her /S RHM stored 0.025811709 4.5 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W () /S How /W she /S did /W in her /S RHM stored 0.025811709 4.5 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W () /S How /W she did /S in /W her /S RHM stored 0.025811709 4.5 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W How she did /S in /W () /S her /W () /S RHM stored 7.84E-04 9 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W () /S How /W she did in /S her /W () /S RHM stored 7.84E-04 9 437 MM: How she did in her stored /W () /S How /W () /S she /W did in her /S RHM stored 7.84E-04 9 438 MM: Magnify the Lord. /W () /S Mag- /W ni- /S fy /W the /S RHM Lord. 1 1 1 1 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W () /S Well /W but /S there /W was /S more /W than /S RHM this: 1 0.670785449 1 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W Well /S but /W there /S was /W () /S more /W than /S RHM this: 0.117763123 2.5 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W Well /S but /W () /S there /W was /S more /W than /S RHM this: 0.117763123 2.5 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W Well /S but /W there /S was /W more /S than /W () /S RHM this: 0.041184763 4 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W () /S Well /W but there /S was /W () /S more /W than /S RHM this: 0.020544095 5.5 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W () /S Well /W () /S but /W there was /S more /W than /S RHM this: 0.020544095 5.5 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W () /S Well /W but there /S was /W more /S than /W () /S RHM this: 0.007184793 7 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W Well /S but /W there was /S more /W () /S than /W () /S RHM this: 0.003606722 8 439 MM: Well but there was more than this: /W () /S Well /W but there was /S more /W () /S than /W () /S RHM this: 6.24E-04 9 440 MM: Spring's universal bliss /W () /S Spring's /W () /S u- /W ni- /S ver- /W sal /S RHM bliss 1 1 0.999999963 1 440 MM: Spring's universal bliss /W () /S Spring's /W () /S u- /W ni- /S ver- sal> /W () /S RHM bliss 3.69E-08 2 441 MM: Much, had much to say /W () /S Much, /W had /S much /W to /S RHM say 1 0.808434976 1 441 MM: Much, had much to say /W Much, /S had /W () /S much /W to /S RHM say 0.14192888 2 441 MM: Much, had much to say /W Much, /S had /W much /S to /W () /S RHM say 0.049636144 3 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- er- /W ing /S Ma- /W ry /S RHM May. 1 0.576301053 1 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- /W er- ing /S Ma- /W ry /S RHM May. 0.423698638 2 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- er- /W ing /S Ma- ry> /W () /S RHM May. 1.15E-07 3 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- er- ing>> /W () /S Ma- /W ry /S RHM May. 8.95E-08 4 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- /W er- ing /S Ma- ry> /W () /S RHM May. 8.43E-08 5 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- er- ing> /W () /S Ma- /W ry /S RHM May. 2.12E-08 6 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- er- ing>> /W () /S Ma- ry> /W () /S RHM May. 1.78E-14 7 442 MM: To offering Mary May. /W To /S off- er- ing> /W () /S Ma- ry> /W () /S RHM May. 4.22E-15 8 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W of- /S blood- /W and- /S foam- /W () /S RHM da- /W pple 1 0.741229152 1 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W of- /S blood- /W and- /S foam- /W () /S RHM da- pple 0.175882464 2 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W of- /S blood- /W () /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- /W pple 0.045509853 3 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W () /S of- /W blood- /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- /W pple 0.015915954 4 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W of- /S blood- /W () /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- pple 0.0107988 5 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W () /S When /W drop- /S of- /W blood- /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- /W pple 0.005566215 6 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W () /S of- /W blood- /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- pple 0.003776615 7 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W () /S When /W drop- /S of- /W blood- /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- pple 0.001320778 8 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W of- /S blood- /W and- /S foam- /W () /S RHM da- pple> 1.56E-07 9 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W of- /S blood- /W () /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- pple> 9.56E-09 10 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W When /S drop- /W () /S of- /W blood- /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- pple> 3.34E-09 11 443 MM: When drop-of-blood-and-foam-dapple /W () /S When /W drop- /S of- /W blood- /S and- /W foam- /S RHM da- pple> 1.17E-09 12 444 MM: Bloom lights the orchard-apple /W pple /S Bloom /W () /S lights /W the /S or- /W chard- /S RHM a- /W pple 1 0.808220571 1 444 MM: Bloom lights the orchard-apple /W pple /S Bloom /W () /S lights /W the /S or- /W chard- /S RHM a- pple 0.191778514 2 444 MM: Bloom lights the orchard-apple /W pple /S Bloom /W () /S lights /W the /S or- /W chard- /S RHM a- pple> 9.16E-07 3 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- cket /W and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- /W rry 1 0.46577862 1 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- /W cket and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- /W rry 0.342442142 2 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- cket /W and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- rry 0.11052222 3 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- /W cket and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- rry 0.081256339 4 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- cket> /W and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- /W rry 4.12E-07 5 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- cket /W and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- rry> 9.78E-08 6.5 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- cket> /W and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- rry 9.78E-08 6.5 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- /W cket and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- rry> 7.19E-08 8 445 MM: And thicket and thorp are merry /W pple And /S thi- cket> /W and /S thorp /W are /S RHM me- rry> 8.66E-14 9 446 MM: With silver-surfèd cherry /W rry With /S sil- /W ver- /S sur- /W fe`d /S RHM che- /W rry 1 0.808220541 1 446 MM: With silver-surfèd cherry /W rry With /S sil- /W ver- /S sur- /W fe`d /S RHM che- rry 0.191778507 2 446 MM: With silver-surfèd cherry /W rry With /S sil- /W ver- /S sur- /W fe`d /S RHM che- rry> 9.16E-07 3 446 MM: With silver-surfèd cherry /W rry With /S sil- /W ver- /S sur- fe`d> /W () /S RHM che- /W rry 2.98E-08 4 446 MM: With silver-surfèd cherry /W rry With /S sil- /W ver- /S sur- fe`d> /W () /S RHM che- rry 7.07E-09 5 446 MM: With silver-surfèd cherry /W rry With /S sil- /W ver- /S sur- fe`d> /W () /S RHM che- rry> 3.38E-14 6 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- ur- /W ing- /S o- /W ver /S grey- /W bell /S RHM makes 1 0.576300515 1 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- /W ur- ing- /S o- /W ver /S grey- /W bell /S RHM makes 0.423698242 2 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- ur- /W ing- /S o- /W ver /S grey- bell> /W () /S RHM makes 6.53E-07 3 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- /W ur- ing- /S o- /W ver /S grey- bell> /W () /S RHM makes 4.80E-07 4 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- ur- /W ing- /S o- ver> /W grey- /S bell /W () /S RHM makes 4.23E-08 5 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- /W ur- ing- /S o- ver> /W grey- /S bell /W () /S RHM makes 3.11E-08 6 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- ur- /W ing- /S o- ver> /W () /S grey- /W bell /S RHM makes 2.12E-08 7 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- /W ur- ing- /S o- ver> /W () /S grey- /W bell /S RHM makes 1.56E-08 8 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- ur- /W ing- /S o- ver> /W () /S grey- bell> /W () /S RHM makes 2.41E-14 9 447 MM: And azuring-over greybell makes /W rry And /S az- /W ur- ing- /S o- ver> /W () /S grey- bell> /W () /S RHM makes 1.77E-14 10 448 MM: Wood banks and brakes wash wet like lakes /W Wood /S banks /W and /S brakes /W wash /S wet /W like /S RHM lakes 1 1 1 1 449 MM: And magic cuckoocall /W And /S ma- /W gic /S cu- /W ckoo- /S RHM call 1 0.906572617 1 449 MM: And magic cuckoocall /W () /S And /W ma- gic /S cu- /W ckoo- /S RHM call 0.055661581 2 449 MM: And magic cuckoocall /W And /S ma- gic /W () /S cu- /W ckoo- /S RHM call 0.037765769 3 449 MM: And magic cuckoocall /W And /S ma- gic> /W () /S cu- /W ckoo- /S RHM call 3.34E-08 4 450 MM: Caps, clears, and clinches all -- /W Caps, /S clears, /W and /S clin- /W ches /S RHM all-- 1 1 0.999999963 1 450 MM: Caps, clears, and clinches all -- /W Caps, /S clears, /W and /S clin- ches> /W () /S RHM all-- 3.69E-08 2 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all /W through /S mo- ther- /W ing /S RHM earth 1 0.576300982 1 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all /W through /S mo- /W ther- ing /S RHM earth 0.423698585 2 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all /W through /S mo- ther- /W ing /S RHM earth 1.22E-07 3 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all /W through /S mo- ther- ing>> /W () /S RHM earth 8.95E-08 4.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all /W through /S mo- /W ther- ing /S RHM earth 8.95E-08 4.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W all /S through /W () /S mo- ther- /W ing /S RHM earth 4.26E-08 6 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W all /S through /W () /S mo- /W ther- ing /S RHM earth 3.13E-08 7 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all /W through /S mo- ther- ing> /W () /S RHM earth 2.12E-08 8.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all through> /W () /S mo- ther- /W ing /S RHM earth 2.12E-08 8.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all through> /W () /S mo- /W ther- ing /S RHM earth 1.56E-08 10 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all /W through /S mo- ther- ing>> /W () /S RHM earth 1.89E-14 11 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W all /S through /W () /S mo- ther- ing>> /W () /S RHM earth 6.62E-15 12 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all /W through /S mo- ther- ing> /W () /S RHM earth 4.49E-15 13.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all through> /W () /S mo- ther- /W ing /S RHM earth 4.49E-15 13.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all through> /W () /S mo- ther- ing>> /W () /S RHM earth 3.30E-15 15.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all through> /W () /S mo- /W ther- ing /S RHM earth 3.30E-15 15.5 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W all /S through /W () /S mo- ther- ing> /W () /S RHM earth 1.57E-15 17 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- /W sta- sy /S all through> /W () /S mo- ther- ing> /W () /S RHM earth 7.83E-16 18 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all through> /W () /S mo- ther- ing>> /W () /S RHM earth 6.97E-22 19 451 MM: This ecstasy all through mothering earth /W This /S ec- sta- sy>> /W () /S all through> /W () /S mo- ther- ing> /W () /S RHM earth 1.65E-22 20 452 MM: Tells Mary her mirth till Christ's birth /W Tells /S Ma- /W ry her /S mirth /W till /S Christ's /W () /S RHM birth 1 0.567377811 1 452 MM: Tells Mary her mirth till Christ's birth /W Tells /S Ma- /W ry /S her /W mirth /S till /W Christ's /S RHM birth 0.39778569 2 452 MM: Tells Mary her mirth till Christ's birth /W Tells /S Ma- /W ry her /S mirth /W () /S till /W Christ's /S RHM birth 0.03483576 3 452 MM: Tells Mary her mirth till Christ's birth /W Tells /S Ma- ry> /W her /S mirth /W till /S Christ's /W () /S RHM birth 6.83E-07 4 452 MM: Tells Mary her mirth till Christ's birth /W Tells /S Ma- ry> /W her /S mirth /W () /S till /W Christ's /S RHM birth 4.19E-08 5 452 MM: Tells Mary her mirth till Christ's birth /W Tells /S Ma- ry> /W () /S her /W mirth /S till /W Christ's /S RHM birth 1.47E-08 6 453 MM: To remember and exultation /W To re- /S mem- /W ber and /S ex- /W ul- /S RHM tat- /W ion 1 1 0.999998586 1 453 MM: To remember and exultation /W To re- /S mem- ber> /W and /S ex- /W ul- /S RHM tat- /W ion 1.20E-06 2 453 MM: To remember and exultation /W To re- /S mem- /W ber and /S ex- /W ul- /S RHM tat- ion> 2.10E-07 3 453 MM: To remember and exultation /W To re- /S mem- ber> /W and /S ex- /W ul- /S RHM tat- ion> 2.53E-13 4 454 MM: In God who was her salvation. /W ion In /S God /W who was /S her /W sal- /S RHM va /W tion. 1 1 0.999998867 1 454 MM: In God who was her salvation. /W ion In /S God /W who was /S her /W sal- /S RHM va tion.> 1.13E-06 2 455 NW: No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief, /W No /S worst, /W there /S is /W none: /S pitched /W past /S pitch /W of /S RHM grief, 1 0.493028075 1 455 NW: No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief, /W No /S worst, /W there is /S none: /W pitched /S past /W () /S pitch /W of /S RHM grief, 0.245935996 2.5 455 NW: No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief, /W No /S worst, /W there is /S none: /W () /S pitched /W past /S pitch /W of /S RHM grief, 0.245935996 2.5 455 NW: No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief, /W No /S worst, /W there is /S none: /W pitched /S past /W pitch /S of /W () /S RHM grief, 0.015099934 4 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs /W will, /S schooled /W at /S fore- /W pangs, /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 1 1 0.865726332 1 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs /W will, /S schooled /W at /S fore- pangs,> /W () /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 0.09438884 2 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W () /S schooled /W at /S fore- /W pangs, /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 0.016570909 3 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W schooled /S at /W fore- /S pangs, /W () /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 0.011544501 4 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W schooled /S at /W () /S fore- /W pangs, /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 0.005795269 5 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs /W will, /S schooled /W at /S fore- /W pangs, /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 0.003071721 6 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W () /S schooled /W at /S fore- pangs,> /W () /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 0.001806701 7 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W schooled /S at /W () /S fore- pangs,> /W () /S wil- /W der /S RHM wring. 6.32E-04 8 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs /W will, /S schooled /W at /S fore- pangs,> /W () /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 3.35E-04 9 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W () /S schooled /W at /S fore- /W pangs, /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 5.88E-05 10 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W schooled /S at /W fore- /S pangs, /W () /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 4.10E-05 11 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W schooled /S at /W () /S fore- /W pangs, /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 2.06E-05 12 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W () /S schooled /W at /S fore- pangs,> /W () /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 6.41E-06 13 456 NW: More pangs will, schooled at forepangs, wilder wring. /W More /S pangs will,> /W schooled /S at /W () /S fore- pangs,> /W () /S wil- der> /W () /S RHM wring. 2.24E-06 14 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W where /S is /W your /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 1 0.419311729 1 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W where, /S where /W is your /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 0.146643989 2 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W () /S where, /W where /S is /W your /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.073614386 3 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W () /S where /W is your /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 0.073150065 4 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W () /S where, /W where /S is /W your /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.046007116 5.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W where /S is /W your /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 0.046007116 5.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W where, /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.025744825 7.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W where, /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.025744825 7.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W where, /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.01608986 10.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W where, /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.01608986 10.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W where, /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 0.01608986 10.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W where, /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 0.01608986 10.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W is your /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.012842229 14 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W () /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.012842229 14 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.012842229 14 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- /S ter, /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W is your /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.008026066 17.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W () /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.008026066 17.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.008026066 17.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W is your /S com- /W for- /S RHM ting? 0.008026066 17.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W where /S is /W () /S your /W () /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.002254582 20 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- /W for- ter, /S where, /W where /S is /W () /S your /W () /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 0.001409056 22 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.001409056 22 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 0.001409056 22 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W is /S your /W () /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 8.81E-04 24.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 8.81E-04 24.5 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W where /S is /W () /S your /W () /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 2.47E-04 26 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W () /S where, /W where /S is /W () /S your /W () /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 1.55E-04 27 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W where, /S where /W () /S is /W () /S your /W () /S com- /W for- RHM ting? 8.65E-05 28 457 NW: Comforter, where, where is your comforting? /W () /S Com- for- ter,>> /W where, /S where /W () /S is /W () /S your /W () /S com- for- RHM ting?>> 5.41E-05 29 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther /W of us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 1 0.194100068 1 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W mo- ther /S of /W us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.178790819 2 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- /W ther /S of /W us, /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 0.141485947 3.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- /W ther of us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.141485947 3.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther of us,>>> /W () /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.089751898 5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther /W of /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.067881736 6 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- /W ther of /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.0499069 7 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther of us,>>> /W where /S is /W () /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.031388524 8 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther of us,>> /W () /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.021296767 9 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther> /W of us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.016532216 10 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther of us,>> /W where /S is /W () /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.007448022 11 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther /W of us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.005944688 12 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther /W of /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 0.005893985 13.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther /W () /S of /W us, /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 0.005893985 13.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther> /W of /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.005781737 15 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W mo- ther /S of /W us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.005475813 16 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- /W ther of /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 0.004333279 17.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- /W ther of us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.004333279 17.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther /W of us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.003715279 19 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther of us,>>> /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.002748825 20 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- /W ther /S of /W us, /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 0.002708189 21.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- /W ther of us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.002708189 21.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W mo- ther /S of /W () /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.001915031 23 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther of us,>>> /W () /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 0.001717945 24 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther /W of /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 0.001299328 25 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- /W ther of /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 9.55E-04 26 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther of us,>> /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 6.52E-04 27 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther of us,>>> /W where /S is /W () /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 6.01E-04 28 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther> /W of us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 5.06E-04 29 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther> /W of /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 5.02E-04 30.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- /W ry, /S mo- ther> /W () /S of /W us, /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 5.02E-04 30.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther of us,>> /W () /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 4.08E-04 32 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther> /W of us, /S where /W is /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 3.16E-04 33 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W mo- ther /S of /W () /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 1.66E-04 34 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther of us,>> /W where /S is /W () /S your /W re- /S RHM lief? 1.43E-04 35 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther /W of us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 1.14E-04 36 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther /W of /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 1.13E-04 37.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther /W () /S of /W us, /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 1.13E-04 37.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther> /W of /S us, /W where /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 1.11E-04 39 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- /W ther of /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 8.29E-05 40.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- /W ther of us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 8.29E-05 40.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther of us,>>> /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 5.26E-05 42 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther of us,>> /W () /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 1.25E-05 43 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther> /W of us, /S where /W () /S is /W your re- /S RHM lief? 9.69E-06 44 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther> /W of /S us, /W () /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 9.61E-06 45.5 458 NW: Mary, mother of us, where is your relief? /W () /S Ma- ry,> /W () /S mo- ther> /W () /S of /W us, /S where /W is your re- /S RHM lief? 9.61E-06 45.5 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- /W long; /S hud- dle /W in a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 1 0.340945157 1 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- long;> /W hud- dle /S in /W a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 0.3140538 2 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- /W long; /S hud- /W dle in a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 0.24852618 3 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- long;> /W () /S hud- dle /W in a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 0.037172738 4 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- /W long; /S hud- dle> /W in a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 0.029039552 5 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- long;> /W () /S hud- /W dle in a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 0.027096436 6 459 NW: My cries heave, herds-long; huddle in a main, a chief /W My /S cries /W heave, /S herds- long;> /W () /S hud- dle> /W in a /S main, /W a /S RHM chief- 0.003166139 7 460 NW: Woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing -- /W Woe, /S ACCTworld- so- rrow;>> /W on an /S ACCTage- /W old /S ACCTan- /W vil /S wince /W and /S RHM ACCTsing- 1 1 0.955504338 1 460 NW: Woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing -- /W Woe, /S ACCTworld- so- rrow;>> /W on an /S ACCTage- old> /W () /S ACCTan- /W vil /S wince /W and /S RHM ACCTsing- 0.019311148 2 460 NW: Woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing -- /W Woe, /S ACCTworld- so- rrow;>> /W on an /S ACCTage- /W old /S ACCTan- vil> /W () /S wince /W and /S RHM ACCTsing- 0.018289354 3 460 NW: Woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing -- /W Woe, /S ACCTworld- so- rrow;>> /W on an /S ACCTage- /W old /S ACCTan- vil> /W wince /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTsing- 0.006396253 4 460 NW: Woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing -- /W Woe, /S ACCTworld- so- rrow;>> /W on an /S ACCTage- old> /W () /S ACCTan- vil> /W () /S wince /W and /S RHM ACCTsing- 3.70E-04 5 460 NW: Woe, world-sorrow; on an age-old anvil wince and sing -- /W Woe, /S ACCTworld- so- rrow;>> /W on an /S ACCTage- old> /W () /S ACCTan- vil> /W wince /S and /W () /S RHM ACCTsing- 1.29E-04 6 461 NW: Then lull, then leave off. Fury had shrieked 'No ling- /W Then /S lull, /W then /S leave /W off. /S Fu- /W ry had /S shrieked /W no /S RHM ling- 1 1 0.615394261 1 461 NW: Then lull, then leave off. Fury had shrieked 'No ling- /W Then /S lull, /W then /S leave /W off. /S Fu- ry> /W had /S shrieked /W no /S RHM ling- 0.384605739 2 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /W er ing! /S Let /W me /S be /W fell: /S force /W I /S must /W be /S RHM brief 1 0.364905806 1 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W Let /S me /W be /S fell: /W () /S force /W I /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.228056835 2 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /W er ing! /S Let /W me be /S fell: /W () /S force /W I /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.182025076 3 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W Let /S me /W be /S fell: /W force /S I /W must /S be /W () /S RHM brief 0.040037668 5 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W Let /S me /W be /S fell: /W force /S I /W () /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.040037668 5 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W () /S Let /W me /S be /W fell: /S force /W I /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.040037668 5 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /W er ing! /S Let /W me be /S fell: /W force /S I /W must /S be /W () /S RHM brief 0.03195633 7.5 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /W er ing! /S Let /W me be /S fell: /W force /S I /W () /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.03195633 7.5 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W () /S Let /W me be /S fell: /W () /S force /W I /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.019971893 9 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W Let /S me /W () /S be /W fell: /S force /W I /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.014002192 10 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W () /S Let /W me be /S fell: /W force /S I /W must /S be /W () /S RHM brief 0.003506266 11.5 462 NW: ering! Let me be fell: force I must be brief'. /O er ing!>> /W () /S Let /W me be /S fell: /W force /S I /W () /S must /W be /S RHM brief 0.003506266 11.5 463 NW: O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall /W O the /S mind, /W () /S mind /W has /S moun- /W tains; /S cliffs /W of /S RHM fall 1 0.82923496 1 463 NW: O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall /W O the /S mind, /W mind /S has /W () /S moun- /W tains; /S cliffs /W of /S RHM fall 0.145580526 2 463 NW: O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall /W O the /S mind, /W () /S mind /W has /S moun- tains;> /W () /S cliffs /W of /S RHM fall 0.015872426 3 463 NW: O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall /W O the /S mind, /W () /S mind /W has /S moun- tains;> /W cliffs /S of /W () /S RHM fall 0.005550992 4 463 NW: O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall /W O the /S mind, /W mind /S has /W () /S moun- tains;> /W () /S cliffs /W of /S RHM fall 0.002786564 5 463 NW: O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall /W O the /S mind, /W mind /S has /W () /S moun- tains;> /W cliffs /S of /W () /S RHM fall 9.75E-04 6 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- /W ming. /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 1 0.532927474 1 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- /W tho- ming. /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.391810224 2 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- ming.>> /W () /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.042989636 3 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- ming.>> /W Hold /S them /W () /S RHM cheap 0.01503457 4 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- ming.> /W () /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.01020079 5 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- ming.> /W Hold /S them /W () /S RHM cheap 0.003567476 6 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- /W ming. /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 0.001890903 7 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- /W tho- ming. /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 0.001390199 8 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- ming.>> /W () /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 1.53E-04 9 464 NW: Frightful, sheer, not man's fathoming. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S not /W man's /S fa- tho- ming.> /W () /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 3.62E-05 10 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- /W ful, /S sheer, /W no- /S man- /W fa- thomed. /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 1 1 0.847882744 1 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- /W thomed. /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.092443381 2 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W () /S man- /W fa- thomed. /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.032329804 3 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W () /S sheer, /W no- /S man- /W fa- thomed. /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.016229364 4 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- thomed. /W () /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.003850983 5 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- /W ful, /S sheer, /W no- /S man- /W fa- thomed. /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 0.003008409 6 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- thomed.> /W () /S Hold /W them /S RHM cheap 0.001769463 7 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- thomed. /W Hold /S them /W () /S RHM cheap 0.001346787 8 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- thomed.> /W Hold /S them /W () /S RHM cheap 6.19E-04 9 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- /W thomed. /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 3.28E-04 10 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W () /S man- /W fa- thomed. /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 1.15E-04 11 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W () /S sheer, /W no- /S man- /W fa- thomed. /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 5.76E-05 12 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- thomed. /W () /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 1.37E-05 13 465 NW: Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap /W () /S Fright- ful,> /W sheer, /S no- /W man- /S fa- thomed.> /W () /S Hold them> /W () /S RHM cheap 6.28E-06 14 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung /W there. /S Nor /W does /S long /W our /S RHM small 1 0.667764081 1 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W () /S May /W who /S ne'er /W hung /S there. /W Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.116493249 2 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W () /S May /W who /S ne'er /W () /S hung /W there. Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.057614417 3 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W () /S May /W who /S ne'er /W () /S hung there.> /W Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.036317298 4 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung /W there. Nor /S does /W () /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.02045156 6 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung /W () /S there. /W Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.02045156 6 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W () /S ne'er /W hung /S there. /W Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.02045156 6 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung there.> /W Nor /S does /W () /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.012781704 8.5 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung there.> /W () /S Nor /W does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.012781704 8.5 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W () /S ne'er /W () /S hung /W there. Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.01011479 10 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung /W there. Nor /S does /W long /S our /W () /S RHM small 0.007152431 11 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W () /S ne'er /W () /S hung there.> /W Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.006375866 12 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung there.> /W Nor /S does /W long /S our /W () /S RHM small 0.004470087 13 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W () /S May /W () /S who /W ne'er /S hung /W there. Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.003537399 14 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W () /S May /W () /S who /W ne'er /S hung there.> /W Nor does /S long /W our /S RHM small 0.002229803 15 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung /W there. Nor does /S long /W () /S our /W () /S RHM small 6.21E-04 16 466 NW: May who ne'er hung there. Nor does long our small /W May /S who /W ne'er /S hung there.> /W Nor does /S long /W () /S our /W () /S RHM small 3.91E-04 17 467 NW: Durance deal with that steep or deep. Here! creep, /W () /S Dur- /W ance /S deal /W with that /S steep /W or /S deep. /W Here! /S RHM creep, 1 1 0.957795695 1 467 NW: Durance deal with that steep or deep. Here! creep, /W () /S Dur- ance> /W deal /S with /W that /S steep /W or /S deep. /W Here! /S RHM creep, 0.038805909 2 467 NW: Durance deal with that steep or deep. Here! creep, /W () /S Dur- ance> /W () /S deal /W with that /S steep /W or /S deep. /W Here! /S RHM creep, 0.003398396 3 468 NW: Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all /W Wretch, /S un- /W der a /S com- /W fort /S serves /W in a /S whirl- /W wind: /S RHM all 1 1 0.863634882 1 468 NW: Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all /W Wretch, /S un- /W der a /S com- /W fort /S serves /W in a /S whirl- wind:> /W () /S RHM all 0.094160812 2 468 NW: Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all /W Wretch, /S un- /W der a /S com- fort> /W serves /S in /W a /S whirl- /W wind: /S RHM all 0.034990904 3 468 NW: Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all /W Wretch, /S un- /W der a /S com- fort> /W serves /S in /W a /S whirl- wind:> /W () /S RHM all 0.003815006 4 468 NW: Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all /W Wretch, /S un- /W der a /S com- fort> /W () /S serves /W in a /S whirl- /W wind: /S RHM all 0.0030643 5 468 NW: Wretch, under a comfort serves in a whirlwind: all /W Wretch, /S un- /W der a /S com- fort> /W () /S serves /W in a /S whirl- wind:> /W () /S RHM all 3.34E-04 6 469 NW: Life death does end and each day dies with sleep. /W Life /S death /W does /S end /W and /S each /W day /S dies /W with /S RHM sleep. 1 1 1 1 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- /W ry /S be /W to /S God /W for /S dap- /W pled /S RHM things-- 1 0.862423374 1 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- /W ry /S be /W to /S God /W () /S for /W dap- pled /S RHM things-- 0.052950913 2 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- /W ry /S be /W to /S God /W for /S dap- pled /W () /S RHM things-- 0.035926611 3 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- /W ry /S be /W () /S to /W God /S for /W dap- pled /S RHM things-- 0.018518283 4 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W () /S be /W to /S God /W for /S dap- /W pled /S RHM things-- 0.016507687 5 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W () /S God /W for /S dap- /W pled /S RHM things-- 0.005773158 6 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- /W ry /S be /W to /S God /W for /S dap- pled> /W () /S RHM things-- 0.003060001 7 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W God /S for /W () /S dap- /W pled /S RHM things-- 0.002019021 8 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W () /S be /W to /S God /W () /S for /W dap- pled /S RHM things-- 0.001013536 9 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W () /S be /W to /S God /W for /S dap- pled /W () /S RHM things-- 6.88E-04 10 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W () /S God /W () /S for /W dap- pled /S RHM things-- 3.54E-04 11.5 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W () /S be /W () /S to /W God /S for /W dap- pled /S RHM things-- 3.54E-04 11.5 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W () /S God /W for /S dap- pled /W () /S RHM things-- 2.40E-04 13 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W God /S for /W () /S dap- pled /W () /S RHM things-- 8.41E-05 14 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W () /S be /W to /S God /W for /S dap- pled> /W () /S RHM things-- 5.86E-05 15 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W () /S God /W for /S dap- pled> /W () /S RHM things-- 2.05E-05 16 470 PB: Glory be to God for dappled things -- /W () /S GCLGlo- ry> /W be /S to /W God /S for /W () /S dap- pled> /W () /S RHM things-- 7.16E-06 17 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W co- lour /S as /W a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 1 0.447329963 1 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- /W ple= /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.223140518 2 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- /W ple= /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.162654489 3 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- /W ple= /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.102529399 4 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W () /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.013700341 5 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W () /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.009986631 6 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W () /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.00929553 7 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W () /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.006775819 8 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W () /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.006295081 9 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W () /S For /W skies /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.004791358 10 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W () /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.004271143 11 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W () /S For /W skies /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.003492579 12 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W () /S For /W skies /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- /W ded /S RHM cow; 0.00220155 13 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W co- lour /S as /W a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 0.001587191 14 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- /W ple= /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 7.92E-04 15 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- /W ple= /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 5.77E-04 16 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- /W ple= /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 3.64E-04 17 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W () /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 4.86E-05 18 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W () /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 3.54E-05 19 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W () /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 3.30E-05 20 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W () /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 2.40E-05 21 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W () /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 2.23E-05 22 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W () /S For /W skies /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 1.70E-05 23 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W For /S skies /W of /S cou- ple= /W () /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 1.52E-05 24 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W () /S For /W skies /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- /W lour as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 1.24E-05 25 471 PB: For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; /W () /S For /W skies /S of /W cou- ple= /S co- lour> /W as a /S brin- ded> /W () /S RHM cow; 7.81E-06 26 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= /W moles /S all /W in /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 1 0.381657893 1 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= /W moles /S all /W in /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.278203037 2 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= /W moles /S all /W in /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.175365526 3 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= /W () /S moles /W all in /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.066581251 4 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= /W () /S moles /W all in /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.048533272 5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= /W () /S moles /W all in /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.03059299 6 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W () /S For /W rose= /S moles /W all in /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.004087944 7 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W () /S For /W rose= /S moles /W all in /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.002979837 8 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W () /S For /W rose= /S moles /W all in /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.001878343 9 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all /S in /W () /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.001354177 11 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple /W u- /S pon /W () /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.001354177 11 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W () /S all /W in /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 0.001354177 11 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- /W ple u- /S pon /W () /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 9.96E-04 13 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all /S in /W () /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 9.87E-04 14.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W () /S all /W in /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 9.87E-04 14.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all /S in /W () /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 6.22E-04 17 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple> /W u- /S pon /W () /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 6.22E-04 17 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W () /S all /W in /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 6.22E-04 17 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple /W u- /S pon /W trout /S that /W () /S RHM swim 4.74E-04 19 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- /W ple u- /S pon /W trout /S that /W () /S RHM swim 3.48E-04 20 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple> /W u- /S pon /W trout /S that /W () /S RHM swim 2.18E-04 21 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W () /S that /W () /S RHM swim 4.15E-05 22.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W () /S For /W () /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 4.15E-05 22.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W () /S that /W () /S RHM swim 3.02E-05 24.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W () /S For /W () /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- /W ple u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 3.02E-05 24.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W For /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W () /S that /W () /S RHM swim 1.91E-05 26.5 472 PB: For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; /W () /S For /W () /S rose= moles> /W all in /S stip- ple> /W u- pon /S trout /W that /S RHM swim 1.91E-05 26.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- /W coal /S chest- /W nut= /S falls; /W () /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 1 0.341137237 1.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- /W coal /S chest- /W () /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 1 0.341137237 1.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- /W () /S coal /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.119304379 3.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fi- /W re /S coal /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; GCL /S GCLfin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.119304379 3.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W () /S Fresh= /W fire- /S coal /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.041723779 5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- coal> /W () /S chest- /W nut= /S falls; /W () /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.006894528 6.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- coal> /W () /S chest- /W () /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.006894528 6.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- /W coal /S chest- /W nut= /S falls; /W () /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 0.006529724 8.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- /W coal /S chest- /W () /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 0.006529724 8.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- coal> /W chest- /S nut= /W () /S falls; /W () /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.002411192 10.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W () /S Fresh= /W () /S fire- coal> /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- /W ches' /S RHM wings; 0.002411192 10.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- /W () /S coal /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 0.002283611 12.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fi- /W re /S coal /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; GCL /S GCLfin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 0.002283611 12.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W () /S Fresh= /W fire- /S coal /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 7.99E-04 14 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- coal> /W () /S chest- /W nut= /S falls; /W () /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 1.32E-04 15.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- coal> /W () /S chest- /W () /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 1.32E-04 15.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W Fresh= /S fire- coal> /W chest- /S nut= /W () /S falls; /W () /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 4.62E-05 17.5 473 PB: Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings; /W () /S Fresh= /W () /S fire- coal> /W chest- /S nut= /W falls; /S fin- ches'> /W () /S RHM wings; 4.62E-05 17.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 1 0.084365495 1.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 1 0.084365495 1.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.06202582 4.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.06202582 4.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.06202582 4.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.06202582 4.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.045601609 7.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.045601609 7.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W () /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.043485986 9 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.038764558 11.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.038764558 11.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.038764558 11.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.038764558 11.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W fal- low, /S and /W () /S RHM plough; 0.032173993 14 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W () /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.031971056 15 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.028499844 17.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.028499844 17.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.028499844 17.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.028499844 17.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W () /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.021829699 20 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W () /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.019981096 21 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W () /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.017811677 22.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- /W scape /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.017811677 22.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W () /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.016049274 24 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W GCLLand- /S scape /W plot- ted /S and /W () /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 0.010030388 25 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.001705062 26 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 0.001253568 27.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 0.001253568 27.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 9.22E-04 29 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W () /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 8.79E-04 30 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- ted /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 7.83E-04 31.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 7.83E-04 31.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W fal- low, /S and /W () /S RHM plough; 6.50E-04 33 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W () /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 6.46E-04 34 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- /W ted and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 5.76E-04 35.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 5.76E-04 35.5 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W () /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low, /W and /S RHM plough; 4.41E-04 37 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W pieced -- /S fold, /W () /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 4.04E-04 38 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W () /S plot- ted> /W and /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 3.60E-04 39 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W () /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- /W low, and /S RHM plough; 3.24E-04 40 474 PB: Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough; /W () /S GCLLand- scape> /W plot- ted /S and /W () /S pieced -- /W fold, /S fal- low,> /W and /S RHM plough; 2.03E-04 41 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W () /S GCLtrades, /W their /S gear /W and /S ta- ckle /W and /S RHM trim. 1 0.393242871 1 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W () /S GCLtrades, /W their /S gear /W and /S ta- /W ckle and /S RHM trim. 0.289113595 2 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W () /S GCLtrades, /W their /S gear /W and /S ta- ckle> /W and /S RHM trim. 0.180688633 3 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W () /S gear /W and /S ta- ckle /W and /S RHM trim. 0.024144254 4.5 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W () /S And /W ACCTallGCL /S GCLtrades, /W their /S gear /W and /S ta- ckle /W and /S RHM trim. 0.024144254 4.5 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W () /S gear /W and /S ta- /W ckle and /S RHM trim. 0.017750944 6.5 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W () /S And /W ACCTallGCL /S GCLtrades, /W their /S gear /W and /S ta- /W ckle and /S RHM trim. 0.017750944 6.5 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W gear /S and /W ta- ckle /S and /W () /S RHM trim. 0.012445096 8 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W () /S gear /W and /S ta- ckle> /W and /S RHM trim. 0.011093888 9.5 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W () /S And /W ACCTallGCL /S GCLtrades, /W their /S gear /W and /S ta- ckle> /W and /S RHM trim. 0.011093888 9.5 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W gear /S and /W () /S ta- ckle /W and /S RHM trim. 0.008443861 11 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W gear /S and /W () /S ta- /W ckle and /S RHM trim. 0.006207957 12 475 PB: And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. /W And /S ACCTallGCL /W GCLtrades, /S their /W gear /S and /W () /S ta- ckle> /W and /S RHM trim. 0.003879815 13 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- /W gi- /S nal, /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 1 0.131766402 1.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- /W gi- /S nal, /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 1 0.131766402 1.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- /W nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.08940205 3.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- /W nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.08940205 3.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- /W gi- /S nal, /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.082350645 5.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- /W gi- /S nal, /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.082350645 5.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- /W gi- nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.065728714 7.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- /W gi- nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.065728714 7.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- /W nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.055874005 9.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- /W nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.055874005 9.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- /W gi- nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.041078772 11.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- /W gi- nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.041078772 11.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W () /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.014366293 13 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W () /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.008978567 14 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.007211791 15.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.007211791 15.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.004507186 17.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.004507186 17.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W () /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.003408904 19 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- /W gi- /S nal, /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.002663055 20 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W () /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.002130478 21 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- /W nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001806853 22 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001711249 23.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001711249 23.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- /W gi- /S nal, /W ACCTspare,GCL /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001664341 25 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- /W gi- nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001328405 26 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- /W nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001129237 27 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W GCLAll /S things /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001069487 28.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll /W things /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 0.001069487 28.5 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- /W gi- nal, /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 8.30E-04 30 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 1.46E-04 31 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,>> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 9.11E-05 32 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- /W ter, o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 3.46E-05 33 476 PB: All things counter, original, spare, strange; /W () /S GCLAll things> /W () /S coun- ter,> /W o- /S ri- gi- nal,> /W () /S ACCTspare,GCL /W () /S RHM GCLstrange; 2.16E-05 34 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1 0.297126324 1 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.201596934 2 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.148214801 3 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.092630476 4 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.024656898 5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.016729433 6.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le, /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W () /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.016729433 6.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.012377612 9 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W () /S fick- le, /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.012377612 9 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.012377612 9 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.01229954 11.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le, /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W () /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.01229954 11.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.011329439 13 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.008398073 14.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.008398073 14.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.007686899 17.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le,> /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W () /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.007686899 17.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.007686899 17.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le, /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W () /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.007686899 17.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.006174294 20.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.006174294 20.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.005687309 23 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver /S is /W () /S fick- le,> /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.005687309 23 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.005687309 23 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.005651437 25.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le,> /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W () /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.005651437 25.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.003858777 28.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.003858777 28.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.003858777 28.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.003858777 28.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.003532004 31.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le,> /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W () /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.003532004 31.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.002836987 33.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.002836987 33.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- /W le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.001773044 35.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- /W l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 0.001773044 35.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 0.001027151 37 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 6.97E-04 38 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 5.16E-04 39.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W () /S fick- le, /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 5.16E-04 39.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 5.12E-04 41 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 4.72E-04 42.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 4.72E-04 42.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 3.50E-04 44 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 3.20E-04 46 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 3.20E-04 46 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 3.20E-04 46 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 2.57E-04 48 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 2.37E-04 50.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W () /S is /W () /S fick- le,> /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 2.37E-04 50.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 2.37E-04 50.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W () /S fick- le, /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 2.37E-04 50.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 2.35E-04 53.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 2.35E-04 53.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 2.17E-04 55 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.61E-04 57 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.61E-04 57 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.61E-04 57 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 1.47E-04 60 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 1.47E-04 60 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 1.47E-04 60 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.18E-04 62.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.18E-04 62.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W fick- le, /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.09E-04 64.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W () /S is /W () /S fick- le,> /W freck- l ¨e`d, /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 1.09E-04 64.5 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 1.08E-04 66 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 7.39E-05 68 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le, /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 7.39E-05 68 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d, /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 7.39E-05 68 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W (who /S knows /W () /S RHM how?) 6.76E-05 70 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- /W ver is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 5.43E-05 71 477 PB: Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) /W What- /S e- ver> /W is /S fick- le,> /W () /S freck- l ¨e`d,> /W () /S (who /W knows /S RHM how?) 3.39E-05 72 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 1 0.52049015 1 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.18202866 2 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.090800914 3 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.056748258 4 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.03195696 5 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.031755392 6 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.021682445 7 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.019846311 8 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.009962727 9 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.007582903 10 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.005574978 11 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.003782561 12 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.003484219 13.5 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- /W zle, /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.003484219 13.5 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.002364004 15 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.001738025 16 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.001331255 17 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.001322858 18 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W () /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 0.001086221 19 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 8.27E-04 20 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso~ur; /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 6.12E-04 21 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 6.08E-04 22 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W With /S ACCTswift, /W ACCTslow; /S sweet, /W () /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 3.80E-04 23 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 2.32E-04 24 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle, /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 1.45E-04 25 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- /W ur; a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 1.07E-04 26 478 PB: With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; /W () /S With /W ACCTswift, /S ACCTslow; /W sweet, /S ACCTso- ur;> /W a- /S ACCTdaz- zle,> /W () /S RHM ACCTdim; 6.67E-05 27 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- /W thers= /S forth /W whose /S beau- /W ty is /S ACCTpastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLchange; 1 1 0.271325234 2 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- /W thers= /S forth /W whose /S beau- /W ty /S is /W ACCTpastGCL /S RHM GCLchange; 0.5439259 1 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- /W thers= /S forth /W whose /S beau- ty> /W is /S ACCTpastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLchange; 0.169571361 3 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- /W thers= /S forth /W whose /S beau- ty> /W () /S is /W ACCTpastGCL /S RHM GCLchange; 0.010411312 4 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W () /S forth /W whose /S beau- /W ty /S is /W ACCTpastGCL /S RHM GCLchange; 0.001929927 5 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W () /S forth /W whose /S beau- /W ty is /S ACCTpastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLchange; 9.63E-04 6 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W forth /S whose /W () /S beau- /W ty /S is /W ACCTpastGCL /S RHM GCLchange; 6.75E-04 7 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W () /S forth /W whose /S beau- ty> /W is /S ACCTpastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLchange; 6.02E-04 8 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W forth /S whose /W () /S beau- /W ty is /S ACCTpastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLchange; 3.37E-04 9 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W forth /S whose /W () /S beau- ty> /W is /S ACCTpastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLchange; 2.10E-04 10 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W () /S forth /W whose /S beau- ty> /W () /S is /W ACCTpastGCL /S RHM GCLchange; 3.69E-05 11 479 PB: He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: /W He /S fa- thers=> /W forth /S whose /W () /S beau- ty> /W () /S is /W ACCTpastGCL /S RHM GCLchange; 1.29E-05 12 480 PB: Praise him. /W () /S ACCTPraise /W () /S RHM ACCThim. 1 1 1 1 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W () /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - /W scape~ /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 1 0.297631658 1.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W () /S Earth, /W sweet /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - /W scape~ /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 1 0.297631658 1.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W land~ - /S scape~ /W with /S leave`s /W () /S RHM throng 0.10408937 4 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W () /S land~ - /W scape~ /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 0.10408937 4 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W land~ - /S scape~ /W with /S leav- /W e`s /S RHM throng 0.10408937 4 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W () /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leave`s /W () /S RHM throng 0.017199955 7.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W () /S Earth, /W sweet /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leave`s /W () /S RHM throng 0.017199955 7.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W () /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leav- /W e`s /S RHM throng 0.017199955 7.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W () /S Earth, /W sweet /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leav- /W e`s /S RHM throng 0.017199955 7.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W land~ - /S scape~ /W () /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 0.00639086 10 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W () /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leave`s /W () /S RHM throng 0.006015262 11.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W () /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leav- /W e`s /S RHM throng 0.006015262 11.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W land~ - /S scape~ /W with /S leav- e`s> /W () /S RHM throng 0.00199238 13 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W () /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W () /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 0.00105604 14.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W () /S Earth, /W sweet /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W () /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 0.00105604 14.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W () /S land~ - scape~> /W () /S with /W leave`s /S RHM throng 3.69E-04 16 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W () /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leav- e`s> /W () /S RHM throng 3.29E-04 17.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W () /S Earth, /W sweet /S earth, /W sweet /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leav- e`s> /W () /S RHM throng 3.29E-04 17.5 481 RB: Earth, sweet Earth, sweet landscape, with leaves throng /W Earth, /S sweet /W earth, /S sweet /W () /S land~ - scape~> /W with /S leav- e`s> /W () /S RHM throng 1.15E-04 19 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- /W che`d /S low /W grass, /S hea- ven /W that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 1 0.53231697 1 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- /W che`d /S low /W grass, /S hea- /W ven that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.391361379 2 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- /W che`d /S low /W grass, /S hea- ven> /W that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.045339392 3 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W low /S grass, /W () /S hea- ven /W that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.010758352 4 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W low /S grass, /W hea- ven /S that /W () /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.007959786 5 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W low /S grass, /W () /S hea- /W ven that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.00790958 6 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W () /S low /W grass, /S hea- ven /W that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.001888737 7 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W () /S low /W grass, /S hea- /W ven that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 0.001388606 8 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W low /S grass, /W () /S hea- ven> /W that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 9.16E-04 9 482 RB: And louched low grass, heaven that dost appeal /W And /S lou- che`d> /W () /S low /W grass, /S hea- ven> /W that /S dost /W a- /S RHM ppeal 1.61E-04 10 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To /S with /W no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 1 0.884211158 1 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with /S no /W () /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.027080668 2.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W () /S To /W with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.027080668 2.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with /S no /W () /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.016924728 4.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W () /S with /W no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.016924728 4.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with /S no /W tongue /S to /W () /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.009470799 6 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with /S no /W tongue /S to /W () /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.005919008 7 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with /S no /W tongue /S to /W plead, /S no /W () /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.00331218 8 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with /S no /W tongue /S to /W plead, /S no /W () /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 0.002070028 9 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with /S no /W tongue /S to /W plead, /S no /W heart /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 0.001158354 10 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W () /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 8.22E-04 12 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W () /S no /W () /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 8.22E-04 12 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with no /S tongue /W () /S to /W () /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 8.22E-04 12 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with /S no /W tongue /S to /W plead, /S no /W heart /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 7.24E-04 14 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W no /S heart /W () /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 5.18E-04 16 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W () /S no /W () /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 5.18E-04 16 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with no /S tongue /W () /S to /W () /S plead, /W no /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 5.18E-04 16 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W () /S no /W heart /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 2.88E-04 18.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with no /S tongue /W () /S to /W plead, /S no /W () /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 2.88E-04 18.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with no /S tongue /W to /S plead, /W () /S no /W heart /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 1.81E-04 20.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with no /S tongue /W () /S to /W plead, /S no /W () /S heart /W to /S RHM feel, 1.81E-04 20.5 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /W To with no /S tongue /W () /S to /W plead, /S no /W heart /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 1.01E-04 22 483 RB: To, with no tongue to plead, no heart to feel; /O To> /W with no /S tongue /W () /S to /W plead, /S no /W heart /S to /W () /S RHM feel, 6.34E-05 23 484 RB: That canst but only be, but dost that long -- /W That /S canst /W but /S on- /W ly /S be, /W but /S dost /W that /S RHM long. 1 1 1 1 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W but /S be, /W but /S that /W thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 1 0.747033338 1 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W but /S be, /W but that /S thou /W well /S dost; /W () /S RHM strong 0.130321985 2 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W but /S be, /W but that thou /S well /W () /S dost; /W () /S RHM strong 0.064453736 3 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W but /S be, /W but that /S thou /W () /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 0.022879334 4.5 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W but /S be, /W () /S but /W that thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 0.022879334 4.5 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W () /S but /W be, /S but /W that thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 0.008001486 6 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W () /S Thou /W canst /S but /W be, /S but /W that thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 0.002798323 7 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W Thou /S canst /W () /S but /W () /S be, /W but that thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 6.95E-04 8.5 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W () /S Thou /W () /S canst /W but /S be, /W but that thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 6.95E-04 8.5 485 RB: Thou canst but be, but that thou well dost; strong /W () /S Thou /W canst /S but /W () /S be, /W but that thou /S well /W dost; /S RHM strong 2.43E-04 10 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W who /S dealt, /W nay /S does /W now /S RHM deal, 1 1 0.13108072 3 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W who /S dealt, /W nay /S does /W () /S now /W RHM deal, 0.374810339 1.5 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W who /S dealt, /W () /S nay /W does /S now /W RHM deal, 0.374810339 1.5 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W who /S dealt, /W nay /S does /W () /S now RHM deal,> 0.040865008 4.5 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W who /S dealt, /W () /S nay /W does /S now RHM deal,> 0.040865008 4.5 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W () /S who /W dealt, /S nay /W does /S now /W RHM deal, 0.023012537 6 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W () /S with /W him /S who /W dealt, /S nay /W does /S now /W RHM deal, 0.00804807 7 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W () /S Thy /W plea /S with /W him /S who /W dealt, /S nay /W does /S now /W RHM deal, 0.002814615 8 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W with /S him /W () /S who /W dealt, /S nay /W does /S now RHM deal,> 0.002509022 9 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W Thy /S plea /W () /S with /W him /S who /W dealt, /S nay /W does /S now RHM deal,> 8.77E-04 10 486 RB: Thy plea with him who dealt, nay does now deal, /W () /S Thy /W plea /S with /W him /S who /W dealt, /S nay /W does /S now RHM deal,> 3.07E-04 11 487 RB: Thy lovely dale down thus and thus bids reel /W Thy /S love- /W ly /S dale /W down /S thus /W and /S thus /W bids /S RHM reel 1 1 0.966767549 1 487 RB: Thy lovely dale down thus and thus bids reel /W Thy /S love- ly> /W dale /S down /W () /S thus /W and /S thus /W bids /S RHM reel 0.019538782 2 487 RB: Thy lovely dale down thus and thus bids reel /W Thy /S love- ly> /W dale /S down /W thus /S and /W thus /S bids /W () /S RHM reel 0.00683321 3 487 RB: Thy lovely dale down thus and thus bids reel /W Thy /S love- ly> /W dale /S down /W thus /S and /W () /S thus /W bids /S RHM reel 0.003430229 4.5 487 RB: Thy lovely dale down thus and thus bids reel /W Thy /S love- ly> /W () /S dale /W down /S thus /W and /S thus /W bids /S RHM reel 0.003430229 4.5 488 RB: Thy river, and o'er gives all to rack or wrong. /W Thy /S ri- ver, /W and /S o'er /W gives /S all /W to /S rack /W or /S RHM wrong. 1 1 0.685173872 1 488 RB: Thy river, and o'er gives all to rack or wrong. /W Thy /S ri- ver,> /W and /S o'er /W gives /S all /W to /S rack /W or /S RHM wrong. 0.314826128 2 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W And /S what /W is /S Earth's /W eye, /S tongue, /W or /S heart /W () /S else, /W RHM where 1 0.383470253 1.5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W And /S what /W is /S Earth's /W () /S eye, /W tongue, /S or /W heart /S else, /W RHM where 1 0.383470253 1.5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W And /S what /W is /S Earth's /W eye, /S tongue, /W or /S heart /W else, /S RHM where 0.134109312 3 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W And /S what /W is /S Earth's /W eye, /S tongue, /W () /S or /W heart /S else, /W RHM where 0.023544237 5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W And /S what /W () /S is /W Earth's /S eye, /W tongue, /S or /W heart /S else, /W RHM where 0.023544237 5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W () /S And /W what /S is /W Earth's /S eye, /W tongue, /S or /W heart /S else, /W RHM where 0.023544237 5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W () /S And /W what is /S Earth's /W eye, /S tongue, /W or /S heart /W () /S else, /W RHM where 0.011744514 7.5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W () /S And /W what is /S Earth's /W () /S eye, /W tongue, /S or /W heart /S else, /W RHM where 0.011744514 7.5 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W () /S And /W what is /S Earth's /W eye, /S tongue, /W or /S heart /W else, /S RHM where 0.004107356 9 489 RB: And what is Earth's eye, tongue, or heart else, where /W () /S And /W what is /S Earth's /W eye, /S tongue, /W () /S or /W heart /S else, /W RHM where 7.21E-04 10 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W in /S dear /W and /S dog- /W ged /S man? /W Ah, /S RHM *H the heir 1 0.330268134 1.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W in /S dear /W and /S dog- /W ged /S man? /W () /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 1 0.330268134 1.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but in /S dear /W and /S dog- /W ged /S man? /W Ah, /S RHM *H the heir 0.16474685 3.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but in /S dear /W and /S dog- /W ged /S man? /W () /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 0.16474685 3.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W () /S RHM *H the heir 0.002334368 5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W () /S man? /W Ah, /S RHM *H the heir 0.001171839 7.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W () /S man? /W () /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 0.001171839 7.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but /S in /W () /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 0.001171839 7.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W () /S but /W in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 0.001171839 7.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W () /S RHM *H the heir 0.001164447 10 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W () /S man? /W Ah, /S RHM *H the heir 5.85E-04 11.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but in /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W () /S man? /W () /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 5.85E-04 11.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but /S in /W dear /S and /W () /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 4.10E-04 13 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W in /S dear /W () /S and /W () /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 7.19E-05 14.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W () /S in /W () /S dear /W and /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 7.19E-05 14.5 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W () /S Else, /W but in /S dear /W () /S and /W () /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 3.59E-05 16 490 RB: Else, but in dear and dogged man? -- Ah, the heir /W Else, /S but /W () /S in /W dear /S and /W () /S dog- ged> /W man? /S Ah, /W RHM *H the heir 2.52E-05 17 491 RB: To his own selfbent so bound, so tied to his turn, /W To his /S own /W self- /S bent /W so /S bound, /W so /S tied /W *H to his /S RHM turn, 1 1 0.516334485 1 491 RB: To his own selfbent so bound, so tied to his turn, /W To /S his /W own /S self- bent> /W so /S bound, /W so /S tied /W *H to his /S RHM turn, 0.322695902 2 491 RB: To his own selfbent so bound, so tied to his turn, /W To his /S own /W () /S self- bent> /W so /S bound, /W so /S tied /W *H to his /S RHM turn, 0.160969612 3 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- /W less /S reave /W both our /S rich /W round /S world /W () /S RHM bare 1 0.473114731 1 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- /W less /S reave /W both /S our /W rich /S round /W world /S RHM bare 0.331698325 2 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- /W less /S reave /W both our /S rich /W () /S round /W world /S RHM bare 0.165460269 3 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- less> /W reave /S both /W our /S rich /W round /S world /W () /S RHM bare 0.019168647 4 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- less> /W reave /S both /W our /S rich /W () /S round /W world /S RHM bare 0.006703764 5 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- less> /W () /S reave /W both our /S rich /W round /S world /W () /S RHM bare 0.001678679 6 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- less> /W () /S reave /W both /S our /W rich /S round /W world /S RHM bare 0.001176913 7 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- less> /W () /S reave /W both our /S rich /W () /S round /W world /S RHM bare 5.87E-04 8 492 RB: To thriftless reave both our rich round world bare /W To /S thrift- less> /W reave /S both /W () /S our /W rich /S round /W world /S RHM bare 4.12E-04 9 493 RB: And none reck of world after, this bids wear /W And /S none /W reck /S of /W world /S af- /W ter, /S this /W bids /S RHM wear 1 0.546530771 1 493 RB: And none reck of world after, this bids wear /W And /S none /W reck /S of /W world /S af- /W ter, this /S bids /W () /S RHM wear 0.272624616 2 493 RB: And none reck of world after, this bids wear /W And /S none /W reck /S of /W world /S af- ter,> /W this /S bids /W () /S RHM wear 0.170383441 3 493 RB: And none reck of world after, this bids wear /W And /S none /W reck /S of /W world /S af- ter,> /W () /S this /W bids /S RHM wear 0.010461172 4 494 RB: Earth brows of such care, care and dear concern. /W Earth /S brows /W of /S such /W care, /S care /W and /S dear /W con- /S RHM cern. 1 1 1 1 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 1 1 0.285066661 2 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 0.571473348 1 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 0.066774977 3 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 0.033309199 4 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 0.010938599 5.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 0.010938599 5.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 0.005456475 7.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 0.005456475 7.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W ACCTbless /S him? /W () /S RHM >CTbless 0.003825506 9 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W ACCTbless /S him? /W () /S RHM >CTbless 0.001908268 10 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 0.001278143 11.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 0.001278143 11.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- /W dier, /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 6.38E-04 13.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless /W him? /S RHM >CTbless 6.38E-04 13.5 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W ACCTbless /S him? /W () /S RHM >CTbless 4.47E-04 15 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W ACCTbless /S him? /W () /S RHM >CTbless 2.23E-04 16 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 2.09E-04 17 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- /W ing of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 1.04E-04 18 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do /S we /W ACCTall, /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 2.45E-05 19 495 SD: Yes. Why do we áll, seeing of a soldier, bless him? bless /W Yes. /S Why /W do we /S ACCTall, /W () /S >CTsee- ing> /W of a /S CSZ sol- dier,> /W () /S ACCTbless him?> /W () /S RHM >CTbless 1.22E-05 20 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- /W coats, /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 1 1 0.543639158 1 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W ACCTBoth /S these /W () /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.169481968 2.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W () /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.169481968 2.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- /W coats, /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.062980841 4 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W ACCTBoth /S these /W () /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.019634562 5.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W () /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.019634562 5.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W () /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.010405823 7 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- /W coats, /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.001928909 8 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W () /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- /W ter /S RHM ACCTpart, 0.001205519 9 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W ACCTBoth /S these /W () /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 6.01E-04 10.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W () /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 6.01E-04 10.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- /W coats, /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 2.23E-04 12 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W ACCTBoth /S these /W () /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 6.97E-05 13.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W ACCTour /S tars? /W () /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 6.97E-05 13.5 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W () /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- /W ing the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 3.69E-05 15 496 SD: Our redcoats, our tars? Both these being, the greater part, /W Our /S ACCTred- coats,> /W () /S ACCTour /W tars? /S ACCTBoth /W these /S ACCTbe- ing> /W the /S ACCTgrea- ter> /W () /S RHM ACCTpart, 4.28E-06 16 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W but /S foul /W clay. /S >CTHere /W it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 1 1 0.676753939 1 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W but /S foul /W () /S clay. /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.118061554 2.5 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W () /S clay, /W nay /S but /W foul /S clay. /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.118061554 2.5 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W () /S clay, /W () /S nay /W but /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.036806224 4 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W but /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere /S it /W () /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.012953779 5.5 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W but /S foul clay.> /W () /S >CTHere /W it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.012953779 5.5 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W () /S but /W foul /S clay. /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.007248722 7.5 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W () /S But /W frail /S clay, /W nay /S but /W foul /S clay. /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.007248722 7.5 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W () /S clay, /W nay /S but /W () /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.006461702 9 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W () /S But /W frail /S clay, /W () /S nay /W but /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 0.002259822 10 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W But /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W () /S but /W () /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 3.97E-04 12 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W () /S But /W frail /S clay, /W nay /S but /W () /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 3.97E-04 12 497 SD: But frail clay, nay but foul clay. Here it is: the heart, /W () /S But /W () /S frail /W clay, /S nay /W but /S foul clay.> /W >CTHere it /S ACCTis: /W the /S RHM ACCTheart, 3.97E-04 12 498 SD: Since, proud, it calls the calling manly, gives a guess /W Since, /S proud, /W it /S calls /W the /S cal- /W ling /S CSZman- /W ly, /S gives /W a /S RHM guess 1 1 0.962789648 1 498 SD: Since, proud, it calls the calling manly, gives a guess /W Since, /S proud, /W it /S calls /W the /S cal- /W ling /S CSZman- ly,> /W () /S gives /W a /S RHM guess 0.018428803 2.5 498 SD: Since, proud, it calls the calling manly, gives a guess /W Since, /S proud, /W it /S calls /W the /S cal- ling> /W () /S CSZman- /W ly, /S gives /W a /S RHM guess 0.018428803 2.5 498 SD: Since, proud, it calls the calling manly, gives a guess /W Since, /S proud, /W it /S calls /W the /S cal- ling> /W () /S CSZman- ly,> /W () /S gives /W a /S RHM guess 3.53E-04 4 499 SD: That, hopes that, makesbelieve, the men must be no less; /W That, /S hopes /W that, /S >CTmakes /W be- /S lieve, /W CSZ the /S men /W must /S be /W no /S RHM less; 1 1 0.879545709 1 499 SD: That, hopes that, makesbelieve, the men must be no less; /O That,> /W () /S hopes /W that, /S >CTmakes /W be- /S lieve, /W CSZ the /S men /W must /S be /W no /S RHM less; 0.095895546 2 499 SD: That, hopes that, makesbelieve, the men must be no less; /W That, /S hopes that,> /W () /S >CTmakes /W be- /S lieve, /W CSZ the /S men /W must /S be /W no /S RHM less; 0.016835426 3 499 SD: That, hopes that, makesbelieve, the men must be no less; /O That,> /W hopes /S that, /W () /S >CTmakes /W be- /S lieve, /W CSZ the /S men /W must /S be /W no /S RHM less; 0.005887777 4 499 SD: That, hopes that, makesbelieve, the men must be no less; /O That,> /W () /S hopes that,> /W () /S >CTmakes /W be- /S lieve, /W CSZ the /S men /W must /S be /W no /S RHM less; 0.001835541 5 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- /W cies; /S ACCTit /W deems; /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- /W tist /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 1 1 0.536266077 1 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- /W cies; ACCTit /S deems; /W () /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- /W tist /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 0.267504303 2 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- cies;> /W ACCTit /S deems; /W () /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- /W tist /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 0.167183376 3 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- /W cies; /S ACCTit /W deems; /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- tist> /W () /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 0.010264695 4.5 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- cies;> /W () /S ACCTit /W deems; /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- /W tist /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 0.010264695 4.5 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- /W cies; ACCTit /S deems; /W () /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- tist> /W () /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 0.005120313 6 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- cies;> /W ACCTit /S deems; /W () /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- tist> /W () /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 0.003200065 7 500 SD: It fancies, it deems, dears the artist after his art; /W It /S ACCTfan- cies;> /W () /S ACCTit /W deems; /S >CTdears /W the /S ACCTar- tist> /W () /S ACCTaf- /W ter his /S RHM ACCTart; 1.96E-04 8 501 SD: And fain will find as sterling all as all is smart, /W And /S fain /W will /S find /W as /S ster- /W ling /S CSZall /W as /S all /W is /S RHM smart 1 1 0.972595885 1 501 SD: And fain will find as sterling all as all is smart, /W And /S fain /W will /S find /W as /S ster- ling> /W () /S CSZall /W as /S all /W is /S RHM smart 0.018616504 2 501 SD: And fain will find as sterling all as all is smart, /W And /S fain /W will /S find /W as /S ster- ling> /W CSZall /S as /W () /S all /W is /S RHM smart 0.006510666 3 501 SD: And fain will find as sterling all as all is smart, /W And /S fain /W will /S find /W as /S ster- ling> /W CSZall /S as /W all /S is /W () /S RHM smart 0.002276946 4 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- /W let /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- /W rit /S of /W ACCTwar /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 1 0.789565705 1 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- /W let /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit /W of /S ACCTwar /W () /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 0.094049556 2 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- /W let /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- /W rit of /S ACCTwar /W () /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 0.069145577 3 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- /W let /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit /W () /S of /W ACCTwar /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 0.032891525 4 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- /W let /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit> /W of /S ACCTwar /W () /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 0.008010546 5 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- /W let /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit> /W () /S of /W ACCTwar /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 0.002801492 6.5 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- let> /W () /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- /W rit /S of /W ACCTwar /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 0.002801492 6.5 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- let> /W () /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit /W of /S ACCTwar /W () /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 3.34E-04 8 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- let> /W () /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- /W rit of /S ACCTwar /W () /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 2.45E-04 9 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- let> /W () /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit /W () /S of /W ACCTwar /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 1.17E-04 10 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- let> /W () /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit> /W of /S ACCTwar /W () /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 2.84E-05 11 502 SD: And scarlet wear the spirit of wár thére express. /W And /S ACCTscar- let> /W () /S >CTwear /W the /S ACCTspi- rit> /W () /S of /W ACCTwar /S >CTthere /W ex- /S RHM ACCTpress. 9.94E-06 12 503 SD: Mark Christ our King. He knows war, served this soldiering through; /W Mark /S Christ /W our /S King. /W He /S knows /W war, /S served /W this /S sol- /W dier- ing /S RHM through; 1 1 0.901127761 1 503 SD: Mark Christ our King. He knows war, served this soldiering through; /W Mark /S Christ /W our /S King. /W He /S knows /W war, /S served /W this /S sol- dier- ing>> /W () /S RHM through; 0.098872239 2 504 SD: He of all can reave a rope best. There he bides in bliss /W He of /S all /W can /S reave /W a /S rope /W best /S CSZthere /W he /S bides /W in /S RHM bliss 1 1 1 1 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /W Now, and /S ACCT *seeing /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 1 1 0.50915727 1 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /O Now,> /W and /S ACCT *seeing /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.318210326 2 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /W Now, /S and /W ACCT *seeing /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.058986099 3 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /W Now, and /S ACCT see- /W ing /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.029423892 4.5 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /W Now, and /S ACCT *seeing /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.029423892 4.5 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /O Now,> /W and /S ACCT see- /W ing /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.018389183 6.5 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /O Now,> /W and /S ACCT *seeing /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.018389183 6.5 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /W Now, and /S ACCT see- ing> /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.010290284 8 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /O Now,> /W and /S ACCT see- ing> /W some- /S ACCTwhere /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.006431166 9 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /O Now,> /W () /S and /W ACCT *seeing /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 0.001129056 10 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /W Now, and /S ACCT see- ing> /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 1.04E-04 11 505 SD: Now, and séeing somewhére some mán do all that man can do, /O Now,> /W and /S ACCT see- ing> /W () /S some- ACCTwhere> /W some /S ACCTman /W CSZdo /S all /W that /S man /W can /S RHM do, 6.52E-05 12 506 SD: For love he leans forth, needs his neck must fall on, kiss, /W For /S ACCTlove /W he /S >CTleans /W forth, /S ACCTneeds /W CSZhis /S ACCTneck /W must /S ACCTfall /W on, /S RHM ACCTkiss, 1 1 0.981218451 1 506 SD: For love he leans forth, needs his neck must fall on, kiss, /W For /S ACCTlove /W he /S >CTleans /W forth, /S ACCTneeds /W CSZhis /S ACCTneck /W must /S ACCTfall on,> /W () /S RHM ACCTkiss, 0.018781549 2 507 SD: And cry O Christ-done deed! So God-made-flesh does too: /W And /S cry /W O /S Christ- /W done /S deed! /W So /S God- /W made- /S flesh /W does /S RHM too: 1 1 0.974283695 1 507 SD: And cry O Christ-done deed! So God-made-flesh does too: /W And /S cry /W O /S Christ- done> /W () /S deed! /W So /S God- /W made- /S flesh /W does /S RHM too: 0.019690687 2 507 SD: And cry O Christ-done deed! So God-made-flesh does too: /W And /S cry /W O /S Christ- done> /W deed! /S So /W God- /S made- /W flesh /S does /W () /S RHM too: 0.002408327 3.5 507 SD: And cry O Christ-done deed! So God-made-flesh does too: /W And /S cry /W O /S Christ- done> /W deed! /S So /W God- /S made- /W () /S flesh /W does /S RHM too: 0.002408327 3.5 507 SD: And cry O Christ-done deed! So God-made-flesh does too: /W And /S cry /W O /S Christ- done> /W deed! /S So /W () /S God- /W made- /S flesh /W does /S RHM too: 0.001208965 5 508 SD: Were I come o'er again' cries Christ 'it should be this'. /W Were /S I /W come /S o'er /W a- /S gain /W cries /S | Christ /W it /S should /W be /S RHM this. 1 0.667188155 1 508 SD: Were I come o'er again' cries Christ 'it should be this'. /W Were I /S come /W () /S o'er /W a- /S gain /W cries /S | Christ /W it /S should /W be /S RHM this. 0.332811845 2 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- /W ga- /S ACCTret, /W () /S ACCTare /W you /S RHM ACCTgrie- /W ving 1 1 0.49245864 1.5 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- /W ga- /S ACCTret, /W ACCTare /S you /W () /S RHM ACCTgrie- /W ving 0.49245864 1.5 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- /W ga- ACCTret, /S ACCTare /W () /S you /W () /S RHM ACCTgrie- /W ving 0.015082493 3 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- /W ga- /S ACCTret, /W ACCTare /S you /W () /S RHM ACCTgrie- ving> 1.03E-07 4.5 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- /W ga- /S ACCTret, /W () /S ACCTare /W you /S RHM ACCTgrie- ving> 1.03E-07 4.5 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- ga- ACCTret,>> /W () /S ACCTare /W () /S you /W () /S RHM ACCTgrie- /W ving 1.72E-08 6 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- /W ga- ACCTret, /S ACCTare /W () /S you /W () /S RHM ACCTgrie- ving> 3.17E-09 7 509 SF: Margaret, are you grieving /W () /S ACCTMar- ga- ACCTret,>> /W () /S ACCTare /W () /S you /W () /S RHM ACCTgrie- ving> 3.61E-15 8 510 SF: Over Goldengrove unleaving? /W ving /S O- /W ver /S Gol- /W den- /S grove /W un- /S RHM lea- /W ving? 1 1 0.99999883 1 510 SF: Over Goldengrove unleaving? /W ving /S O- /W ver /S Gol- /W den- /S grove /W un- /S RHM lea- ving?> 1.13E-06 2 510 SF: Over Goldengrove unleaving? /W ving /S O- ver> /W () /S Gol- /W den- /S grove /W un- /S RHM lea- /W ving? 3.69E-08 3 510 SF: Over Goldengrove unleaving? /W ving /S O- ver> /W () /S Gol- /W den- /S grove /W un- /S RHM lea- ving?> 4.18E-14 4 511 SF: Leaves, like the things of man, you /W ving? /S ACCTLeaves, /W () /S ACCTlike /W the /S ACCTthings /W of /S RHM ACCTman, /W you 1 1 1 1 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W you? 1 0.872108621 1 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W you? 0.053207829 2 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W you? 0.026710005 3 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W you? 0.026315156 4 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W care /S for, /W RHM can /S you? 0.006507738 5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W () /S you? 0.00461989 6 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W you? 0.003266845 7 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W care /S for, /W RHM can /S you? 0.003218551 8 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W () /S for, /W RHM can /S you? 0.001615693 9.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W you? 0.001615693 9.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W () /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W you? 8.11E-04 11 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W for, /S RHM can you?> 9.88E-07 12.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W you? 9.88E-07 12.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W RHM can /S you? 3.45E-07 14 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W you? 1.73E-07 15 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W RHM can /S you? 1.21E-07 16 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W you? 6.07E-08 17 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can you?> 6.03E-08 18 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W for, /S RHM can you?> 3.03E-08 19.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W you? 3.03E-08 19.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can you?> 2.98E-08 21 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W () /S care for,> /W RHM can /S you? 2.11E-08 22 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W you? 1.06E-08 23.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W RHM can /S you? 1.06E-08 23.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W () /S care for,> /W RHM can /S you? 1.04E-08 25 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W you? 5.31E-09 26 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W you? 5.23E-09 27.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can /W () /S you? 5.23E-09 27.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can you?> 3.70E-09 29.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W RHM can /S you? 3.70E-09 29.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W you? 1.86E-09 31 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can you?> 1.83E-09 32.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W () /S for, /W RHM can /S you? 1.83E-09 32.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care /W () /S for, /W () /S RHM can you?> 9.19E-10 35 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W () /S you? 9.19E-10 35 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W () /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W you? 9.19E-10 35 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can /W () /S you? 3.21E-10 37 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can you?> 1.12E-12 38 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W RHM can /S you? 3.91E-13 39 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can you?> 1.96E-13 40.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W you? 1.96E-13 40.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can you?> 6.87E-14 42 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W for, /S RHM can you?> 3.43E-14 43 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W fresh /S thoughts /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can you?> 1.20E-14 44.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W RHM can /S you? 1.20E-14 44.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh /W thoughts /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can you?> 6.02E-15 46.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W you? 6.02E-15 46.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh /W () /S thoughts /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can you?> 5.93E-15 48 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W care /S for, /W () /S RHM can you?> 2.10E-15 49 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care /W () /S for, /W () /S RHM can you?> 1.04E-15 50.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can /W () /S you? 1.04E-15 50.5 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you /S With /W your /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can you?> 2.23E-19 52 512 SF: With your fresh thoughts care for, can you? /W you With /S your /W () /S fresh thoughts> /W () /S care for,> /W () /S RHM can you?> 6.82E-21 53 513 SF: Ah! as the heart grows older /W you? /S ACCTah! /W () /S ACCTas /W the /S ACCTheart /W grows /S RHM ACCTol- /W der 1 1 0.501581291 1 513 SF: Ah! as the heart grows older /W you? /S ACCTah! /W ACCTas the /S ACCTheart /W () /S grows /W () /S RHM ACCTol- /W der 0.498417577 2 513 SF: Ah! as the heart grows older /W you? /S ACCTah! /W () /S ACCTas /W the /S ACCTheart /W grows /S RHM ACCTol- der> 5.68E-07 3 513 SF: Ah! as the heart grows older /W you? /S ACCTah! /W ACCTas the /S ACCTheart /W () /S grows /W () /S RHM ACCTol- der> 5.65E-07 4 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der /S It /W will /S come /W to /S such /W sights /S RHM col- /W der 1 0.567819746 1 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der /S It /W will /S come /W to such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- /W der 0.283244143 2 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W come /S to /W such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- /W der 0.09905769 3 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W () /S come /W to /S such /W sights /S RHM col- /W der 0.017390572 4 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W () /S come /W to such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- /W der 0.008674897 5 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It will /S come /W to /S such /W () /S sights /W () /S RHM col- /W der 0.008600908 6.5 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It will /S come /W () /S to /W such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- /W der 0.008600908 6.5 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W come /S to /W () /S such /W sights /S RHM col- /W der 0.006081926 8 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It will /S come /W () /S to /W () /S such /W sights /S RHM col- /W der 5.28E-04 9 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der /S It /W will /S come /W to /S such /W sights /S RHM col- der> 6.43E-07 10 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der /S It /W will /S come /W to such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- der> 3.21E-07 11 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W come /S to /W such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- der> 1.12E-07 12 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W () /S come /W to /S such /W sights /S RHM col- der> 1.97E-08 13 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W () /S come /W to such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- der> 9.83E-09 14 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It will /S come /W to /S such /W () /S sights /W () /S RHM col- der> 9.74E-09 15.5 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It will /S come /W () /S to /W such /S sights /W () /S RHM col- der> 9.74E-09 15.5 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It /S will /W come /S to /W () /S such /W sights /S RHM col- der> 6.89E-09 17 514 SF: It will come to such sights colder /W der It will /S come /W () /S to /W () /S such /W sights /S RHM col- der> 5.98E-10 18 515 SF: By and by, nor spare a sigh /W der /S By /W and /S by, /W nor /S spare /W a /S RHM sigh 1 1 1 1 516 SF: Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; /W Though /S worlds /W of /S wan- /W wood /S leaf- /W meal /S RHM lie; 1 1 0.999998261 1 516 SF: Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; /W Though /S worlds /W of /S wan- wood> /W () /S leaf- /W meal /S RHM lie; 1.13E-06 2 516 SF: Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; /W Though /S worlds /W of /S wan- wood> /W leaf- /S meal /W () /S RHM lie; 3.96E-07 3 516 SF: Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; /W Though /S worlds /W of /S wan- /W wood /S leaf- meal> /W () /S RHM lie; 2.10E-07 4 516 SF: Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie; /W Though /S worlds /W of /S wan- wood> /W () /S leaf- meal> /W () /S RHM lie; 2.38E-13 5 517 SF: And yet you will weep and know why. /W And /S yet /W you /S ACCTwill /W weep /S and /W know /S RHM why. 1 1 0.397785984 2 517 SF: And yet you will weep and know why. /W And /S yet /W you ACCTwill /S weep /W and /S know /W () /S RHM why. 0.56737823 1 517 SF: And yet you will weep and know why. /W And /S yet /W you ACCTwill /S weep /W () /S and /W know /S RHM why. 0.034835785 3 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W () /S Now /W no /S ma- /W tter, /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 1 0.777647745 1 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W Now /S no /W () /S ma- /W tter, /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 0.136523873 2 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W () /S Now /W () /S no /W ma- tter, /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 0.047745875 3 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W () /S Now /W no /S ma- tter, /W () /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 0.032395049 4 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W Now /S no /W () /S ma- tter, /W () /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 0.005687276 5 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W () /S Now /W no /S ma- tter,> /W () /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 1.55E-07 6 518 SF: Now no matter, child, the name: /W Now /S no /W () /S ma- tter,> /W () /S child, /W the /S RHM name: 2.72E-08 7 519 SF: Sorrow's springs are the same. /W () /S ACCTSo- /W rrow's /S ACCTsprings /W () /S ACCTare /W the /S RHM ACCTsame. 1 0.960008041 1 519 SF: Sorrow's springs are the same. /W () /S ACCTSo- rrow's /W () /S ACCTsprings /W () /S ACCTare /W the /S RHM ACCTsame. 0.039991768 2 519 SF: Sorrow's springs are the same. /W () /S ACCTSo- rrow's> /W () /S ACCTsprings /W () /S ACCTare /W the /S RHM ACCTsame. 1.91E-07 3 520 SF: Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed /W Nor /S mouth /W had, /S no /W nor /S mind, /W ex- /S RHM pressed, 1 1 1 1 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W What /S ACCTheart /W () /S ACCTheard /W of, /S ACCTghost /W () /S RHM ACCTguessed: 1 1 0.839114087 1 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W What /S ACCTheart /W ACCTheard /S of, /W () /S ACCTghost /W () /S RHM ACCTguessed: 0.051519774 3 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W What /S ACCTheart /W () /S ACCTheard /W () /S of, /W ACCTghost /S RHM ACCTguessed: 0.051519774 3 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W () /S What /W ACCTheart /S ACCTheard /W of, /S ACCTghost /W () /S RHM ACCTguessed: 0.051519774 3 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W () /S What /W ACCTheart /S ACCTheard /W () /S of, /W ACCTghost /S RHM ACCTguessed: 0.003163202 5.5 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W () /S What /W () /S ACCTheart /W ACCTheard /S of, /W ACCTghost /S RHM ACCTguessed: 0.003163202 5.5 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W What /S ACCTheart /W () /S ACCTheard of,> /W () /S ACCTghost /W () /S RHM ACCTguessed: 1.67E-07 7 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W () /S What /W ACCTheart /S ACCTheard of,> /W () /S ACCTghost /W () /S RHM ACCTguessed: 1.02E-08 8.5 521 SF: What heart heard of, ghost guessed: /W () /S What /W () /S ACCTheart /W () /S ACCTheard of,> /W ACCTghost /S RHM ACCTguessed: 1.02E-08 8.5 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It /S ACCTis /W the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W was /S RHM ACCTborn /W for, 1 1 0.814089951 1 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It /S ACCTis /W the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W RHM ACCTborn /S for, 0.099569633 2 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It /S ACCTis /W the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn /W for, 0.049983347 3 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W () /S It /W ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W was /S RHM ACCTborn /W for, 0.024933071 4 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W was /S RHM ACCTborn /W () /S for, 0.004312543 5 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W () /S It /W ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W RHM ACCTborn /S for, 0.003049512 6 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W () /S It /W ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn /W for, 0.001530836 7 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W () /S was /W RHM ACCTborn /S for, 0.001508206 8 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W () /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn /W for, 7.57E-04 9 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn /W () /S for, 2.65E-04 10 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It /S ACCTis /W the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W was /S RHM ACCTborn for,> 9.22E-07 11 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It /S ACCTis /W the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn for,> 5.66E-08 12 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W () /S It /W ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W was /S RHM ACCTborn for,> 2.82E-08 13 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W () /S It /W ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W ACCTman /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn for,> 1.73E-09 14 522 SF: It is the blight man was born for, /W It ACCTis the /S ACCTblight /W () /S ACCTman /W () /S was /W () /S RHM ACCTborn for,> 8.58E-10 15 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W you /S RHM mourn /W for. 1 0.877420702 1 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W RHM mourn /S for. 0.053531922 2 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W for. 0.026872697 3.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W you /S RHM mourn /W for. 0.026872697 3.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- /W ga- ret you /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 0.00464803 5.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It is /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W you /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 0.00464803 5.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W RHM mourn /S for. 0.001639518 7 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It is /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W () /S you /W RHM mourn /S for. 0.001625534 8 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W for. 8.23E-04 9 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W () /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- ret you /S RHM mourn /W for. 8.16E-04 10.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It is /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W for. 8.16E-04 10.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- ret you /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 1.42E-04 12.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It is /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 1.42E-04 12.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W you /S RHM mourn for.> 9.94E-07 14 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W you /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 3.23E-08 15 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W () /S RHM mourn for.> 3.04E-08 16.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W you /S RHM mourn for.> 3.04E-08 16.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W RHM mourn /S for. 1.13E-08 18 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W for. 5.68E-09 19.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W () /S is /W () /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W you /S RHM mourn /W for. 5.68E-09 19.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W you /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 9.91E-10 21 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- ret /S you /W () /S RHM mourn for.> 9.32E-10 22 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W () /S is /W () /S Mar- /W ga- ret you /S RHM mourn for.> 9.24E-10 23.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It is /S Mar- /W ga- /S ret /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn for.> 9.24E-10 23.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W RHM mourn /S for. 3.46E-10 25 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W for. 1.74E-10 26 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It is /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn /W () /S for. 3.01E-11 27 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W is /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn for.> 6.43E-15 28.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, /S It /W () /S is /W () /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W you /S RHM mourn for.> 6.43E-15 28.5 523 SF: It is Margaret you mourn for. /W for, It /S is /W () /S Mar- ga- ret>> /W () /S you /W () /S RHM mourn for.> 1.97E-16 30 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 1 1 0.29021595 1 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.181377577 2.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.181377577 2.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.113356366 4 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.031842655 5.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.031842655 5.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.019900849 8.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.019900849 8.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.019900849 8.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.019900849 8.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.012437524 11.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.012437524 11.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 0.005865387 13 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.005555037 14.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.005555037 14.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 0.003665718 16.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 0.003665718 16.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.003493794 18 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.003471757 20.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.003471757 20.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.003471757 20.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.003471757 20.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 0.00229098 23 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.002183532 24.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.002183532 24.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.00216976 26.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.00216976 26.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 0.001364652 28 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 6.44E-04 29.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 6.44E-04 29.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.10E-04 32.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.10E-04 32.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.10E-04 32.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.10E-04 32.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.02E-04 36.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.02E-04 36.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.02E-04 36.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.02E-04 36.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 3.81E-04 42.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.51E-04 47.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.51E-04 47.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 2.38E-04 50.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 2.38E-04 50.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 2.38E-04 50.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 2.38E-04 50.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.12E-04 53.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.12E-04 53.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 1.06E-04 55 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.06E-05 56 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.02E-05 58.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.02E-05 58.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.02E-05 58.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.02E-05 58.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.69E-05 61.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.69E-05 61.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.65E-05 63.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 6.65E-05 63.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.41E-05 65.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.41E-05 65.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.39E-05 67.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.39E-05 67.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.18E-05 70.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.18E-05 70.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.18E-05 70.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.18E-05 70.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.15E-05 73 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.76E-05 74 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 2.61E-05 75.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 2.61E-05 75.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.23E-05 78.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.23E-05 78.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.23E-05 78.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.23E-05 78.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 1.17E-05 81.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 1.17E-05 81.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 7.70E-06 86.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 7.29E-06 92.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 7.29E-06 92.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 7.29E-06 92.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 7.29E-06 92.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.81E-06 96.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.81E-06 96.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.81E-06 96.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 4.81E-06 96.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.56E-06 99.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 4.56E-06 99.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.15E-06 101 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.35E-06 102.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.35E-06 102.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.34E-06 104.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.34E-06 104.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 1.28E-06 106 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 8.45E-07 108.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 8.45E-07 108.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 8.45E-07 108.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 8.45E-07 108.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 8.39E-07 111 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 8.00E-07 112.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 8.00E-07 112.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- /W nest, /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 5.28E-07 114.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- /W less, /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 5.28E-07 114.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- /W dous 5.00E-07 116 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.36E-07 117.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.36E-07 117.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.47E-07 120.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.47E-07 120.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.47E-07 120.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.47E-07 120.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- /W a- ble, /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 9.21E-08 123.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- /W min- ous, /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 9.21E-08 123.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 2.59E-08 125 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- /W qual, a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.62E-08 126.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- /W ty, vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.62E-08 126.5 524 SS: Earnest, earthless, equal, attuneable, ' vaulty, voluminous, ... stupendous /W () /S Ear- nest,> /W () /S earth- less,> /W () /S e- qual,> /W a- /S ttune- a- ble,>> /W () /S CSZvaul- ty,> /W vol- /S u- min- ous,>> /W () /S … /W stu- /S RHM pen- dous> 1.01E-08 128 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1 0.189250439 1 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.151051494 2 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.094403337 3 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.075348649 4 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.052826554 5.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.052826554 5.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.033015251 7.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.033015251 7.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.026351341 9 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.020633691 10 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.016573454 11 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.016468917 13 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.016468917 13 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.016468917 13 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.013144776 15 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.011546274 16.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.011546274 16.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.008267296 18 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.005796159 23 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W () /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.004626243 31.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.003622452 36.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.003622452 36.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.003599603 38.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.003599603 38.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.002891284 41 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.002891284 41 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.002891284 41 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.002873047 43 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W () /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.002027064 44 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001806979 46 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001806979 46 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001806979 46 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001442252 49 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001442252 49 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001442252 49 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001266864 53.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001266864 53.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 0.001266864 53.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001266864 53.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001266864 53.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001266864 53.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W () /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 0.001011156 61 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 6.36E-04 66.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 6.36E-04 66.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 6.32E-04 68.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 6.32E-04 68.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W () /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.08E-04 75.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.04E-04 82 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W () /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 4.43E-04 83 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 3.95E-04 84 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.17E-04 85.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.17E-04 85.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.15E-04 88.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.15E-04 88.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 3.15E-04 88.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.15E-04 88.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 2.52E-04 91 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 2.21E-04 92.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 2.21E-04 92.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W () /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.78E-04 94.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W () /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.78E-04 94.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.76E-04 96 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.58E-04 97.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.58E-04 97.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W () /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W CSZwomb- /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.11E-04 107.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W () /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 8.86E-05 120.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 6.93E-05 125 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.57E-05 127.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 5.57E-05 127.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 5.57E-05 127.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.57E-05 127.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.53E-05 130.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 5.53E-05 130.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W () /S all /W () /S RHM night. 3.88E-05 134 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W () /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.88E-05 134 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 3.88E-05 134 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.88E-05 134 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W () /S all, /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 3.88E-05 134 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.46E-05 137.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 3.46E-05 137.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.10E-05 139 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 2.76E-05 140.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 2.76E-05 140.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 2.42E-05 142 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- /W ing /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W () /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.95E-05 143 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.94E-05 144.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.94E-05 144.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.22E-05 147.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.22E-05 147.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.22E-05 147.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.22E-05 147.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- /S all, /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W () /S of- /W all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W () /S of- /W all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 9.72E-06 155.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 6.07E-06 162 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W () /S all /W () /S RHM night. 4.26E-06 163.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 4.26E-06 163.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.40E-06 166.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- /W of- all, /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.40E-06 166.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- /W of- all, /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W () /S all /W () /S RHM night. 3.40E-06 166.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W home- /S of- /W () /S all, /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.40E-06 166.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W () /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.03E-06 169 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W ACCTtime's /S ACCTvast, /W () /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 2.12E-06 170 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.07E-06 172.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- /S all /W () /S RHM night. 1.07E-06 172.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W () /S of- /W all /S RHM night. 1.07E-06 172.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W () /S to /W be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 1.07E-06 172.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W strains /S to /W () /S be /W () /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W () /S hearse- /W of- all /S RHM night. 3.73E-07 175.5 525 SS: Evening strains to be time's vast, | womb-of-all, home-of-all, hearse-of-all night. /W dous /S Even- ing> /W () /S strains /W to be /S ACCTtime's /W ACCTvast, /S CSZwomb- of- all,>> /W () /S home- of- all,>> /W hearse- /S of- /W () /S all /W () /S RHM night. 3.73E-07 175.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- /W light /S wound /W to the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- /W light /S hung /W to the /S RHM height 1 1 0.567370588 1 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- /W light /S wound /W to the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- light> /W hung /S to /W the /S RHM height 0.12400991 2.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- light> /W wound /S to /W the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- /W light /S hung /W to the /S RHM height 0.12400991 2.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- /W light /S wound /W to the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- light> /W () /S hung /W to the /S RHM height 0.061859562 4.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- light> /W () /S wound /W to the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- /W light /S hung /W to the /S RHM height 0.061859562 4.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- light> /W wound /S to /W the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- light> /W hung /S to /W the /S RHM height 0.027104785 6 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- light> /W wound /S to /W the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- light> /W () /S hung /W to the /S RHM height 0.013520614 7.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- light> /W () /S wound /W to the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- light> /W hung /S to /W the /S RHM height 0.013520614 7.5 526 SS: Her fond yellow hornlight wound to the west, | her wild hollow hoarlight hung to the height /W Her /S >CTfond /W ye- llow /S horn- light> /W () /S wound /W to the /S west, /W CSZher /S wild /W ho- llow /S hoar- light> /W () /S hung /W to the /S RHM height 0.006744455 9 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1 0.197289121 1.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1 0.197289121 1.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.069434989 3 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.06899703 4.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.06899703 4.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.034636087 6.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.034636087 6.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.024130018 8 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.021646672 9.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.021646672 9.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.021510136 12 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.021510136 12 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.021510136 12 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.01219001 14 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.012113122 16.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.012113122 16.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.012113122 16.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 0.012113122 16.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.007570392 20.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.007570392 20.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.007570392 20.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.007570392 20.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.007522642 24 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.007522642 24 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.007522642 24 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.004236267 26 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.003800291 27.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.003800291 27.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.00377632 30 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.00377632 30 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.00377632 30 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.002647559 32.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.002647559 32.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.00263086 34 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.002360104 36 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.002360104 36 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.002360104 36 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.002345218 38 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.00212658 40 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 0.00212658 40 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.00212658 40 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001403311 42 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001394459 43 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001329058 46.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001329058 46.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.001329058 46.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001329058 46.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001329058 46.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 0.001329058 46.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.001320675 52.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001320675 52.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.001320675 52.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 0.001320675 52.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 0.001320675 52.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 0.001320675 52.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.25E-04 57.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.25E-04 57.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.25E-04 57.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.25E-04 57.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.20E-04 60 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 7.00E-04 61.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 7.00E-04 61.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.91E-04 63 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.65E-04 64.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.65E-04 64.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.62E-04 66.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.62E-04 66.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.14E-04 69 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.14E-04 69 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.14E-04 69 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.12E-04 71 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.89E-04 72.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.89E-04 72.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.57E-04 74 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.46E-04 75.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.46E-04 75.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.45E-04 78 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.45E-04 78 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.45E-04 78 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.33E-04 81 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.33E-04 81 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.33E-04 81 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.32E-04 85 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.32E-04 85 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.32E-04 85 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.32E-04 85 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.32E-04 85 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.53E-04 89 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.53E-04 89 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.53E-04 89 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.52E-04 91 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 1.45E-04 95 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.44E-04 99.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.44E-04 99.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.23E-04 101.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.23E-04 101.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 9.00E-05 103 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.62E-05 104 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 8.56E-05 105 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 8.11E-05 106.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.11E-05 106.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 7.68E-05 108.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 7.68E-05 108.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 7.63E-05 111 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 7.63E-05 111 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 7.63E-05 111 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.35E-05 113 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.07E-05 115 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.07E-05 115 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 5.07E-05 115 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.52E-05 117 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.33E-05 118 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.30E-05 120.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.30E-05 120.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.30E-05 120.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.30E-05 120.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.69E-05 126 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.67E-05 131 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.67E-05 131 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.67E-05 131 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.54E-05 135 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.54E-05 135 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.54E-05 135 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.54E-05 135 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 2.54E-05 135 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.53E-05 138.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.53E-05 138.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.67E-05 140.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.67E-05 140.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W () /S CSZACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.58E-05 142.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.58E-05 142.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 1.50E-05 144.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.50E-05 144.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.35E-05 146.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.35E-05 146.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.34E-05 149 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.34E-05 149 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.34E-05 149 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 9.39E-06 152 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 9.39E-06 152 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 9.39E-06 152 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 8.90E-06 154.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.90E-06 154.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.84E-06 156 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.37E-06 158 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.37E-06 158 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.37E-06 158 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.32E-06 160 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 7.55E-06 161.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 7.55E-06 161.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.72E-06 165.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.72E-06 165.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.72E-06 165.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.72E-06 165.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.72E-06 165.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.72E-06 165.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.69E-06 171 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.69E-06 171 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 4.69E-06 171 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 4.69E-06 171 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 4.69E-06 171 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.93E-06 176 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.93E-06 176 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.93E-06 176 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.93E-06 176 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.93E-06 176 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.77E-06 179.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W *A li- est /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 2.77E-06 179.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 1.65E-06 182.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 1.65E-06 182.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.65E-06 182.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.65E-06 182.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.64E-06 185 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.47E-06 187 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.47E-06 187 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 1.47E-06 187 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.46E-06 189 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- /W li- /S est /W stars, /S earl- stars, > /W CSZACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 9.70E-07 190 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 9.13E-07 191 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 8.28E-07 192.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.28E-07 192.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 8.23E-07 195 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.23E-07 195 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 8.23E-07 195 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 5.14E-07 199.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.14E-07 199.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.14E-07 199.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W her /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 5.14E-07 199.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W stars, CSZ /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.14E-07 199.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 5.14E-07 199.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.11E-07 203 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 2.88E-07 204 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- /W () /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.80E-07 205.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- /S pal /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.80E-07 205.5 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 1.60E-07 207 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W Waste; /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 9.03E-08 209 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W earl- /S stars, CSZ /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 9.03E-08 209 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W us, 9.03E-08 209 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- /W ci- pal /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 8.97E-08 211 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W () /S ACCTstars /W () /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 5.61E-08 212 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W stars, /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend /W () /S us, 3.16E-08 213 527 SS: Waste; her earliest stars, earl-stars, | stars principal, overbend us, /W () /S Waste; /W () /S her /W () /S ear- *A li- est> /W () /S stars, /W () /S earl- stars, CSZ> /W ACCTstars /S prin- ci- pal>> /W () /S o- /W ver- /S RHM bend us,> 9.84E-09 214 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- ven. /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 1 0.19043651 1 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- /W ven. For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.140009617 2 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- ven. /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.138815458 3 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- /W ven. For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.102057632 4 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- ven. /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.087502445 5.5 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- ven.> /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.087502445 5.5 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- /W ven. For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.064332117 7 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- ven.> /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.06378342 8 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- /W tur- ing /S ACCThea- ven.> /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.040205934 9 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W ACCTearth /S CSZher /W ACCTbeing /S has /W un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.022797223 10 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W ACCTearth /S CSZher /W ACCTbeing /S has /W un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.016617649 11 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W ACCTearth /S CSZher /W ACCTbeing /S has /W un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.010474949 12 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W () /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.005708616 13 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W () /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.004161199 14 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- ven. /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.003873233 15 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- /W ven. For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.002847615 16 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- ven. /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.002823327 17 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W () /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.002623015 18 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- /W ven. For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.002075721 19 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W ACCTearth /S CSZher /W () /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.001996448 20 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- ven. /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.001779687 21.5 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- ven.> /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.001779687 21.5 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W ACCTearth /S CSZher /W () /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.001455277 23 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- /W ven. For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.001308432 24 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- ven.> /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- /W pple is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 0.001297273 25 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W ACCThea- ven. /S For /W ACCTearth /S CSZher /W () /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 9.17E-04 26 528 SS: Fire-featuring heaven. For earth | her being has unbound, her dapple is at end, as- /W us, /S ACCTFire /W () /S ACCTfea- tur- ing>> /W () /S ACCThea- ven.> /W For /S ACCTearth /W CSZher /S ACCTbeing /W has un- /S ACCTbound; /W her /S ACCTda- pple> /W is at /S RHM ACCTend, /W as-- 8.18E-04 27 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther, /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- /W pe`d /S and /W ACCTpashed-- /S RHM ACCTquite 1 0.292049728 1 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- /W ther, in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- /W pe`d /S and /W ACCTpashed-- /S RHM ACCTquite 0.214716026 2 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther, /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- /W pe`d and /S ACCTpashed-- /W () /S RHM ACCTquite 0.145682456 3 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther,> /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- /W pe`d /S and /W ACCTpashed-- /S RHM ACCTquite 0.134192048 4 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- /W ther, in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- /W pe`d and /S ACCTpashed-- /W () /S RHM ACCTquite 0.107106273 5 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther,> /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- /W pe`d and /S ACCTpashed-- /W () /S RHM ACCTquite 0.066938693 6 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther, /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- pe`d> /W and /S ACCTpashed-- /W () /S RHM ACCTquite 0.016877378 7 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- /W ther, in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- pe`d> /W and /S ACCTpashed-- /W () /S RHM ACCTquite 0.01240831 8 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther,> /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- pe`d> /W and /S ACCTpashed-- /W () /S RHM ACCTquite 0.007754878 9 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther, /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- pe`d> /W () /S and /W ACCTpashed-- /S RHM ACCTquite 0.001036234 10 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- /W ther, in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- pe`d> /W () /S and /W ACCTpashed-- /S RHM ACCTquite 7.62E-04 11 529 SS: tray or aswarm, all throughther, in throngs; |self in self steeped and pashed -- quite /W as-- /S Tray /W or a- /S swarm, /W all /S through- ther,> /W in /S throngs; /W CSZself /S ACCTin /W self /S ACCTstee- pe`d> /W () /S and /W ACCTpashed-- /S RHM ACCTquite 4.76E-04 12 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 1 1 0.023876919 4 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.779605505 1 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.08553875 2 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.029915079 3 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.01585617 5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.014922466 6 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.010462065 7 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.005545307 8 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.005218766 9 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 0.003658851 10 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 0.002766152 11 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 0.002619789 13.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.002619789 13.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.002619789 13.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.002619789 13.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.001939335 16 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 0.001825136 17 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 0.001637301 18 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W () /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 9.16E-04 19.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 9.16E-04 19.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 6.78E-04 21 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.73E-04 22 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 4.86E-04 23 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 4.57E-04 24 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 3.20E-04 25 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 3.04E-04 26.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.04E-04 26.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 2.00E-04 28 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.70E-04 29 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.60E-04 30 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.06E-04 31.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.06E-04 31.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 8.47E-05 33 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.94E-05 34 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 5.63E-05 35 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 5.59E-05 36 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 5.33E-05 38.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.33E-05 38.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.33E-05 38.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.33E-05 38.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 5.29E-05 41 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 5.01E-05 43 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.01E-05 43 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 5.01E-05 43 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 3.71E-05 45.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.71E-05 45.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 2.08E-05 47 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.97E-05 48 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.86E-05 51 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.86E-05 51 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W () /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.86E-05 51 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.86E-05 51 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.86E-05 51 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.85E-05 54 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.75E-05 56 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.75E-05 56 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.75E-05 56 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 9.30E-06 59.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 9.30E-06 59.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 9.30E-06 59.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 9.30E-06 59.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 6.88E-06 62 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 6.52E-06 64.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 6.52E-06 64.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 6.52E-06 64.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 6.52E-06 64.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 6.13E-06 67 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 5.81E-06 68 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 3.25E-06 69.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.25E-06 69.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 2.28E-06 71 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- /S ing /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 2.03E-06 72 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.72E-06 73 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.62E-06 74 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.14E-06 75 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.08E-06 76 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.02E-06 78 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.02E-06 78 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round /W me /S RHM right 1.02E-06 78 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 6.03E-07 80 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 5.67E-07 81 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- /S ing, /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.77E-07 82 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W () /S me /W () /S RHM right 3.57E-07 84 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 3.57E-07 84 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round /W me /S RHM right 3.57E-07 84 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 2.11E-07 86 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.89E-07 88 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.89E-07 88 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W now. /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.89E-07 88 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.78E-07 90.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.78E-07 90.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W round /S me /W () /S RHM right 1.25E-07 92 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 6.61E-08 94 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall /W () /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 6.61E-08 94 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 6.61E-08 94 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- /W ber- ing /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 6.22E-08 96 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.30E-08 97 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W CSZall /S now. /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 2.31E-08 98 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- /W ber- ing, /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.15E-08 99 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W ACCTdis- /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W () /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.62E-09 100.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W () /S Heart, /W you /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 3.62E-09 100.5 530 SS: Disremembering, dismembering | all now. Heart, you round me right /W () /S Dis- /W re- /S mem- ber- ing,>> /W () /S ACCTdis- /W () /S ACCTmem- ber- ing>> /W () /S CSZall now.> /W Heart, /S you /W () /S round me> /W () /S RHM right 1.27E-09 102 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1 1 4.79E-04 157.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.08913031 1.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.08913031 1.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.055704174 3.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.055704174 3.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.044742871 6 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.044742871 6 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.044742871 6 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.044460656 8 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.027963155 9.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.027963155 9.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.027786778 11 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.015647721 12.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.015647721 12.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.009779427 16.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.009779427 16.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.009779427 16.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.009779427 16.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.009779427 16.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.009779427 16.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.009717744 21 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.009717744 21 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.009717744 21 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.00785506 24 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.00785506 24 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.00785506 24 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.007805515 26.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.007805515 26.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.006073342 29 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.006073342 29 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.006073342 29 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.005472407 31.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.005472407 31.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.005437889 33 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004909213 36.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004909213 36.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004909213 36.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004909213 36.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004909213 36.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004909213 36.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.004878248 45 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.004847478 51 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.003420115 52 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.003398542 53 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.003048781 56.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.003048781 56.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.003048781 56.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.003048781 56.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.003048781 56.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.003048781 56.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.003029551 60 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.002729787 63.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.002729787 63.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.002729787 63.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.002729787 63.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.002729787 63.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.002729787 63.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.001716877 67.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001716877 67.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001706048 73 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.001370337 80.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001370337 80.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001370337 80.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001370337 80.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001370337 80.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001370337 80.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 0.001361693 84 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 0.001066236 88 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.61E-04 92.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.61E-04 92.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 9.55E-04 94.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.55E-04 94.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.62E-04 96.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.62E-04 96.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.56E-04 106.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.51E-04 117.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 8.51E-04 117.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.51E-04 117.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.51E-04 117.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.00E-04 121 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.00E-04 121 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.00E-04 121 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.97E-04 127 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.35E-04 138.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.32E-04 150 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.79E-04 157.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.79E-04 157.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.79E-04 157.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 4.79E-04 157.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.79E-04 157.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 4.76E-04 161 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.73E-04 164 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.73E-04 164 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.73E-04 164 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.73E-04 164 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.73E-04 164 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.34E-04 167 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.32E-04 169.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.32E-04 169.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.32E-04 169.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.32E-04 169.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.00E-04 185.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.98E-04 203 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.41E-04 208.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.41E-04 208.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.41E-04 208.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.41E-04 208.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.39E-04 211.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.39E-04 211.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.09E-04 213 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.87E-04 225 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.86E-04 239 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.86E-04 239 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.86E-04 239 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.86E-04 239 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.86E-04 239 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.68E-04 243 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.68E-04 243 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.68E-04 243 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.50E-04 256 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.49E-04 275 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.48E-04 283 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.05E-04 289.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.40E-05 305.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.34E-05 325.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.28E-05 336 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.36E-05 337.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.36E-05 337.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 6.55E-05 343 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.86E-05 348 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.84E-05 351.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.84E-05 351.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.84E-05 351.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.84E-05 351.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.84E-05 351.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.84E-05 351.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.26E-05 358 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.23E-05 368.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 4.20E-05 376.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.20E-05 376.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.66E-05 379.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.66E-05 379.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.66E-05 379.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.66E-05 379.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.29E-05 389.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.27E-05 411 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.94E-05 425 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.64E-05 427.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.64E-05 427.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.64E-05 427.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.64E-05 427.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.62E-05 437 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.61E-05 445.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.61E-05 445.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.29E-05 447.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.29E-05 447.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.04E-05 456.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.84E-05 469 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.83E-05 476 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.83E-05 476 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.83E-05 476 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.83E-05 476 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.83E-05 476 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.65E-05 483.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.64E-05 507 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.63E-05 530 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.15E-05 539 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.14E-05 547 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.02E-05 565 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.17E-06 585.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.12E-06 592 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.43E-06 593 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.73E-06 607 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.70E-06 621.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.70E-06 621.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.60E-06 626.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 4.58E-06 631.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 4.58E-06 631.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 4.02E-06 633.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 4.02E-06 633.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.58E-06 642.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.23E-06 651 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.21E-06 653 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.21E-06 653 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.21E-06 653 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.88E-06 666.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.86E-06 682 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.02E-06 687.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.02E-06 687.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.02E-06 687.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 2.02E-06 687.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.00E-06 697 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.80E-06 713 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.79E-06 727.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.60E-06 734 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.25E-06 740.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.12E-06 750.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.01E-06 760 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.00E-06 771 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.03E-07 777 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 7.01E-07 778.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 7.01E-07 778.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.29E-07 788 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.25E-07 802.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.63E-07 809 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.05E-07 812.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.05E-07 812.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.05E-07 812.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.05E-07 812.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.05E-07 812.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.05E-07 812.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.02E-07 820.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 4.99E-07 826 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.52E-07 829.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.52E-07 829.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 3.52E-07 829.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.52E-07 829.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.52E-07 829.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.52E-07 829.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.16E-07 837 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver /S us; /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W () /S With: /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.14E-07 848.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.12E-07 856.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.12E-07 856.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.20E-07 861 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.76E-07 865.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.76E-07 865.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 1.23E-07 867 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.10E-07 872.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 8.81E-08 878.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 8.81E-08 878.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 7.69E-08 880.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W RHM ACCTend /S us. 7.69E-08 880.5 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.86E-08 887 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 6.18E-08 893 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.14E-08 894 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W () /S us. 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /W With: /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.51E-08 899 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 5.47E-08 904 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.86E-08 906 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.86E-08 906 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 3.86E-08 906 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.84E-08 909 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.84E-08 909 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.84E-08 909 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.44E-08 915 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.42E-08 921 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.42E-08 921 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W ACCTour /S night CSZ /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 3.42E-08 921 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 1.93E-08 923 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.91E-08 924 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend /W us. 9.67E-09 925 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- /W ver us; /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 9.61E-09 926 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- /W vening is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 6.74E-09 927 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W ACCTOur /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 4.21E-09 929 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W is /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W () /S will /W () /S RHM ACCTend us.> 4.21E-09 929 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTand /W will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 4.21E-09 929 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W night CSZ /S ACCTwhelms, /W () /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 2.10E-09 931 531 SS: With: Our evening is over us; our night |whelms, whelms, and will end us. /O With:> /W () /S ACCTOur /W () /S ACCTe- vening> /W () /S is /W () /S ACCTo- ver us;>> /W () /S ACCTour /W () /S night CSZ /W ACCTwhelms, /S ACCTwhelms, /W ACCTand will /S RHM ACCTend us.> 1.05E-09 932 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 1 0.372484281 1 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.273851803 2 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.130267238 3 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.095772949 4 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.030047172 5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.010508261 6 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.007528065 8.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.007528065 8.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.007528065 8.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.007528065 8.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.007129739 11 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.005534661 13.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.005534661 13.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.005534661 13.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.005534661 13.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.002632756 17.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.002632756 17.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.002632756 17.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.002632756 17.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.002493451 20 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- /S ish /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.001947898 21 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.001935612 23.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.001935612 23.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 0.001935612 23.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 0.001935612 23.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 6.07E-04 27.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 6.07E-04 27.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 6.07E-04 27.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 6.07E-04 27.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 2.12E-04 31.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 2.12E-04 31.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 2.12E-04 31.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 2.12E-04 31.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.52E-04 35 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.52E-04 35 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- /W ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 1.52E-04 35 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.44E-04 38.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W leaved /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 1.44E-04 38.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.44E-04 38.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W smooth /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 1.44E-04 38.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.12E-04 42 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.12E-04 42 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- /W gon- ish /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 1.12E-04 42 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 5.04E-05 45.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- /W () /S leaved /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 5.04E-05 45.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 5.04E-05 45.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- /W () /S smooth /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 5.04E-05 45.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- /S ish /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 3.94E-05 48.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- /W gon- /S ish /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 3.94E-05 48.5 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.23E-05 51 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 1.23E-05 51 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish>> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 1.23E-05 51 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W boughs /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W () /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 2.91E-06 54 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W bleak /S light; /W () /S RHM black, 2.91E-06 54 532 SS: Only the beak-leaved boughs dragonish | damask the tool-smooth bleak light; black, /W us. /S On- /W ly the /S beak- leaved> /W () /S boughs /W () /S dra- gon- ish> /W () /S CSZ da- mask> /W the /S tool- smooth> /W () /S bleak /W light; /S RHM black, 2.91E-06 54 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 1 0.073690566 1.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 1 0.073690566 1.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.056087899 3 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.054521466 4.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.054521466 4.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.054177573 6.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.054177573 6.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.041497775 8 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.041236028 9.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.041236028 9.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.030509315 11 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.030316878 12 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.02797819 13.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.02797819 13.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.020700234 15.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.020700234 15.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.020569668 17.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.020569668 17.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.020394227 19.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.020394227 19.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.017485656 21.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.017485656 21.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.015089084 23.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.015089084 23.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.01499391 25.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.01499391 25.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.012937119 27.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.012937119 27.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.012855518 29.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.012855518 29.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.006276496 31.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.006276496 31.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.004777212 33 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.00452444 34.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.00452444 34.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.003512224 36 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.003347499 37.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.003347499 37.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.003326385 39.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.003326385 39.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.002383005 41.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.002383005 41.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001737051 43.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001737051 43.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.0017178 45 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W ACCTlet /S life /W () /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001489318 46.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W () /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001489318 46.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001270949 48 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001262933 49 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001252161 50 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001073581 51.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 0.001073581 51.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 9.26E-04 53 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 9.21E-04 54 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 7.94E-04 55.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W E- ver /S so /W () /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 7.94E-04 55.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 7.89E-04 57.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- /W ver so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 7.89E-04 57.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 3.85E-04 59.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 3.85E-04 59.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- /W cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 1.46E-04 61 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- /W a- cle!CSZ ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 1.07E-04 62 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W ACCTLet /S life, /W ACCTwaned, /S ah /W () /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 9.14E-05 63.5 533 SS: Ever so black on it. Our tale, O our oracle! | Let life, waned, ah let life wind /W () /S E- ver> /W so /S black on it.>> /W ACCTOur /S tale /W ACCT*H O^our /S or- a- cle!CSZ> /W () /S ACCTLet /W life, /S ACCTwaned, /W ah /S ACCTlet /W life /S RHM ACCTwind 9.14E-05 63.5 534 SS: Off her once skeined stained veined variety | upon, all on two spools; part, pen, pack /W Off /S ACCTher /W once /S ACCTskeined /W stained /S ACCTveined /W va- /S ACCTri- /W e- ty CSZu- pon, /S ACCTall /W on /S ACCTtwo /W spools; /S ACCTpart, /W pen, /S RHM ACCTpack 1 1 0.535103272 1 534 SS: Off her once skeined stained veined variety | upon, all on two spools; part, pen, pack /W Off ACCTher /S once /W () /S ACCTskeined /W stained /S ACCTveined /W va- /S ACCTri- /W e- ty CSZu- pon, /S ACCTall /W on /S ACCTtwo /W spools; /S ACCTpart, /W pen, /S RHM ACCTpack 0.266924264 2 534 SS: Off her once skeined stained veined variety | upon, all on two spools; part, pen, pack /W Off ACCTher /S once /W ACCTskeined /S stained /W () /S ACCTveined /W va- /S ACCTri- /W e- ty CSZu- pon, /S ACCTall /W on /S ACCTtwo /W spools; /S ACCTpart, /W pen, /S RHM ACCTpack 0.093350212 3 534 SS: Off her once skeined stained veined variety | upon, all on two spools; part, pen, pack /W Off /S ACCTher /W once /S ACCTskeined /W stained /S ACCTveined /W va- /S ACCTri- e- ty>> /W CSZu- pon, /S ACCTall /W on /S ACCTtwo /W spools; /S ACCTpart, /W pen, /S RHM ACCTpack 0.06252524 4 534 SS: Off her once skeined stained veined variety | upon, all on two spools; part, pen, pack /W Off ACCTher /S once /W () /S ACCTskeined /W stained /S ACCTveined /W va- /S ACCTri- e- ty>> /W CSZu- pon, /S ACCTall /W on /S ACCTtwo /W spools; /S ACCTpart, /W pen, /S RHM ACCTpack 0.031189314 5 534 SS: Off her once skeined stained veined variety | upon, all on two spools; part, pen, pack /W Off ACCTher /S once /W ACCTskeined /S stained /W () /S ACCTveined /W va- /S ACCTri- e- ty>> /W CSZu- pon, /S ACCTall /W on /S ACCTtwo /W spools; /S ACCTpart, /W pen, /S RHM ACCTpack 0.010907697 6 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon /W but, /S ACCTreck /W but, /S RHM ACCTmind 1 0.502047076 1 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- /W ckon but, /S ACCTreck /W but, /S RHM ACCTmind 0.369106843 2 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon> /W but, /S ACCTreck /W but, /S RHM ACCTmind 0.042761194 3 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon but,>> /W () /S ACCTreck /W but, /S RHM ACCTmind 0.040498608 4 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon but,>> /W ACCTreck /S but, /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 0.014163395 5 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon /W but, /S ACCTreck but,> /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 0.009609707 6.5 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon but,> /W () /S ACCTreck /W but, /S RHM ACCTmind 0.009609707 6.5 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- /W ckon but, /S ACCTreck but,> /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 0.007065092 8 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon but,> /W ACCTreck /S but, /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 0.003360759 9 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon> /W but, /S ACCTreck but,> /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 8.18E-04 10 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon but,>> /W () /S ACCTreck but,> /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 7.75E-04 11 535 SS: Now her all in two flocks, two folds -- black, white; ' right, wrong; reckon but, reck but, mind /W Now her /S ACCTall /W in /S ACCTtwo /W flocks, /S ACCTtwo /W folds-- /S ACCTblack, /W white; /S CSZright, /W wrong; /S ACCTre- ckon but,> /W () /S ACCTreck but,> /W () /S RHM ACCTmind 1.84E-04 12 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W ACCTeach /S off /W ACCT *H the o- ther; /S of /W a /S RHM ACCTrack 1 0.558579715 1 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W ACCTeach /S off /W () /S ACCT *H the o- ther; /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.066115861 2.5 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W () /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- ther; /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.066115861 2.5 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W ACCTeach /S off /W () /S ACCT *H the o- /W ther; of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.048194033 4.5 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W () /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- /W ther; of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.048194033 4.5 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where /S ACCTbut /W these CSZ /S ACCTtwo /W tell, /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- ther; /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.046353493 6 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where /S ACCTbut /W these CSZ /S ACCTtwo /W tell, /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- /W ther; of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.033788591 7 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W ACCTeach /S off /W () /S ACCT *H the o- ther;> /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.030379151 8.5 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W ACCTtwo /S tell, /W () /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- ther;> /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.030379151 8.5 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W () /S ACCTtwo /W tell, /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- ther; /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.0231224 10 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where /S ACCTbut /W these CSZ /S ACCTtwo /W tell, /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- ther;> /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.021298668 11 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W () /S ACCTtwo /W tell, /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- /W ther; of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.016854681 12 536 SS: But these two; ware of a world where but these | two tell, each off the other; of a rack /W But /S ACCTthese /W two; /S ACCTware /W of a /S ACCTworld /W where ACCTbut /S these CSZ /W () /S ACCTtwo /W tell, /S ACCTeach /W off /S ACCT *H the o- ther;> /W of a /S RHM ACCTrack 0.010624363 13 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- /W wrung, /S self- /W strung, /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 1 1 0.705196463 1 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- /W wrung, /S self- /W strung, /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.077374548 2 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- /W wrung, /S self- strung,> /W () /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.07688651 3.5 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W () /S self- /W strung, /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.07688651 3.5 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W self- /S strung, /W () /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.02688917 5 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- /W wrung, /S self- strung,> /W () /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.008436031 6.5 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W () /S self- /W strung, /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.008436031 6.5 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W () /S self- strung,> /W () /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.008382821 8 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- /W wrung, /S self- strung,> /W sheathe - /S and /W () /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.004720664 9 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W self- /S strung, /W () /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.002950295 10 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W self- /S strung, /W sheathe - /S and /W () /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 0.001650936 11 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W () /S self- strung,> /W () /S sheathe - /W and /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 9.20E-04 12 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- /W wrung, /S self- strung,> /W sheathe - /S and /W () /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 5.18E-04 13 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W () /S self- strung,> /W sheathe - /S and /W () /S shel- /W ter- less, CSZ /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 5.15E-04 14 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W self- /S strung, /W sheathe - /S and /W () /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 1.81E-04 15 537 SS: Where, selfwrung, selfstrung, sheathe- and shelterless, | thoughts against thoughts in groans grind. /W Where, /S self- wrung,> /W () /S self- strung,> /W sheathe - /S and /W () /S shel- ter- less, CSZ>> /W () /S ACCTthoughts /W a- /S ACCTgainst /W thoughts /S ACCTin /W groans /S RHM ACCTgrind. 5.65E-05 16 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- /S ded /W with /S squat /W and /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 1 0.910748224 1 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded /S with /W () /S squat /W and /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 0.027893417 2 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W () /S Tom -- /W () /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded with /S squat /W and /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 0.027481074 3 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W () /S Tom -- /W () /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W with /S squat /W and /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 0.018406608 4 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded /S with /W squat /S and /W () /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 0.009755038 5 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- /S ded /W with /S squat /W and /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 0.003231465 6 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded with /S squat /W () /S and /W () /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 8.47E-04 7 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W with /S squat /W () /S and /W () /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 5.67E-04 8.5 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W () /S with /W () /S squat /W and /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 5.67E-04 8.5 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W () /S with /W squat /S and /W () /S sur- /W ly /S RHM >CTsteel 1.98E-04 10 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded /S with /W () /S squat /W and /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 9.90E-05 11 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W () /S Tom -- /W () /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded with /S squat /W and /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 9.75E-05 12 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W () /S Tom -- /W () /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W with /S squat /W and /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 6.53E-05 13 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded /S with /W squat /S and /W () /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 3.46E-05 14 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- /W lan- ded with /S squat /W () /S and /W () /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 3.01E-06 15 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W with /S squat /W () /S and /W () /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 2.01E-06 16.5 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W () /S with /W () /S squat /W and /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 2.01E-06 16.5 538 TG: TOM -- garlanded with squat and surly steel /W Tom -- /S >CTgar- lan- ded>> /W () /S with /W squat /S and /W () /S sur- ly> /W () /S RHM >CTsteel 7.04E-07 18 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- /W llow- /S boot- /W fe- llow /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 1 0.395248858 1.5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W then /S Tom's /W fa- llow- /S boot- /W fe- llow /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 1 0.395248858 1.5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W () /S Tom's /W fa- llow- /S boot- /W fe- llow /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 0.069389907 3 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- /W llow- /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.032799553 5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- /W llow /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 0.032799553 5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W then /S Tom's /W fa- llow- /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.032799553 5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W () /S boot- /W fe- llow /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 0.016465175 7 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W then /S Tom's /W () /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.007782838 8 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W () /S Tom's /W fa- llow- /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.005758291 9 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- /W llow- /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.002793658 10.5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W then /S Tom's /W fa- llow- /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.002793658 10.5 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow /W () /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 0.001366355 13 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W () /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.001366355 13 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W () /S Tom's /W () /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 0.001366355 13 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W then /S Tom's /W () /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 6.63E-04 15 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W () /S Tom's /W fa- llow- /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 4.90E-04 16 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W () /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 4.78E-04 17 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow> /W () /S DBGRVpiles /W () /S RHM >CTpick 1.16E-04 19 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W () /S boot- /W () /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 1.16E-04 19 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W Tom; /S then /W () /S Tom's /W () /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 1.16E-04 19 539 TG: Tom; then Tom's fallowbootfellow piles pick /W () /S Tom; /W () /S then /W Tom's /S fa- llow- /W boot- /S fe- llow> /W DBGRVpiles /S RHM >CTpick 4.07E-05 21 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- /W fire /S home- /W forth -- /S stur- /W dy /S RHM Dick; 1 1 0.785809194 1 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- /W fire /S home- forth --> /W () /S stur- /W dy /S RHM Dick; 0.085675595 2.5 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- fire> /W () /S home- /W forth -- /S stur- /W dy /S RHM Dick; 0.085675595 2.5 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- fire> /W home- /S forth -- /W () /S stur- /W dy /S RHM Dick; 0.029962937 4 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- fire> /W () /S home- forth --> /W () /S stur- /W dy /S RHM Dick; 0.009341081 5 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- /W fire /S home- /W forth -- /S stur- dy> /W () /S RHM Dick; 0.002788163 6 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- /W fire /S home- forth --> /W () /S stur- dy> /W () /S RHM Dick; 3.04E-04 7.5 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- fire> /W () /S home- /W forth -- /S stur- dy> /W () /S RHM Dick; 3.04E-04 7.5 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- fire> /W home- /S forth -- /W () /S stur- dy> /W () /S RHM Dick; 1.06E-04 9 540 TG: By him and rips out rockfire homeforth -- sturdy Dick; /W By him and /S >CTrips /W out /S rock- fire> /W () /S home- forth --> /W () /S stur- dy> /W () /S RHM Dick; 3.31E-05 10 541 TG: Tom Heart-at-ease, Tom Navvy: he is all for his meal /W Tom /S Heart- /W at- /S ease, /W DBGRVTom /S Nav- vy; /W he is /S all /W for his /S RHM >CTmeal 1 0.456951394 1 541 TG: Tom Heart-at-ease, Tom Navvy: he is all for his meal /W Tom /S Heart- /W at- /S ease, /W DBGRVTom /S Nav- /W vy; he is /S all /W for his /S RHM >CTmeal 0.333086955 2 541 TG: Tom Heart-at-ease, Tom Navvy: he is all for his meal /W Tom /S Heart- /W at- /S ease, /W DBGRVTom /S Nav- vy;> /W he is /S all /W for his /S RHM >CTmeal 0.209961651 3 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low /W be it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 1 1 0.090112369 3.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low /W be it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.257666022 1 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W Low /S be /W it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.161034701 2 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low /W be it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.090112369 3.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low /W be it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.060356559 5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W Low /S be /W it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.056317936 6.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W Low /S be /W it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.056317936 6.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W Low /S be /W it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.037721312 8 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low /W be it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.030107515 9 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.028271259 10 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low /W be it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.028092939 11 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W Low /S be /W it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.01881643 12 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low /W be it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.010529365 13 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- /W ti- ly he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.009887179 14.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.009887179 14.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low /W be it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.009824816 16.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low /W be it: /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.009824816 16.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.006622355 18 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W Low /S be /W it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.006580585 19.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low /W be it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.006580585 19.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.003303413 21 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low /W be it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.003282577 22 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.003082373 23 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed /W now. /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.001155288 24 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low /W be it: /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.001148001 25 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- /W ti- ly he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 0.001077984 26.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- /W ti- ly he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 0.001077984 26.5 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he /S his /W low /S lot /W RHM (feel 7.22E-04 28 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W () /S lot /W RHM (feel 3.60E-04 29 542 TG: Sure, 's bed now. Low be it: lustily he his low lot (feel /W Sure,'s /S bed now.> /W () /S Low be it:>> /W () /S lus- ti- ly>> /W he his /S low /W lot /S RHM (feel 1.26E-04 30 543 TG: That ne'er need hunger, Tom; Tom seldom sick, /W That /S ne'er /W need /S hun- /W ger, /S Tom; /W Tom /S sel- /W dom /S RHM sick, 1 1 0.942487137 1 543 TG: That ne'er need hunger, Tom; Tom seldom sick, /W That /S ne'er /W need /S hun- ger,> /W Tom; /S Tom /W () /S sel- /W dom /S RHM sick, 0.035937074 2 543 TG: That ne'er need hunger, Tom; Tom seldom sick, /W That /S ne'er /W need /S hun- ger,> /W () /S Tom; /W Tom /S sel- /W dom /S RHM sick, 0.018040191 3 543 TG: That ne'er need hunger, Tom; Tom seldom sick, /W That /S ne'er /W need /S hun- /W ger, /S Tom; /W Tom /S sel- dom> /W () /S RHM sick, 0.003344079 4 543 TG: That ne'er need hunger, Tom; Tom seldom sick, /W That /S ne'er /W need /S hun- ger,> /W Tom; /S Tom /W () /S sel- dom> /W () /S RHM sick, 1.28E-04 5 543 TG: That ne'er need hunger, Tom; Tom seldom sick, /W That /S ne'er /W need /S hun- ger,> /W () /S Tom; /W Tom /S sel- dom> /W () /S RHM sick, 6.40E-05 6 544 TG: Seldomer heartsore; that treads through, prickproof, thick /W () /S Sel- dom er>> /W heart- /S ACCTsore; /W that /S treads /W through, /S prick- /W proof, /S RHM thick 1 1 0.240724155 2 544 TG: Seldomer heartsore; that treads through, prickproof, thick /W () /S Sel- /W dom er /S heart- ACCTsore;> /W that /S treads /W through, /S prick- /W proof, /S RHM thick 0.647790703 1 544 TG: Seldomer heartsore; that treads through, prickproof, thick /W () /S Sel- /W dom er /S heart- ACCTsore;> /W that /S treads /W through, /S prick- proof,> /W () /S RHM thick 0.070627646 3 544 TG: Seldomer heartsore; that treads through, prickproof, thick /W () /S Sel- dom er>> /W heart- /S ACCTsore; /W that /S treads /W through, /S prick- proof,> /W () /S RHM thick 0.026245793 4 544 TG: Seldomer heartsore; that treads through, prickproof, thick /W () /S Sel- dom er>> /W () /S heart- ACCTsore;> /W that /S treads /W through, /S prick- /W proof, /S RHM thick 0.013175227 5 544 TG: Seldomer heartsore; that treads through, prickproof, thick /W () /S Sel- dom er>> /W () /S heart- ACCTsore;> /W that /S treads /W through, /S prick- proof,> /W () /S RHM thick 0.001436475 6 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W >CTswings /S though. /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 1 0.759368667 1 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings though.> /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 0.082792824 2 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- /W mon- /S RHM weal 0.043883459 3.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W () /S thoughts) /W >CTswings /S though. /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 0.043883459 3.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings /W () /S though. /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 0.015347163 5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W () /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings though.> /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 0.014535112 6 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W >CTswings /S though. /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 0.010412881 7.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 0.010412881 7.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- /W mon- /S RHM weal 0.004784547 9.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W () /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings though.> /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 0.004784547 9.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W >CTswings /S though. /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 0.002694349 11 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W () /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 0.001828086 12.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- mon- /W () /S RHM weal 0.001828086 12.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 0.001135301 14 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W () /S thoughts) /W >CTswings /S though. /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 6.02E-04 15.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W () /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 6.02E-04 15.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings though.> /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 2.94E-04 17 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings /W () /S though. /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 2.10E-04 18 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- /W sands /S of /W () /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 1.99E-04 19.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- mon- /W () /S RHM weal 1.99E-04 19.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W of /S thorns, /W () /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 6.56E-05 21 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W () /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings though.> /W >CTCom- mon- /S RHM weal 5.16E-05 22 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W >CTswings /S though. /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 3.69E-05 23.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 3.69E-05 23.5 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W () /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings /W though. /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 6.49E-06 25 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W thorns, /S thoughts) /W () /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 4.03E-06 26 545 TG: Thousands of thorns, thoughts) swings though. Commonweal /W () /S Thou- sands> /W () /S of /W () /S thorns, /W thoughts) /S >CTswings though.> /W () /S >CTCom- mon- RHM weal> 7.07E-07 27 546 TG: Little I reck ho! lacklevel in, if all had bread: /W Li- ttle /S ACCTi /W reck /S ACCTho! /W lack- /S ACCTle- vel in,>> /W if /S ACCTall /W had /S RHM ACCTbread: 1 0.528063665 1 546 TG: Little I reck ho! lacklevel in, if all had bread: /W Li- ttle /S ACCTi /W reck /S ACCTho! /W lack- /S ACCTle- vel /W in, if /S ACCTall /W had /S RHM ACCTbread: 0.2004906 2 546 TG: Little I reck ho! lacklevel in, if all had bread: /W Li- ttle /S ACCTi /W reck /S ACCTho! /W lack- /S ACCTle- /W vel in, if /S ACCTall /W had /S RHM ACCTbread: 0.146144216 3 546 TG: Little I reck ho! lacklevel in, if all had bread: /W Li- ttle /S ACCTi /W reck /S ACCTho! /W lack- /S ACCTle- vel in,> /W if /S ACCTall /W had /S RHM ACCTbread: 0.125301519 4 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 1 0.552725184 1 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.152969413 2 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.131153324 3 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.064033462 4 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.036297327 5 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.017721575 6 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.015194172 7 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.010579739 8 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.004205062 9 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.003091577 10 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.002927995 11 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.002510412 12 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 0.001961148 13 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 0.001225668 14 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 6.95E-04 15 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 5.43E-04 16 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 4.65E-04 17 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 3.58E-04 18 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 3.39E-04 19 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 2.91E-04 20 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 2.27E-04 21 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.29E-04 22 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 8.05E-05 23 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 6.29E-05 24 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 5.92E-05 25 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 5.39E-05 26 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 3.75E-05 27 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.49E-05 28 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.10E-05 29 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.04E-05 30 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 8.91E-06 31 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- /W ly /S RHM ACCThead, 6.86E-06 32 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 4.35E-06 33 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 2.47E-06 34 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall /W us-- /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.27E-06 35 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- /W nour e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.20E-06 36 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour e- nough>> /W in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 1.03E-06 37 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 2.86E-07 38 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- /W try is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 2.10E-07 39 547 TG: What! Country is honour enough in all us -- lordly head, /W What! /S ACCTcoun- try> /W is /S ACCTho- nour> /W e- nough in /S ACCTall us--> /W () /S ACCTlord- ly> /W () /S RHM ACCThead, 2.43E-08 40 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- /W ven's /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 1 0.350423754 1 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- /W ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.237758652 2 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- /W ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.109246191 3 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- /W ven's /S lights /W high /S hung /W () /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.074122336 4.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- /W ven's /S lights /W () /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.074122336 4.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W () /S hung /W round, /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.029079762 6 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W () /S With /W hea- ven's /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.021515254 7 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W () /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.014597862 8.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W () /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.014597862 8.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W () /S hung /W round, /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.013361672 10 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- /W () /S RHM >CTground 0.009904489 11 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W () /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.006707478 12.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W () /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W mo- ther- /S RHM >CTground 0.006707478 12.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W () /S hung /W () /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.00615101 14 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- /W ven's /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.00455095 16.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- /W () /S RHM >CTground 0.00455095 16.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W () /S With /W hea- ven's /S lights /W high /S hung /W () /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.00455095 16.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W () /S With /W hea- ven's /S lights /W () /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.00455095 16.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W () /S lights /W high /S hung /W () /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.003087769 19.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W () /S lights /W () /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.003087769 19.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W () /S hung /W () /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.002826288 21 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W () /S lights /W high /S hung /W () /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.001418779 22.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W () /S lights /W () /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 0.001418779 22.5 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W () /S hung /W round, /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 3.78E-04 24 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W () /S With /W hea- ven's /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 2.79E-04 25 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W () /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 1.90E-04 27 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's /W () /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 1.90E-04 27 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W () /S With /W () /S hea- ven's /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 1.90E-04 27 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W () /S hung /W round, /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 1.74E-04 29 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W () /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 8.71E-05 31 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W With /S hea- ven's> /W () /S lights /W high /S hung /W round, /S or, /W () /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 8.71E-05 31 548 TG: With heaven's lights high hung round, or, mother-ground /W () /S With /W () /S hea- ven's> /W lights /S high /W hung /S round, /W or, /S mo- ther- RHM >CTground> 8.71E-05 31 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- /W mmocks, /S mi- /W ghty /S foot. /W But /S >CTno /W way /S RHM sped, 1 1 0.97612019 1 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- mmocks,> /W () /S mi- /W ghty /S foot. /W But /S >CTno /W way /S RHM sped, 0.018683963 2 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- /W mmocks, /S mi- ghty> /W () /S foot. /W But /S >CTno /W way /S RHM sped, 0.003463414 3 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- /W mmocks, /S mi- ghty> /W foot. /S But /W () /S >CTno /W way /S RHM sped, 0.001211244 4 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- /W mmocks, /S mi- ghty> /W foot. /S But /W >CTno /S way /W () /S RHM sped, 4.24E-04 5 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- mmocks,> /W () /S mi- ghty> /W () /S foot. /W But /S >CTno /W way /S RHM sped, 6.63E-05 6 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- mmocks,> /W () /S mi- ghty> /W foot. /S But /W () /S >CTno /W way /S RHM sped, 2.32E-05 7 549 TG: That mammocks, mighty foot. But no way sped, /W That /S ma- mmocks,> /W () /S mi- ghty> /W foot. /S But /W >CTno /S way /W () /S RHM sped, 8.11E-06 8 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- /W strength; /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- /S RHM ded 1 1 0.62107902 1 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- /W strength; /S >CTgold /W () /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.108348914 2.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- /W () /S strength; /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.108348914 2.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- strength;> /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- /S RHM ded 0.067715312 4 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- /W () /S strength; /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.037892374 5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- strength;> /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- /S RHM ded 0.023681769 6 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W nor /S main- strength;> /W () /S >CTgold /W () /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.011813119 7 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W () /S nor /W main- /S strength; /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.006652387 8 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W () /S nor /W () /S main- /W strength; /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.003339458 9.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W () /S mind /W nor /S main- /W strength; /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.003339458 9.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W () /S nor /W main- /S strength; /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.002326509 11.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W mind /S nor /W main- /S strength; /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.002326509 11.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W mind /S nor /W () /S main- /W strength; /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 0.001167893 13 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W mind /S nor /W main- /S strength; /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 8.14E-04 14 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W () /S nor /W () /S main- strength;> /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 3.64E-04 15.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W () /S mind /W nor /S main- strength;> /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 3.64E-04 15.5 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W Nor /S mind /W () /S nor /W () /S main- strength;> /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 1.27E-04 18 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W mind /S nor /W () /S main- strength;> /W () /S >CTgold /W go /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 1.27E-04 18 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W () /S mind /W nor /S main- strength;> /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 1.27E-04 18 550 TG: Nor mind nor mainstrength; gold go garlanded /W () /S Nor /W mind /S nor /W () /S main- strength;> /W >CTgold /S go /W () /S gar- /W lan- RHM ded 4.45E-05 20 551 TG: With, perilous, O nó; nor yet plod safe shod sound; /W With, /S ACCTpe- ril- ous,> /W O /S ACCTno; /W nor /S yet /W plod /S safe /W shod /S RHM sound; 1 1 0.191778689 2 551 TG: With, perilous, O nó; nor yet plod safe shod sound; /W With, /S ACCTpe- ril- ous,>> /W O /S ACCTno; /W nor /S yet /W plod /S safe /W shod /S RHM sound; 0.808221311 1 552 TG: Undenizened, beyond bound /W DBGRVUn- /S den- i- /W zened, be- /S yond /W () /S RHM bound 1 0.578380082 1 552 TG: Undenizened, beyond bound /W DBGRVUn- /S den- /W i- zened, be- /S yond /W () /S RHM bound 0.421600334 2 552 TG: Undenizened, beyond bound /W DBGRVUn- /S den- i- zened,>> /W be- /S yond /W () /S RHM bound 1.58E-05 3 552 TG: Undenizened, beyond bound /W DBGRVUn- /S den- i- zened,> /W be- /S yond /W () /S RHM bound 3.76E-06 4 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no /W one, /S no- /W RHM where, 1 0.424065911 1 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W no /S one, /W () /S no- /W RHM where, 0.148306648 2.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no /W one, /S no- /W RHM where, 0.148306648 2.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W no /S one, /W no- /S RHM where, 0.051866611 4 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no /W one, /S no- RHM where,> 0.046235269 5.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no one,> /W () /S no- /W RHM where, 0.046235269 5.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no /W one, /S no- /W RHM where, 0.026036722 7 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W no /S one, /W () /S no- RHM where,> 0.016169651 9.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no /W one, /S no- RHM where,> 0.016169651 9.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no one,> /W () /S no- /W RHM where, 0.016169651 9.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no one,> /W no- /S RHM where, 0.016169651 9.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W no /S one, /W () /S no- /W RHM where, 0.009105705 12.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no /W one, /S no- /W RHM where, 0.009105705 12.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no one,> /W no- /S RHM where, 0.005654939 14 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no one,> /W () /S no- RHM where,> 0.005040962 15 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W no /S one, /W no- /S RHM where, 0.003184497 16 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no /W one, /S no- RHM where,> 0.002838745 17.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no one,> /W () /S no- /W RHM where, 0.002838745 17.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W Of /S earth's /W () /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no one,> /W () /S no- RHM where,> 0.001762953 19 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W no /S one, /W () /S no- RHM where,> 9.93E-04 21.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no /W one, /S no- RHM where,> 9.93E-04 21.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no one,> /W () /S no- /W RHM where, 9.93E-04 21.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no one,> /W no- /S RHM where, 9.93E-04 21.5 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no one,> /W no- /S RHM where, 3.47E-04 24 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W () /S ease, /W all; /S no one,> /W () /S no- RHM where,> 3.10E-04 25 553 TG: Of earth's glory, earth's ease, all; no one, nowhere, /W () /S Of /W earth's /S glo- *H ry, earth's> /W ease, /S all; /W () /S no one,> /W () /S no- RHM where,> 1.08E-04 26 554 TG: In wide the world's weal; rare gold, bold steel, bare /W In /S wide /W the /S world's /W weal; /S >CTrare /W DBGRVgold, /S >CTbold /W DBGRVsteel, /S RHM >CTbare 1 1 1 1 555 TG: In both; care, but share care -- /W In /S both; /W DBGRVcare, /S but /W DBGRVshare /S RHM >CTcare-- 1 1 1 1 556 TG: This, by Despair, bred Hangdog dull; by Rage, /W This, /S by /W Des- /S >CTpair, /W bred /S Hang- /W dog /S dull; /W by /S RHM Rage, 1 1 0.978999194 1 556 TG: This, by Despair, bred Hangdog dull; by Rage, /W This, /S by /W Des- /S >CTpair, /W bred /S Hang- dog> /W () /S dull; /W by /S RHM Rage, 0.019785989 2 556 TG: This, by Despair, bred Hangdog dull; by Rage, /W This, /S by /W Des- /S >CTpair, /W bred /S Hang- dog> /W dull; /S by /W () /S RHM Rage, 0.001214817 3 557 TG: Manwolf, worse; and their packs infest the age. /W Man- /S wolf, /W worse; /S and /W their /S packs /W in- /S fest /W the /S RHM age. 1 0.462733727 1 557 TG: Manwolf, worse; and their packs infest the age. /W Man- /S wolf, /W () /S worse; /W and their /S packs /W in- /S fest /W the /S RHM age. 0.23082434 2.5 557 TG: Manwolf, worse; and their packs infest the age. /W () /S Man- /W wolf, /S worse; /W and their /S packs /W in- /S fest /W the /S RHM age. 0.23082434 2.5 557 TG: Manwolf, worse; and their packs infest the age. /W () /S Man- wolf,> /W worse; /S and /W their /S packs /W in- /S fest /W the /S RHM age. 0.050451162 4 557 TG: Manwolf, worse; and their packs infest the age. /W () /S Man- wolf,> /W () /S worse; /W and their /S packs /W in- /S fest /W the /S RHM age. 0.025166431 5 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- /W ning /S mor- /W ning's /S MACCTmin- /W ion, /S RHM king- 1 1 0.959385611 1 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- /W ning /S mor- /W ning's /S MACCTmin- ion,> /W () /S RHM king- 0.018363646 2.5 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- ning> /W () /S mor- /W ning's /S MACCTmin- /W ion, /S RHM king- 0.018363646 2.5 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- /W ning /S mor- ning's> /W () /S MACCTmin- /W ion, /S RHM king- 0.003404037 4 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- ning> /W () /S mor- /W ning's /S MACCTmin- ion,> /W () /S RHM king- 3.51E-04 5 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- /W ning /S mor- ning's> /W () /S MACCTmin- ion,> /W () /S RHM king- 6.52E-05 6.5 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- ning> /W () /S mor- ning's> /W () /S MACCTmin- /W ion, /S RHM king- 6.52E-05 6.5 558 WH: "I CAUGHT this morning morning's minion, king-" /W I /S caught /W this /S MACCTmor- ning> /W () /S mor- ning's> /W () /S MACCTmin- ion,> /W () /S RHM king- 1.25E-06 8 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 1 1 0.485825678 1 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.306240638 2 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.056283124 3 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.052968843 4 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.035478116 5 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.033388956 6 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- ing> 0.009818743 7 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- ing> 0.006189253 8 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.006136464 9 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- /W ing 0.003868126 10 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- ing> 0.001137506 11 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- ing> 0.001070523 12 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- /W light's /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- ing> 7.17E-04 13 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /W dom of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- ing> 6.75E-04 14 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- /W con, in his /S RHM rid- ing> 1.24E-04 15 559 WH: " dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding" /O dom> /W of /S day- light's> /W () /S dau- Ophin,> /W dap- ple- /S ACCTdawn- /W drawn /S Fal- con,> /W in his /S RHM rid- ing> 7.82E-05 16 560 WH: " Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding" /W ing Of the /S ACCTrol- Oling> /W le- vel /S ACCTun- /W der- /S ACCTneath Ohim> /W stea- dy /S ACCTair, /W and /S RHM ACCTstrid- /W ing 1 1 0.980189945 1 560 WH: " Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding" /W ing Of the /S ACCTrol- Oling> /W le- vel /S ACCTun- /W der- /S ACCTneath Ohim> /W stea- dy /S ACCTair, /W and /S RHM ACCTstrid- ing> 0.019810055 2 561 WH: "High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing" /W ing /S High Othere,> /W how he /S rung /W u- pon the /S rein /W of a /S wim- /W pling /S RHM wing 1 1 0.996464402 1 561 WH: "High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing" /W ing /S High Othere,> /W how he /S rung /W u- pon the /S rein /W of a /S wim- pling> /W () /S RHM wing 0.003535598 2 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In /S his /W () /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W then /S off, /W off /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 1 0.195342751 1.5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W () /S In /W his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W then /S off, /W off /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 1 0.195342751 1.5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W then /S off, /W () /S off /W () /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.194110631 3 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- /W sta- sy! /S then /W off, /S off /W () /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.108621115 4 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- /W sta- sy! /S then /W () /S off, /W off /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.054527136 5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In /S his /W () /S ec- /W sta- sy! then /S off, /W off /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.054062067 6.5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W () /S In /W his /S ec- /W sta- sy! then /S off, /W off /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.054062067 6.5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- /W sta- sy! then /S off, /W () /S off /W () /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.053721072 8 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W then /S off, /W () /S off /W forth /S on /W () /S RHM swing, 0.034078071 9 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- /W sta- sy! /S then /W off, /S off /W forth /S on /W () /S RHM swing, 0.019069528 10 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W () /S then /W off, /S off /W () /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.011917969 11 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- /W sta- sy! then /S off, /W () /S off /W forth /S on /W () /S RHM swing, 0.009431274 12 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W then /S off, /W off /S forth /W () /S on /W () /S RHM swing, 0.005982748 13.5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W () /S then /W () /S off, /W off /S forth /W on /S RHM swing, 0.005982748 13.5 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- sta- sy!>> /W () /S then /W off, /S off /W forth /S on /W () /S RHM swing, 0.002092319 15 562 WH: "In his ecstasy! then off, off forth on swing," /W In his /S ec- /W sta- sy! then /S off, /W off /S forth /W () /S on /W () /S RHM swing, 0.001655755 16 563 WH: As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding /W As a /S skate's Oheel> /W sweeps /S smooth /W on a /S bow- /W bend: /S *the^hurl /W and /S RHM glid- /W ing 1 1 0.808166904 1 563 WH: As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding /W As a /S skate's Oheel> /W sweeps /S smooth /W on a /S bow- /W bend: /S *the^hurl /W and /S RHM glid- ing> 0.088113222 2.5 563 WH: As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding /W As a /S skate's Oheel> /W sweeps /S smooth /W on a /S bow- bend:> /W () /S *the^hurl /W and /S RHM glid- /W ing 0.088113222 2.5 563 WH: As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding /W As a /S skate's Oheel> /W sweeps /S smooth /W on a /S bow- bend:> /W () /S *the^hurl /W and /S RHM glid- ing> 0.009606852 4 563 WH: As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding /W As a /S skate's Oheel> /W sweeps /S smooth /W on a /S bow- bend:> /W *the^hurl /S and /W () /S RHM glid- /W ing 0.00540996 5 563 WH: As a skate's heel sweeps smooth on a bow-bend: the hurl and gliding /W As a /S skate's Oheel> /W sweeps /S smooth /W on a /S bow- bend:> /W *the^hurl /S and /W () /S RHM glid- ing> 5.90E-04 6 564 WH: Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding /W ing Re- /S buffed /W the /S bigGCL /W () /S GCLwind. /W My /S heart /W in /S RHM hid- /W ing 1 1 0.83268529 1 564 WH: Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding /W ing Re- /S buffed /W the /S bigGCL /W () /S GCLwind. /W My /S heart /W in /S RHM hid- ing> 0.090786425 2 564 WH: Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding /W ing Re- /S buffed /W the /S bigGCL /W GCLwind. /S My /W () /S heart /W in /S RHM hid- /W ing 0.05112506 3 564 WH: Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding /W ing Re- /S buffed /W the /S bigGCL /W GCLwind. /S My /W heart /S in /W () /S RHM hid- /W ing 0.017879735 4 564 WH: Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding /W ing Re- /S buffed /W the /S bigGCL /W GCLwind. /S My /W () /S heart /W in /S RHM hid- ing> 0.005574088 5 564 WH: Rebuffed the big wind. My heart in hiding /W ing Re- /S buffed /W the /S bigGCL /W GCLwind. /S My /W heart /S in /W () /S RHM hid- ing> 0.001949401 6 565 WH: "Stirred for a bird, -- the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!" /W ing /S Sti´rred /W for a /S bird,-- /W the a- /S chieve Oof,> /W the /S ma´s- /W te- ry of the /S RHM thing! 1 1 0.344367421 2 565 WH: "Stirred for a bird, -- the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!" /W ing /S Sti´rred /W for a /S bird,-- /W the a- /S chieve /W Oof, the /S ma´s- /W te- ry of the /S RHM thing! 0.551010328 1 565 WH: "Stirred for a bird, -- the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!" /W ing /S Sti´rred /W for a /S bird,-- /W the a- /S chieve /W Oof, the /S ma´s- te- ry>> /W of the /S RHM thing! 0.064383933 3 565 WH: "Stirred for a bird, -- the achieve of; the mastery of the thing!" /W ing /S Sti´rred /W for a /S bird,-- /W the a- /S chieve Oof,> /W the /S ma´s- te- ry>> /W of the /S RHM thing! 0.040238318 4 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty /S and /W val- our /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 1 0.181816576 1 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- /W our /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.09069512 2 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W MACCTplume, /S here 0.061535639 4 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W () /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.061535639 4 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our /W and /S act, /W () /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.061535639 4 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- /W our /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.05668214 6 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- /W our and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W MACCTplume, /S here 0.045241226 8 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- /W our and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W () /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.045241226 8 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- /W our and /S act, /W () /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.045241226 8 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W MACCTplume, /S here 0.038458207 11 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W () /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.038458207 11 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our /W and /S act, /W () /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.038458207 11 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our> /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W MACCTplume, /S here 0.028274614 15.5 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our> /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W () /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.028274614 15.5 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our> /W and /S act, /W () /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.028274614 15.5 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- /W our and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W MACCTplume, /S here 0.028274614 15.5 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- /W our and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W () /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.028274614 15.5 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- /W our and /S act, /W () /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.028274614 15.5 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our> /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W MACCTplume, /S here 0.017670914 20 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our> /W and /S act, /W *H oh, air /S pride, /W () /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.017670914 20 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our> /W and /S act, /W () /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.017670914 20 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our /W () /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.003778154 22 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W () /S and /W val- our /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.00348016 23 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our /W () /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.00236125 24 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- /W ty and /S val- our> /W () /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.001736 25 566 WH: "Brute beauty and valour and act, oh, air, pride, plume, here" /W Brute /S beau- ty> /W and /S val- our> /W () /S and /W act, /S *H oh, air /W pride, /S MACCTplume, /W here 0.001084956 26 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 1 0.528337634 1 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.146220039 2 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.092169928 3 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from /S thee /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.034994273 4.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.034994273 4.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from /S thee /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.025508481 6.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.025508481 6.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.022009353 8 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from /S thee /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.016079293 9.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.016079293 9.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 0.010677928 11 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.010112936 12 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.006091197 13 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W () /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.003839591 14.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.003839591 14.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 0.002955169 16 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W () /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.002798805 17.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.002798805 17.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 0.001862793 19 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W () /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.001764229 20.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.001764229 20.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W () /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 0.001062626 22 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W () /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 7.75E-04 23 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from /S thee /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 7.07E-04 24.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 7.07E-04 24.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 6.74E-04 26 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from /S thee /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 5.16E-04 27.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 5.16E-04 27.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 4.91E-04 29 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W () /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 4.88E-04 30 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 4.45E-04 31 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W breaks /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 3.72E-04 32 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from /S thee /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 3.25E-04 33.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 3.25E-04 33.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- /W ion 3.10E-04 35 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W breaks /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 2.71E-04 36 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 2.04E-04 37 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 1.87E-04 38 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W breaks /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 1.71E-04 39 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 1.36E-04 40 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 1.23E-04 41 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 1.18E-04 42 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 8.57E-05 43.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 8.57E-05 43.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W () /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 7.76E-05 45.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 7.76E-05 45.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W () /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 5.66E-05 47.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 5.66E-05 47.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- /W ion 5.40E-05 49 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W () /S then, /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 3.57E-05 50.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W () /S MACCTAND /W the /S fire /W that /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 3.57E-05 50.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W () /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 2.15E-05 52 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W () /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 1.57E-05 53 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 1.36E-05 54 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 9.93E-06 55 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W that /S breaks /W () /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 9.87E-06 56 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W breaks /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 7.51E-06 57 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee then,>>> /W a /S RHM bill- ion> 6.26E-06 58 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W breaks /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 5.47E-06 59 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 3.77E-06 60 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W breaks /S from /W thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 3.45E-06 61 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 2.75E-06 62 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle! /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 2.38E-06 63 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- /W kle! MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 1.73E-06 64.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks /W from thee then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 1.73E-06 64.5 567 WH: " Buckle! AND the fire that breaks from thee then, a billion" /W here /S Buc- kle!> /W MACCTAND the /S fire /W () /S that /W () /S breaks from thee>> /W then, a /S RHM bill- ion> 1.09E-06 66 568 WH: "Times told lovelier, more dangerous, O my chevalier!" /W ion /S GCLTimes /W told /S love- Olier,> /W more /S dan- Ogerous,> /W o /S my /W che- va- /S RHM lier! 1 1 1 1 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 1 1 0.020513612 9.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of /S Oit: /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.374803549 1 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of Oit: /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.186962343 2 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof /S Oit: /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.065385492 3.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.065385492 3.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.040864267 6 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of /S Oit: /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.040864267 6 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.040864267 6 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.0323379 8 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.020513612 9.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of Oit: /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.020384223 11 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.011309387 12 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof /S Oit: /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.007574939 13 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.007174133 14.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.007174133 14.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof /S Oit: /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.007128882 16.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.007128882 16.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.00445537 18.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.00445537 18.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.004014527 20 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.003778588 21 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.003525753 22 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.002508977 23.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.002508977 23.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.002236568 25.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.002236568 25.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.001321469 27 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W () /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.001259491 29.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W () /S No /W () /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.001259491 29.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W () /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.001259491 29.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W () /S No /W () /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 0.001259491 29.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 0.001233045 32 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof /S Oit: /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 8.26E-04 33 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 7.82E-04 34.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 7.82E-04 34.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 6.94E-04 36 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 4.40E-04 37.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 4.40E-04 37.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W O *A der of Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 4.38E-04 39 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W () /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 4.12E-04 40 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 2.74E-04 41.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W () /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 2.74E-04 41.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W () /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 1.44E-04 43 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W () /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 1.37E-04 45.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W () /S No /W () /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 1.37E-04 45.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W () /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 1.37E-04 45.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W () /S No /W () /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W sheerGCL /S GCLplod /W makes /S ACCTplough /W down /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 1.37E-04 45.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- /W lion 8.11E-05 48 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- /W der Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 7.57E-05 49 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der Oof Oit:>>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 4.80E-05 50.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- O *A der of Oit:>> /W () /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 4.80E-05 50.5 569 WH: No wonder of it: shéer plód makes plough down sillion /W No /S MACCTwon- der> /W Oof Oit: /S sheerGCL /W GCLplod /S makes /W ACCTplough /S down /W () /S RHM ACCTsil- lion> 8.85E-06 52 570 WH: "Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear," /W lion /S GCLShine, /W and /S blue- /W bleak /S em- /W bers, /S ah /W my /S RHM dear, 1 1 0.974815486 1 570 WH: "Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear," /W lion /S GCLShine, /W and /S blue- /W bleak /S em- bers,> /W () /S ah /W my /S RHM dear, 0.01865899 2 570 WH: "Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear," /W lion /S GCLShine, /W and /S blue- /W bleak /S em- bers,> /W ah /S my /W () /S RHM dear, 0.006525524 3 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W Fall, /S ACCTgall /W them- /S ACCTselves, /W and /S gashGCL /W () /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- /W lion. 1 1 0.748179947 1 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W () /S Fall, /W ACCTgall /S them- /W ACCTselves, /S and /W gashGCL /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- /W lion. 0.091508319 2 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W Fall, /S ACCTgall /W them- /S ACCTselves, /W and /S gashGCL /W () /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- lion.> 0.081572934 3 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W Fall, /S ACCTgall /W them- /S ACCTselves, /W () /S and /W gashGCL /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- /W lion. 0.045936616 4 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W Fall, /S ACCTgall /W () /S them- /W ACCTselves, /S and /W gashGCL /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- /W lion. 0.016065204 5 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W () /S Fall, /W ACCTgall /S them- /W ACCTselves, /S and /W gashGCL /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- lion.> 0.009977014 6 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W Fall, /S ACCTgall /W them- /S ACCTselves, /W () /S and /W gashGCL /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- lion.> 0.0050084 7 571 WH: Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion. /W Fall, /S ACCTgall /W () /S them- /W ACCTselves, /S and /W gashGCL /S GCLgold- /W ver- /S RHM ACCTmi- lion.> 0.001751565 8 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W () /S GCLGod /W with /S hon- /W our /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 1 0.761130683 1 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W GCLGod /S with /W () /S hon- /W our /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 0.133624137 2 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W () /S GCLGod /W () /S with /W hon- our /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 0.046731763 3 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W () /S GCLGod /W with /S hon- our /W () /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 0.031706986 4 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W () /S GCLGod /W with /S hon- our /W hang /S your /W () /S RHM head, 0.01108874 5 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W GCLGod /S with /W hon- our /S hang /W () /S your /W () /S RHM head, 0.00820423 6 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W GCLGod /S with /W () /S hon- our /W () /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 0.00556648 7 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W GCLGod /S with /W () /S hon- our /W hang /S your /W () /S RHM head, 0.00194674 8 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W () /S GCLGod /W with /S hon- our> /W () /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 1.51E-07 9 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W () /S GCLGod /W with /S hon- our> /W hang /S your /W () /S RHM head, 5.29E-08 10 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W GCLGod /S with /W () /S hon- our> /W () /S hang /W your /S RHM head, 2.66E-08 11 572 WM: God with honour hang your head, /W GCLGod /S with /W () /S hon- our> /W hang /S your /W () /S RHM head, 9.29E-09 12 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W () /S GCLGroom, /W and /S grace /W you, /S bride, /W your /S RHM bed 1 1 0.794640589 1 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W GCLGroom, /S and /W () /S grace /W you, /S bride, /W your /S RHM bed 0.139507137 2 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W GCLGroom, /S and /W grace /S you, /W () /S bride, /W your /S RHM bed 0.048789198 3 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W GCLGroom, /S and /W grace /S you, /W bride, /S your /W () /S RHM bed 0.017062825 4 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W () /S GCLGroom, /W and /S grace you,> /W () /S bride, /W your /S RHM bed 1.58E-07 5 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W () /S GCLGroom, /W and /S grace you,> /W bride, /S your /W () /S RHM bed 5.53E-08 6 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W GCLGroom, /S and /W () /S grace you,> /W () /S bride, /W your /S RHM bed 2.77E-08 7 573 WM: Groom, and grace you, bride, your bed /W GCLGroom, /S and /W () /S grace you,> /W bride, /S your /W () /S RHM bed 9.70E-09 8 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- /W some /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 1 0.9065714 1 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W lis- some /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 0.055661506 2 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some /W () /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 0.037765718 3 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- /W some /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 1.03E-06 4 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- /W some /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 1.80E-07 5 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W lis- some /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 6.31E-08 6 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some /W () /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 4.28E-08 7 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some> /W () /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 3.34E-08 8 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W lis- some /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 1.11E-08 9.5 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W () /S lis- /W some /S sci- ons,> /W sweetGCL /S GCLsci- /W ons, 1.11E-08 9.5 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some /W () /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 7.51E-09 11 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W () /S lis- some /W () /S sci- ons,> /W sweetGCL /S GCLsci- /W ons, 4.61E-10 12 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- /W some /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 2.04E-13 13 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some> /W () /S sci- /W ons, /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 3.79E-14 14 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W lis- some /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 1.25E-14 15.5 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W () /S lis- /W some /S sci- ons,> /W sweetGCL /S GCLsci- ons,> 1.25E-14 15.5 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some /W () /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 8.51E-15 17 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some> /W () /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- /W ons, 6.65E-15 18 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W () /S lis- some /W () /S sci- ons,> /W sweetGCL /S GCLsci- ons,> 5.22E-16 19 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W () /S lis- some> /W () /S sci- ons,> /W sweetGCL /S GCLsci- /W ons, 4.08E-16 20 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W With /S lis- some> /W () /S sci- ons,> /W () /S sweetGCL /W () /S GCLsci- ons,> 7.53E-21 21 574 WM: With lissome scions, sweet scions, /W () /S With /W () /S lis- some> /W () /S sci- ons,> /W sweetGCL /S GCLsci- ons,> 4.62E-22 22 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- /W lowed /S bo- /W dies /S RHM bred. 1 0.868383974 1 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W () /S of /W hal- lowed /S bo- /W dies /S RHM bred. 0.053316881 2 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- /W lowed /S bo- dies /W () /S RHM bred. 0.036174916 3.5 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- lowed /W () /S bo- /W dies /S RHM bred. 0.036174916 3.5 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W () /S of /W hal- lowed /S bo- dies /W () /S RHM bred. 0.002221061 5.5 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W () /S of /W () /S hal- lowed /W bo- dies /S RHM bred. 0.002221061 5.5 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- lowed /W () /S bo- dies /W () /S RHM bred. 0.001506965 7 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- /W lowed /S bo- dies> /W () /S RHM bred. 1.73E-07 8 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- lowed> /W () /S bo- /W dies /S RHM bred. 3.20E-08 9 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W () /S of /W hal- lowed /S bo- dies> /W () /S RHM bred. 1.06E-08 10 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- lowed /W () /S bo- dies> /W () /S RHM bred. 7.19E-09 11 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W () /S of /W () /S hal- lowed> /W bo- dies /S RHM bred. 1.97E-09 12 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- lowed> /W () /S bo- dies /W () /S RHM bred. 1.33E-09 13 575 WM: Out of hallowed bodies bred. /W ons, /S Out /W of /S hal- lowed> /W () /S bo- dies> /W () /S RHM bred. 6.37E-15 14 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W be /S oth- /W er's /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 1 0.777647716 1 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W GCLEach /S be /W () /S oth- /W er's /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 0.136523868 2 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W () /S be /W oth- er's /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 0.047745873 3 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W be /S oth- er's /W () /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 0.032395048 4 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W GCLEach /S be /W () /S oth- er's /W () /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 0.005687276 5 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W be /S oth- er's> /W () /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 1.55E-07 6 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W be /S oth- /W er's /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 2.87E-08 7 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W GCLEach /S be /W () /S oth- er's> /W () /S com- /W fort /S RHM kind: 2.72E-08 8 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W GCLEach /S be /W () /S oth- /W er's /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 5.03E-09 9 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W () /S be /W oth- er's /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 1.76E-09 10 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W be /S oth- er's /W () /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 1.19E-09 11 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W GCLEach /S be /W () /S oth- er's /W () /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 2.10E-10 12 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W () /S GCLEach /W be /S oth- er's> /W () /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 5.70E-15 13 576 WM: Each be other's comfort kind: /W GCLEach /S be /W () /S oth- er's> /W () /S com- fort> /W () /S RHM kind: 1.00E-15 14 577 WM: Déep, déeper than divined, /W () /S GCLDeep, GCL /W () /S GCLdee- /W per /S than /W di- /S RHM vined, 1 1 0.999999963 1 577 WM: Déep, déeper than divined, /W () /S GCLDeep, GCL /W () /S GCLdee- per> /W () /S than /W di- /S RHM vined, 3.69E-08 2 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- /W ty, /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, 1 0.576296257 1 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, 0.423695112 2 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- /W ty, /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> 3.74E-06 3 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> 2.75E-06 4 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- /W ty, /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> 8.88E-07 5 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> 6.53E-07 6 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> /W () /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, 4.83E-07 7 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> /W () /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- /W ri- ty, 1.15E-07 8 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> /W () /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> 3.14E-12 9 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> /W () /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> 7.44E-13 10.5 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,>> /W () /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> 7.44E-13 10.5 578 WM: Divine charity, dear charity, /W Di- /S vine GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> /W () /S dear GCL /W () /S GCLcha- ri- ty,> 1.77E-13 12 579 WM: Fast you ever, fast bind. /W ri- ty, /S Fast /W you /S e- /W ver, /S fastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLbind. 1 0.904475235 1 579 WM: Fast you ever, fast bind. /W ri- ty, /S Fast /W () /S you /W e- ver, /S fastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLbind. 0.055532806 2 579 WM: Fast you ever, fast bind. /W ri- ty, /S Fast /W you /S e- ver, /W () /S fastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLbind. 0.037678396 3 579 WM: Fast you ever, fast bind. /W ri- ty, /S Fast /W () /S you /W () /S e- ver, /W fastGCL /S RHM GCLbind. 0.002313371 4 579 WM: Fast you ever, fast bind. /W ri- ty, /S Fast /W you /S e- ver,> /W () /S fastGCL /W () /S RHM GCLbind. 1.80E-07 5 579 WM: Fast you ever, fast bind. /W ri- ty, /S Fast /W () /S you /W () /S e- ver,> /W fastGCL /S RHM GCLbind. 1.10E-08 6 580 WM: Then let the March tread our ears: /W Then /S let /W the /S MarchGCL /W () /S GCLtread /W our /S RHM ears: 1 0.824746457 1 580 WM: Then let the March tread our ears: /W Then /S let /W the /S MarchGCL /W GCLtread /S our /W () /S RHM ears: 0.144792525 2 580 WM: Then let the March tread our ears: /W () /S Then /W let the /S MarchGCL /W () /S GCLtread /W our /S RHM ears: 0.025259447 3 580 WM: Then let the March tread our ears: /W () /S Then /W let the /S MarchGCL /W GCLtread /S our /W () /S RHM ears: 0.00443455 4 580 WM: Then let the March tread our ears: /W Then let the /S MarchGCL /W () /S GCLtread /W () /S our /W () /S RHM ears: 7.67E-04 5 581 WM: I to him turn with tears /W () /S GCLI /W to /S him GCL /W () /S GCLturn /W with /S RHM tears 1 1 0.687701985 1 581 WM: I to him turn with tears /W GCLI /S to /W () /S him GCL /W () /S GCLturn /W with /S RHM tears 0.120732991 2.5 581 WM: I to him turn with tears /W () /S GCLI /W to /S him GCL /W GCLturn /S with /W () /S RHM tears 0.120732991 2.5 581 WM: I to him turn with tears /W () /S GCLI /W () /S to /W him GCL /S GCLturn /W with /S RHM tears 0.042223401 4 581 WM: I to him turn with tears /W GCLI /S to /W () /S him GCL /W GCLturn /S with /W () /S RHM tears 0.021195889 5 581 WM: I to him turn with tears /W GCLI /S to /W him GCL /S GCLturn /W () /S with /W () /S RHM tears 0.007412742 6 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 1 1 0.035111237 4.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W () /S lock, 0.398402466 1 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 0.199995602 2.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 0.199995602 2.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 0.035111237 4.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 0.02180522 7.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W () /S lock, 0.02180522 7.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 0.02180522 7.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W () /S lock, 0.02180522 7.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 0.012279294 10.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 0.012279294 10.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 0.003828125 12.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 0.003828125 12.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, 0.001413589 15 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 0.001413589 15 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 0.001413589 15 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 0.001338793 17.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 0.001338793 17.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 7.10E-04 19.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 7.10E-04 19.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 6.72E-04 22 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 6.72E-04 22 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- /W lock, 6.72E-04 22 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 2.48E-04 24.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 2.48E-04 24.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 1.25E-04 26.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 1.25E-04 26.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 8.68E-05 28.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 8.68E-05 28.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 7.74E-05 31.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, 7.74E-05 31.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W () /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 7.74E-05 31.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W () /S lock, 7.74E-05 31.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 7.33E-05 35 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 7.33E-05 35 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- /W der /S wed- lock,> 7.33E-05 35 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 4.36E-05 37.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 4.36E-05 37.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 1.36E-05 39.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- /W lock, /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 1.36E-05 39.5 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 4.75E-06 43 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 4.75E-06 43 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 4.75E-06 43 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W wed- /S lock, /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 4.75E-06 43 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W wed- /S lock, 4.75E-06 43 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 2.38E-06 47 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 2.38E-06 47 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- /W lock, 2.38E-06 47 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W GCLWho /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 2.60E-07 50 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W to /S wed- lock,> /W () /S his GCL /W () /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 2.60E-07 50 582 WM: Who to wedlock, his wonder wedlock, /W () /S GCLWho /W () /S to /W () /S wed- lock,> /W his GCL /S GCLwon- der> /W () /S wed- lock,> 2.60E-07 50 583 WM: Déals triumph and immortal years. /W lock, /S Deals GCL /W () /S GCLtri- /W umph /S and /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM years. 1 1 0.992941304 1 583 WM: Déals triumph and immortal years. /W lock, /S Deals GCL /W () /S GCLtri- /W umph /S and /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM years. 0.003523098 2.5 583 WM: Déals triumph and immortal years. /W lock, /S Deals GCL /W () /S GCLtri- umph> /W () /S and /W im- /S mor- /W tal /S RHM years. 0.003523098 2.5 583 WM: Déals triumph and immortal years. /W lock, /S Deals GCL /W () /S GCLtri- umph> /W () /S and /W im- /S mor- tal> /W () /S RHM years. 1.25E-05 4